OK..so who is fed up with this Virus bullshit?

Please! Go out and about! And get all your like-minded friends to do the same! Because you WILL get covid-19, and some of you will die. Some of you might die for the simple reason that there aren't enough ventilators to go around, because people like you didn't listen and you all got sick at the same time so the hospitals got overwhelmed.
I do go out every day. I work because they say my job is essential, go figure. I do my daily 4-5 miles walk after work.
My wife goes out every day, too. She's a health care worker.
Go on out there gracie. Experience life. Have at it. But I'm staying at home.
You have more of a chance contracting the clap or any other STD than you do Covid 19
and an even greater risk of catching the flu than convid 19
Please! Go out and about! And get all your like-minded friends to do the same! Because you WILL get covid-19, and some of you will die. Some of you might die for the simple reason that there aren't enough ventilators to go around, because people like you didn't listen and you all got sick at the same time so the hospitals got overwhelmed.
I do go out every day. I work because they say my job is essential, go figure. I do my daily 4-5 miles walk after work.
My wife goes out every day, too. She's a health care worker.
Not a job I would want to do.

Schmuck: Impeachment didn't work. We hafta stop him.
Dem Schmuck: I know! All those rally's! All those people! How CAN he be stopped?
Scmuck: I dunno. Maybe some kind of bug? Virus? PANDEMIC?
DNC: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, first of all, the plural of rally is "rallies." "Rally's" is the possessive form, schmuck.

But aside from that, how did the DVC engineer the coronavirus epidemic? Even assuming that the Democrats would have wanted to, how could they possibly do it? Please explain.
Go on out there gracie. Experience life. Have at it. But I'm staying at home.
You have more of a chance contracting the clap or any other STD than you do Covid 19
and an even greater risk of catching the flu than convid 19
Your evidence for that claim is... ?? All the evidence indicates that the coronavirus is EXTREMELY contagious, much more so than the flu. And it doesn't require intimate contact the way that STDs do. So what's your evidence? Put up or shut up.

Schmuck: Impeachment didn't work. We hafta stop him.
Dem Schmuck: I know! All those rally's! All those people! How CAN he be stopped?
Scmuck: I dunno. Maybe some kind of bug? Virus? PANDEMIC?
DNC: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, first of all, the plural of rally is "rallies." "Rally's" is the possessive form, schmuck.

But aside from that, how did the DVC engineer the coronavirus epidemic? Even assuming that the Democrats would have wanted to, how could they possibly do it? Please explain.
Dude they've use this along with the help of the media as a political weapon.
Have you noticed the first places to shut down its state economy were leftists run states?

Schmuck: Impeachment didn't work. We hafta stop him.
Dem Schmuck: I know! All those rally's! All those people! How CAN he be stopped?
Scmuck: I dunno. Maybe some kind of bug? Virus? PANDEMIC?
DNC: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, first of all, the plural of rally is "rallies." "Rally's" is the possessive form, schmuck.

But aside from that, how did the DVC engineer the coronavirus epidemic? Even assuming that the Democrats would have wanted to, how could they possibly do it? Please explain.
Please explain what a DVC is.

Schmuck: Impeachment didn't work. We hafta stop him.
Dem Schmuck: I know! All those rally's! All those people! How CAN he be stopped?
Scmuck: I dunno. Maybe some kind of bug? Virus? PANDEMIC?
DNC: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, first of all, the plural of rally is "rallies." "Rally's" is the possessive form, schmuck.

But aside from that, how did the DVC engineer the coronavirus epidemic? Even assuming that the Democrats would have wanted to, how could they possibly do it? Please explain.
Dude they've use this along with the help of the media as a political weapon.
Have you noticed the first places to shut down its state economy were leftists run states?
So, are you saying that the Democrats didn't actually CREATE the coronavirus, they just took advantage of it? Is that right?

Schmuck: Impeachment didn't work. We hafta stop him.
Dem Schmuck: I know! All those rally's! All those people! How CAN he be stopped?
Scmuck: I dunno. Maybe some kind of bug? Virus? PANDEMIC?
DNC: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, first of all, the plural of rally is "rallies." "Rally's" is the possessive form, schmuck.

But aside from that, how did the DVC engineer the coronavirus epidemic? Even assuming that the Democrats would have wanted to, how could they possibly do it? Please explain.
Please explain what a DVC is.
Ooops. Mistake! I meant DNC. I'm sure that you've never made a mistake.
Hello? What is a DVC, sparky.

DNC:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hmmm. Let's contact China. They are pissed at orange man bad, too.

Schmuck: Impeachment didn't work. We hafta stop him.
Dem Schmuck: I know! All those rally's! All those people! How CAN he be stopped?
Scmuck: I dunno. Maybe some kind of bug? Virus? PANDEMIC?
DNC: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, first of all, the plural of rally is "rallies." "Rally's" is the possessive form, schmuck.

