OK Libtards: What is your pronostication AFTER Trump leaves office?

Other than a Constitutional SCOTUS, what other irreparable harm will Trump have inflicted on the USA after he leaves office?

Too numerous to count at this time. Debt and environment are two big ones - including damage to our allies. Are you a registered idiot - or just a freelancer?
Right wingers blocked Garland for more than a year. There are already plans to block any potential SC nominations for the next 2 years.

Garland was only blocked until the election. Had Hillary Clinton won, he would have undoubtably been confirmed before Thanksgiving 2016.

You're using partisan spin to pretend that Mitch McConnell didn't defy all political precedent by refusing to allow a sitting president to appoint an SC justice. Fucking weak sauce, asshole.

But she didn't, so the will of the states was honored and no action was taken.

What a stupid way to say 'elections have consequences'. The Cult45 thinks they are so very clever. :auiqs.jpg: I still marvel at how they can dress themselves.

The good news for Garland was that his reputation wasn't attacked, no one came up with phony rape charges and who knows what else. His career continues

Well, he seems to be a much more honorable man than the parade of scoundrels we've been inoculated with as a captive audience to an Orange Virus stable genius that can't seem to wipe his own ass without some kind of oversight. This, you're proud of. Congratulations. You're a typical partisan asshole.

Good luck.
The only thing that will protect Trump is the GOP senate. He has a

LMAO link to convictions? Yeah we didn't think so. :itsok: With the GOP increasing its lead in the Senate Trump is likely going to nominate and win approval for a 3rd SCOTUS justice.
Well, some of the things are so well known.
Like when he lost a couple of lawsuits claiming racism.
The Australians wouldn't let him build a Trump Tower because they said he has Mafia Ties.
Cohen identified him as an unindicted co conspirator in multiple felonies.
His Trump U scam.
His foundation already admitted wrong doing in some of the charges. Not yet in others.
Cohen admitted he lied about Trump Tower Moscow.

As long as Trump was a private citizen, he was left pretty much alone. Presidents go under a very fine microscope. Trump is now under that microscope.
What Republicans did to the Clintons for 30 years, the news media is doing to Trump.
Democrats won't get involved until Jan 3rd. Can't wait.
We want everything fair, right? If the Clinton's were so scrutinized, in all fairness, shouldn't Trump share the same scrutiny?
Right wingers blocked Garland for more than a year. There are already plans to block any potential SC nominations for the next 2 years.

Since it is the Senate that approves of the nominee, just how will the Democrats manage to do that?

Kavanaugh was approved by 49 to 48 vote, but you will note that that happened before Mueller's report was published. If Trump is completely cleared of all crimes by Mueller, he will be free to appoint who he pleases with no problem, but if he is guilty of only part of the crimes he has already been shown to be intimately involved in, no Democrat will change sides like Manchin did, and at least a few Republican Senators will have enough integrity to oppose him. Those Republican Senators have already been identified and approached. It all comes down to whether the next SC nomination or the release of Mueller's report comes first.
The only thing that will protect Trump is the GOP senate. He has a

True, and in the short term none of that history matters. However, his teflon coating will be greatly deteriorated after the Mueller report is released, and be totally stripped soon after his term is over, if not sooner. Republican senators who want to keep their jobs will be much less inclined to fall in line as they have done in the past. They will need distance between them and Trump even after his term is over, and they are aware of that now. Trump's SC nominees will not enjoy the lock step support of republican senators as before the report is released. Some already admitted they voted for Kavanaugh under duress.
Right wingers blocked Garland for more than a year. There are already plans to block any potential SC nominations for the next 2 years.

Since it is the Senate that approves of the nominee, just how will the Democrats manage to do that?

Kavanaugh was approved by 49 to 48 vote, but you will note that that happened before Mueller's report was published. If Trump is completely cleared of all crimes by Mueller, he will be free to appoint who he pleases with no problem, but if he is guilty of only part of the crimes he has already been shown to be intimately involved in, no Democrat will change sides like Manchin did, and at least a few Republican Senators will have enough integrity to oppose him. Those Republican Senators have already been identified and approached. It all comes down to whether the next SC nomination or the release of Mueller's report comes first.
The only thing that will protect Trump is the GOP senate. He has a

True, and in the short term none of that history matters. However, his teflon coating will be greatly deteriorated after the Mueller report is released, and be totally stripped soon after his term is over, if not sooner. Republican senators who want to keep their jobs will be much less inclined to fall in line as they have done in the past. They will need distance between them and Trump even after his term is over, and they are aware of that now. Trump's SC nominees will not enjoy the lock step support of republican senators as before the report is released. Some already admitted they voted for Kavanaugh under duress.

True - and presidential historians will totally strip off all of Trump's so-called teflon coating. I'm not sure Trump really cares about leaving a positive legacy. He seems to only care about the here and now. His children will surely be left with a shit legacy. I chuckle when I think about Trump's future presidential library.

Right wingers blocked Garland for more than a year. There are already plans to block any potential SC nominations for the next 2 years.

Since it is the Senate that approves of the nominee, just how will the Democrats manage to do that?

