Ok libs, "Keep it 100": How is Obama gonna stop the next Muslim attack?

How will Trump stop the next Colorado shooting?

How will he prevent some white racist Tea Party member from shooting up a plan parenthood clinic?

Slow it down. Get rid of Gun Free Zone. CC or open carry anytime anywhere. Arm teachers. Arm college students who so choose. Ex military volunteer look outs?

Could do a few things?
The attacker was an American born citizen who had a decent paying job (the news said around 75,000), and had no record prior to this. He also got married to a woman he met on a Muslim dating site, and he asked that she be religious and wear the hajib.

He and his wife even had a little kid. When some of the commentators were talking about him, they said there was almost nothing to raise a flag on him. He went to Saudi Arabia twice, once for pilgrimage and once to get married, and he also visited Pakistan once, because that is where his wife was from.

According to the interview that his Imam gave, he was considered to be a pretty mellow guy that was friendly and didn't really stand out. The only thing he noticed concerning the attacker was that he stopped going to mosque a few weeks ago.

Outside of checking his phone records and looking at where he went on the 'net, there was nothing to single him out until the attack.

How can we defend against someone who has no prior record, doesn't seem to act strange in the community, and basically follows the law until they snap?

Dunno. But then again, we don't catch domestic terrorists many times until AFTER they have gone and made their attack.
THATS why im against the refugees. Even the people doing it said there is no way. Terrorists aren't going to send in people with a history.

She didn't come in as a refugee, she got a fiancee visa and married a US native born citizen. Instead of coming down on the refugees (who already have an 18 to 24 month screening process before they ever see the USA), why not make the visa system of those applying from countries with terrorist ties harder instead?

It was the visa system that allowed this woman into the country, not a refugee status.
Feel good bullshit. The people that do it said it couldn't be done properly.
Now what?
No, the people that do it said that nothing was 100 percent.

And, they're right. Look at how the visa system failed this country.
Yall like the phrase "Keep it 100"...so....do it....the truth. How is Obama going to keep the American people safe from the next Muslim attack here? ISIS is at war with us. Radical Islam is at war with us. Unless the cops that you all demonize step in....like they did at the Texas art gallery....then more of these are inevitable.

Hugging them and tolerating them and kissing Islam's ass.....didn't work.

You want our votes for Hilary in 2016? Ok. How are you gonna stop Muslim attacks?
You know, these terrorist acts by Muslims in the USA, are just a minute fraction of actual deaths that occur ... They are just like death by cop, very minuscule...So what's the hubbub, Bud?
There are more that ten times more people killed in car wrecks annually than were killed on 9-11 so why all the fuss about 9-11?
Yall like the phrase "Keep it 100"...so....do it....the truth. How is Obama going to keep the American people safe from the next Muslim attack here? ISIS is at war with us. Radical Islam is at war with us. Unless the cops that you all demonize step in....like they did at the Texas art gallery....then more of these are inevitable.

Hugging them and tolerating them and kissing Islam's ass.....didn't work.

You want our votes for Hilary in 2016? Ok. How are you gonna stop Muslim attacks?

Dunno. He wasn't able to stop the most recent Christian attack either.

Well....since almost every Christian inspired attack is A) more rare and B) almost always done by domestic citizens....that's a problem for local law enforcement.

Radical Islam wants to attack us from all over the world. An Islamic State caliphate in the Middle East is at war with us and recruiting fighters to come here and kill us. That's a federal government job. Obamas job.

I'll ask my local sheriff to protect me from Bubba. And...I have almost no worried at all about that.

I want the president protecting me from ISIS. They're gunning people down in massive numbers all over the world.

HOW is he gonna do it?

San Bernardino was done by a US citizen there Corky.
Actually, the terrorist act was done by a US citizen that decided to marry someone from Pakistan.

I'm guessing that the radicalization was done by her.

Stop Muslim dating sites (it's where he was recruited), as well as make the fiancee visas harder to get through.
Yall like the phrase "Keep it 100"...so....do it....the truth. How is Obama going to keep the American people safe from the next Muslim attack here? ISIS is at war with us. Radical Islam is at war with us. Unless the cops that you all demonize step in....like they did at the Texas art gallery....then more of these are inevitable.

Hugging them and tolerating them and kissing Islam's ass.....didn't work.

You want our votes for Hilary in 2016? Ok. How are you gonna stop Muslim attacks?

If Obama is personally responsible for the deaths of Americans from the insanity that is the Muslim religious extremists during his presidency then who is responsible for 9/11? and the wars that brought them to our shores?

