Okay. Help Me Out Here

I'm going to attend the GOP Caucus next Tuesday and I'm lost at who to vote for.

I have to admit that I've leaned towards Trump since he announced. Why? Because he's a business man and not a professional lawyer/politician, the people who've gotten us into the mess we're in. A man who know how to take on problems and select the right people to help him do so. In other words, a manager.

I also like Doctor Carson a great deal. The perfect example of what someone can do if they fight the good fight to escape the slavery created by the Democrat War on Poverty. The son us a single, black woman, he got the most out of a less than ideal education system and elevated himself to be one of the best in his chosen field. He is a religious man although his form of religion is not one I'd chose. And, while it's not apparent, he too knows how to face real challenges and overcome them with the right people.

I'm sick of having an inept lap dog in the Oval Office who seems to be nothing but a puppet on the strings of behind-the-scenes movers and shakers like Valerie Jarrett. I want a REAL Chief Executive. That's why I've also been trying to find a governor to support.

Chris Christie just seems unelectable to me. There something about Kasich that just grates on me in spite of his actions in Ohio – perhaps his constant telling me all about it. I admire Jeb Bush – but we just don't need another Bush in the White House right now IMHO.

So, now we come down to it – Cruz or Rubio.

The fact that so many establishment and media types don't like him almost attracts me to him in spite of him being another attorney/politician. He's sort of a hometown Vegas guy who knows what the average person goes through in life. But the Harvard law degree also grates on me. I've got to admit that he's probably the best-informed candidate on the US constitution. But, what makes him qualified to be the Chief Executive?

Rubio. Well, in spite of what I've learned about him, I can't get excited over him.

So, where does that leave me?

Trump excites people and just may bring out the sit-on-your-duff, middle of the road Americans who will speak up for WE THE PEOPLE and not the DC Inner Circle. But. Can he be trusted to keep his word? Or will he be yet another disappointing Hope and Change big mouth who ends up promising lots of things and doing others?

Most important of all – I WANT THE DEMOCRAT NOMINEE TO LOSE. I don't care who he or she is. I also want to retain and even increase the GOP leads in Congress, as well as state and local elections.

Can Cruz be the kind of candidate to create the excitement necessary to do this?

Or will The Donald?

So, where do I turn? Who do I support?

Would love to see some reasoned and non-hate filled responses.


At a basic level, being a businessman, whether successful or not, is in no way an indication of a good government executive. Business exploits people to enrich itself; government is supposed to do the opposite. Not to mention Rump has yet to campaign on anything but emotional blusterfluff and personal attacks.

I thought Christie had dropped out?

Rubio just doesn't seem old enough to drive (literally), and Cruz just comes off as a whore. Bush is a Bush, 'nuff said. Frankly the only guy who seems to want to talk nuts and bolts without pandering down to people is Kasich. Never thought I'd say that about a guy who worked at Fox Noise but -- there it is.

Our government is in dire need of more people with some business savvy.

I uh, doooooon't think so. We've had way too much pollution from that sector. Monsanto people appointed to run FDA. Wireless telephone people to run FCC. Insurance lobbyists sabotaging health care and medication costs. ENOUGH already. Government is supposed to benefit We the People; not get sold to the highest bidder.

Government is not a business. It does not make things and does not exist to turn a profit at the expense of the People. That's what private enterprise is for.

Government and business serve opposing masters. You don't hire a demolition derby driver to give you a ride to the airport.
Operative point---- "TRUMP EXCITES PEOPLE" I, SO, agree-----Obama bores me----Hillary ANNOYS me, Carson is a nice guy-----but he is a neurosurgeon-----I will not tell you what people in large hospitals call neurosurgeons---(nothing bad---
just not -----the kind of stuff a president should be)

Exactly, and a Chief Executive isn't supposed to be a Chief Exciter. He's supposed to execute. And there's nothing exciting about that. Anybody who votes based on being excited is basically part of the Problem.

Oh lay off-----you know JFK got in on EXCITEMENT

Bolshoi. And to the extent anybody voted for him on that basis --- they were wrong.

Again, there's a good reason we call the POTUS a "chief executive" -- it's a job description. There's an equally good reason we don't call him a "cheerleader".
Is it a civil response to say that it's weird that the OP was unaware that Christie dropped out last week?

Beyond that......vote for Cruz. He's the best.
I'm going to attend the GOP Caucus next Tuesday and I'm lost at who to vote for.

I have to admit that I've leaned towards Trump since he announced. Why? Because he's a business man and not a professional lawyer/politician, the people who've gotten us into the mess we're in. A man who know how to take on problems and select the right people to help him do so. In other words, a manager.

