OK, Make Room for the 'Transabled', no shit

Created by liberals? Is that right? Where'd you read that?
Don't have to read it it anywhere. All sick stupid shit like this is always made up by liberal assholes.

That's where the idea that you make shit up comes from. You do it.
Still in denial huh? It's right there in black and white and this creature thinks it made up. LOL!

I don't think you know what I am suggesting is made up. You might be a functionally illiterate person.

Is it even possible for you folks to discuss a topic without throwing insults?

Can you see no connection between that and your poor performance in the election?

What poor performance? The one where the losing party got lots more votes than the winning party?
So I guess we will have to have the government pay for disabling operations so these people can feel normal?

View attachment 151037

Body integrity identity disorder - Wikipedia

Sufferers of BIID are uncomfortable with a part of their body, such as a limb, and feel confident that removing or disabling this part of their body will relieve their discomfort. Sufferers may have intense feelings of envy toward amputees. They may pretend that they are an amputee, both in public and in private. Sufferers experience the above symptoms as being strange and unnatural. They may try to injure themselves to require the amputation of that limb. They are generally ashamed of their thoughts and may try to hide them from others, including therapists and health care professionals.[citation needed]

The majority of BIID sufferers are white middle-aged males, although this discrepancy may not be nearly as large as previously thought.[9] Most commonly[clarification needed] an above-the-knee amputation of the left leg is desired, but amputations may also involve the arms, or instead manifest itself as a need for paralysis, or involve the senses, such as hearing or vision.

A sexual motivation for being or looking like an amputee is called apotemnophilia.[10][11] In addition, apotemnophilia should not be mistaken for acrotomophilia, which describes a person who is sexually attracted to other people who are already missing limbs.[12] However, many of the people who experience one also experience the other.[13]

Up until recently,[when?] the BIID has led to the desire to become disabled on organs other than limbs. Events of BIID causing a desire to become disabled in organs such as eyes have been reported.
"Yeah but this is different because (fill in pop culture bullshit here)"

Hi JimBowie1958
Why not fight fire with fire?
If these ppl are the karmic opposite of existing amputees, and instead of grieving the loss of a limb they desire it for attention,
Why not give them full attention but in a constructive way:

Why not offer to make such cases into a study on spiritual healing?
Prove that spiritual healing and forgiveness therapy can change and cure their mental obsession where they go back to normal without requiring any surgery that is unnecessary and no longer desired.

Once that is proven to work for this type of obsession, what else could be cured that way?

Eating disorders, drug and alcohol addictions, sexual abuse and addiction, even physical diseases and abusive relations can be cured by spiritual healing of the root cause.

If these ppl want attention, let them be the subject of a national research study. Show that spiritual healing works.

Then the LGBT can't complain that all cases of healing either gay or transgendered are fraudulent if we can show more and more cases of effective healing, for all types of situations not just LGBT, when this natural healing is practiced right.

NOTE: the Good news for LGBT: in proving spiritual healing works, this will also show as many cases Do NOT result in changing back to heterosexual orientation after healing. Many healed ppl stay as they are, either gay or transgendered though they are healed emotionally inside. So this will equally help defeat the myth that all LGBT are mentally ill and could be cured. Not all will change but all can be healed with the same process that helps people restore their natural selves with spiritual peace of mind, regardless what orientation that turns out to be.
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Don't have to read it it anywhere. All sick stupid shit like this is always made up by liberal assholes.

That's where the idea that you make shit up comes from. You do it.
Still in denial huh? It's right there in black and white and this creature thinks it made up. LOL!

I don't think you know what I am suggesting is made up. You might be a functionally illiterate person.

Is it even possible for you folks to discuss a topic without throwing insults?

Can you see no connection between that and your poor performance in the election?

What poor performance? The one where the losing party got lots more votes than the winning party?

Precisely. It takes unmitigated hubris to believe you can insult and demean the residents of most states and rely on the enclaves of Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco to hand you power.

To win elections you need to court ALL the voters, not engage in decisiveness.
So I guess we will have to have the government pay for disabling operations so these people can feel normal?

View attachment 151037

Body integrity identity disorder - Wikipedia

Sufferers of BIID are uncomfortable with a part of their body, such as a limb, and feel confident that removing or disabling this part of their body will relieve their discomfort. Sufferers may have intense feelings of envy toward amputees. They may pretend that they are an amputee, both in public and in private. Sufferers experience the above symptoms as being strange and unnatural. They may try to injure themselves to require the amputation of that limb. They are generally ashamed of their thoughts and may try to hide them from others, including therapists and health care professionals.[citation needed]

The majority of BIID sufferers are white middle-aged males, although this discrepancy may not be nearly as large as previously thought.[9] Most commonly[clarification needed] an above-the-knee amputation of the left leg is desired, but amputations may also involve the arms, or instead manifest itself as a need for paralysis, or involve the senses, such as hearing or vision.