Bush I and his idiot cocaine and alcoholic addicted son took us into the Mid East. Now and forever into the foreseeable future we will be paying for their hubris and stupidity with our lives.

You cannot blame Obama for the several dozens and ignore the several thousands.

No one can prevent all attacks by religious zealots. That Pandora's Box has been opened and blown to red mist.

Of course the answer by some is to go over there and murder hundreds of thousands of innocents more as we bomb more Arabs and create more future generations of terrorists. At some tipping point we would have to kill every living Muslim to prevent terrorism. But some of you are too stupid to see that.
The attacker was an American born citizen who had a decent paying job (the news said around 75,000), and had no record prior to this. He also got married to a woman he met on a Muslim dating site, and he asked that she be religious and wear the hajib.

He and his wife even had a little kid. When some of the commentators were talking about him, they said there was almost nothing to raise a flag on him. He went to Saudi Arabia twice, once for pilgrimage and once to get married, and he also visited Pakistan once, because that is where his wife was from.

According to the interview that his Imam gave, he was considered to be a pretty mellow guy that was friendly and didn't really stand out. The only thing he noticed concerning the attacker was that he stopped going to mosque a few weeks ago.

Outside of checking his phone records and looking at where he went on the 'net, there was nothing to single him out until the attack.

How can we defend against someone who has no prior record, doesn't seem to act strange in the community, and basically follows the law until they snap?

Dunno. But then again, we don't catch domestic terrorists many times until AFTER they have gone and made their attack.
Can't defend against sudden jihad syndrome.
The attacker was an American born citizen who had a decent paying job (the news said around 75,000), and had no record prior to this. He also got married to a woman he met on a Muslim dating site, and he asked that she be religious and wear the hajib.

He and his wife even had a little kid. When some of the commentators were talking about him, they said there was almost nothing to raise a flag on him. He went to Saudi Arabia twice, once for pilgrimage and once to get married, and he also visited Pakistan once, because that is where his wife was from.

According to the interview that his Imam gave, he was considered to be a pretty mellow guy that was friendly and didn't really stand out. The only thing he noticed concerning the attacker was that he stopped going to mosque a few weeks ago.

Outside of checking his phone records and looking at where he went on the 'net, there was nothing to single him out until the attack.

How can we defend against someone who has no prior record, doesn't seem to act strange in the community, and basically follows the law until they snap?

Dunno. But then again, we don't catch domestic terrorists many times until AFTER they have gone and made their attack.
Go after his family and her family too. Kill the baby. Deport anyone not born here.

Maybe make the next nut think about what will happen to the ones they love. Plus you probably take out a few accomplices.
You want to kill babies? You should join boko haram, Isis, or any one of the hundreds of Islamist terrorist scum bag gangs. They love killing babies too. You'll fit right in.
Yall like the phrase "Keep it 100"...so....do it....the truth. How is Obama going to keep the American people safe from the next Muslim attack here? ISIS is at war with us. Radical Islam is at war with us. Unless the cops that you all demonize step in....like they did at the Texas art gallery....then more of these are inevitable.

Hugging them and tolerating them and kissing Islam's ass.....didn't work.

You want our votes for Hilary in 2016? Ok. How are you gonna stop Muslim attacks?

He isn't. For a while now I'm been thinking about a possibility: Is it possible our own government has relegated itself to 'writing off' some number of our citizens in some odd plan of getting the Muslim world to like us better?

Instead of laying waste like we should, could they be letting them attack us and kill us then do nothing in some kind of turn the other cheek strategy?
Yall like the phrase "Keep it 100"...so....do it....the truth. How is Obama going to keep the American people safe from the next Muslim attack here? ISIS is at war with us. Radical Islam is at war with us. Unless the cops that you all demonize step in....like they did at the Texas art gallery....then more of these are inevitable.

Hugging them and tolerating them and kissing Islam's ass.....didn't work.

You want our votes for Hilary in 2016? Ok. How are you gonna stop Muslim attacks?

He isn't. For a while now I'm been thinking about a possibility: Is it possible our own government has relegated itself to 'writing off' some number of our citizens in some odd plan of getting the Muslim world to like us better?

Instead of laying waste like we should, could they be letting them attack us and kill us then do nothing in some kind of turn the other cheek strategy?

Oh we are WAY past any redemption and christian rituals solving this situation. We displaced MILLIONS!!! and killed hundreds of thousands many if not most were only guilty of living in the wrong patch of real estate. If you think WE have many injured here who's lives are ruined from Bush's wars just how many do you think we created in the Mid East?