I also like Doctor Carson a great deal. The perfect example of what someone can do if they fight the good fight to escape the slavery created by the Democrat War on Poverty. The son us a single, black woman, he got the most out of a less than ideal education system and elevated himself to be one of the best in his chosen field. He is a religious man although his form of religion is not one I'd chose. And, while it's not apparent, he too knows how to face real challenges and overcome them with the right people.

I'm sick of having an inept lap dog in the Oval Office who seems to be nothing but a puppet on the strings of behind-the-scenes movers and shakers like Valerie Jarrett. I want a REAL Chief Executive. That's why I've also been trying to find a governor to support.

Chris Christie just seems unelectable to me. There something about Kasich that just grates on me in spite of his actions in Ohio – perhaps his constant telling me all about it. I admire Jeb Bush – but we just don't need another Bush in the White House right now IMHO.

So, now we come down to it – Cruz or Rubio.

The fact that so many establishment and media types don't like him almost attracts me to him in spite of him being another attorney/politician. He's sort of a hometown Vegas guy who knows what the average person goes through in life. But the Harvard law degree also grates on me. I've got to admit that he's probably the best-informed candidate on the US constitution. But, what makes him qualified to be the Chief Executive?

Rubio. Well, in spite of what I've learned about him, I can't get excited over him.

So, where does that leave me?

Trump excites people and just may bring out the sit-on-your-duff, middle of the road Americans who will speak up for WE THE PEOPLE and not the DC Inner Circle. But. Can he be trusted to keep his word? Or will he be yet another disappointing Hope and Change big mouth who ends up promising lots of things and doing others?

Most important of all – I WANT THE DEMOCRAT NOMINEE TO LOSE. I don't care who he or she is. I also want to retain and even increase the GOP leads in Congress, as well as state and local elections.

Can Cruz be the kind of candidate to create the excitement necessary to do this?

Or will The Donald?

So, where do I turn? Who do I support?

Would love to see some reasoned and non-hate filled responses.


At a basic level, being a businessman, whether successful or not, is in no way an indication of a good government executive. Business exploits people to enrich itself; government is supposed to do the opposite. Not to mention Rump has yet to campaign on anything but emotional blusterfluff and personal attacks.

I thought Christie had dropped out?

Rubio just doesn't seem old enough to drive (literally), and Cruz just comes off as a whore. Bush is a Bush, 'nuff said. Frankly the only guy who seems to want to talk nuts and bolts without pandering down to people is Kasich. Never thought I'd say that about a guy who worked at Fox Noise but -- there it is.

Our government is in dire need of more people with some business savvy.

It's a naïve myth that government 'should be run like a business.'
I'm going to attend the GOP Caucus next Tuesday and I'm lost at who to vote for.

I have to admit that I've leaned towards Trump since he announced. Why? Because he's a business man and not a professional lawyer/politician, the people who've gotten us into the mess we're in. A man who know how to take on problems and select the right people to help him do so. In other words, a manager.

I also like Doctor Carson a great deal. The perfect example of what someone can do if they fight the good fight to escape the slavery created by the Democrat War on Poverty. The son us a single, black woman, he got the most out of a less than ideal education system and elevated himself to be one of the best in his chosen field. He is a religious man although his form of religion is not one I'd chose. And, while it's not apparent, he too knows how to face real challenges and overcome them with the right people.

I'm sick of having an inept lap dog in the Oval Office who seems to be nothing but a puppet on the strings of behind-the-scenes movers and shakers like Valerie Jarrett. I want a REAL Chief Executive. That's why I've also been trying to find a governor to support.

Chris Christie just seems unelectable to me. There something about Kasich that just grates on me in spite of his actions in Ohio – perhaps his constant telling me all about it. I admire Jeb Bush – but we just don't need another Bush in the White House right now IMHO.

So, now we come down to it – Cruz or Rubio.

The fact that so many establishment and media types don't like him almost attracts me to him in spite of him being another attorney/politician. He's sort of a hometown Vegas guy who knows what the average person goes through in life. But the Harvard law degree also grates on me. I've got to admit that he's probably the best-informed candidate on the US constitution. But, what makes him qualified to be the Chief Executive?

Rubio. Well, in spite of what I've learned about him, I can't get excited over him.

So, where does that leave me?

Trump excites people and just may bring out the sit-on-your-duff, middle of the road Americans who will speak up for WE THE PEOPLE and not the DC Inner Circle. But. Can he be trusted to keep his word? Or will he be yet another disappointing Hope and Change big mouth who ends up promising lots of things and doing others?

