OK police haters why do some blacks act this way?

Try being a black man in this country.
Black people living in America are the luckiest black people on earth

But many blacks make poor personal decisions and squander their good fortune

Nowhere else on Earth you can have 1.3 GPA and get accepted in four Ivy League schools, and when you fail to graduate, you blame your shortcoming on racism.
Try being a black man in this country.
Black people living in America are the luckiest black people on earth

But many blacks make poor personal decisions and squander their good fortune

Nowhere else on Earth you can have 1.3 GPA and get accepted in four Ivy League schools, and when you fail to graduate, you blame your shortcoming on racism.

Not everyone can afford to get someone else take your S.A.T's for you.
Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.

Why, is that something bad?

To many police officers it seems to be.

Can you explain, why is that?

No, I really can't. I simply can't fathom a police officer seeing someone with a "wide spread nose" and feeling a compulsion to pull him over.

You would need to prove that having "wide spread nose" is a reason someone is pulled over for.
Nice police work

It's not exclusive to any skin color, but blacks have more of these total idiots and for some reason they defend them.

That's the lie that is told.

Not it not exclusive to skin color
Personal fact young blacks are idiots when it comes to dealing with the police
and leftist for the most party will defend them
So which part is the lie that is told?

Or is it that the police are idiots when they deal with black men. You have to give respect to get respect.

This here is a retarded philosophy when talking civilians and cops. No wonder blacks are making things worse for themselves if this is their general attitude. Something went horribly wrong in the education of young black people. Still say the rap music played a huge part in this. When a cop stops you and gives you a reasonable directive, you had better fucking do it. Being black doesn't give you special rights to resist or defy FFS.

So why were black folks being harassed, beaten and murdered before rap hit the scene? So according to your dumb ass analogy black folks have been disrespecting cops since the first black folks stepped off the ship in chains.

Good question... Considering the past, Democrats would be the best one who could answer it.
Nice police work

Because they are genetically inferior and need to be treated more harshly by law enforcement....perhaps we can get Trump to push for a separate set of laws for blacks because of how dangerous they are.....we can call it Jack Owl laws, Peter Pigeon......nah, those don't quite roll of the tongue.....Jim Crow it is!

We can have Diamond & Silk do campaign ads for it -- that way it won't look racist

no blacks are not "genetically inferior" but democrats do believe that since they act as if blacks are incapibul of living without the assistance of democrat policies

Put it this way...

Democrats have been in control of black communities for more than half a century. The problem is either Democrats, or black community. Pick one.
Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.
How about being a black: Aerospace Engineer, Astronaut, Astrophysicist, Physician, Software Engineer, Biotechnologist, Immunologist, Chemist, Mechanical Engineer, Nurse, Police Officer, Federal Law Enforcement (FBI, NSA, CIA, DIS), Fireman, Laboratory Technologist, Lawyer, Business Leader, politician and oh yes, president. Blacks occupy and have occupied all of these fields. There is no "glass ceiling" for blacks, as one having been a president, twice, shows. As blacks amount to only 14.8% of the total U.S., population, concentrated primarily in the large inner-cities and taking away the number of children in that figure, black have a single digit population, overall. And, if whites were so rampantly racist, we suck at it, for you wouldn't have blacks in not only the fields I mentioned, but many of the other fields as well.
So, while there are no doubt some knuckle-dragging racist whites out there, they control little to nothing and it was whites who not only voted for Obama in substantial numbers, but did so, twice. The primary reason inner-city blacks are crying....victim and racism, is because the so-called Democrat Party leaders keep feeding them the same B.S., every election period.
If blacks in the inner-city want improvement, they need to do the following:
1. Demand and obtain better quality schools (no more "dumbing down" of material). It's the bigotry of low-expectations.
2. Force kids to focus on learning in the improved schools.
3. Not every kid is good at learning via the same method as another child. Teaching those quality materials must be tailored to the best way a student learns.
4. Find a way to reward success as they learn.
5. Negative influence children/teens must also be tutored by those students that really want to succeed.
6. Steer teens away from gangs. Period.
7. Try to get their fathers investing time in their lives, unless said fathers would be a negative influence on them.
How about trying to be a black in the negative inner-city culture:
1. You think that succeeding in school is "trying to be white." It isn't. It's trying to succeed in life. Whether you are in Kenya, South Korea, Denmark, or Dubai, to succeed means you become proficient in the language of that nation, study and work hard towards your goal.
2. You think that success is being profitable at selling illegal-drugs, because you can a great deal of money, quickly. Then, you bitch when are arrested and thrown behind bars. It shows laziness; the laziness of not wanting to actually study and go for a career that doesn't involve the risk of getting arrested, again and again.
3. Your role models are drug dealers, gang leaders and gangsta rappers who disrespect the women, calling them bitches. Why? Because you have no decent father figure in your home and your mother is either working two jobs to keep you fed, or a negative role model herself.
4. You project blame onto law enforcement for interfering in your criminal activities, when you should be looking in the mirror to see who is to really blame.
5. You keep electing the same Democrat politicians who continue giving you scraps to get your vote, while you stagnate in the inner-cities.
Nice police work

It's not exclusive to any skin color, but blacks have more of these total idiots and for some reason they defend them.

