
Easygoing Conservative
Jun 11, 2013
Initially, I didn't like the new USMB design. Mainly the narrow posts. Then again, change typically makes me anxious.

Like a big junebug in a lighted room I kept bumping into walls and stuff; completely lost.

Now I'm really liking this new system. You can toggle the alerts, search your conversations, your about-to-be-posts get saved even when you click on a different page in the same thread, and the forum just seems to flow even better. That, and I'm not done exploring all the other neat little functions and tools. I'm now thinking of becoming a silver supporting member at least.

All we need now is a tank full of sharks with laser beams. :D
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I modified the alert thing so it wouldn't do its thing when new posts happened. Now it's practically perfect. Love it.

What I really miss is the usernames at the bottom of each thread. Those viewing the current discussion.
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:smile:Trophy whoring?

< Everything still looks upsidedown to me.

Haven't really been into the trophy function stuff yet.

I would like to see some really creative trophies, though, and maybe a special annual nominations event decided by the community. Trophies for "Having the Greenest Thumb," "Coolest Unique Pet," "USMB's Best Gearhead," "Most Likely to Be a Coffee Fanatic," etc. I can only imagine how creative, ingenious, and personalized those neat trophies could be. :D
I just want the long time consistent posters to be happy with the new stuff. It would be nice if my ears fit in the avie, but we all have our crosses to bear.
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Huh, I have no idea what trophy points are. Just noticed that.

*Goes to find out.
What's the difference between "likes/dislikes" and "agrees"?

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It's official. I now like this new software. A lot. :)
I'd be kinda bummed if it did go back to what it was.
What's the difference between "likes/dislikes" and "agrees"?
I take "like" to be emotional and "agree" to be cerebral though not all the time.

"I LIKE that pic of a cat!" as opposed to "I agree with your viewpoint.

If there is "like/dislike" then there should be "agree/disagree" right?

I'm pretty sure this was discussed in another thread somewhere.
I might like a thought provoking post, but still disagree with the point made. This gives me the opportunity to like the post with an opposing point of view person. I have not neg repped in quite a while, that policy will continue forward with dislikes.
What's the difference between "likes/dislikes" and "agrees"?
I take "like" to be emotional and "agree" to be cerebral though not all the time.

"I LIKE that pic of a cat!" as opposed to "I agree with your viewpoint.

If there is "like/dislike" then there should be "agree/disagree" right?

I'm pretty sure this was discussed in another thread somewhere.

I like how you worded that - that is thought provoking. And I agree with you that if there is a disagree button, there should also be an agree button. Otherwise, the universe falls out of balance, mountains collapse, volcanos begin to shoot off, the dinos return....
I am officially spoiled.

I am really peeved when I have no arrow to take me to the top of a page on any site. Really.

I'm looking at shoes and would like to see all 170 gazillion pairs on one page but .............no arrow? Pfffftttt....

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