A sexual motivation for being or looking like an amputee is called apotemnophilia.[10][11] In addition, apotemnophilia should not be mistaken for acrotomophilia, which describes a person who is sexually attracted to other people who are already missing limbs.[12] However, many of the people who experience one also experience the other.[13]

Up until recently,[when?] the BIID has led to the desire to become disabled on organs other than limbs. Events of BIID causing a desire to become disabled in organs such as eyes have been reported.
"Yeah but this is different because (fill in pop culture bullshit here)"
Not only has political correctness ruined any sort of comic relief and professional sports… Political correctness has ruined this country. Lol
So I guess we will have to have the government pay for disabling operations so these people can feel normal?
Are you surprised, Jim?

It's just a natural progression, inevitable, and we're just getting started.

Add another grievance group, more on the way.

Nope. It's a mental illness that has been around for a long time. Nobody is asking for any government surgery or benefits.

You fuckers literally make shit up in order to point fingers at your imagined enemies. Daily.
Political correctness makes you look like a pussy....
Don't have to read it it anywhere. All sick stupid shit like this is always made up by liberal assholes.

That's where the idea that you make shit up comes from. You do it.
Still in denial huh? It's right there in black and white and this creature thinks it made up. LOL!

I don't think you know what I am suggesting is made up. You might be a functionally illiterate person.

Is it even possible for you folks to discuss a topic without throwing insults?

Can you see no connection between that and your poor performance in the election?

What poor performance? The one where the losing party got lots more votes than the winning party?
Electoral college works perfectly, is kept the crazies like yourself at bay.
Next parents will be taking their transabled three year olds to doctors demanding their legs be chopped off.
That's where the idea that you make shit up comes from. You do it.
That was funny enough that I had to click "show ignored content" to see what the hell you were responding to. LOL

I don't generally do that because discursive insipidity is almost the only thing that moves me to ignore people, and every time I've "checked" to see if anything's changed, it hasn't. This time is no different in that regard.
No shit? You said that this is no shit?

You become outraged at anything.

You fuckers rush to post shit like this for a reason. Can you articulate it? I have a theory. But I'd like to know what you think.
Yes, because in time you dumb fucks will call us normal people transablephobed if we don't support it. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
So I guess we will have to have the government pay for disabling operations so these people can feel normal?
Are you surprised, Jim?

It's just a natural progression, inevitable, and we're just getting started.

Add another grievance group, more on the way.

Nope. It's a mental illness that has been around for a long time. Nobody is asking for any government surgery or benefits.

You fuckers literally make shit up in order to point fingers at your imagined enemies. Daily.
Coming from a group that wants men in girls locker rooms. You will support it when you are told to.
So I guess we will have to have the government pay for disabling operations so these people can feel normal?
Are you surprised, Jim?

It's just a natural progression, inevitable, and we're just getting started.

Add another grievance group, more on the way.

Nope. It's a mental illness that has been around for a long time. Nobody is asking for any government surgery or benefits.

You fuckers literally make shit up in order to point fingers at your imagined enemies. Daily.
Coming from a group that wants men in girls locker rooms. You will support it when you are told to.
The Regressives respond to challenge with nasty personal insults and vulgarity. This is who they are. They know what they're doing is wrong, so they're reduced to their standard deflect/pivot/attack approach because it's all they have.
So I guess we will have to have the government pay for disabling operations so these people can feel normal?
Are you surprised, Jim?

It's just a natural progression, inevitable, and we're just getting started.

Add another grievance group, more on the way.

Nope. It's a mental illness that has been around for a long time. Nobody is asking for any government surgery or benefits.

You fuckers literally make shit up in order to point fingers at your imagined enemies. Daily.
Coming from a group that wants men in girls locker rooms. You will support it when you are told to.
The Regressives respond to challenge with nasty personal insults and vulgarity. This is who they are. They know what they're doing is wrong, so they're reduced to their standard deflect/pivot/attack approach because it's all they have.

You think people with a mental illness that makes them want to be amputees are a construct of the regressive left and identity politics. You said that this is to be expected. You insult in a passive aggressive way as usual. That's what bitches do.
So I guess we will have to have the government pay for disabling operations so these people can feel normal?
Are you surprised, Jim?

It's just a natural progression, inevitable, and we're just getting started.

Add another grievance group, more on the way.

Nope. It's a mental illness that has been around for a long time. Nobody is asking for any government surgery or benefits.

You fuckers literally make shit up in order to point fingers at your imagined enemies. Daily.
Coming from a group that wants men in girls locker rooms. You will support it when you are told to.
The Regressives respond to challenge with nasty personal insults and vulgarity. This is who they are. They know what they're doing is wrong, so they're reduced to their standard deflect/pivot/attack approach because it's all they have.