Kavanaugh was approved by 49 to 48 vote, but you will note that that happened before Mueller's report was published. If Trump is completely cleared of all crimes by Mueller, he will be free to appoint who he pleases with no problem, but if he is guilty of only part of the crimes he has already been shown to be intimately involved in, no Democrat will change sides like Manchin did, and at least a few Republican Senators will have enough integrity to oppose him. Those Republican Senators have already been identified and approached. It all comes down to whether the next SC nomination or the release of Mueller's report comes first.
The only thing that will protect Trump is the GOP senate. He has a

True, and in the short term none of that history matters. However, his teflon coating will be greatly deteriorated after the Mueller report is released, and be totally stripped soon after his term is over, if not sooner. Republican senators who want to keep their jobs will be much less inclined to fall in line as they have done in the past. They will need distance between them and Trump even after his term is over, and they are aware of that now. Trump's SC nominees will not enjoy the lock step support of republican senators as before the report is released. Some already admitted they voted for Kavanaugh under duress.

True - and presidential historians will totally strip off all of Trump's so-called teflon coating. I'm not sure Trump really cares about leaving a positive legacy. He seems to only care about the here and now. His children will surely be left with a shit legacy. I chuckle when I think about Trump's future presidential library.


Trump wouldn't be that much of a problem if we had a congress that would reign him in instead of rubber stamping all his childish crap. I suspect the congress will see the need to reign him in soon, if they intend to stay beyond his one term.
Since it is the Senate that approves of the nominee, just how will the Democrats manage to do that?

Kavanaugh was approved by 49 to 48 vote, but you will note that that happened before Mueller's report was published. If Trump is completely cleared of all crimes by Mueller, he will be free to appoint who he pleases with no problem, but if he is guilty of only part of the crimes he has already been shown to be intimately involved in, no Democrat will change sides like Manchin did, and at least a few Republican Senators will have enough integrity to oppose him. Those Republican Senators have already been identified and approached. It all comes down to whether the next SC nomination or the release of Mueller's report comes first.
The only thing that will protect Trump is the GOP senate. He has a

True, and in the short term none of that history matters. However, his teflon coating will be greatly deteriorated after the Mueller report is released, and be totally stripped soon after his term is over, if not sooner. Republican senators who want to keep their jobs will be much less inclined to fall in line as they have done in the past. They will need distance between them and Trump even after his term is over, and they are aware of that now. Trump's SC nominees will not enjoy the lock step support of republican senators as before the report is released. Some already admitted they voted for Kavanaugh under duress.

True - and presidential historians will totally strip off all of Trump's so-called teflon coating. I'm not sure Trump really cares about leaving a positive legacy. He seems to only care about the here and now. His children will surely be left with a shit legacy. I chuckle when I think about Trump's future presidential library.


Trump wouldn't be that much of a problem if we had a congress that would reign him in instead of rubber stamping all his childish crap. I suspect the congress will see the need to reign him in soon, if they intend to stay beyond his one term.

Possibly, but remember he can still do a lot of damage on his own. Plus, it's hard to reign in someone who is likely mentally ill without removal from office.
Same reason for the anti-Obama hysteria.

False equivalence, and you know it. The only serious opposition to Obama's Presidency was based on his Constitutional qualification for that office.
Are you talking about the birther movement? I sure hope you aren’t, cause that debacle was a complete joke.

McConnel and the republicans pledged to block Obama at all costs when he was elected. That wasn’t about qualifications or the constitution.... it was about partisan politics.
those who oppose him they see a guy that has zero poise or tact when it comes to dealing with his opponents.

Do you realize how ridiculous that statement sounds?
My statement is ironic when applied to Left wing loonies. But take away the wingnuts and focus on moderates and independents and I think my statement is very valid and the reason why Trump will lose the next election in a landslide if a decent opponent can run against him.
Other than a Constitutional SCOTUS, what other irreparable harm will Trump have inflicted on the USA after he leaves office?
Our system is set up so that one POTUS can’t cause irreparable harm. With exception to starting a war of course. Trump is an embarrassment to our country on the world stage but he can’t do anything that can’t be undone

So why all the anti-Trump hysteria?
Same reason for the anti-Obama hysteria. For the people who disagree with his politics, the reason why it is so much worse than ever is because he has zero poise or tact when it comes to dealing with his opponents. He lies constantly and is a disgrace to the office of potus.

Trump is just giving the Democrats a dose of their own medicine, long overdue.
That’s fine. We can keep playing childish tit for tat games but it isn’t going to get us anywhere good. My hope is that we find future leaders who are above that nonsense. Trump is setting a great example for what not do. Maybe that will trigger a rebound

Above all the nonsense? Every other politician lies to us as well, after using a focus group to determine what it is the public wants to hear. I am sick to death of slick talking politicians that are "above" the nonsense you speak of. They talk to us and treat us like children.

Our system is set up so that one POTUS can’t cause irreparable harm. With exception to starting a war of course. Trump is an embarrassment to our country on the world stage but he can’t do anything that can’t be undone

So why all the anti-Trump hysteria?
Same reason for the anti-Obama hysteria. For the people who disagree with his politics, the reason why it is so much worse than ever is because he has zero poise or tact when it comes to dealing with his opponents. He lies constantly and is a disgrace to the office of potus.

Trump is just giving the Democrats a dose of their own medicine, long overdue.
That’s fine. We can keep playing childish tit for tat games but it isn’t going to get us anywhere good. My hope is that we find future leaders who are above that nonsense. Trump is setting a great example for what not do. Maybe that will trigger a rebound

Above all the nonsense? Every other politician lies to us as well, after using a focus group to determine what it is the public wants to hear. I am sick to death of slick talking politicians that are "above" the nonsense you speak of. They talk to us and treat us like children.

I agree, I don’t like that crap either. But don’t be fooled into thinking Trump is any different. Just because he is crass and insulting and non PC doesn’t make him honest. I’ve never seen anybody lie and manipulate as much as he does on the public stage.

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