OK Racists, It's Time to do the Math.

The claim has been consistently made that blacks are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 or more percent of the crime. That is inaccurate but the racists want to talk shit about per capita. When shown that per capita reveals that the difference between blacks and white per capita is 6 people, the racists continue. So because they do so, it is time to do the math.

We will use stats from the most recent uniform crime reports Table 43-Arrests by Race/Ethnicity

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I will use 2019 population numbers.

The population of U.S. in 2019 was 329,064,917.

6,816,975 people were arrested for crimes. 6,816,975/329,064,917= 0.0207162011

2 percent of the American population participated in criminal activity.

4,729,290 were white. 4,729,290/329,064,917= 0.0143719058

1.4 percent of the U.S population were whites who participated in crime.

1,815,144 were black. 1,815,144/329,064,917=0.00551606661

Just over 1/2 of 1 percent of the U.S population were blacks who participated in crime.

Whites participated in more than double the crime as blacks.

Here endeth the lesson.
I know you're too stupid to comprehend this fact, but what those stats show is that a black person is more than twice as likely to be a criminal than a white person.
The claim has been consistently made that blacks are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 or more percent of the crime.
That's a strawman, you low IQ moron.

Nobody claims that blacks commit 50 percent or more of the total crime, you fucking retarded racist fool.

Blacks commit over 50% of the homicides even though they only make up about 13% of the population.
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Why on earth would I do something like that?
IM2 is one sick racist fvck who still thinks it's the 1950's.

I live in a "rural white town" where back in the early eighties the people here helped one of the black families here pay to send one of their children to medical school.

That woman is still a physician here today and very well liked.

The racist world IM2 lives in is purely delusional.
Son, I live in Kansas. But not in a rural town. I don't dare go to those towns at dark or by myself. I live in 2032. You are a racist in 2021. So just shut your mouth with that 1960's shit and face the reality the OP shows you. Whites commit 2 times the crimes that blacks do
You sound like a racist. Shame on you.
The claim has been consistently made that blacks are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 or more percent of the crime. That is inaccurate but the racists want to talk shit about per capita. When shown that per capita reveals that the difference between blacks and white per capita is 6 people, the racists continue. So because they do so, it is time to do the math.

We will use stats from the most recent uniform crime reports Table 43-Arrests by Race/Ethnicity

View attachment 498100
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I will use 2019 population numbers.

The population of U.S. in 2019 was 329,064,917.

6,816,975 people were arrested for crimes. 6,816,975/329,064,917= 0.0207162011

2 percent of the American population participated in criminal activity.

4,729,290 were white. 4,729,290/329,064,917= 0.0143719058

1.4 percent of the U.S population were whites who participated in crime.

1,815,144 were black. 1,815,144/329,064,917=0.00551606661

Just over 1/2 of 1 percent of the U.S population were blacks who participated in crime.

Whites participated in more than double the crime as blacks.

Here endeth the lesson.
I know you're too stupid to comprehend this fact, but what those stats show is that a black person is more than twice as likely to be a criminal than a white person.
No that's not what the stats show,

Why on earth would I do something like that?
IM2 is one sick racist fvck who still thinks it's the 1950's.

I live in a "rural white town" where back in the early eighties the people here helped one of the black families here pay to send one of their children to medical school.

That woman is still a physician here today and very well liked.

The racist world IM2 lives in is purely delusional.
Son, I live in Kansas. But not in a rural town. I don't dare go to those towns at dark or by myself. I live in 2032. You are a racist in 2021. So just shut your mouth with that 1960's shit and face the reality the OP shows you. Whites commit 2 times the crimes that blacks do
You sound like a racist. Shame on you.
No, I don't. I sound like black man who has been to places in rural Kansas and has faced whites who were racists.

And so what does this have to do with continuing white racism in America today?

Because you don't get to brag about being the only people to create modern civilization, then whine when the way you did it gets shown to everybody.


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And so what does this have to do with continuing white racism in America today?

Because you don't get to brag about being the only people to create modern civilization, then whine when the way you did it gets shown to everybody.
You realize you just admitted to resentment at not being able to do as well, and to basically just being a whiny fucking sore loser?

You get that, right?

The claim has been consistently made that blacks are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 or more percent of the crime. That is inaccurate but the racists want to talk shit about per capita. When shown that per capita reveals that the difference between blacks and white per capita is 6 people, the racists continue. So because they do so, it is time to do the math.

We will use stats from the most recent uniform crime reports Table 43-Arrests by Race/Ethnicity

View attachment 498100
View attachment 498102

I will use 2019 population numbers.

The population of U.S. in 2019 was 329,064,917.

6,816,975 people were arrested for crimes. 6,816,975/329,064,917= 0.0207162011

2 percent of the American population participated in criminal activity.

4,729,290 were white. 4,729,290/329,064,917= 0.0143719058

1.4 percent of the U.S population were whites who participated in crime.

