Ok libs, "Keep it 100": How is Obama gonna stop the next Muslim attack?

Yall like the phrase "Keep it 100"...so....do it....the truth. How is Obama going to keep the American people safe from the next Muslim attack here? ISIS is at war with us. Radical Islam is at war with us. Unless the cops that you all demonize step in....like they did at the Texas art gallery....then more of these are inevitable.

Hugging them and tolerating them and kissing Islam's ass.....didn't work.

You want our votes for Hilary in 2016? Ok. How are you gonna stop Muslim attacks?

How will Obama stop the next attack on a black church?

I don't expect any of 'your' votes for Hilary- you will be voting for Ben Carson or Carly Fiorini or Donald Trump- all of them with such a wealth of experience dealing with terrorists.

And by the way- I don't demonize the police- 99.5% of them do a great job- I support the police.
Yall like the phrase "Keep it 100"...so....do it....the truth. How is Obama going to keep the American people safe from the next Muslim attack here? ISIS is at war with us. Radical Islam is at war with us. Unless the cops that you all demonize step in....like they did at the Texas art gallery....then more of these are inevitable.

Hugging them and tolerating them and kissing Islam's ass.....didn't work.

You want our votes for Hilary in 2016? Ok. How are you gonna stop Muslim attacks?

Should he pull a Bush and invade Nigeria?
Yall like the phrase "Keep it 100"...so....do it....the truth. How is Obama going to keep the American people safe from the next Muslim attack here? ISIS is at war with us. Radical Islam is at war with us. Unless the cops that you all demonize step in....like they did at the Texas art gallery....then more of these are inevitable.

Hugging them and tolerating them and kissing Islam's ass.....didn't work.

You want our votes for Hilary in 2016? Ok. How are you gonna stop Muslim attacks?
You know, these terrorist acts by Muslims in the USA, are just a minute fraction of actual deaths that occur ... They are just like death by cop, very minuscule...So what's the hubbub, Bud?

I don't wanna get mowed down shopping at a mall. I already have to worry about precious angelic street thugs. But at least they're predictable. Muslims arent.

I have absolutely no worries at all about a cop harming me.

Why exactly are you so terrified of being mowed down shopping at a mall?

Since you are far, far, more likely to be killed driving to that mall?

Really- when did Conservative Americans become such cowardly wimps- or have they always been?
The attacker was an American born citizen who had a decent paying job (the news said around 75,000), and had no record prior to this. He also got married to a woman he met on a Muslim dating site, and he asked that she be religious and wear the hajib.

He and his wife even had a little kid. When some of the commentators were talking about him, they said there was almost nothing to raise a flag on him. He went to Saudi Arabia twice, once for pilgrimage and once to get married, and he also visited Pakistan once, because that is where his wife was from.

According to the interview that his Imam gave, he was considered to be a pretty mellow guy that was friendly and didn't really stand out. The only thing he noticed concerning the attacker was that he stopped going to mosque a few weeks ago.

Outside of checking his phone records and looking at where he went on the 'net, there was nothing to single him out until the attack.

How can we defend against someone who has no prior record, doesn't seem to act strange in the community, and basically follows the law until they snap?

Dunno. But then again, we don't catch domestic terrorists many times until AFTER they have gone and made their attack.
Go after his family and her family too. Kill the baby. Deport anyone not born here.

Maybe make the next nut think about what will happen to the ones they love. Plus you probably take out a few accomplices.

Right...............kill the baby. A legal citizen of the United States that is only 6 months old.

What is wrong with you?
Did the parents worry about the kids of the people they killed? Maybe let those kids club the little bastard like a baby seal.

Yep- Sealybob- the voice of the GOP- "kill the babies"
Yall like the phrase "Keep it 100"...so....do it....the truth. How is Obama going to keep the American people safe from the next Muslim attack here? ISIS is at war with us. Radical Islam is at war with us. Unless the cops that you all demonize step in....like they did at the Texas art gallery....then more of these are inevitable.

Hugging them and tolerating them and kissing Islam's ass.....didn't work.

You want our votes for Hilary in 2016? Ok. How are you gonna stop Muslim attacks?

Syed Farook was a U.S. citizen born in Illinois.

This was a homegrown terrorist attack made easier by the world's most relaxed gun laws.

How would the OP have stopped a U.S. born citizen from this kind of attack?

Why doesn't the OP know where Farook was born?

Why doesn't the OP know that Farook's brother served in the U.S. Military?

Why doesn't FOX educate people?