But aside from that, how did the DVC engineer the coronavirus epidemic? Even assuming that the Democrats would have wanted to, how could they possibly do it? Please explain.
Please explain what a DVC is.
Ooops. Mistake! I meant DNC. I'm sure that you've never made a mistake.
Now...see how that goes? You just HAD to correct me when I said rally's instead of rallies and then wound up with egg on your face in your correcting post. Howzitfeel, that egg?
Go on out there gracie. Experience life. Have at it. But I'm staying at home.
You have more of a chance contracting the clap or any other STD than you do Covid 19
and an even greater risk of catching the flu than convid 19
Your evidence for that claim is... ?? All the evidence indicates that the coronavirus is EXTREMELY contagious, much more so than the flu. And it doesn't require intimate contact the way that STDs do. So what's your evidence? Put up or shut up.
Key facts
  • More than 1 million sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are acquired every day worldwide (1, 2).
  • Each year, there are an estimated 376 million new infections with 1 of 4 STIs: chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and trichomoniasis (1, 2).
  • More than 500 million people are estimated to have genital infection with herpes simplex virus (HSV) (3).
  • More than 290 million women have a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection (4).
  • The majority of STIs have no symptoms or only mild symptoms that may not be recognized as an STI.
  • STIs such as HSV type 2 and syphilis can increase the risk of HIV acquisition.
  • 988 000 pregnant women were infected with syphilis in 2016, resulting in over 350 000 adverse birth outcomes including 200 000 stillbirths and newborn deaths (5).
  • In some cases, STIs can have serious reproductive health consequences beyond the immediate impact of the infection itself (e.g., infertility or mother-to-child transmission)
  • The Gonococcal Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Programme has shown high rates of quinolone resistance, increasing azithromycin resistance and emerging resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins. Drug resistance, especially for gonorrhoea, is a major threat to reducing the impact of STIs worldwide.

By some indicators, this flu season is worse than last flu season. For example, the data shows the cumulative hospitalization rate for the flu so far this season is 65.1 per 100,000 people, compared with 48.8 per 100,000 at the same point last season.

According to CDC, this year's flu season has led to at least 17 million medical visits and 390,000 hospitalizations. CDC found that the percentage of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness increased to 5.8% in the week ending on March 14, up from 5.2% the previous week. The national baseline for those visits is 2.4%.

CDC in its latest report estimated that there had bee
n at least 23,000 deaths related to the flu as of March 14.

Worst flu season for children in a decade
This flu season has been especially bad for children, according to CDC. The report shows 149 total pediatric deaths were reported as of March 14. Five new pediatric deaths occurred in the week ending on March 14. The cumulative hospitalization rate for children ages four and under so far this season is 92.5 per 100,000 people.

Schmuck: Impeachment didn't work. We hafta stop him.
Dem Schmuck: I know! All those rally's! All those people! How CAN he be stopped?
Scmuck: I dunno. Maybe some kind of bug? Virus? PANDEMIC?
DNC: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, first of all, the plural of rally is "rallies." "Rally's" is the possessive form, schmuck.

But aside from that, how did the DVC engineer the coronavirus epidemic? Even assuming that the Democrats would have wanted to, how could they possibly do it? Please explain.
Dude they've use this along with the help of the media as a political weapon.
Have you noticed the first places to shut down its state economy were leftists run states?
So, are you saying that the Democrats didn't actually CREATE the coronavirus, they just took advantage of it? Is that right?
I'm not going to spell it out for you
Go on out there gracie. Experience life. Have at it. But I'm staying at home.
You have more of a chance contracting the clap or any other STD than you do Covid 19
and an even greater risk of catching the flu than convid 19
Your evidence for that claim is... ?? All the evidence indicates that the coronavirus is EXTREMELY contagious, much more so than the flu. And it doesn't require intimate contact the way that STDs do. So what's your evidence? Put up or shut up.
Key facts
  • More than 1 million sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are acquired every day worldwide (1, 2).
  • Each year, there are an estimated 376 million new infections with 1 of 4 STIs: chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and trichomoniasis (1, 2).
  • More than 500 million people are estimated to have genital infection with herpes simplex virus (HSV) (3).
  • More than 290 million women have a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection (4).
  • The majority of STIs have no symptoms or only mild symptoms that may not be recognized as an STI.
  • STIs such as HSV type 2 and syphilis can increase the risk of HIV acquisition.
  • 988 000 pregnant women were infected with syphilis in 2016, resulting in over 350 000 adverse birth outcomes including 200 000 stillbirths and newborn deaths (5).
  • In some cases, STIs can have serious reproductive health consequences beyond the immediate impact of the infection itself (e.g., infertility or mother-to-child transmission)
  • The Gonococcal Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Programme has shown high rates of quinolone resistance, increasing azithromycin resistance and emerging resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins. Drug resistance, especially for gonorrhoea, is a major threat to reducing the impact of STIs worldwide.

