Ok liberals, tell us your dream plan to STOP the GLOBAL WARMING. Please take seriously. Tell us.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
I honestly want to know what your plan is. Try telling us your plan. Tell us the sacrifices that you yourself are willing to make. I am not seeing many leftists making any sacrifices even though leftists are all convinced that if we do not make sacrifices that the earth will come to an end very soon.

Please tell us the plan. Instead of giggling, pointing your fingers and telling us we are deniers or whatever cliche we are labeled with, try telling us your vision on how things should be?

Should we.....

Get rid of cars?
Raise gas prices to 10 dollars a gallon?
Do away with all petroleum based products?
Stop all burning of fossil fuels?
Do we stop drilling for oil everywhere?
What alternative form of energy should we utilize that makes sense?

(Meaning, wind and solar has proven as of now to not be adequate to power homes etc)

Please tell us deniers your vision.
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I think all the dedicated liberals should move as close to the ocean as possible. That way they can lock arms and make a human wall to hold back the rising water. We thank you in advance
Using private jets to lecture people on how to live seems to be their plan. Seems that the action is for other people, while the lecturing is for the liberal. How convenient.
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I honestly want to know what your plan is. Try telling us your plan. Tell us the sacrifices that you yourself are willing to make. I am not seeing many leftists making any sacrifices even though leftists are all convinced that if we do not make sacrifices that the earth will come to an end very soon.

Please tell us the plan. Instead of giggling, pointing your fingers and telling us we are deniers or whatever cliche we are labeled with, try telling us your vision on how things should be?

Should we.....

Get rid of cars?
Raise gas prices to 10 dollars a gallon?
Do away with all petroleum based products?
Stop all burning of fossil fuels?
Do we stop drilling for oil everywhere?
What alternative form of energy should we utilize that makes sense?

(Meaning, wind and solar has proven as of now to not be adequate to power homes etc)

Please tell us deniers your vision.
Not a liberal but there are things and it should be a shared effort. Plant trees if you are able-they absorb carbon. Cut your electric use 10%-drop or raise thermostats, leave outside and inside lights off until needed, walk or car pool one trip per week. You be rewarded by saving money, feeling better, and knowing you did good because YOU wnated to, not because you were forced to.
Any plan that doesn't address the two greatest polluters in the world (China and India), is not a plan.

Whatcha gonna do about China and India, libs?
I honestly want to know what your plan is. Try telling us your plan. Tell us the sacrifices that you yourself are willing to make. I am not seeing many leftists making any sacrifices even though leftists are all convinced that if we do not make sacrifices that the earth will come to an end very soon.

Please tell us the plan. Instead of giggling, pointing your fingers and telling us we are deniers or whatever cliche we are labeled with, try telling us your vision on how things should be?

Should we.....

Get rid of cars?
Raise gas prices to 10 dollars a gallon?
Do away with all petroleum based products?
Stop all burning of fossil fuels?
Do we stop drilling for oil everywhere?
What alternative form of energy should we utilize that makes sense?

(Meaning, wind and solar has proven as of now to not be adequate to power homes etc)

Please tell us deniers your vision.
Not a liberal but there are things and it should be a shared effort. Plant trees if you are able-they absorb carbon. Cut your electric use 10%-drop or raise thermostats, leave outside and inside lights off until needed, walk or car pool one trip per week. You be rewarded by saving money, feeling better, and knowing you did good because YOU wnated to, not because you were forced to.
Which of those things are you doing?
I honestly want to know what your plan is. Try telling us your plan. Tell us the sacrifices that you yourself are willing to make. I am not seeing many leftists making any sacrifices even though leftists are all convinced that if we do not make sacrifices that the earth will come to an end very soon.

Please tell us the plan. Instead of giggling, pointing your fingers and telling us we are deniers or whatever cliche we are labeled with, try telling us your vision on how things should be?

Should we.....

Get rid of cars?
Raise gas prices to 10 dollars a gallon?
Do away with all petroleum based products?
Stop all burning of fossil fuels?
Do we stop drilling for oil everywhere?
What alternative form of energy should we utilize that makes sense?

(Meaning, wind and solar has proven as of now to not be adequate to power homes etc)

Please tell us deniers your vision.
Complex problems don't have simple solutions. We have done a lot of different things to the alter the natural balance so we have to do a lot of things to fix it.

I'd recommend:
  • raise the gas tax by 1-2 cents every year
  • retrofit coal-fired power plants with scrubbers or close if too old
  • charge producers of plastic waste the cost of recycling their products (pet peeve)
  • levee import tariffs on products that generate lots of CO2 and return the $ to the exporters to clean up their operations
  • develop and subsidize our railroad infrastructure for passengers and freight
  • subsidize alternative energy sources and energy storage
  • pass laws that utilities have to buy excess power from homeowners
  • stop federal storm/flood insurance of coastal properties
  • fund research into all aspects of energy production & conservation
  • build modern nuclear power plants and open disposal sites
I honestly want to know what your plan is. Try telling us your plan. Tell us the sacrifices that you yourself are willing to make. I am not seeing many leftists making any sacrifices even though leftists are all convinced that if we do not make sacrifices that the earth will come to an end very soon.