Gun laws didn't stop the Paris attacks now did they ?
Yall like the phrase "Keep it 100"...so....do it....the truth. How is Obama going to keep the American people safe from the next Muslim attack here? ISIS is at war with us. Radical Islam is at war with us. Unless the cops that you all demonize step in....like they did at the Texas art gallery....then more of these are inevitable.

Hugging them and tolerating them and kissing Islam's ass.....didn't work.

You want our votes for Hilary in 2016? Ok. How are you gonna stop Muslim attacks?
You know, these terrorist acts by Muslims in the USA, are just a minute fraction of actual deaths that occur ... They are just like death by cop, very minuscule...So what's the hubbub, Bud?

I don't wanna get mowed down shopping at a mall. I already have to worry about precious angelic street thugs. But at least they're predictable. Muslims arent.

I have absolutely no worries at all about a cop harming me.

Why exactly are you so terrified of being mowed down shopping at a mall?

Since you are far, far, more likely to be killed driving to that mall?

Really- when did Conservative Americans become such cowardly wimps- or have they always been?

like they will attack a mall in jesusland :laugh2:
Yall like the phrase "Keep it 100"...so....do it....the truth. How is Obama going to keep the American people safe from the next Muslim attack here? ISIS is at war with us. Radical Islam is at war with us. Unless the cops that you all demonize step in....like they did at the Texas art gallery....then more of these are inevitable.

Hugging them and tolerating them and kissing Islam's ass.....didn't work.

You want our votes for Hilary in 2016? Ok. How are you gonna stop Muslim attacks?

That's easy. He won't.
There is an attack every two weeks or so

Obama does not have the ability to stop any of them

He will tell you it is one of the biggest disappointments of his Presidency

I disagree. He will deny that there is any attacks except "workplace violence." He has no disappointments. Just look at that ridiculous Iran Deal.
Obama has seen more of these senseless attacks than any President in history and they will only get worse

But we value our guns more than we value our children
We value our guns because that just may be the way to protect our children. If only a couple of people were carrying in that conference building.

Again with the NRA fantasies........If only we had more guns <sob>

We have more than 300 million guns in circulation. Instead of keeping us safer, it gives us the highest murder rate in the industrialized world

As NRA inspired nuts celebrate the occaisional massacre in places like Norway or France as evidence...see? they have massacres too

Nobody in the world sees the frequency of these crimes that we do
Ok libs, "Keep it 100": How is Obama gonna stop the next Muslim attack?

The next attack you will never hear of, because it won't happen. The one you hear of will be the one no one saw coming.

And Texas was 15k worth of hired guns expecting an attack. A slow pitch...

Apparently, this SB CA attack was very foreseeable. Nice try at white wash as per your ughe.
Yall like the phrase "Keep it 100"...so....do it....the truth. How is Obama going to keep the American people safe from the next Muslim attack here? ISIS is at war with us. Radical Islam is at war with us. Unless the cops that you all demonize step in....like they did at the Texas art gallery....then more of these are inevitable.

Hugging them and tolerating them and kissing Islam's ass.....didn't work.

You want our votes for Hilary in 2016? Ok. How are you gonna stop Muslim attacks?

How will Trump stop the next Colorado shooting?

How will he prevent some white racist Tea Party member from shooting up a plan parenthood clinic?

Before you write about me answering your question with a question please understand your question is asinine and the reality is no one can prevent someone from attacking, and that is the reality!
So you answered your own question which means you didn't want an answer if the first place.

What can an effective leader do? He can limit the number of Muslims from entering this country. That means he doesn't welcome tens of thousands of Syrians and other Middle Easterners.
The attacker was an American born citizen who had a decent paying job (the news said around 75,000), and had no record prior to this. He also got married to a woman he met on a Muslim dating site, and he asked that she be religious and wear the hajib.

He and his wife even had a little kid. When some of the commentators were talking about him, they said there was almost nothing to raise a flag on him. He went to Saudi Arabia twice, once for pilgrimage and once to get married, and he also visited Pakistan once, because that is where his wife was from.

According to the interview that his Imam gave, he was considered to be a pretty mellow guy that was friendly and didn't really stand out. The only thing he noticed concerning the attacker was that he stopped going to mosque a few weeks ago.

Outside of checking his phone records and looking at where he went on the 'net, there was nothing to single him out until the attack.

How can we defend against someone who has no prior record, doesn't seem to act strange in the community, and basically follows the law until they snap?