The idiot Bush's and the greedy aholes like Cheney have created a hatred for us that will NEVER go away. Why should any innocent displaced or wounded Arab Muslim feel sorry for what has happened to us as far as terrorist activity here?

Sorry you crazy bastards. That ship sailed when Bush's daddy invaded Irac. He laid the foundation for the future forever of Muslims rightfully hating America.

They don't hate us for how we live you fucking morons... They hate us for ruining their existence however pitiful as it was. You idiots think they care about how we live? They only want us all dead for what we did.

Now don't start getting all stupid and think you can label me someone that loves Muslims. I don't give a damn about Muslims but I sure as hell don't want them instigating the only way they can get back at us.

This is the price for electing dangerously stupid leaders. Those of you that cannot wrap your heads around these words deserve what you get.

Stop feeling sorry for yourselves and learn from our mistakes. Short of completely exterminating every Muslim in the Mid East that's ALL we can do.
While the past is responsible for the present, we can only act in defense of the future where free peoples live as they please and don't bow before Islamic flags hanging everywhere.

Can either strike as we know we must destroying the enemy, all the enemy, or we can drag our feet living in false-denial until some predictable event occurs reminding us who the enemy is and how they have no interest in coexistance.
Marines tell Congress they need to reduce the size of their combat force. Congress says no new taxes. Oh well. Air Force tells Congress they are running low on bombs to bomb ISIS. Congress says no new taxes. Oh well. FBI says they are overwhelmed and can not keep track of all the possible terrorist that need surveillance. Congress says no new taxes. Oh well. Military needs a new and clear declaration of war or war powers act. Congress passes another ACA repeal law that will be vetoed and deemed useless instead. Oh well. Intelligence agencies notify Congress that ISIS and other terrorist groups continue to recruit with the use of sophisticated social networking and propaganda. Leading Republican Presidential candidate suggest targeting women and children as viable bombing targets, or at least not of worth as collateral damage concerns. Why do they hate America? Oh well.
Yall like the phrase "Keep it 100"...so....do it....the truth. How is Obama going to keep the American people safe from the next Muslim attack here? ISIS is at war with us. Radical Islam is at war with us. Unless the cops that you all demonize step in....like they did at the Texas art gallery....then more of these are inevitable.

Hugging them and tolerating them and kissing Islam's ass.....didn't work.

You want our votes for Hilary in 2016? Ok. How are you gonna stop Muslim attacks?

Dunno. He wasn't able to stop the most recent Christian attack either.
What Christian attack, bigot?
Yall like the phrase "Keep it 100"...so....do it....the truth. How is Obama going to keep the American people safe from the next Muslim attack here? ISIS is at war with us. Radical Islam is at war with us. Unless the cops that you all demonize step in....like they did at the Texas art gallery....then more of these are inevitable.

Hugging them and tolerating them and kissing Islam's ass.....didn't work.

You want our votes for Hilary in 2016? Ok. How are you gonna stop Muslim attacks?
There is no such thing as a 'Muslim attack,' the notion is a ridiculous lie; individuals commit crimes, not religions.

Or to be consistent, Lafayette, LA and Colorado Springs were 'Christian attacks' – conservatives can't have it both ways.
When someone is cutting off heads or shooting people while shouting "in the name of Jesus"' get back to us. For now, just know you're a bigot.
Yall like the phrase "Keep it 100"...so....do it....the truth. How is Obama going to keep the American people safe from the next Muslim attack here? ISIS is at war with us. Radical Islam is at war with us. Unless the cops that you all demonize step in....like they did at the Texas art gallery....then more of these are inevitable.

Hugging them and tolerating them and kissing Islam's ass.....didn't work.

You want our votes for Hilary in 2016? Ok. How are you gonna stop Muslim attacks?

Dunno. He wasn't able to stop the most recent Christian attack either.
What Christian attack, bigot?
Maybe the Planned Parenthood shooting by Dear is considered a Christian terrorist attack. Of course, that attack follows a long history of Christian attacks, including health clinic bombings in the name of Christianity.

Yall like the phrase "Keep it 100"...so....do it....the truth. How is Obama going to keep the American people safe from the next Muslim attack here? ISIS is at war with us. Radical Islam is at war with us. Unless the cops that you all demonize step in....like they did at the Texas art gallery....then more of these are inevitable.

Hugging them and tolerating them and kissing Islam's ass.....didn't work.

You want our votes for Hilary in 2016? Ok. How are you gonna stop Muslim attacks?

Dunno. He wasn't able to stop the most recent Christian attack either.
What Christian attack, bigot?
Maybe the Planned Parenthood shooting by Dear is considered a Christian terrorist attack. Of course, that attack follows a long history of Christian attacks, including health clinic bombings in the namePP of Christianity.