You think people with a mental illness that makes them want to be amputees are a construct of the regressive left and identity politics. You said that this is to be expected. You insult in a passive aggressive way as usual. That's what bitches do.
And once again, a Regressive demonstrates their intellectual dishonesty and nastiness, pretending that I'm attacking the disabled instead of them.

Trump supporters, you should be sending these nasty people Thank You cards for what they've done for you.

Are you surprised, Jim?

It's just a natural progression, inevitable, and we're just getting started.

Add another grievance group, more on the way.

Nope. It's a mental illness that has been around for a long time. Nobody is asking for any government surgery or benefits.

You fuckers literally make shit up in order to point fingers at your imagined enemies. Daily.
Coming from a group that wants men in girls locker rooms. You will support it when you are told to.
The Regressives respond to challenge with nasty personal insults and vulgarity. This is who they are. They know what they're doing is wrong, so they're reduced to their standard deflect/pivot/attack approach because it's all they have.

You think people with a mental illness that makes them want to be amputees are a construct of the regressive left and identity politics. You said that this is to be expected. You insult in a passive aggressive way as usual. That's what bitches do.
And once again, a Regressive demonstrates their intellectual dishonesty and nastiness, pretending that I'm attacking the disabled instead of them.

Trump supporters, you should be sending these nasty people Thank You cards for what they've done for you.


I said nothing about you attacking the disabled. Why are YOU so dishonest?
So I guess we will have to have the government pay for disabling operations so these people can feel normal?
Are you surprised, Jim?

It's just a natural progression, inevitable, and we're just getting started.

Add another grievance group, more on the way.

Nope. It's a mental illness that has been around for a long time. Nobody is asking for any government surgery or benefits.

You fuckers literally make shit up in order to point fingers at your imagined enemies. Daily.
Coming from a group that wants men in girls locker rooms. You will support it when you are told to.
The Regressives respond to challenge with nasty personal insults and vulgarity. This is who they are. They know what they're doing is wrong, so they're reduced to their standard deflect/pivot/attack approach because it's all they have.

You think people with a mental illness that makes them want to be amputees are a construct of the regressive left and identity politics. You said that this is to be expected. You insult in a passive aggressive way as usual. That's what bitches do.
You support a man cutting off his dick, to make him think he is a woman. Even supports him using a girls locker room. That's what you stupid bitches think.
Are you surprised, Jim?

It's just a natural progression, inevitable, and we're just getting started.

Add another grievance group, more on the way.

Nope. It's a mental illness that has been around for a long time. Nobody is asking for any government surgery or benefits.

You fuckers literally make shit up in order to point fingers at your imagined enemies. Daily.
Coming from a group that wants men in girls locker rooms. You will support it when you are told to.
The Regressives respond to challenge with nasty personal insults and vulgarity. This is who they are. They know what they're doing is wrong, so they're reduced to their standard deflect/pivot/attack approach because it's all they have.

You think people with a mental illness that makes them want to be amputees are a construct of the regressive left and identity politics. You said that this is to be expected. You insult in a passive aggressive way as usual. That's what bitches do.
You support a man cutting off his dick, to make him think he is a woman. Even supports him using a girls locker room. That's what you stupid bitches think.

You are a man obsessed.
Nope. It's a mental illness that has been around for a long time. Nobody is asking for any government surgery or benefits.

You fuckers literally make shit up in order to point fingers at your imagined enemies. Daily.
Coming from a group that wants men in girls locker rooms. You will support it when you are told to.
The Regressives respond to challenge with nasty personal insults and vulgarity. This is who they are. They know what they're doing is wrong, so they're reduced to their standard deflect/pivot/attack approach because it's all they have.

You think people with a mental illness that makes them want to be amputees are a construct of the regressive left and identity politics. You said that this is to be expected. You insult in a passive aggressive way as usual. That's what bitches do.
You support a man cutting off his dick, to make him think he is a woman. Even supports him using a girls locker room. That's what you stupid bitches think.

You are a man obsessed.
Is that not the truth? If not please explain how Obama threatened to pull federal funding from public schools if transgendered wouldn't be able to use the bathroom of their choice. Or just shut the fuck up.
Coming from a group that wants men in girls locker rooms. You will support it when you are told to.
The Regressives respond to challenge with nasty personal insults and vulgarity. This is who they are. They know what they're doing is wrong, so they're reduced to their standard deflect/pivot/attack approach because it's all they have.

You think people with a mental illness that makes them want to be amputees are a construct of the regressive left and identity politics. You said that this is to be expected. You insult in a passive aggressive way as usual. That's what bitches do.
You support a man cutting off his dick, to make him think he is a woman. Even supports him using a girls locker room. That's what you stupid bitches think.

You are a man obsessed.
Is that not the truth? If not please explain how Obama threatened to pull federal funding from public schools if transgendered wouldn't be able to use the bathroom of their choice. Or just shut the fuck up.

You've got personal sexual hangups that I can't help you with.

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