Please tell us the plan. Instead of giggling, pointing your fingers and telling us we are deniers or whatever cliche we are labeled with, try telling us your vision on how things should be?

Should we.....

Get rid of cars?
Raise gas prices to 10 dollars a gallon?
Do away with all petroleum based products?
Stop all burning of fossil fuels?
Do we stop drilling for oil everywhere?
What alternative form of energy should we utilize that makes sense?

(Meaning, wind and solar has proven as of now to not be adequate to power homes etc)

Please tell us deniers your vision.
Not a liberal but there are things and it should be a shared effort. Plant trees if you are able-they absorb carbon. Cut your electric use 10%-drop or raise thermostats, leave outside and inside lights off until needed, walk or car pool one trip per week. You be rewarded by saving money, feeling better, and knowing you did good because YOU wnated to, not because you were forced to.
Which of those things are you doing?
I planted a tree when I owned a house,cut my bill 10%, and cut two trips out per week. Lights are always off.
Adapt or die off.

This is the key.

There is no stopping it whether you think it is 100% natural or if you think that man has made it even worse. The fact of the matter is that even if it is our fault we will not change enough to do a damn thing to stop it.

The proper response is to adapt and prepare for the changes.

I often use the example of the farmers in my area. They have seen the change and some are adapting to it. They are adding irrigation and tiling to deal with the changing rain pattern. One of my farmers is working land that has been in his family for 5 generations and he told me they have seen more changes in 20 years than the previous 5 put together. He has started laying the ground work to adapt for when this part of the country is no longer suitable for grains and they have to change crops they grow.

This is the sort of thing we need to be doing as a country, but it will never happen as all people care about is arguing about the cause and throwing piles of shit at their political opponents.
I honestly want to know what your plan is. Try telling us your plan. Tell us the sacrifices that you yourself are willing to make. I am not seeing many leftists making any sacrifices even though leftists are all convinced that if we do not make sacrifices that the earth will come to an end very soon.

Please tell us the plan. Instead of giggling, pointing your fingers and telling us we are deniers or whatever cliche we are labeled with, try telling us your vision on how things should be?

Should we.....

Get rid of cars?
Raise gas prices to 10 dollars a gallon?
Do away with all petroleum based products?
Stop all burning of fossil fuels?
Do we stop drilling for oil everywhere?
What alternative form of energy should we utilize that makes sense?

(Meaning, wind and solar has proven as of now to not be adequate to power homes etc)

Please tell us deniers your vision.

1. continue to develop and improve alternative energy sources; solar, wind, water.

2. recycle as much as I can

3. only cook the amount I need to avoid waste and throwing food away

"(Meaning, wind and solar has proven as of now to not be adequate to power homes etc"

that may be true today but

1. every one of those options, even though still being improved, already help

2. every one of those options is still being improved and someday, not that far in the future, those options will help tremendously.
I honestly want to know what your plan is. Try telling us your plan. Tell us the sacrifices that you yourself are willing to make. I am not seeing many leftists making any sacrifices even though leftists are all convinced that if we do not make sacrifices that the earth will come to an end very soon.

Please tell us the plan. Instead of giggling, pointing your fingers and telling us we are deniers or whatever cliche we are labeled with, try telling us your vision on how things should be?

Should we.....

Get rid of cars?
Raise gas prices to 10 dollars a gallon?
Do away with all petroleum based products?
Stop all burning of fossil fuels?
Do we stop drilling for oil everywhere?
What alternative form of energy should we utilize that makes sense?

(Meaning, wind and solar has proven as of now to not be adequate to power homes etc)

Please tell us deniers your vision.
Not a liberal but there are things and it should be a shared effort. Plant trees if you are able-they absorb carbon. Cut your electric use 10%-drop or raise thermostats, leave outside and inside lights off until needed, walk or car pool one trip per week. You be rewarded by saving money, feeling better, and knowing you did good because YOU wnated to, not because you were forced to.
smart thermostats have been sold for years. There are millions I suspect that have converted to them and I know new houses now come with them. Also 95% efficient furnaces are now installed, so the furnace is cleaner. And I have done both. I also have a car that gets thirty miles to the gallon, and l limit my rides.

I am interested in the plan, on what the next steps are after all of that. Clean coal, they tried wind and solar, but that's useless as found out in Germany.
I honestly want to know what your plan is. Try telling us your plan. Tell us the sacrifices that you yourself are willing to make. I am not seeing many leftists making any sacrifices even though leftists are all convinced that if we do not make sacrifices that the earth will come to an end very soon.

Please tell us the plan. Instead of giggling, pointing your fingers and telling us we are deniers or whatever cliche we are labeled with, try telling us your vision on how things should be?

Should we.....