Most important of all – I WANT THE DEMOCRAT NOMINEE TO LOSE. I don't care who he or she is. I also want to retain and even increase the GOP leads in Congress, as well as state and local elections.

Can Cruz be the kind of candidate to create the excitement necessary to do this?

Or will The Donald?

So, where do I turn? Who do I support?

Would love to see some reasoned and non-hate filled responses.


At a basic level, being a businessman, whether successful or not, is in no way an indication of a good government executive. Business exploits people to enrich itself; government is supposed to do the opposite. Not to mention Rump has yet to campaign on anything but emotional blusterfluff and personal attacks.

I thought Christie had dropped out?

Rubio just doesn't seem old enough to drive (literally), and Cruz just comes off as a whore. Bush is a Bush, 'nuff said. Frankly the only guy who seems to want to talk nuts and bolts without pandering down to people is Kasich. Never thought I'd say that about a guy who worked at Fox Noise but -- there it is.

Our government is in dire need of more people with some business savvy.

It's a naïve myth that government 'should be run like a business.'

And, it's utterly idiotic to think otherwise.
Rubio was my early choice but I feel he is too easy to marginalize with his youth and the "robo-Rubio" thing. I really like him and his life story but at this point, it is Trump all in. Three reasons. Number one he will make America and Americans first priority. Second he understands the importance of projecting power at all times. Third he is the ultimate negotiator something that we lacked with Bush and Obama.
Rubio was my early choice but I feel he is too easy to marginalize with his youth and the "robo-Rubio" thing. I really like him and his life story but at this point, it is Trump all in. Three reasons. Number one he will make America and Americans first priority. Second he understands the importance of projecting power at all times. Third he is the ultimate negotiator something that we lacked with Bush and Obama.

Rump has never in his life put anything before Rump and all the attention he can gather from anywhere. There's no reason to suspect that suddenly after 70 years that's going to change.
I'm going to attend the GOP Caucus next Tuesday and I'm lost at who to vote for.

I have to admit that I've leaned towards Trump since he announced. Why? Because he's a business man and not a professional lawyer/politician, the people who've gotten us into the mess we're in. A man who know how to take on problems and select the right people to help him do so. In other words, a manager.

I also like Doctor Carson a great deal. The perfect example of what someone can do if they fight the good fight to escape the slavery created by the Democrat War on Poverty. The son us a single, black woman, he got the most out of a less than ideal education system and elevated himself to be one of the best in his chosen field. He is a religious man although his form of religion is not one I'd chose. And, while it's not apparent, he too knows how to face real challenges and overcome them with the right people.

I'm sick of having an inept lap dog in the Oval Office who seems to be nothing but a puppet on the strings of behind-the-scenes movers and shakers like Valerie Jarrett. I want a REAL Chief Executive. That's why I've also been trying to find a governor to support.

Chris Christie just seems unelectable to me. There something about Kasich that just grates on me in spite of his actions in Ohio – perhaps his constant telling me all about it. I admire Jeb Bush – but we just don't need another Bush in the White House right now IMHO.

So, now we come down to it – Cruz or Rubio.

The fact that so many establishment and media types don't like him almost attracts me to him in spite of him being another attorney/politician. He's sort of a hometown Vegas guy who knows what the average person goes through in life. But the Harvard law degree also grates on me. I've got to admit that he's probably the best-informed candidate on the US constitution. But, what makes him qualified to be the Chief Executive?

Rubio. Well, in spite of what I've learned about him, I can't get excited over him.

So, where does that leave me?

Trump excites people and just may bring out the sit-on-your-duff, middle of the road Americans who will speak up for WE THE PEOPLE and not the DC Inner Circle. But. Can he be trusted to keep his word? Or will he be yet another disappointing Hope and Change big mouth who ends up promising lots of things and doing others?

Most important of all – I WANT THE DEMOCRAT NOMINEE TO LOSE. I don't care who he or she is. I also want to retain and even increase the GOP leads in Congress, as well as state and local elections.

Can Cruz be the kind of candidate to create the excitement necessary to do this?

Or will The Donald?

So, where do I turn? Who do I support?

Would love to see some reasoned and non-hate filled responses.


At a basic level, being a businessman, whether successful or not, is in no way an indication of a good government executive. Business exploits people to enrich itself; government is supposed to do the opposite. Not to mention Rump has yet to campaign on anything but emotional blusterfluff and personal attacks.

I thought Christie had dropped out?

Rubio just doesn't seem old enough to drive (literally), and Cruz just comes off as a whore. Bush is a Bush, 'nuff said. Frankly the only guy who seems to want to talk nuts and bolts without pandering down to people is Kasich. Never thought I'd say that about a guy who worked at Fox Noise but -- there it is.

