OK police haters why do some blacks act this way?

Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.
Why don't you try being a minority in some other country?

Bet you'll be back here before long.

Because America and other countries treat minorities badly is suppose to say what?
It's supposed to say that it could be a damn sight worse.
At least we try to make things better.

Some of us, anyway.

Not nearly enough.
Name another country that fought a war to free people that most folks didn't even consider human at the time.

I'll wait.

When you have to go back 150 years to find something..............
I don't have to go back that far, it's just a good example.

50 or 60 years ago it would have been illegal for me to marry my wife in most of this country.

But that got better and so will the rest if people would quit fucking it up.

Look at a large number of arguments here and elsewhere. We have a president that called those who tried to air their complaints SOB's.
You think every member of my wife's family liked having a peckerwood at the table?

That shit goes both ways.

It takes time to rub all the sharp edges off.

So people should just accept getting killed until we do that?
Well quit doing shit that makes people feel like they need to kill you before you kill them.

Cops are predators, they hunt people.

That's going to end.
So you want to defund the police until you need them?

This gets so old. This has been covered many times. We aren't getting rid of the police.

What if one of your family members had been raped, wouldn't you want a cop hunting the guilty down?

As opposed to chasing someone down and killing them over a bicycle violation? Yes.
..you are trying to hand-cuff the police --VERY stupid--so criminals will commit MORE crime

They are doing it to themselves. Even Trump admitted that there is no reason to shoot man 7 times in the back at point blank range.
It was handled poorly, but bottom line is that dude brought what happened onto himself by not following basic instructions. That is indisputable.

You want to talk about better police training, and better education for civilians in listening to police instruction? That is the way to handle these things. Absolving criminal blame because of how cops handle a situation brought about by a criminal?


As of yet we have seen no reason why the man had to listen to anything. Will a reason come out that he did? Maybe but as of right now we know of no reason he had to.


After being forcefully arrested, a Black jogger in San Antonio says he was 'guilty before proven innocent'

Unless the police can state a valid reason for holding you, you don't have to do squat. They don't get to shoot you in the back for walking away.
...YES you DO have to do what the police tell you

Facts don't seem to phase you.

After being forcefully arrested, a Black jogger in San Antonio says he was 'guilty before proven innocent'
doesn't matter if he was innocent ...he should comply

Should is an opinion. No, people should not have to have to cede their civil rights ever. You think they should but I disagree. It's entirely up to the person in question but it's rarely a good idea to do that.

stop the idiocy NOW
..the LAST thing you should do, the dumbest thing you should do, the most DANGEROUS thing you should do is resist....and not only do they resist--they FIGHT with the cops!!!!

....please research and read, instead of babbling--thinking with emotions--like black criminals do...this is his FIRST mistake-thinking with his emotions
"Being a conscious, Black male, this raised an immediate flag," he said.
'''When officers moved to transport Ometu in a vehicle, he resisted.'''

He resisted because they had no legal reason to put him in the vehicle. He will likely now get a large settlement check. Why is it that you support this? It costs the taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars every year.

SO, the cops are looking for a black male....they stop this guy and he IMMEDIATELY becomes
uncooperative !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
'''''Probable cause is the key issue in the arrest process. The police need probable cause to make an arrest or obtain an arrest warrant from a judge.''''

''''Do not resist arrest, even if you believe the arrest is unfair.
Once you have been stopped, you no longer have the right to walk away''''

We have discussed this over and over. Can't you see that you are losing this argument? Our civil rights are far more important than the cops arresting an innocent man. They are even more important than the cops arresting a guilty one.
probable cause--yes they did have a reason--and he resisted!!

the police acted within their LEGAL authority

''''''They acted "within their legal authority, and in a professional manner during the interaction with Mr. Ometu," McManus wrote.
"Unfortunately, the situation could have been resolved within minutes with any degree of information sharing with the police officers that would have helped them determine Mr. Ometu was not the suspect they were looking for in a domestic violence call."

just like Floyd--stupid
..you can't blame the police for your own stupidity:

He didn't fit the description. Blacks are tired of getting stopped simply because the cops are looking for a black man. They were looking for someone with a little scruff on his chin. This man had a full beard.

The police simply need to follow the law. They law stated that this man didn't have to do squat.
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..typical---the whole situation could've been resolved by the jackass SIMPLY showing ID/giving his name
..but NO--they say shit like:
WTF do you want?
FU piggy
I don't have to show you shit
just like the dumb black bitch in the USMB thread that got pulled over

Why is it that the cops don't have to abide by the laws?
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..so we don't want neighbors looking out for one another???????!!!!!!!

When one is doing nothing illegal? No.
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
Fine. Be glib and obtuse about it. You do this because you know that what I'm saying is painfully accurate, and you for whatever the reason don't want to face the truth of it.

