OK, Obama blamed a poorly made video.


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Which turned out to not be true. I think he believed it when him and Rice spread that bit of manure but it certainly was not true.

Now, North Korea is threatening Sony over a new movie depicting the assignation attempt on their leader.

Now what if the NKs do something really stupid like overrun a embassy killing an ambassador. Is Obama going to go to the UN and blame Sony? Is the director of the movie going to be arrested?
I don't think Obama will be in a hurry to defend the liberals that expressed their racism by mocking his blackness

Celebrities and Hollywood love to act like they're righteous liberals championing and defending the downtrodden but they're really fake.
Which turned out to not be true. I think he believed it when him and Rice spread that bit of manure but it certainly was not true.

Now, North Korea is threatening Sony over a new movie depicting the assignation attempt on their leader.

Now what if the NKs do something really stupid like overrun a embassy killing an ambassador. Is Obama going to go to the UN and blame Sony? Is the director of the movie going to be arrested?

Is the director of Sony violating his probation?
Which turned out to not be true. I think he believed it when him and Rice spread that bit of manure but it certainly was not true.

Now, North Korea is threatening Sony over a new movie depicting the assignation attempt on their leader.

Now what if the NKs do something really stupid like overrun a embassy killing an ambassador. Is Obama going to go to the UN and blame Sony? Is the director of the movie going to be arrested?
Obviously you're unaware of how ridiculous and pathetic this is.
Is the director of Sony violating his probation?

What difference does it make?

The guy was blamed for the Benghazi murders by supposedly inciting the animals with a video. Hillary told families of the terrorist's victims that she would get the filmmaker. She didn't promise to get the terrorists who are evil, only the guy who made a fucking movie. Unreal.

Him being on probation had nothing to do with the idiots murdering people for no reason. If he hadn't been on probation, would Obama and Hillary still have blamed the video? Hell, yes, they would have. I've never heard of someone on probation not being allowed to make films.
Is the director of Sony violating his probation?

What difference does it make?

The guy was blamed for the Benghazi murders by supposedly inciting the animals with a video. Hillary told families of the terrorist's victims that she would get the filmmaker. She didn't promise to get the terrorists who are evil, only the guy who made a fucking movie. Unreal.

Him being on probation had nothing to do with the idiots murdering people for no reason. If he hadn't been on probation, would Obama and Hillary still have blamed the video? Hell, yes, they would have. I've never heard of someone on probation not being allowed to make films.

It's funny how you're going after your made up boogeymen instead of the terrorists. And yet you're accusing others of going after made up boogeymen instead of the terrorists.

Newsflash: Bush didn't take down WTC 7, and Obama and Hillary did not order an attack on Benghazi.
Which turned out to not be true. I think he believed it when him and Rice spread that bit of manure but it certainly was not true.

Now, North Korea is threatening Sony over a new movie depicting the assignation attempt on their leader.

Now what if the NKs do something really stupid like overrun a embassy killing an ambassador. Is Obama going to go to the UN and blame Sony? Is the director of the movie going to be arrested?
Obviously you're unaware of how ridiculous and pathetic this is.

the west coast liberals are apparently making a movie that depicts at least the attempt to murder a living leader. Which is against American law, BTW. What would America be saying if the roles were reverses. So let's say NK comes true to their word and on Christmas hacks all US computers or shuts down the internet, who do you think Obama and Rice will blame?
July 2
A YouTube user, "Sam Bacile," uploads "Muhammad Movie Trailer," the 14-miunte clip that is all almost anyone has seen of the movie to date. Nobody pays attention.

Sept. 2
Bacile uploads an Arabic-lanugage version of the movie trailer to YouTube, then deletes it.

Sept. 4
Another Arabic-language version is uploaded by persons unknown.

Sept. 5
Morris Sedak, Washington, D.C.-based Coptic Christian and anti-Islam activist, starts promoting the movie trailer to journalists and via social media, timing his pitch to Florida pastor Terry Jones' "International Judge Muhammad Day" on Sept. 11.

Sept. 8
Egyptian television firebrand Sheik Khaled Abdalla airs part of the the Arabic version of the clip on local channel Al Nas, condemning it harshly. The trailer's YouTube view-count skyrockets.

Sept. 10
Pastor Jones, known for threatening to burn the Koran on previous Sept. 11 anniversaries, announces that he will show part of the movie at his "Judge Muhammad Day."

Sept 11
Protesters decrying the movie storm the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, scaling the wall and replacing the American flag with a black one inscribed with a Muslim slogan used by militant groups. In Benghazi, Libya, a protest outside the U.S. consulate turns deadly when heavily armed militants, possibly using the protest as cover for a premeditated attack, kill U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other U.S. diplomatic personnel. "Sam Bacile" talks to the AP and Wall Street Journal, claiming to be an Israeli-American real estate developer funded by Jewish donors.

Sept. 12
As protests spread to Tunisia and Morocco, Bacile's story starts to unravel. AP reporters and other journalists use his cell phone number and other clues to track him to the house of Coptic Christian activist Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, whose criminal history is littered with aliases very similar to "Bacile." Actors and crew from the movie say they were duped, and condemn the trailer, saying the film they made was a pre-Islam historical action flick, Desert Warrior, that was later poorly overdubbed with anti-Islam language.

The anti-Islam-film riots A timeline - The Week

Perhaps you think the cartoons they rioted over were high quality? So what they may have gotten it wrong in that there was no massive protest in Benghazi like there was in Cairo before the assault, the assault was the protest.
It's funny how you're going after your made up boogeymen instead of the terrorists. And yet you're accusing others of going after made up boogeymen instead of the terrorists.

Newsflash: Bush didn't take down WTC 7, and Obama and Hillary did not order an attack on Benghazi.

Show me where I said that. They deliberately lied after the fact about the cause of the attack and they spent more time talking about some disgusting film than about the even more disgusting people who murdered the ambassador and three others. That is the point I made and you refuse to address.

They talked on and on about the film being what started this. Hillary promised to bring the film maker to justice when she spoke to families, as if he had committed the murders. Hillary and Obama refused to talk about the radical Muslims because they didn't want people to see that Obama didn't have the situation under control. He had just claimed that the terrorists were on the run and not much of a problem. They wanted people to focus on a film maker as the real villain. They acted like being offended by an anti-Muslim video was just cause for murdering innocent people. We didn't even send investigators right away. The media was there before any government agency to check out the embassy.
Which turned out to not be true. I think he believed it when him and Rice spread that bit of manure but it certainly was not true.

Now, North Korea is threatening Sony over a new movie depicting the assignation attempt on their leader.

Now what if the NKs do something really stupid like overrun a embassy killing an ambassador. Is Obama going to go to the UN and blame Sony? Is the director of the movie going to be arrested?
Of course not as there is NO RE-ELECTION 6 weeks away which was the case on 9/11/2012!
That was the ONLY reason they ran the video blame game because remember this bumper sticker?

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