OK police haters why do some blacks act this way?

Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..typical---the whole situation could've been resolved by the jackass SIMPLY showing ID/giving his name
..but NO--they say shit like:
WTF do you want?
FU piggy
I don't have to show you shit
just like the dumb black bitch in the USMB thread that got pulled over

Why is it that the cops don't have to abide by the laws?

The cops do this for a living, we are all tired of blacks not being decent human beings and just cooperate
..I've got a great idea--the blacks should be smart/civil/polite/not resist!!
..but that's beyond their nature

It took awhile but your true nature is starting to come out.
You want to make this about skin color. It's about being a decent human being and respecting peace and laws.

Why didn't the police officers respect the law?

After being forcefully arrested, a Black jogger in San Antonio says he was 'guilty before proven innocent'
A case of mistaken identity---it happens to white people too. The correct response---Is I am not the guy you are looking for but I will sit in the police car till you verify the story. The correct response is not to punch cops-----

When that happens we can discuss it.
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..typical---the whole situation could've been resolved by the jackass SIMPLY showing ID/giving his name
..but NO--they say shit like:
WTF do you want?
FU piggy
I don't have to show you shit
just like the dumb black bitch in the USMB thread that got pulled over

Why is it that the cops don't have to abide by the laws?

The cops do this for a living, we are all tired of blacks not being decent human beings and just cooperate
..I've got a great idea--the blacks should be smart/civil/polite/not resist!!
..but that's beyond their nature

It took awhile but your true nature is starting to come out.
You want to make this about skin color. It's about being a decent human being and respecting peace and laws.

Why didn't the police officers respect the law?

After being forcefully arrested, a Black jogger in San Antonio says he was 'guilty before proven innocent'
You dont have to be deemed guilty to be arrested

I never said you did. You do have to have a valid reason though.
You made a post including a link that supported your contention that the cop was breaking the law because the detained person assessed he was being treated as guilty rather than innocent
Your claim that you never said that is not a bald face lie but it’s darn close
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..typical---the whole situation could've been resolved by the jackass SIMPLY showing ID/giving his name
..but NO--they say shit like:
WTF do you want?
FU piggy
I don't have to show you shit
just like the dumb black bitch in the USMB thread that got pulled over

Why is it that the cops don't have to abide by the laws?

The cops do this for a living, we are all tired of blacks not being decent human beings and just cooperate
..I've got a great idea--the blacks should be smart/civil/polite/not resist!!
..but that's beyond their nature

It took awhile but your true nature is starting to come out.
You want to make this about skin color. It's about being a decent human being and respecting peace and laws.

Why didn't the police officers respect the law?

After being forcefully arrested, a Black jogger in San Antonio says he was 'guilty before proven innocent'
You dont have to be deemed guilty to be arrested

I never said you did. You do have to have a valid reason though.
You made a post including a link that supported your contention that the cop was breaking the law because the detained person assessed he was being treated as guilty rather than innocent
Your claim that you never said that is not a bald face lie but it’s darn close

I believe I said the cop was violating his rights. But with you putting it this way, that is illegal. The check he gets will enforce that.
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..typical---the whole situation could've been resolved by the jackass SIMPLY showing ID/giving his name
..but NO--they say shit like:
WTF do you want?
FU piggy
I don't have to show you shit
just like the dumb black bitch in the USMB thread that got pulled over

Why is it that the cops don't have to abide by the laws?

The cops do this for a living, we are all tired of blacks not being decent human beings and just cooperate
..I've got a great idea--the blacks should be smart/civil/polite/not resist!!
..but that's beyond their nature

It took awhile but your true nature is starting to come out.
You want to make this about skin color. It's about being a decent human being and respecting peace and laws.

Why didn't the police officers respect the law?

After being forcefully arrested, a Black jogger in San Antonio says he was 'guilty before proven innocent'
I will repost your post and let the group decide if “you never said that” the cop was breaking the law because the offender felt he was been treated as a guilty party.
My response was you don’t have to be guilty and you said you did not say so.
I wonder why black folks seem to have issues with law enforcement?
- When throughout your formative years, you listen to rap music and all the "F the POlice coming up from the underground, a young brutha got it bad cuz he's brown". "Without a badge and a gun, would do u got?"

- When you grow up without a father to show you how to be a real man.
- When you grow up poor and bitter towards the great evil of Whitey.
- When you have prior arrest records and you know this next stop will put you back in the pen.

Any or all of the above.
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..typical---the whole situation could've been resolved by the jackass SIMPLY showing ID/giving his name
..but NO--they say shit like:
WTF do you want?
FU piggy
I don't have to show you shit
just like the dumb black bitch in the USMB thread that got pulled over

Why is it that the cops don't have to abide by the laws?