I've discussed this topic endlessly. There is also nothing glib about what I said. It's the simple facts of the situation. Has he been charged with anything concerning this situation?
'''''The primary officer whose body cam video you can see and hear, makes an earnest attempt to figure out if Ometu is the man they are looking for. He even asks the officer standing by with the victim to bring her to the scene, but she says she can't because she has young children''''.

just like I thought---never the WHOLE story--the cops DID do it right---as they usually do
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..so we don't want neighbors looking out for one another???????!!!!!!!

When one is doing nothing illegal? No.
''''because he kicked two officers while in the squad car.''''
sounds like the cops had every reason to believe he was the suspect
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..typical---the whole situation could've been resolved by the jackass SIMPLY showing ID/giving his name
..but NO--they say shit like:
WTF do you want?
FU piggy
I don't have to show you shit
just like the dumb black bitch in the USMB thread that got pulled over

Why is it that the cops don't have to abide by the laws?
jesus christ---read my thread--this is not the movies or TV where the police have a script and KNOW who the criminal is!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO --pknopp thinks the police KNOW who commits and committed all crimes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
....it's so EASY!!!!!
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
Fine. Be glib and obtuse about it. You do this because you know that what I'm saying is painfully accurate, and you for whatever the reason don't want to face the truth of it.

I've discussed this topic endlessly. There is also nothing glib about what I said. It's the simple facts of the situation. Has he been charged with anything concerning this situation?
'''''The primary officer whose body cam video you can see and hear, makes an earnest attempt to figure out if Ometu is the man they are looking for. He even asks the officer standing by with the victim to bring her to the scene, but she says she can't because she has young children''''.

just like I thought---never the WHOLE story--the cops DID do it right---as they usually do

Then they need to let him go. Of course the police chief will defend this. Even after the city is forced to write the man a check.
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..so we don't want neighbors looking out for one another???????!!!!!!!

When one is doing nothing illegal? No.
''''because he kicked two officers while in the squad car.''''
sounds like the cops had every reason to believe he was the suspect

A person is allowed to defend themselves........
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
Fine. Be glib and obtuse about it. You do this because you know that what I'm saying is painfully accurate, and you for whatever the reason don't want to face the truth of it.

I've discussed this topic endlessly. There is also nothing glib about what I said. It's the simple facts of the situation. Has he been charged with anything concerning this situation?
'''''The primary officer whose body cam video you can see and hear, makes an earnest attempt to figure out if Ometu is the man they are looking for. He even asks the officer standing by with the victim to bring her to the scene, but she says she can't because she has young children''''.

just like I thought---never the WHOLE story--the cops DID do it right---as they usually do

Then they need to let him go. Of course the police chief will defend this. Even after the city is forced to write the man a check.
..the police did nothing wrong....they get a check because of dumbass blacks
here, the police were proven to do nothing wrong, but $$$ given because of racist, cop hater Mosby
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..so we don't want neighbors looking out for one another???????!!!!!!!

When one is doing nothing illegal? No.
''''because he kicked two officers while in the squad car.''''
sounds like the cops had every reason to believe he was the suspect

A person is allowed to defend themselves........
.....that proves your point is pointless--AFTER I just gave you the links and proof that resisting is a crime
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
Fine. Be glib and obtuse about it. You do this because you know that what I'm saying is painfully accurate, and you for whatever the reason don't want to face the truth of it.

I've discussed this topic endlessly. There is also nothing glib about what I said. It's the simple facts of the situation. Has he been charged with anything concerning this situation?
'''''The primary officer whose body cam video you can see and hear, makes an earnest attempt to figure out if Ometu is the man they are looking for. He even asks the officer standing by with the victim to bring her to the scene, but she says she can't because she has young children''''.

just like I thought---never the WHOLE story--the cops DID do it right---as they usually do

Then they need to let him go. Of course the police chief will defend this. Even after the city is forced to write the man a check.
..the police did nothing wrong....they get a check because of dumbass blacks
here, the police were proven to do nothing wrong, but $$$ given because of racist, cop hater Mosby

Freddie Grey was doing nothing illegal when the police killed him.
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..so we don't want neighbors looking out for one another???????!!!!!!!

When one is doing nothing illegal? No.
''''because he kicked two officers while in the squad car.''''
sounds like the cops had every reason to believe he was the suspect

A person is allowed to defend themselves........
.....that proves your point is pointless--AFTER I just gave you the links and proof that resisting is a crime

It can be a crime. Yes the cops charge people with it all the time when they are left with no other excuse but people are legally allowed to resist an unlawful arrest. In part it's why the 2nd Amendment was created.

Did Bundy resist arrest? Was he not found innocent?
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..typical---the whole situation could've been resolved by the jackass SIMPLY showing ID/giving his name
..but NO--they say shit like:
WTF do you want?
FU piggy
I don't have to show you shit
just like the dumb black bitch in the USMB thread that got pulled over

Why is it that the cops don't have to abide by the laws?