1,815,144 were black. 1,815,144/329,064,917=0.00551606661

Just over 1/2 of 1 percent of the U.S population were blacks who participated in crime.

Whites participated in more than double the crime as blacks.

Here endeth the lesson.
I know you're too stupid to comprehend this fact, but what those stats show is that a black person is more than twice as likely to be a criminal than a white person.
No that's not what the stats show,
See, I told you that you are too stupid to comprehend it.

The average IQ of an American black person is a mere 85. And you are quite evidently a hell of a lot stupider than the average black person. I'd estimate your IQ to be no more than 70.

Why on earth would I do something like that?
IM2 is one sick racist fvck who still thinks it's the 1950's.

I live in a "rural white town" where back in the early eighties the people here helped one of the black families here pay to send one of their children to medical school.

That woman is still a physician here today and very well liked.

The racist world IM2 lives in is purely delusional.
Son, I live in Kansas. But not in a rural town. I don't dare go to those towns at dark or by myself. I live in 2032. You are a racist in 2021. So just shut your mouth with that 1960's shit and face the reality the OP shows you. Whites commit 2 times the crimes that blacks do
You sound like a racist. Shame on you.
No, I don't. I sound like black man who has been to places in rural Kansas and has faced whites who were racists.
Make no mistake, you are a racist.

The very idea that black can't be racist is absolutely retarded. Your entire posting history here seems to be that of a poor little colored boy who's angry that he didn't apply himself in school and in life and, therefore, is a scumbag loser with hate issues. The world was there for the taking, and you proved to be nothing but a complete failure at being successful at life. Countless examples exist of black men and women becoming successful, valuable human beings. The difference between them and you is that they decided they weren't going to hide behind the color of their skin. You have no such inclination.

I'm sure someone, somewhere, has pity for you, but that person ain't me...
IM2 is one sick racist fvck who still thinks it's the 1950's.

I live in a "rural white town" where back in the early eighties the people here helped one of the black families here pay to send one of their children to medical school.

That woman is still a physician here today and very well liked.

The racist world IM2 lives in is purely delusional.
No it’s not delusional, but it is mostly confined to the black neighborhoods of the inner cities. Almost all the rest of us of all races have outgrown it. Racism remains the provence of a few white trash and a lot of militant black and brown Americans who think being racist is to their advantage in some way.

No it doesn't.

IM2 used the correct answer and tried to apply it incorrectly to a question it doesn't answer properly.
Then you used his correct answer to the wrong question, and incorrectly applied it to another question.

The numbers IM2 presented do not properly express or account for how many crimes an individual person can commit.
Therefore ... Your attempt to go further and suggest his incorrect application, supports your incorrect application ...
It just means you made the same mistake he did, and tried to double down on that mistake.

The number of crimes expressed by racial division only determines the race of the individual who committed the crime ...
And not the number of individuals.

We can learn more about that in Statistics 101.
It teaches us how to work the correct equation to properly answer the question we want to answer.

I think the only way to get an accurate answer to IM2s thesis would be to tabulate the number of counts charged against each racial group, them calculate the per capita average. I don’t think anyone keeps National records on that. It would have to go something like drug dealer A has seventy counts of sales and one of possession to distribute and drug dealer B has ten counts of sales and one of possession to distribute. Drug dealer A has committed seventy one crimes and drug dealer B has committed eleven. I don’t think anyone actually tracks that.
How about you face the truth about the real numbers of actual participants.
Look you racist moron, not a single person here has been trying to say that in absolute numbers that non-black people commit fewer crimes than black people. That’s a self-evident fact. There are about five times as many of us as there are of you. You can’t twist the data to support your position, so give up already.
Our history shows that whites do the most of it.
Tell that to the millions of black and Arab Africans who have been killed by fellow members of their own race, or the Asians as well. White body counts generally come from short defined wars, not so much for Africans and Asians.
Son, I live in Kansas. But not in a rural town. I don't dare go to those towns at dark or by myself. I live in 2032. You are a racist in 2021. So just shut your mouth with that 1960's shit and face the reality the OP shows you. Whites commit 2 times the crimes that blacks do
With as you have been told many times by many people FIVE TIMES THE POPULATION. That doesn’t make you look good.
It’s sad, I was watching a rerun of a season two Mannix show tonight. For those of you too young to remember the show he is a private detective with a very smart assistant who is a black widow with a young son. She is always instrumental in solving his cases. In this episode one of the characters is a twenty something black man who sounds exactly like IM2 and Paul. He sees a couple of white guys promoted over him so he masterminds the theft of four hundred fifty thousand dollars worth of medical grade morphine from his employer. When confronted by the black woman who is mad about him dealing drugs, she asks “what kind of man are you?” He answers “I‘m a black man baby”. Oh as far as I can tell by the cars, the episode aired in 1968 or 1969. Maryiam, IM2 and Paul are trapped in a time warp where they believe nothing has changed since the mid-sixties.

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