Okay - It is time to predict Uncle Joe's pick

The communists are locked into a black woman as the democrat candidate. The public will look at that woman and see all the cities run by black women in flames. Then they will vote.
I would really like any of those who believe that it's 'time' to elect a woman explain how gender or skin color can matter sometimes and not others.

Are gender and race simply states of mind to be chosen at will, or are they determined at conception?
I would really like any of those who believe that it's 'time' to elect a woman explain how gender or skin color can matter sometimes and not others.

Are gender and race simply states of mind to be chosen at will, or are they determined at conception?

To be a woman of color is to have life experiences you and I wouldn't understand, but could only show a little empathy.
Selecting one is a smart move. White men have fucked things up for too damn long.
We're already 100 days till the election, and Sleepy Joe seemed to forget about who his running mate will be. If Trump had decided on Pence to be his VP this late. The Fake News would have been having a field day.
We're already 100 days till the election, and Sleepy Joe seemed to forget about who his running mate will be. If Trump had decided on Pence to be his VP this late. The Fake News would have been having a field day.

So you're saying that Donnie selected the albino sycophant a week earlier? Whoop Dee DOOO!! :rolleyes-41:

Businessman Donald Trump of New York, the 2016 Republican nominee for President of the United States, considered several prominent Republicans and other individuals before selecting Governor Mike Pence of Indiana as his running mate on July 15, 2016.
We're already 100 days till the election, and Sleepy Joe seemed to forget about who his running mate will be. If Trump had decided on Pence to be his VP this late. The Fake News would have been having a field day.

So you're saying that Donnie selected the albino sycophant a week earlier? Whoop Dee DOOO!! :rolleyes-41:

Businessman Donald Trump of New York, the 2016 Republican nominee for President of the United States, considered several prominent Republicans and other individuals before selecting Governor Mike Pence of Indiana as his running mate on July 15, 2016.

Pipe down with your gaslight, Fake Newser.
To be a woman of color is to have life experiences you and I wouldn't understand, but could only show a little empathy.
Selecting one is a smart move. White men have fucked things up for too damn long.

Different life experiences? Who hasn't? 'Empathy', while desirable on a personal level is hardly a reason to select a national leader, though I appreciate the attempt to explain.

It isn't a 'white' man's fault he was born white and male...are you saying all white male leaders have effed things up?...or just those you disagree with politically?

We had 8 years of a black president - did he eff things up too?

If it's behavior and character that count with you, then why base a selection on gender and/or race?

Are gender and race simply states of mind to be chosen at will, or are they determined at conception?
We're already 100 days till the election, and Sleepy Joe seemed to forget about who his running mate will be. If Trump had decided on Pence to be his VP this late. The Fake News would have been having a field day.

So you're saying that Donnie selected the albino sycophant a week earlier? Whoop Dee DOOO!! :rolleyes-41:

Businessman Donald Trump of New York, the 2016 Republican nominee for President of the United States, considered several prominent Republicans and other individuals before selecting Governor Mike Pence of Indiana as his running mate on July 15, 2016.

Pipe down with your gaslight, Fake Newser.

Just got PWND'd dinya?

To be a woman of color is to have life experiences you and I wouldn't understand, but could only show a little empathy.
Selecting one is a smart move. White men have fucked things up for too damn long.

Different life experiences? Who hasn't? 'Empathy', while desirable on a personal level is hardly a reason to select a national leader, though I appreciate the attempt to explain.

It isn't a 'white' man's fault he was born white and male...are you saying all white male leaders have effed things up?...or just those you disagree with politically?

We had 8 years of a black president - did he eff things up too?

If it's behavior and character that count with you, then why base a selection on gender and/or race?

Are gender and race simply states of mind to be chosen at will, or are they determined at conception?

Obama didn't F things up like this one has. And no, white people can't possibly understand the black experience in this country or in my case, the black, female experience.

There is nothing wrong with political calculations. Never in my lifetime has an election been so important. If a VP helps to win a state, or if they can energize younger, black voters to get out, I am all for it.
We're already 100 days till the election, and Sleepy Joe seemed to forget about who his running mate will be. If Trump had decided on Pence to be his VP this late. The Fake News would have been having a field day.

So you're saying that Donnie selected the albino sycophant a week earlier? Whoop Dee DOOO!! :rolleyes-41:

Businessman Donald Trump of New York, the 2016 Republican nominee for President of the United States, considered several prominent Republicans and other individuals before selecting Governor Mike Pence of Indiana as his running mate on July 15, 2016.

Pipe down with your gaslight, Fake Newser.

Just got PWND'd dinya?


Obama didn't F things up like this one has. And no, white people can't possibly understand the black experience in this country or in my case, the black, female experience.

There is nothing wrong with political calculations. Never in my lifetime has an election been so important. If a VP helps to win a state, or if they can energize younger, black voters to get out, I am all for it.

Nor can you understand, as in my case, the white female experience - who cares? The important thing as a national leader is to understand the American experience.

Any other choice, such as gender or race based is biased and bigoted. One thing for certain - if bias and bigotry are wrong - they are wrong for any race, gender or creed. There are no free passes based on skin color or religion or gender - to do so is to exemplify bigotry.

Again, I ask - are gender and race chosen at will, or determined at conception?
Ukraine joe is incompetent, senile, dementia laden, mentally slow, health problems. The communist party behind him will be making that decision.

OMG, this is coming from a Trump supporter.

You know, I wish irony was painful, I really do. Let's break that down:

"Incompetent"- Trump - check (doesn't read, doesn't do intel briefings (first Pres. ever?) and knows little about anything, other than playing the white grievance card to his brain dead supporters.)

"senile" - Trump - check (Dog - TV - Couch - Porn Star - Fox News)

"dementia laden" - Trump - check (This is a man with all the symptoms, including extreme paranoia. Also has trouble with pronouncing many words)

"mentally slow" - Trump - check (self explanatory)

"health problems" - Trump - check (cannot walk down a wide ramp without difficulty, cannot drink a glass of water with only one hand)

"The communist party.." <snip> Trump - check (Putin pulls the strings, Trump does the dancing)

Sadly, you're too stupid to understand any of this, but thinking people are well aware.
I'm going with either Val Demmings, Val Demmings or Val Demmings.

In fact, I'm betting on it.

She's perfect - Her questioning in the impeachment trial was brilliant
Her background as police chief of a large US city (Orlando) blows away Rump's "law and order" BS
She assures a win in Florida (even though the latest poll has Joe up by 13)
She'd energize both black voters and females
And as icing on the cake, she would carve up Pence in a debate like soft Brie cheese. :)

Who's your pick, and why?

Rachel Dolezal the white woman who pretended to black this way he can pick a white person and still claim he picked a black woman.
And maybe soothe the crusty old whitey crybaby bitches in this thread for whom, apparently, 3 old white men out of 4 people on the tickets just isn't quite enough

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