Ok, Libs, You Complained that the Individual Tax Cuts Weren't Permanent? Here's Your Chance.

Oh, this is rich: Congressional Republicans are now getting ready to push through a bill that would make permanent the individual tax cuts in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. You remember how Democrats dishonestly complained that the individual tax cuts were not permanent but that the corporate tax cuts were? Never mind that Senate Democrats were the ones who blocked the Republicans from making the personal tax cuts permanent. Well, with a midterm election looming, Republicans are getting ready to force a vote on making the individual tax cuts permanent. Will the Democrats put their votes where their mouths have been and support making the individual tax cuts permanent? Or will they forgot about all their posturing and try to block the bill in the Senate? Given all their complaining about "temporary" personal tax cuts, I presume that all the liberals here will contact their Senators and Representative and urge them to support the bill.

Paul Ryan promises House will vote to make individual tax cuts permanent

GOP Pushing For Bill to Make Individual Tax Cuts Permanent
A smokescreen to draw your attention away from the fact the GOP has been accelerating our deficits. Trump is on track to bust Obama's record debt wide open.

HUH??? Senate Democrats held the budget deal hostage and demanded much higher spending levels as their price for not filibustering the budget. Did you somehow miss this news?
Trumpies want to increase their credit card limit and make smaller monthly payments at the same time!

"My descendents can pay off my debts. Fuck 'em!"

Where were you when Obama doubled the national debt?
Thats good. Now if they could stop inflation and rising prices on goods due to tariff wars, an extra $100 should get everyone out of poverty.
Meanwhile social programs that benefit the middle class and poor are being slashed and state taxes go up because federal funding dries up.

The rich love it.
It’s all getting repealed.
The masses don’t vote. 80% of the poor don’t vote. They are bad citizens.

Republicans vote and work. If they don’t want or feel they don’t need social security and Medicare then I guess they should get to decide since they are good citizens.

If the masses agree with democrats then they need to get out and vote.
The liberal responses in this thread prove that our resident liberals were not serious when they complained about the personal tax cuts not being permanent. This was just something to nit-pick and nay-say over. They just could not bring themselves to saying anything positive about Trump's huge tax cuts for the middle class.

Of course, the personal tax cuts would already be permanent had it not been for the Senate Democrats. Senate Democrats blocked Republican efforts to make them permanent.
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The liberal responses in this thread prove that our resident liberals were not serious when they complained about the personal tax cuts not being permanent. This was just something to nit-pick and nay-say over. They just could not bring themselves to saying anything positive about Trump's huge tax cuts for the middle class.

Of course, the personal tax cuts would already be permanent had it not been for the Senate Democrats. Senate Democrats blocked Republican efforts to make them permanent.
I’d rather have them all go away. Things were fine before that inflation and debt causing tax bill
Thats good. Now if they could stop inflation and rising prices on goods due to tariff wars, an extra $100 should get everyone out of poverty.

Inflation and rising prices on goods generally occur when an economy is doing really well, Milkweed! I know it's been so long since that's happened that you on the left don't remember how things like that work but it's not something that's unexpected. If all you're getting back is a hundred bucks then you don't work much and don't earn much to start with.
A new tax code calls for a new IRS [Opinion]

Our IRS reform legislation will address all of these issues and more. Many of these provisions will help ensure that we have the modern, state-of-the-art IRS IT systems going forward that taxpayers need and deserve.

An independent Office of Appeals will be established, ensuring that customers receive a fair and impartial review of disputes. The IRS will be limited in its ability to seize taxpayer funds, such as the payroll account of a small business owner.

IRS departments will be reorganized to better support the needs of today’s taxpayers, with a focus on robust customer service. For instance, in the case of identity theft, a centralized point of contact will be established that will be responsible for seeing cases all the way through, coordinating with other offices within the IRS as necessary. Milestones and measurements will be set in place to ensure that the IRS is returning to its “quality service” mission, and will be held accountable if it fails to do so.

These are your taxes. And the agents at the IRS work for you, the taxpayer. This legislation will make sure they are obliged to remember that.

And just a reminder since Tax Day is around the corner. This is the last year taxpayers will have to file under the old system. The new simpler, fairer tax code makes it possible for nine out of ten Americans to use a simple postcard to turn in their taxes - instead of those long, confusing forms that often take a tax expert to figure out. A new, taxpayer-oriented IRS will make this process even easier.
The liberal responses in this thread prove that our resident liberals were not serious when they complained about the personal tax cuts not being permanent. This was just something to nit-pick and nay-say over. They just could not bring themselves to saying anything positive about Trump's huge tax cuts for the middle class.

Of course, the personal tax cuts would already be permanent had it not been for the Senate Democrats. Senate Democrats blocked Republican efforts to make them permanent.

The liberal responses in this thread prove that our resident liberals were not serious when they complained about the personal tax cuts not being permanent. This was just something to nit-pick and nay-say over. They just could not bring themselves to saying anything positive about Trump's huge tax cuts for the middle class.

Of course, the personal tax cuts would already be permanent had it not been for the Senate Democrats. Senate Democrats blocked Republican efforts to make them permanent.
I’d rather have them all go away. Things were fine before that inflation and debt causing tax bill

The Left just keeps moving the goalposts, and they are finally being called on it.

It doesn't make one bit of difference what ANY LEFTIST on this board says, the fact remains, the Democrats in congress made this an issue, and like good little Marxists, most of you ran with it. Just like the collusion/delusion, it has now boomeranged back. You either put up, or prove you are all full of sh## as a Thanksgiving Turkey!

Time to put these fuckers on a leash........so they can never again do what they did under Obama.


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