. PP attack was an isolated incidence having nothing to do with Christianity. If you think bombing PP abortoriums is preached from our pulpits, your nuts and a typical bigoted Leftist to boot.
Yall like the phrase "Keep it 100"...so....do it....the truth. How is Obama going to keep the American people safe from the next Muslim attack here? ISIS is at war with us. Radical Islam is at war with us. Unless the cops that you all demonize step in....like they did at the Texas art gallery....then more of these are inevitable.

Hugging them and tolerating them and kissing Islam's ass.....didn't work.

You want our votes for Hilary in 2016? Ok. How are you gonna stop Muslim attacks?

Dunno. He wasn't able to stop the most recent Christian attack either.
What Christian attack, bigot?
Maybe the Planned Parenthood shooting by Dear is considered a Christian terrorist attack. Of course, that attack follows a long history of Christian attacks, including health clinic bombings in the namePP of Christianity.

. PP attack was an isolated incidence having nothing to do with Christianity. If you think bombing PP abortoriums is preached from our pulpits, your nuts and a typical bigoted Leftist to boot.
"preached from our pulpits? Who made you spokesman for Christians? You don't speak for any denomination of Christianity in any kind of official capacity. You are just another generic run of the mill holier than thou fake Christian preaching un-Christ-like blasphemy. And on a Sunday morning. Shame on you.
Obama is going to stop the terrorists by driving a hybrid and using solar panels.

Your tongue and cheek response is a very simplistic version of Carter's solution.

The way to defang the middle east is to slowly shift away from petroleum so that the world no longer depends as much on these terror petrol states.

Once you significantly reduce oil dependency, you reduce our need to weaponize and fund terrible regimes and terror cells. [Of course, we both know you don't know any of this stuff because you've never studied the region. Meaning: you don't know who we've funded]

Reagan funded the Mujahideen in the 80s in order to trap the Russians in Afghanistan. Reagan called the Mujahideen "Freedom Fighters". Problem is: the Mujahideen was an early iteration of Al Qaeda. Against the advice of congress, Reagan, who was obsessed with gaining an advantage over the Soviets, gave the Mujahideen a powerful footing in the region. And now we are living in that unintended consequence.

Reagan funded and cemented the power of the young Hussein because the USA lost a vital asset in neighboring Iran (the Shaw, who was overthrown by radicals, which radicalization was fomented by our decision to remove the very popular Mozeddeq a generation earlier. Again, we both know that you know none of this).

And let's not talk about the money we've poured into Saudi Arabia, home to more Islamic radicals than anywhere. Our dependence on the region - our need to fund terrible groups so as to protect oil assets - has made these bastards stronger. And now we are living the unintended consequences of electing a B-rate actor in the 80s - whose actions increased radicalization and tied us deeper to the very petroleum which keeps us in the region, as we whack the hornet's nest but act surprised when we get stung by a crazy fucking hornet on a death mission.

Not only did we partner deeply with terrorist groups, but those same groups are now rebelling against us because our interests and theirs are no longer aligned (-but at least we made them stronger). Clinton's treatment of Iraq was almost as wrongheaded as Bush's and Reagan's. Washington has a made a fucking mess. Almost everything Big Government does to fix the "terrorist problem" makes it worse. [Republicans have never truly understood this. Their trust in Big Government has always been more potent than the Left's trust in big government.]

Your side tells us Washington doesn't have the competence to run a laundromat without creating terrible problems. Yet, somehow, you give Washington the money and power to remake the Arab world in our image - and you don't think there are going to be unintended consequences?

Republicans don't get it. Washington always makes problems worse. When are Republicans voters going to stop giving Washington the power to save the world? When are they going to wake up and realize that the War on Terror is only going to make terrorism worse. You are not only bankrupting our grandchildren and leaving them a far more dangerous world, but you are leaving them with a Soviet-style surveillance bureaucracy.

You have fundamentally changed the country, and you have ensured terrorist blowback far into the future, and you have done this because of a threat that is far, far less than that of dying in a car accident. Turn off talk radio and turn off Fox News. Take your brain back. We can no longer afford your ignorance.

In order to reduce our fiction with the Middle East, we have to reduce our dependency on terror petrol-states, and we have to stop tinkering with their politics and weaponizing/funding radical regimes. We have to act in ways that empower moderate Muslims to expunge the radicals. Problem is: Washington has been doing the opposite for a long, long time, and now we are facing the mother of all unintended consequences.
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