The cops do this for a living, we are all tired of blacks not being decent human beings and just cooperate
..I've got a great idea--the blacks should be smart/civil/polite/not resist!!
..but that's beyond their nature

It took awhile but your true nature is starting to come out.
You want to make this about skin color. It's about being a decent human being and respecting peace and laws.

Why didn't the police officers respect the law?

After being forcefully arrested, a Black jogger in San Antonio says he was 'guilty before proven innocent'
I will repost your post and let the group decide if “you never said that” the cop was breaking the law because the offender felt he was been treated as a guilty party.
My response was you don’t have to be guilty and you said you did not say so.

I did say you do not have to be found guilty to be arrested. That's not the cops job. Now make sure to quote the rest.
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..typical---the whole situation could've been resolved by the jackass SIMPLY showing ID/giving his name
..but NO--they say shit like:
WTF do you want?
FU piggy
I don't have to show you shit
just like the dumb black bitch in the USMB thread that got pulled over

Why is it that the cops don't have to abide by the laws?

The cops do this for a living, we are all tired of blacks not being decent human beings and just cooperate
..I've got a great idea--the blacks should be smart/civil/polite/not resist!!
..but that's beyond their nature

It took awhile but your true nature is starting to come out.
You want to make this about skin color. It's about being a decent human being and respecting peace and laws.

Why didn't the police officers respect the law?

After being forcefully arrested, a Black jogger in San Antonio says he was 'guilty before proven innocent'
.....I've got an idea--how about not be a jackass and comply?????!!!!
hey--looks like he was ok in the cuffs---then he resisted getting into the vehicle???!!WTF is with that?
...why can't they be normal humans???

We've covered this many times. Wish it all you want.
.....who said anyone was wishing?? blacks will continue to be justifiably killed unless they get rid of police..it didn't end with Brown/Garner/Floyd/etc
..so you have answered the question??!! which thread and post please

The police will unjustifiably kill people. They will be held accountable though unlike so many times in the past.
Every black killed this year was justify able .

And sure alot of post by you justifying criminal and rude, obnoxious behavior by people.Didnt anyone teach you about common decency and morals?
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..typical---the whole situation could've been resolved by the jackass SIMPLY showing ID/giving his name
..but NO--they say shit like:
WTF do you want?
FU piggy
I don't have to show you shit
just like the dumb black bitch in the USMB thread that got pulled over

Why is it that the cops don't have to abide by the laws?

The cops do this for a living, we are all tired of blacks not being decent human beings and just cooperate
..I've got a great idea--the blacks should be smart/civil/polite/not resist!!
..but that's beyond their nature

It took awhile but your true nature is starting to come out.
You want to make this about skin color. It's about being a decent human being and respecting peace and laws.

Why didn't the police officers respect the law?

After being forcefully arrested, a Black jogger in San Antonio says he was 'guilty before proven innocent'
.....I've got an idea--how about not be a jackass and comply?????!!!!
hey--looks like he was ok in the cuffs---then he resisted getting into the vehicle???!!WTF is with that?
...why can't they be normal humans???

We've covered this many times. Wish it all you want.
.....who said anyone was wishing?? blacks will continue to be justifiably killed unless they get rid of police..it didn't end with Brown/Garner/Floyd/etc
..so you have answered the question??!! which thread and post please

The police will unjustifiably kill people. They will be held accountable though unlike so many times in the past.
Every black killed this year was justify able .

And sure alot of post by you justifying criminal and rude, obnoxious behavior by people.Didnt anyone teach you about common decency and morals?

Is that why Det. Brett Hankison was fired?
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..typical---the whole situation could've been resolved by the jackass SIMPLY showing ID/giving his name
..but NO--they say shit like:
WTF do you want?
FU piggy
I don't have to show you shit
just like the dumb black bitch in the USMB thread that got pulled over

Why is it that the cops don't have to abide by the laws?

The cops do this for a living, we are all tired of blacks not being decent human beings and just cooperate
..I've got a great idea--the blacks should be smart/civil/polite/not resist!!
..but that's beyond their nature

It took awhile but your true nature is starting to come out.
You want to make this about skin color. It's about being a decent human being and respecting peace and laws.

Why didn't the police officers respect the law?

After being forcefully arrested, a Black jogger in San Antonio says he was 'guilty before proven innocent'
.....I've got an idea--how about not be a jackass and comply?????!!!!
hey--looks like he was ok in the cuffs---then he resisted getting into the vehicle???!!WTF is with that?
...why can't they be normal humans???