By some indicators, this flu season is worse than last flu season. For example, the data shows the cumulative hospitalization rate for the flu so far this season is 65.1 per 100,000 people, compared with 48.8 per 100,000 at the same point last season.

According to CDC, this year's flu season has led to at least 17 million medical visits and 390,000 hospitalizations. CDC found that the percentage of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness increased to 5.8% in the week ending on March 14, up from 5.2% the previous week. The national baseline for those visits is 2.4%.

CDC in its latest report estimated that there had bee
n at least 23,000 deaths related to the flu as of March 14.

Worst flu season for children in a decade
This flu season has been especially bad for children, according to CDC. The report shows 149 total pediatric deaths were reported as of March 14. Five new pediatric deaths occurred in the week ending on March 14. The cumulative hospitalization rate for children ages four and under so far this season is 92.5 per 100,000 people.
He said to put up or shut up. You put up. Now he can stfu himself.
I'm not the only one fed up with the bullshit. Enough is enough. You don't go out if sick. You don't go to work if sick. You cough or sneeze in your elbow (allergies will make people run now if you do either one). You don't get in peoples faces so close that spittle lands on them when you speak. You use common sense and politeness if you were taught that and you taught it to your own children. To close businesses, ruin families with no pay, make them be prisoners in their own home is LUDICROUS and stupid. Live your life. Stop being afraid. And finally...wise words told to me from a great man: Believe nothing of what you hear and half of what you see.
Go on out there gracie. Experience life. Have at it. But I'm staying at home.
You have more of a chance contracting the clap or any other STD than you do Covid 19
and an even greater risk of catching the flu than convid 19
Your evidence for that claim is... ?? All the evidence indicates that the coronavirus is EXTREMELY contagious, much more so than the flu. And it doesn't require intimate contact the way that STDs do. So what's your evidence? Put up or shut up.
Key facts
  • More than 1 million sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are acquired every day worldwide (1, 2).
  • Each year, there are an estimated 376 million new infections with 1 of 4 STIs: chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and trichomoniasis (1, 2).
  • More than 500 million people are estimated to have genital infection with herpes simplex virus (HSV) (3).
  • More than 290 million women have a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection (4).
  • The majority of STIs have no symptoms or only mild symptoms that may not be recognized as an STI.
  • STIs such as HSV type 2 and syphilis can increase the risk of HIV acquisition.
  • 988 000 pregnant women were infected with syphilis in 2016, resulting in over 350 000 adverse birth outcomes including 200 000 stillbirths and newborn deaths (5).
  • In some cases, STIs can have serious reproductive health consequences beyond the immediate impact of the infection itself (e.g., infertility or mother-to-child transmission)
  • The Gonococcal Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Programme has shown high rates of quinolone resistance, increasing azithromycin resistance and emerging resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins. Drug resistance, especially for gonorrhoea, is a major threat to reducing the impact of STIs worldwide.

By some indicators, this flu season is worse than last flu season. For example, the data shows the cumulative hospitalization rate for the flu so far this season is 65.1 per 100,000 people, compared with 48.8 per 100,000 at the same point last season.

According to CDC, this year's flu season has led to at least 17 million medical visits and 390,000 hospitalizations. CDC found that the percentage of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness increased to 5.8% in the week ending on March 14, up from 5.2% the previous week. The national baseline for those visits is 2.4%.

CDC in its latest report estimated that there had bee
n at least 23,000 deaths related to the flu as of March 14.

Worst flu season for children in a decade
This flu season has been especially bad for children, according to CDC. The report shows 149 total pediatric deaths were reported as of March 14. Five new pediatric deaths occurred in the week ending on March 14. The cumulative hospitalization rate for children ages four and under so far this season is 92.5 per 100,000 people.
He said to put up or shut up. You put up. Now he can stfu himself.
It's sad how the democrats have gone unhinged but it should have been expected since it's a fact that leftists are mental retards
Dems are so desperate and hate the USA and Trump so much, they even will sacrifice people to get back the power they so desperately crave. Unfortunately, regular joe's that are dems go along with it instead of using their brains.
Notice they don't even complain about the package Pelosi wants included in the help needed for Americans to survive by giving themselves 25,000,000.00 raise and 350,000,000 to illegals and immigrants along with grants to arts and museums and other non essential things that have NOTHING to do with keeping dems AND repubs AND independents afloat. Nope..no commentary at all. Just blank faces and noddings and uh huhs and oks.

I could use the 1200 bucks but I won't accept it. They can stick it where the sun doesn't shine.

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