Our government is in dire need of more people with some business savvy.

It's a naïve myth that government 'should be run like a business.'

And, it's utterly idiotic to think otherwise.

And you're invited to offer some sort of explanation rather than façile ad hominem.

Diga me, what does the government "make", that it should run like a widget-making business?

A business is entirely self-centered. It exists to enrich itself to whatever extent it can. Usually that means at the expense of the people, who buy the product or service to make that enrichment happen.

What government is supposed to do is the direct opposite of that.
I'm staying with Carson unless he drops out.


Trump or Cruz

Heads or tails...............Yet the robo calls ticked me off with Cruz.........Leaning Trump............but I don't Trust it
There is something about Cruz that just bugs me. I know that isn't fair or objective, but it's there. I try to picture President Cruz and it just doesn't work. I can definitely picture President Trump.
Cruz's trying to spin the VAT tax proposal ticked me off, along with his wife's association with Goldman Sachs..............

His robo callers have further caused me to drift away from him...............and the way he looks when he talks............it doesn't jive with me............something there tells me to hold up a cross or something.............don't get that part of it either.
Government and business serve opposing masters. You don't hire a demolition derby driver to give you a ride to the airport.

No, you hire a taxi or, better yet, Uber. Businesses serve their customers, the government serves itself.
I'm going to attend the GOP Caucus next Tuesday and I'm lost at who to vote for.

I have to admit that I've leaned towards Trump since he announced. Why? Because he's a business man and not a professional lawyer/politician, the people who've gotten us into the mess we're in. A man who know how to take on problems and select the right people to help him do so. In other words, a manager.

I also like Doctor Carson a great deal. The perfect example of what someone can do if they fight the good fight to escape the slavery created by the Democrat War on Poverty. The son us a single, black woman, he got the most out of a less than ideal education system and elevated himself to be one of the best in his chosen field. He is a religious man although his form of religion is not one I'd chose. And, while it's not apparent, he too knows how to face real challenges and overcome them with the right people.

I'm sick of having an inept lap dog in the Oval Office who seems to be nothing but a puppet on the strings of behind-the-scenes movers and shakers like Valerie Jarrett. I want a REAL Chief Executive. That's why I've also been trying to find a governor to support.

Chris Christie just seems unelectable to me. There something about Kasich that just grates on me in spite of his actions in Ohio – perhaps his constant telling me all about it. I admire Jeb Bush – but we just don't need another Bush in the White House right now IMHO.

So, now we come down to it – Cruz or Rubio.

The fact that so many establishment and media types don't like him almost attracts me to him in spite of him being another attorney/politician. He's sort of a hometown Vegas guy who knows what the average person goes through in life. But the Harvard law degree also grates on me. I've got to admit that he's probably the best-informed candidate on the US constitution. But, what makes him qualified to be the Chief Executive?

Rubio. Well, in spite of what I've learned about him, I can't get excited over him.

So, where does that leave me?

Trump excites people and just may bring out the sit-on-your-duff, middle of the road Americans who will speak up for WE THE PEOPLE and not the DC Inner Circle. But. Can he be trusted to keep his word? Or will he be yet another disappointing Hope and Change big mouth who ends up promising lots of things and doing others?

Most important of all – I WANT THE DEMOCRAT NOMINEE TO LOSE. I don't care who he or she is. I also want to retain and even increase the GOP leads in Congress, as well as state and local elections.

Can Cruz be the kind of candidate to create the excitement necessary to do this?

Or will The Donald?

So, where do I turn? Who do I support?

Would love to see some reasoned and non-hate filled responses.

Longknife, vote your conscience if possible. Like you, I do not see a true Presidential candidate in either party. My money was with Kasich early on. To my way of reasoning, he was one of the more experienced people due to his history. Plus I liked his position on paying down the national debt. It simply seems like most want to spend and spend more! On the other hand, to pay it down only allows someone else to run it back up. I did not trust Christy, as he is Northeastern along with Bernie and the 1/2 New Yorker Clinton. You will notice I am including the "D's" in this conversation. As a non party type I can do that. Cruz and Rubio are the establishment. They will go to whom ever butters their toast and for that reason they have no appeal for me at this point. Were I to make a choice between the two, it would be after the coin flip, which may be your last resort. I disagree with Rosie on Carson with regards to his being quiet. The old saw, "Still waters run deep", has been my take on him. I have to think there is more to him. Too bad we will never know. Jeb took his marbles and went home mad. Adios to him. Who remains? Trump! I do not care for him. He talks a good but limited talk. He will have to deal with the Congress and I do not believe he can. They hold the purse strings, not a President Trump, and he is not going to like that at all. For your piece of mind, flip a coin and wish for the best. What other choice do we have at this point? Wait for Mikey Bloomberg to make up his mind? And then what? He is another from the north east. Just what we need. A coin or if possible your conscience. Any way you go, the nation will still be on the brink of disaster. I have never liked draw poker. I live in Colorado which may help explain my way of thinking as I am not a Coastie.
Government and business serve opposing masters. You don't hire a demolition derby driver to give you a ride to the airport.