We've covered this many times. Wish it all you want.
.....who said anyone was wishing?? blacks will continue to be justifiably killed unless they get rid of police..it didn't end with Brown/Garner/Floyd/etc
..so you have answered the question??!! which thread and post please

The police will unjustifiably kill people. They will be held accountable though unlike so many times in the past.
Every black killed this year was justify able .

And sure alot of post by you justifying criminal and rude, obnoxious behavior by people.Didnt anyone teach you about common decency and morals?

Is that why Det. Brett Hankison was fired?
Political correctness pressure can be a bitch. The person that fired him was probably a weak and easily pushed around chump. I mean, just look at the presidential candidate Biden's pandering visit to a thug criminal Jacob Blake. Think Biden really wanted to be there? Fuck no. He will do what he's told or be destroyed. Poor old fool doesn't realize they will destroy him one way or the other anyway. A thug mob of useful idiots with China and Soros backing them up is not without real power.
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..typical---the whole situation could've been resolved by the jackass SIMPLY showing ID/giving his name
..but NO--they say shit like:
WTF do you want?
FU piggy
I don't have to show you shit
just like the dumb black bitch in the USMB thread that got pulled over

Why is it that the cops don't have to abide by the laws?

The cops do this for a living, we are all tired of blacks not being decent human beings and just cooperate
..I've got a great idea--the blacks should be smart/civil/polite/not resist!!
..but that's beyond their nature

It took awhile but your true nature is starting to come out.
You want to make this about skin color. It's about being a decent human being and respecting peace and laws.

Why didn't the police officers respect the law?

After being forcefully arrested, a Black jogger in San Antonio says he was 'guilty before proven innocent'
.....I've got an idea--how about not be a jackass and comply?????!!!!
hey--looks like he was ok in the cuffs---then he resisted getting into the vehicle???!!WTF is with that?
...why can't they be normal humans???

We've covered this many times. Wish it all you want.
.....who said anyone was wishing?? blacks will continue to be justifiably killed unless they get rid of police..it didn't end with Brown/Garner/Floyd/etc
..so you have answered the question??!! which thread and post please

The police will unjustifiably kill people. They will be held accountable though unlike so many times in the past.
Every black killed this year was justify able .

And sure alot of post by you justifying criminal and rude, obnoxious behavior by people.Didnt anyone teach you about common decency and morals?

Is that why Det. Brett Hankison was fired?
Political correctness pressure can be a bitch. The person that fired him was probably a weak and easily pushed around chump. I mean, just look at the presidential candidate Biden's pandering visit to a thug criminal Jacob Blake. Think Biden really wanted to be there? Fuck no. He will do what he's told or be destroyed. Poor old fool doesn't realize they will destroy him one way or the other anyway. A thug mob of useful idiots with China and Soros backing them up is not without real power.

Lying that got a person killed had nothing to do with it?

Trump said that the Blake shooting was unjustified.
I don't doubt there are some racist cops out there but the main problem I see is cops being too prone to bullying.
And that comes from too little accountability.

I don't doubt you'll make any excuse possible to justify the different way cops treat suspects based soley on race. The white guy in the truck said, "I will fucking kill you" to a sworn officer of the law. Nothing happened to him. As far as I know, he's still free as a bird.
Did I just hear this chit right---in the white case, he got pulled over NOT WEARING a seatbelt which he denies, and you think the cop should have shot him? Are you stupid?

When he tells a cop, "I will fucking kill you" and potentially has access to a gun or knife....conservative logic is that the perp should be laced with bullets....if he is black...and only if he is black.
I don't doubt there are some racist cops out there but the main problem I see is cops being too prone to bullying.
And that comes from too little accountability.

I don't doubt you'll make any excuse possible to justify the different way cops treat suspects based soley on race. The white guy in the truck said, "I will fucking kill you" to a sworn officer of the law. Nothing happened to him. As far as I know, he's still free as a bird.

Sounds like you're accusing the patient cop of being racist because he didn't kill the white guy. Is that what you guys mean by equality? More unwarranted white men getting gunned down by police?

Sounds like you're in favor of cops going wild-west on any black suspect but appreciate the kindness and loving attitude they take toward white suspect who tell them, "I will fucking kill you." Is that what you mean by equality--for whites only?
Yes-------cops should shoot violent criminals refusing to be arrested................a guy arguing with him over whether he was wearing a seat belt or not is a different story.

Hmmm strange. The blob was talking about having to make a split second decision about whether to shoot or not; he said "I will fucking kill you" then had access to God knows what in his vehicle.

