OK Libtards: What is your pronostication AFTER Trump leaves office?

Other than a Constitutional SCOTUS, what other irreparable harm will Trump have inflicted on the USA after he leaves office?
A $30 trillion federal debt.

What we need in there is a Dim who can give us free college and Medicare for all.

That will wipe out that $30 trillion debt altogether..............for one that is $100 trillion.
Same reason for the anti-Obama hysteria.

False equivalence, and you know it. The only serious opposition to Obama's Presidency was based on his Constitutional qualification for that office.
Are you talking about the birther movement? I sure hope you aren’t, cause that debacle was a complete joke.

McConnel and the republicans pledged to block Obama at all costs when he was elected. That wasn’t about qualifications or the constitution.... it was about partisan politics.

The joke is that you just proved my point. The GOP opposition was to Obama's policies, not his personality. The hatred of Trump transcends his policies and has reached a visceral level not seen since Lincoln's election in 1860.

P.S. The "birther movement" was a legitimate inquiry into Obama's Constitutional qualification to be President. Unlike every other President (including Trump), he had refused to make public his official birth records and had made claims of foreign citizenship.
Other than a Constitutional SCOTUS, what other irreparable harm will Trump have inflicted on the USA after he leaves office?
OK Libtards: What is your pronostication (prognostication) AFTER Trump leaves office?
Other than a Constitutional SCOTUS, what other irreparable harm will Trump have inflicted on the USA after he leaves office?
Our system is set up so that one POTUS can’t cause irreparable harm. With exception to starting a war of course. Trump is an embarrassment to our country on the world stage but he can’t do anything that can’t be undone

So why all the anti-Trump hysteria?
Same reason for the anti-Obama hysteria. For the people who disagree with his politics, the reason why it is so much worse than ever is because he has zero poise or tact when it comes to dealing with his opponents. He lies constantly and is a disgrace to the office of potus.

Trump is just giving the Democrats a dose of their own medicine, long overdue.
That’s fine. We can keep playing childish tit for tat games but it isn’t going to get us anywhere good. My hope is that we find future leaders who are above that nonsense. Trump is setting a great example for what not do. Maybe that will trigger a rebound

Democrats bushwhack SCOTUS nominees, lie through their teeth, their pals in the liberal media attack Trump 24/7 why don't you call us when Dem's clean up their act THEN we can discuss Trump.
Same reason for the anti-Obama hysteria.

False equivalence, and you know it. The only serious opposition to Obama's Presidency was based on his Constitutional qualification for that office.
Are you talking about the birther movement? I sure hope you aren’t, cause that debacle was a complete joke.

McConnel and the republicans pledged to block Obama at all costs when he was elected. That wasn’t about qualifications or the constitution.... it was about partisan politics.

The joke is that you just proved my point. The GOP opposition was to Obama's policies, not his personality. The hatred of Trump transcends his policies and has reached a visceral level not seen since Lincoln's election in 1860.

P.S. The "birther movement" was a legitimate inquiry into Obama's Constitutional qualification to be President. Unlike every other President (including Trump), he had refused to make public his official birth records and had made claims of foreign citizenship.
Is it a requirement to make your birth certificate public to run for President? I recall a similar situation last election involving tax returns. Remember that?

And the birther movement is a great example of smearing and attacking Obama on his appearance/Identity and not because of his policies. Do you remember any other presidential candidate that has ever been asked to make his birth certificate public? Come on!

Trump is hated because he acts like an elitist bully. Many people don’t like seeing douchebags win so they are opposing him at all costs. He provokes it because he and his base loves a fight and he needs an enemy to attack or else he has nobody to blame but himself.
Our system is set up so that one POTUS can’t cause irreparable harm. With exception to starting a war of course. Trump is an embarrassment to our country on the world stage but he can’t do anything that can’t be undone

So why all the anti-Trump hysteria?
Same reason for the anti-Obama hysteria. For the people who disagree with his politics, the reason why it is so much worse than ever is because he has zero poise or tact when it comes to dealing with his opponents. He lies constantly and is a disgrace to the office of potus.

Trump is just giving the Democrats a dose of their own medicine, long overdue.
That’s fine. We can keep playing childish tit for tat games but it isn’t going to get us anywhere good. My hope is that we find future leaders who are above that nonsense. Trump is setting a great example for what not do. Maybe that will trigger a rebound

Democrats bushwhack SCOTUS nominees, lie through their teeth, their pals in the liberal media attack Trump 24/7 why don't you call us when Dem's clean up their act THEN we can discuss Trump.
You’re gonna complain about scotus nominees after the Garland fiasco?! We can play the tit for tat games forever. If you want change then you need to start by changing what you can control which is yourself. If you’re waiting to see the “Dems” change then you are going to be waiting forever because there are always going to be outspoken wingnuts on both sides.

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