Dunno. But then again, we don't catch domestic terrorists many times until AFTER they have gone and made their attack.

Ban Islam.
Yall like the phrase "Keep it 100"...so....do it....the truth. How is Obama going to keep the American people safe from the next Muslim attack here? ISIS is at war with us. Radical Islam is at war with us. Unless the cops that you all demonize step in....like they did at the Texas art gallery....then more of these are inevitable.

Hugging them and tolerating them and kissing Islam's ass.....didn't work.

You want our votes for Hilary in 2016? Ok. How are you gonna stop Muslim attacks?

Syed Farook was a U.S. citizen born in Illinois.

This was a homegrown terrorist attack made easier by the world's most relaxed gun laws.

How would the OP have stopped a U.S. born citizen from this kind of attack?

Why doesn't the OP know where Farook was born?

Why doesn't the OP know that Farook's brother served in the U.S. Military?

Why doesn't FOX educate people?
Thirty to Forty thousand dollars worth of weapons and it was all for a Christmas party. The wife pledged her alliegence to ISIS but it was homegrown. Right. As our dear president would say,"Damn that workplace violence."
The attacker was an American born citizen who had a decent paying job (the news said around 75,000), and had no record prior to this. He also got married to a woman he met on a Muslim dating site, and he asked that she be religious and wear the hajib.

He and his wife even had a little kid. When some of the commentators were talking about him, they said there was almost nothing to raise a flag on him. He went to Saudi Arabia twice, once for pilgrimage and once to get married, and he also visited Pakistan once, because that is where his wife was from.

According to the interview that his Imam gave, he was considered to be a pretty mellow guy that was friendly and didn't really stand out. The only thing he noticed concerning the attacker was that he stopped going to mosque a few weeks ago.

Outside of checking his phone records and looking at where he went on the 'net, there was nothing to single him out until the attack.

How can we defend against someone who has no prior record, doesn't seem to act strange in the community, and basically follows the law until they snap?

Dunno. But then again, we don't catch domestic terrorists many times until AFTER they have gone and made their attack.
THATS why im against the refugees. Even the people doing it said there is no way. Terrorists aren't going to send in people with a history.
Air Force burning through bomb stockpiles striking ISIL
WASHINGTON — The Air Force has fired more than 20,000 missiles and bombs in the air war against the Islamic State, depleting its stocks of munitions and prompting the service to scour depots around the world for more weapons and to find money to buy them, according to records obtained by USA TODAY.

Golly, only 20,000 bombs dropped on ISIS. That's an interesting defintion of "Obama doing nothing" the rightie kooks have.
The attacker was an American born citizen who had a decent paying job (the news said around 75,000), and had no record prior to this. He also got married to a woman he met on a Muslim dating site, and he asked that she be religious and wear the hajib.

He and his wife even had a little kid. When some of the commentators were talking about him, they said there was almost nothing to raise a flag on him. He went to Saudi Arabia twice, once for pilgrimage and once to get married, and he also visited Pakistan once, because that is where his wife was from.

According to the interview that his Imam gave, he was considered to be a pretty mellow guy that was friendly and didn't really stand out. The only thing he noticed concerning the attacker was that he stopped going to mosque a few weeks ago.

Outside of checking his phone records and looking at where he went on the 'net, there was nothing to single him out until the attack.

How can we defend against someone who has no prior record, doesn't seem to act strange in the community, and basically follows the law until they snap?

Dunno. But then again, we don't catch domestic terrorists many times until AFTER they have gone and made their attack.
THATS why im against the refugees. Even the people doing it said there is no way. Terrorists aren't going to send in people with a history.

She didn't come in as a refugee, she got a fiancee visa and married a US native born citizen. Instead of coming down on the refugees (who already have an 18 to 24 month screening process before they ever see the USA), why not make the visa system of those applying from countries with terrorist ties harder instead?

It was the visa system that allowed this woman into the country, not a refugee status.
Before America's Kenyan Emperor(wannabe) can stop anything else He must first stop lying.

So there's little chance........
Every president we have ever had was a liar including George Washington. Why would you expect Obama to be any different?
We need to stop saying that "radical" Islam is a war with is and take a long hard look at Islam's past and present. The fact of the matter is that Islam itself has always been at war with non-Islamic nations. For four hundred years PRIOR to the first Christian crusade, Islam was invading and attacking Europe in an effort to conquer it. They've just come up with the simple way of finally destroying the west, invade it without uniformed soldiers and weapons, just fill up the lands with as many as possible and destroy the west from within.

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