Conservative ROE says he should have been pumped full of lead.
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..typical---the whole situation could've been resolved by the jackass SIMPLY showing ID/giving his name
..but NO--they say shit like:
WTF do you want?
FU piggy
I don't have to show you shit
just like the dumb black bitch in the USMB thread that got pulled over

Why is it that the cops don't have to abide by the laws?

The cops do this for a living, we are all tired of blacks not being decent human beings and just cooperate
..I've got a great idea--the blacks should be smart/civil/polite/not resist!!
..but that's beyond their nature

It took awhile but your true nature is starting to come out.
You want to make this about skin color. It's about being a decent human being and respecting peace and laws.

Why didn't the police officers respect the law?

After being forcefully arrested, a Black jogger in San Antonio says he was 'guilty before proven innocent'
.....I've got an idea--how about not be a jackass and comply?????!!!!
hey--looks like he was ok in the cuffs---then he resisted getting into the vehicle???!!WTF is with that?
...why can't they be normal humans???

We've covered this many times. Wish it all you want.
.....who said anyone was wishing?? blacks will continue to be justifiably killed unless they get rid of police..it didn't end with Brown/Garner/Floyd/etc
..so you have answered the question??!! which thread and post please

The police will unjustifiably kill people. They will be held accountable though unlike so many times in the past.
Every black killed this year was justify able .

And sure alot of post by you justifying criminal and rude, obnoxious behavior by people.Didnt anyone teach you about common decency and morals?

Is that why Det. Brett Hankison was fired?
Political correctness pressure can be a bitch. The person that fired him was probably a weak and easily pushed around chump. I mean, just look at the presidential candidate Biden's pandering visit to a thug criminal Jacob Blake. Think Biden really wanted to be there? Fuck no. He will do what he's told or be destroyed. Poor old fool doesn't realize they will destroy him one way or the other anyway. A thug mob of useful idiots with China and Soros backing them up is not without real power.

Lying that got a person killed had nothing to do with it?

Trump said that the Blake shooting was unjustified.
Mr Trump is not on the jury
.....AND, now, even if these cops are '''''found guilty'''', you can never prove they really are guilty because none of these trials will be fair--they can't get a fair trial now because of BLM/blacks/people like you
I don't doubt there are some racist cops out there but the main problem I see is cops being too prone to bullying.
And that comes from too little accountability.

I don't doubt you'll make any excuse possible to justify the different way cops treat suspects based soley on race. The white guy in the truck said, "I will fucking kill you" to a sworn officer of the law. Nothing happened to him. As far as I know, he's still free as a bird.

Sounds like you're accusing the patient cop of being racist because he didn't kill the white guy. Is that what you guys mean by equality? More unwarranted white men getting gunned down by police?

Sounds like you're in favor of cops going wild-west on any black suspect but appreciate the kindness and loving attitude they take toward white suspect who tell them, "I will fucking kill you." Is that what you mean by equality--for whites only?
Yes-------cops should shoot violent criminals refusing to be arrested................a guy arguing with him over whether he was wearing a seat belt or not is a different story.

Hmmm strange. The blob was talking about having to make a split second decision about whether to shoot or not; he said "I will fucking kill you" then had access to God knows what in his vehicle.

Conservative ROE says he should have been pumped full of lead.
blart you pathetic little liar you're not convincing anyone but your weak ass mind
I don't doubt there are some racist cops out there but the main problem I see is cops being too prone to bullying.
And that comes from too little accountability.

I don't doubt you'll make any excuse possible to justify the different way cops treat suspects based soley on race. The white guy in the truck said, "I will fucking kill you" to a sworn officer of the law. Nothing happened to him. As far as I know, he's still free as a bird.

Sounds like you're accusing the patient cop of being racist because he didn't kill the white guy. Is that what you guys mean by equality? More unwarranted white men getting gunned down by police?

Sounds like you're in favor of cops going wild-west on any black suspect but appreciate the kindness and loving attitude they take toward white suspect who tell them, "I will fucking kill you." Is that what you mean by equality--for whites only?
Yes-------cops should shoot violent criminals refusing to be arrested................a guy arguing with him over whether he was wearing a seat belt or not is a different story.

Hmmm strange. The blob was talking about having to make a split second decision about whether to shoot or not; he said "I will fucking kill you" then had access to God knows what in his vehicle.

Conservative ROE says he should have been pumped full of lead.
blart you pathetic little liar you're not convincing anyone but your weak ass mind

Conservative ROE only takes place if the suspect is black.

White guy says "I will fucking kill you" and he's not shot reaching into his car.
Black guy reaches into his car...7 rounds to the back.

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