The cops do this for a living, we are all tired of blacks not being decent human beings and just cooperate
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..so we don't want neighbors looking out for one another???????!!!!!!!

When one is doing nothing illegal? No.
''''because he kicked two officers while in the squad car.''''
sounds like the cops had every reason to believe he was the suspect

A person is allowed to defend themselves........
.....that proves your point is pointless--AFTER I just gave you the links and proof that resisting is a crime

It can be a crime. Yes the cops charge people with it all the time when they are left with no other excuse but people are legally allowed to resist an unlawful arrest. In part it's why the 2nd Amendment was created.
So you encourage people to be drama queens
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..typical---the whole situation could've been resolved by the jackass SIMPLY showing ID/giving his name
..but NO--they say shit like:
WTF do you want?
FU piggy
I don't have to show you shit
just like the dumb black bitch in the USMB thread that got pulled over

Why is it that the cops don't have to abide by the laws?

The cops do this for a living, we are all tired of blacks not being decent human beings and just cooperate

When you do something for a living you would expect them to know the laws.
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..typical---the whole situation could've been resolved by the jackass SIMPLY showing ID/giving his name
..but NO--they say shit like:
WTF do you want?
FU piggy
I don't have to show you shit
just like the dumb black bitch in the USMB thread that got pulled over

Why is it that the cops don't have to abide by the laws?

The cops do this for a living, we are all tired of blacks not being decent human beings and just cooperate

When you do something for a living you would expect them to know the laws.
plain and simple:
no proof of police brutality
no proof of race involved

...the idiot makes the problem by bringing up race--like most of these so called problems
..this incident is proof
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..typical---the whole situation could've been resolved by the jackass SIMPLY showing ID/giving his name
..but NO--they say shit like:
WTF do you want?
FU piggy
I don't have to show you shit
just like the dumb black bitch in the USMB thread that got pulled over

Why is it that the cops don't have to abide by the laws?

The cops do this for a living, we are all tired of blacks not being decent human beings and just cooperate
..I've got a great idea--the blacks should be smart/civil/polite/not resist!!
..but that's beyond their nature
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..typical---the whole situation could've been resolved by the jackass SIMPLY showing ID/giving his name
..but NO--they say shit like:
WTF do you want?
FU piggy
I don't have to show you shit
just like the dumb black bitch in the USMB thread that got pulled over

Why is it that the cops don't have to abide by the laws?

The cops do this for a living, we are all tired of blacks not being decent human beings and just cooperate
..I've got a great idea--the blacks should be smart/civil/polite/not resist!!
..but that's beyond their nature
No shit listen to the lyrics of the songs they are listening to today.

Pure vulgar
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..typical---the whole situation could've been resolved by the jackass SIMPLY showing ID/giving his name
..but NO--they say shit like:
WTF do you want?
FU piggy
I don't have to show you shit
just like the dumb black bitch in the USMB thread that got pulled over

Why is it that the cops don't have to abide by the laws?

The cops do this for a living, we are all tired of blacks not being decent human beings and just cooperate
..I've got a great idea--the blacks should be smart/civil/polite/not resist!!
..but that's beyond their nature

It took awhile but your true nature is starting to come out.
Because he was black............go ahead, say it.


Happens far more often with blacks, but anyone resisting and endangering kids or cops in that manner are setting themselves up for this outcome.

Facts not in evidence.
I'm WHITE!!!!! YES
..I've been pulled over by the cops for doing NOTHING wrong...I had my old plates on a new car--LEGAL

..WHITE people called the cops on me ---for doing nothing wrong-----I did NOT be a jackass idiot when they came!!!! no problems
..I painted a toy sword to look real, showed it to my sister to see how it looked...I placed it in my car and when I went to check it, a cop car pulls up, then a cop van, then another cop car....the cop gets out and puts his hand on his holster....I realized the problem and told him it was fake

....I've been stopped by cops for WALKING to work..and biking to work

People not minding their own business is a problem also.
..typical---the whole situation could've been resolved by the jackass SIMPLY showing ID/giving his name
..but NO--they say shit like:
WTF do you want?
FU piggy
I don't have to show you shit
just like the dumb black bitch in the USMB thread that got pulled over

Why is it that the cops don't have to abide by the laws?

The cops do this for a living, we are all tired of blacks not being decent human beings and just cooperate
..I've got a great idea--the blacks should be smart/civil/polite/not resist!!
..but that's beyond their nature

It took awhile but your true nature is starting to come out.
You want to make this about skin color. It's about being a decent human being and respecting peace and laws.

That fact that you and so many can't understand this is very disturbing.

Oh, but hey, race card victim is always in the arsenal to pull out, right? How weak.

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