That's the lie that is told.

Not it not exclusive to skin color
Personal fact young blacks are idiots when it comes to dealing with the police
and leftist for the most party will defend them
So which part is the lie that is told?

Or is it that the police are idiots when they deal with black men. You have to give respect to get respect.

This here is a retarded philosophy when talking civilians and cops. No wonder blacks are making things worse for themselves if this is their general attitude. Something went horribly wrong in the education of young black people. Still say the rap music played a huge part in this. When a cop stops you and gives you a reasonable directive, you had better fucking do it. Being black doesn't give you special rights to resist or defy FFS.

So why were black folks being harassed, beaten and murdered before rap hit the scene? So according to your dumb ass analogy black folks have been disrespecting cops since the first black folks stepped off the ship in chains.

Good question... Considering the past, Democrats would be the best one who could answer it.

So could republicans, because those in the South were just as racist as the Democrat brothers.
Try being a black man in this country.
Black people living in America are the luckiest black people on earth

But many blacks make poor personal decisions and squander their good fortune

Nowhere else on Earth you can have 1.3 GPA and get accepted in four Ivy League schools, and when you fail to graduate, you blame your shortcoming on racism.

Not everyone can afford to get someone else take your S.A.T's for you.

You're saying that because that is the first thing that cross your mind when you had to take yours. Does that mean, you'd do it if you had money? You probably will, and you would come to me, to do it for you. But that's not a problem here... you assume you're poor, and can't do your own SAT because of racism, not because you're stupid, or lazy.

You see, I couldn't wait to take my SAT, and to graduate, and to get my masters. Unfortunately, the line of work I am in, has very little use of most of things I learned in school, so yeah, I admit, it was bit of waste of time, and money, but I don't regret any of it, because I had nice and successful career. But me doing it on my own merit is not a problem here, the problem is your assumption that my success and wealth is handed out to me on silver platter while you're deprived of yours.
Philandro Casitillo was stopped for having a wide spread nose. Look at the stats for Stop and Frisk.

You're looking for justice for someone whose name you can't spell right.

Castile, not Castillo.

He was not stopped, nor shot having "wide spread nose". Check why he was stopped.

You're trying to prove "white racism" and yet, the officer who shot him was Latino.

Another "jogger"

From your link: "Ometu was seen walking out of an apartment complex as officers arrived in response to a call about a domestic violence assault, according to a police report."

Also, from your link: "The police report said Ometu refused to give his name and date of birth after several requests and his "demeanor became aggressive."

A jogger you say. :auiqs.jpg:
Philandro Casitillo was stopped for having a wide spread nose. Look at the stats for Stop and Frisk.

You're looking for justice for someone whose name you can't spell right.

Castile, not Castillo.

He was not stopped, nor shot having "wide spread nose". Check why he was stopped.

You're trying to prove "white racism" and yet, the officer who shot him was Latino.

My argument is and has always been a corrupt system. It does affect minorities more than anyone but it affects everyone.

Dispatch Call Reveals Cop Pulled Philando Castile Over For ‘Wide Set Nose’

Another "jogger"

From your link: "Ometu was seen walking out of an apartment complex as officers arrived in response to a call about a domestic violence assault, according to a police report."

Also, from your link: "The police report said Ometu refused to give his name and date of birth after several requests and his "demeanor became aggressive."

A jogger you say. :auiqs.jpg:

He was under NO obligation to give his name. When cops are told no and no is a legal answer they need to learn to accept that.
Philandro Casitillo was stopped for having a wide spread nose. Look at the stats for Stop and Frisk.

You're looking for justice for someone whose name you can't spell right.

Castile, not Castillo.

He was not stopped, nor shot having "wide spread nose". Check why he was stopped.

You're trying to prove "white racism" and yet, the officer who shot him was Latino.

My argument is and has always been a corrupt system. It does affect minorities more than anyone but it affects everyone.

Dispatch Call Reveals Cop Pulled Philando Castile Over For ‘Wide Set Nose’

You are right, it has been corrupt system, I'll give you that.

What I don't agree with you is that is based on systemic racism, as you're desperately trying, and failing, to prove.

I also don't agree on way to fight the corruption. Re-electing the same people who you claim are corrupt back into office, just validate everything they're doing. Rioting and looting won't fix the corruption, it will just validate the perception you already created about yourself, and will fix nothing. Lashing out on cops, calling them pigs for doing their jobs, and fighting them, will not stop them from arresting you, but it will add few more charges to the arrest report.

You wanna fight the corruption, vote the assholes out, and start fresh.

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