Ok, Libs, You Complained that the Individual Tax Cuts Weren't Permanent? Here's Your Chance.

The liberal responses in this thread prove that our resident liberals were not serious when they complained about the personal tax cuts not being permanent. This was just something to nit-pick and nay-say over. They just could not bring themselves to saying anything positive about Trump's huge tax cuts for the middle class.

Of course, the personal tax cuts would already be permanent had it not been for the Senate Democrats. Senate Democrats blocked Republican efforts to make them permanent.

The liberal responses in this thread prove that our resident liberals were not serious when they complained about the personal tax cuts not being permanent. This was just something to nit-pick and nay-say over. They just could not bring themselves to saying anything positive about Trump's huge tax cuts for the middle class.

Of course, the personal tax cuts would already be permanent had it not been for the Senate Democrats. Senate Democrats blocked Republican efforts to make them permanent.
I’d rather have them all go away. Things were fine before that inflation and debt causing tax bill

The Left just keeps moving the goalposts, and they are finally being called on it.

It doesn't make one bit of difference what ANY LEFTIST on this board says, the fact remains, the Democrats in congress made this an issue, and like good little Marxists, most of you ran with it. Just like the collusion/delusion, it has now boomeranged back. You either put up, or prove you are all full of sh## as a Thanksgiving Turkey!

The issue has always been are your policies helping the middle class?

I think the only reason trump won was too many people didn’t vote for hillary. And trump lied. A lot. So let’s see if we show up and prove me right.

And do people like trumps Supreme Court picks? I don’t think so. I think the people who didn’t show up didn’t realize how important the Supreme Court is.

One term president
The liberal responses in this thread prove that our resident liberals were not serious when they complained about the personal tax cuts not being permanent. This was just something to nit-pick and nay-say over. They just could not bring themselves to saying anything positive about Trump's huge tax cuts for the middle class.

Of course, the personal tax cuts would already be permanent had it not been for the Senate Democrats. Senate Democrats blocked Republican efforts to make them permanent.

The liberal responses in this thread prove that our resident liberals were not serious when they complained about the personal tax cuts not being permanent. This was just something to nit-pick and nay-say over. They just could not bring themselves to saying anything positive about Trump's huge tax cuts for the middle class.

Of course, the personal tax cuts would already be permanent had it not been for the Senate Democrats. Senate Democrats blocked Republican efforts to make them permanent.
I’d rather have them all go away. Things were fine before that inflation and debt causing tax bill

The Left just keeps moving the goalposts, and they are finally being called on it.

It doesn't make one bit of difference what ANY LEFTIST on this board says, the fact remains, the Democrats in congress made this an issue, and like good little Marxists, most of you ran with it. Just like the collusion/delusion, it has now boomeranged back. You either put up, or prove you are all full of sh## as a Thanksgiving Turkey!

The issue has always been are your policies helping the middle class?

I think the only reason trump won was too many people didn’t vote for hillary. And trump lied. A lot. So let’s see if we show up and prove me right.

And do people like trumps Supreme Court picks? I don’t think so. I think the people who didn’t show up didn’t realize how important the Supreme Court is.

One term president

I THINK YOU ARE CORRECT-) What we have here is a 1 term President by Lefty wishful thinking, who is going to hang your butts out and show what all of you have been doing, lol.

Watching the polling; I am thinking the Repubs hold the House by 4 or more seats, and they take the Senate by 4-) OK, OK, maybe 3-)

If that happens, your side is DONE, period, lol.

If it hasn't been put out by then, it will be between 2018 and 2020.

Your side has a one time deal---------> Either win in 2018 to cover everything up, or go away for 12 ro 14 years, lol. Yep, it is that simple for you-)

And so, I will close with this----------> How many votes are counted when YOU HATE?

ANSWER------> Same amount when you dislike, despise, ridicule. You can march all day, and in THIS AMERICA, your crying is worth 1 VOTE, that is it, no matter how much you whine like a panty waist.

Now, you may not believe it; and that is fine, lol. But the truth is, the LEFT is done, it is over, unless they come up with something else. THEY HAVWE NOTHING, like just like Shultz.

As of this moment, the GOP will take MORE house seats, and will capture at least 3 more senate seats, lol.

Now, the Left is going to tell you I am lying to you. NO, I am not! If you vote, the LEFT is done for 12 years, that is a fact, and the polls are trending towards, that is what will happen!

Now then, ra-ra-sis-boom-bah, you have this chance to BURY them! What are you going to do?

U say-------> BURY THEM, and put them out of their LEFTIST misery! If you have kids or grandkids, get off your ass, and make them GO AWAY!
America is the only country, other than Eritrea, that has a tax policy that encourages companies to move overseas.

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