Get rid of cars?
Raise gas prices to 10 dollars a gallon?
Do away with all petroleum based products?
Stop all burning of fossil fuels?
Do we stop drilling for oil everywhere?
What alternative form of energy should we utilize that makes sense?

(Meaning, wind and solar has proven as of now to not be adequate to power homes etc)

Please tell us deniers your vision.
Tax meat and dairy to cut emissions and save lives, study urges

one of my favorites.
I honestly want to know what your plan is. Try telling us your plan. Tell us the sacrifices that you yourself are willing to make. I am not seeing many leftists making any sacrifices even though leftists are all convinced that if we do not make sacrifices that the earth will come to an end very soon.

Please tell us the plan. Instead of giggling, pointing your fingers and telling us we are deniers or whatever cliche we are labeled with, try telling us your vision on how things should be?

Should we.....

Get rid of cars?
Raise gas prices to 10 dollars a gallon?
Do away with all petroleum based products?
Stop all burning of fossil fuels?
Do we stop drilling for oil everywhere?
What alternative form of energy should we utilize that makes sense?

(Meaning, wind and solar has proven as of now to not be adequate to power homes etc)

Please tell us deniers your vision.
Not a liberal but there are things and it should be a shared effort. Plant trees if you are able-they absorb carbon. Cut your electric use 10%-drop or raise thermostats, leave outside and inside lights off until needed, walk or car pool one trip per week. You be rewarded by saving money, feeling better, and knowing you did good because YOU wnated to, not because you were forced to.

Sensible moves...

Also look at other countries:
Denmark have create a whole industry in wind turbines and produce 40% of there power.
EU have created a an industry in retro fitting older houses to be eco friendly. Grant in Ireland running at 50%. Government make most back in VAT and income tax.
Cars in EU are starting to go crazy low for normal cars. Car tax is linked to emissions.
Tax free income from Trees & Bees..
there is many more...

The thing is not by total wipe out but by reducing... We are going to get the effects of climate change, how much is up to us right now...
I honestly want to know what your plan is. Try telling us your plan. Tell us the sacrifices that you yourself are willing to make. I am not seeing many leftists making any sacrifices even though leftists are all convinced that if we do not make sacrifices that the earth will come to an end very soon.

Please tell us the plan. Instead of giggling, pointing your fingers and telling us we are deniers or whatever cliche we are labeled with, try telling us your vision on how things should be?

Should we.....

Get rid of cars?
Raise gas prices to 10 dollars a gallon?
Do away with all petroleum based products?
Stop all burning of fossil fuels?
Do we stop drilling for oil everywhere?
What alternative form of energy should we utilize that makes sense?

(Meaning, wind and solar has proven as of now to not be adequate to power homes etc)

Please tell us deniers your vision.
Tax meat and dairy to cut emissions and save lives, study urges

one of my favorites.

do not touch my cheese!!!!!! :Boom2:
I honestly want to know what your plan is. Try telling us your plan. Tell us the sacrifices that you yourself are willing to make. I am not seeing many leftists making any sacrifices even though leftists are all convinced that if we do not make sacrifices that the earth will come to an end very soon.

Please tell us the plan. Instead of giggling, pointing your fingers and telling us we are deniers or whatever cliche we are labeled with, try telling us your vision on how things should be?

Should we.....

Get rid of cars?
Raise gas prices to 10 dollars a gallon?
Do away with all petroleum based products?
Stop all burning of fossil fuels?
Do we stop drilling for oil everywhere?
What alternative form of energy should we utilize that makes sense?

(Meaning, wind and solar has proven as of now to not be adequate to power homes etc)

Please tell us deniers your vision.
Tax meat and dairy to cut emissions and save lives, study urges

one of my favorites.

do not touch my cheese!!!!!! :Boom2:
or my bone in rib eye, med rare...
I honestly want to know what your plan is. Try telling us your plan. Tell us the sacrifices that you yourself are willing to make. I am not seeing many leftists making any sacrifices even though leftists are all convinced that if we do not make sacrifices that the earth will come to an end very soon.

Please tell us the plan. Instead of giggling, pointing your fingers and telling us we are deniers or whatever cliche we are labeled with, try telling us your vision on how things should be?

Should we.....

Get rid of cars?
Raise gas prices to 10 dollars a gallon?
Do away with all petroleum based products?
Stop all burning of fossil fuels?
Do we stop drilling for oil everywhere?
What alternative form of energy should we utilize that makes sense?

(Meaning, wind and solar has proven as of now to not be adequate to power homes etc)

Please tell us deniers your vision.
Not a liberal but there are things and it should be a shared effort. Plant trees if you are able-they absorb carbon. Cut your electric use 10%-drop or raise thermostats, leave outside and inside lights off until needed, walk or car pool one trip per week. You be rewarded by saving money, feeling better, and knowing you did good because YOU wnated to, not because you were forced to.
Liberals ceasing to exhale CO2 sounds like a great start to reducing carbon.

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