Ok.. We've Had "corpsemen"... Now It's "ebolee"!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama is now calling Ebola ‘Eboli’ or Ebolee.
Dumb ass Obama now calling Ebola Ebolee or Eboli Video Fire Andrea Mitchell

AND YES those of us that got tired of you Bush Bashers laughing at Bush malapropisms, we are going to continue to point out Obama stupid comments because in Bush's defense HE never presented himself
as an intellectual giant much less allowed other people to compare him to as Newsweek editor Evan Thomas
"a sort of god" or even Obama's declaration on his nomination that ""This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."
Most people love to see pompous elites like Obama get their comeuppance.
Oh, this is important. We need to impeach that kenyan imposter right away!!!

Now, go get Stephanie and she will alert the 30,000,000 motorcyclists who will circle the capitol!!!

Let go the dogs of war!!! RAGE!!! RAGE!!!

Go ahead but all this does is further show the effete intellectual snobs like you that fervently believe Obama can do no wrong because he is the Messiah are simple ignorant boobs.
Only really dumb people have a problem pronouncing the five character word "ebola". Of course he made a mistake BUT remember Gods don't make mistakes.
anyone think that he does this stuff on purpose just to annoy the right . I mean , his adolescent supporters no matter their ages are just giggling and thinking [cool] he's got a buzz going or is just messing around with the right / serious grownup ??
Don't make fun of our dear leader! "ebolee" is pigeon liberian for "ebola". How insensitive of you!
Oh, this is important. We need to impeach that kenyan imposter right away!!!

Now, go get Stephanie and she will alert the 30,000,000 motorcyclists who will circle the capitol!!!

Let go the dogs of war!!! RAGE!!! RAGE!!!

Go ahead but all this does is further show the effete intellectual snobs like you that fervently believe Obama can do no wrong because he is the Messiah are simple ignorant boobs.
Only really dumb people have a problem pronouncing the five character word "ebola". Of course he made a mistake BUT remember Gods don't make mistakes.

Effete and snobbish, yes.

Intellectual, no. Pseudo intellectual at best. Statist uses the internet to pretend he is more educated than he actually is.
yeah , right Rabbi but his supporters are all ' hip ' , cool and his misspeaks are probably done on purpose , its all a joke to this guy and his people . IMO !!
Here's where an actual personal PERSONAL Daily Briefing would be helpful. He could hear someone say the word ebolAH, or when he says ebolee, he could be corrected.

He wouldn't confuse the word with e coli!
that's the next thing he'll call Ebola Jackson , yer giving him ideas
He calls it Eboli and the right calls it the apocalypse. Which one's worse? :dunno:

Excuse me, but only a few years ago the left was sounding the alarms because they predicted swine flu would be rampant. Of course, this was when they were trying to scare people into supporting Obamacare. The epidemic never happened.

Now we have a very real epidemic that is out of control in Africa. And people are traveling around (10,000 leaving Africa daily) and the disease will spread. That is a certainty. How fast and where are the only questions and the administration refuses to address the issue in any constructive way.

You guys were up in arms before about a potential epidemic and it resulted in the most radical legislation our country has ever seen. Now faced with a real one, Obama will just go play golf and hope he doesn't have to make any hard decisions. After all, he already shoved Obamacare through and he's got nothing now.

I wonder if he's mispronouncing the disease to mock those who realize that we need to take it seriously. Clearly, he's not.
Anyone feel safe with this bunch of clowns running this government?

Where's the wails how Obama hates us all, like they screamed how Bush hated black people after Katrina?

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