No, you hire a taxi or, better yet, Uber. Businesses serve their customers, the government serves itself.

Absolute bullshit and diametrically opposed to the real world.

The whole POINT of a business is to serve itself. Only a nonprofit exists to serve others, but then that's not a business. The purpose of a business is profit. Profit serves the profiter. THAT is what "serves itself" is.

Government is made of, by, and for the people. And that's who it serves ---- when it's run right.
Government and business serve opposing masters. You don't hire a demolition derby driver to give you a ride to the airport.

No, you hire a taxi or, better yet, Uber. Businesses serve their customers, the government serves itself.

Absolute bullshit and diametrically opposed to the real world.

The whole POINT of a business is to serve itself. Only a nonprofit exists to serve others, but then that's not a business. The purpose of a business is profit. Profit serves the profiter. THAT is what "serves itself" is.

Government is made of, by, and for the people. And that's who it serves ---- when it's run right.

when it's run right

Would you care to tell us when it's been "run right?"
Government and business serve opposing masters. You don't hire a demolition derby driver to give you a ride to the airport.

No, you hire a taxi or, better yet, Uber. Businesses serve their customers, the government serves itself.

Absolute bullshit and diametrically opposed to the real world.

The whole POINT of a business is to serve itself. Only a nonprofit exists to serve others, but then that's not a business. The purpose of a business is profit. Profit serves the profiter. THAT is what "serves itself" is.

Government is made of, by, and for the people. And that's who it serves ---- when it's run right.

when it's run right

Would you care to tell us when it's been "run right?"

When it's "been" run right --- or if it ever has --- is entirely irrelevant to the point. The point was the intended function of both. And those two functions are polar opposites. Therefore, the idea that somebody who did well at one, would do well at the other, does not in any way follow.

It's telling that the poster I was refuting had no counterargument beyond nervously rating my post as "funny".
Neither did the previous one. He ran away.
The whole POINT of a business is to serve itself. Only a nonprofit exists to serve others, but then that's not a business. The purpose of a business is profit. Profit serves the profiter. THAT is what "serves itself" is.

Government is made of, by, and for the people. And that's who it serves ---- when it's run right.

1. Where do you shop for goods and services, and why do you shop there?

2. Other than during military operations, when has the government been run right?
The whole POINT of a business is to serve itself. Only a nonprofit exists to serve others, but then that's not a business. The purpose of a business is profit. Profit serves the profiter. THAT is what "serves itself" is.

Government is made of, by, and for the people. And that's who it serves ---- when it's run right.

1. Where do you shop for goods and services, and why do you shop there?

2. Other than during military operations, when has the government been run right?

And how many of those recent military operations have been screwed up by stupid leadership?
The whole POINT of a business is to serve itself. Only a nonprofit exists to serve others, but then that's not a business. The purpose of a business is profit. Profit serves the profiter. THAT is what "serves itself" is.

Government is made of, by, and for the people. And that's who it serves ---- when it's run right.

1. Where do you shop for goods and services, and why do you shop there?

2. Other than during military operations, when has the government been run right?

1 -- weird question, but a ton of places, for a ton of reasons, none of which relate to the point at all.

2 - STILL irrelevant. Could be answered in terms of post offices and social security and national highways, parks and museums and all manner of (domestic) public safety, but what "has happened" or "hasn't happened" ---- isn't the point in the first place.

The point is that what government is THERE FOR --- its purpose --- is to establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, promote the general Welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

It is NOT by contrast, to enrich itself. THAT --- "to enrich itself" ---- is the specific purpose of a business.

Thus, a business serves itself; while a government serves its people. Thus they are two diametrically opposed dynamics. Thus there is no logic to the imagination that facility in one of those dynamics ..... will be well served in the other.

Get it yet?

That's why the argument that a candidate whose experience is in business, not government --- a Mitt Romney, a Donald Rump --- would therefore make a good government chief executive --- is an empty argument. It has nothing to stand on. It's like proposing that a librarian would make a good auctioneer. Just does not follow.
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