Okay - It is time to predict Uncle Joe's pick

Remember people...

Democrats are extremely racist and sexist. So much so that the most important thing about their VP nominee is its race and gender.
Let's tell it as it is.

The pick will not be Uncle Joe's.

It will be the consensus candidate of the Democratic Party bigwigs (Ms. Hillary, Ms. Pelosi, the Rev. Sharpton, and individuals of that ilk).

Uncle Joe is just their puppet.
Win or most likely lose Senile Joe probably wont be around in 3 years so the pick of the VP is important for the Communist Democrat Bigwigs
Susan Rice....that was the deal he made with Jug Ears for his endorsement......She's perfect...she'll be the real president doing what Barry tells her to do. Of course none of it makes any difference since Trump will carry all 50 states with the possible exception of Kalifornicate and Massataxus......so 48 states. Bet that, sucker.

Yep. Susan Rice is my pick. :thup: She is the perfect choice be enable Obonzo to run the Country behind the scences.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.
I personally hope Senile Joe picks Stacey Abrams

View attachment 367493

Excellent pick! She's still convinced she's the real Governor of Georgia....She and Creepy are a match made in heaven...the delusional duet.

A Mayor's job is to protect the people of their city.
Anti-science shill, pandemic failure, Trump Humper and election criminal Kemp will now STFU! ;-)
Interesting to see that all the choices only pander to blacks and women instead of point to anyone's actual ability or real qualifications for the job. Sex and race are not qualifications and only a racist would think so.
Nobody who isn't Black and Female will be considered for the Democratic VP Candidate.

Disagree. I believe Tammy Duckworth and Liz Warren are still in the conversation. It WILL be a woman. The time has come.
It WILL be a woman. The time has come.

If so, I hope it's someone that has a long history as a housewife, and not a career politician.

someone that understands what the word 'budget' means
Disagree. I believe Tammy Duckworth and Liz Warren are still in the conversation. It WILL be a woman. The time has come.

"time has come" for what? A menopausal man-hating commie shrew a heartbeat away from the craziest old asshole in the history of American politics? Ain't your party enough of a freakshow already? :eusa_doh:
I'm going with either Val Demmings, Val Demmings or Val Demmings.

In fact, I'm betting on it.

She's perfect - Her questioning in the impeachment trial was brilliant
Her background as police chief of a large US city (Orlando) blows away Rump's "law and order" BS
She assures a win in Florida (even though the latest poll has Joe up by 13)
She'd energize both black voters and females
And as icing on the cake, she would carve up Pence in a debate like soft Brie cheese. :)

Who's your pick, and why?

I think he'll pick Kamaltoe Harris...

She'll let anyone sniff that stinky thing...
I predict Creepy Joe will pick a dumbass low IQ Negro. He has quite a few to chose from.

Our resident racist rears its ugly head. Back to ignore you go Trumpette!

There some decent intelligent Blacks in this country but none of them are Democrats. Especially the hate fill dumbasses holding office. The combined IQ points of the Congressional Black Caucus can't much over 200.

You have to be a real moron to be a Democrat. That pertains to Whites the same as Blacks. Just a lot more Blacks percentage wise.
...It WILL be a woman. The time has come.

Wrong - there is never a 'time' to choose a leader based on such 'accidental' and unearned characteristics as 'gender'.

So are there differences between men and women, or not? Is gender merely a state of mind or is it engraved in strands of dna? Is dna a logical marker by which to choose a leader?

To me - it is the very essence of bigotry to announce that a woman's 'time has come' - as if a woman is not capable of earning leadership, not by her sexual components, but by her strength of character and intellect - her mind.
Let's tell it as it is.

The pick will not be Uncle Joe's.

It will be the consensus candidate of the Democratic Party bigwigs (Ms. Hillary, Ms. Pelosi, the Rev. Sharpton, and individuals of that ilk).

Uncle Joe is just their puppet.
Win or most likely lose Senile Joe probably wont be around in 3 years so the pick of the VP is important for the Communist Democrat Bigwigs

Oh, yes!

The people who vote the Dem ticket on November 3 know that they are actually voting for the VP, who will be President quite soon.

That is why the party's most important constituency will be turning out in droves, as they so proudly did in 2008 and 2012.

Gads! People like the Rev. Mr. Sharpton will again be in the Executive Mansion telling the President how to run this country.
Have my likes & dislikes, will wait & see who he picks, and yes he will get input from other Democrats, that's how it should be. no kings for America.
I'm going with either Val Demmings, Val Demmings or Val Demmings.

In fact, I'm betting on it.

She's perfect - Her questioning in the impeachment trial was brilliant
Her background as police chief of a large US city (Orlando) blows away Rump's "law and order" BS
She assures a win in Florida (even though the latest poll has Joe up by 13)
She'd energize both black voters and females
And as icing on the cake, she would carve up Pence in a debate like soft Brie cheese. :)

Who's your pick, and why?

They got no answers. Her husband is in over his head now. Its easy to lead with free money. Orange County/Orlando has set itself up like older cities. And the retirees moving in and the theme park money has slowed down big time. Yeppers....the two smartest people in Central Florida are a married black couple! Who knew? ...bwhhahaaaa!
...It WILL be a woman. The time has come.

Wrong - there is never a 'time' to choose a leader based on such 'accidental' and unearned characteristics as 'gender'.

So are there differences between men and women, or not? Is gender merely a state of mind or is it engraved in strands of dna? Is dna a logical marker by which to choose a leader?

To me - it is the very essence of bigotry to announce that a woman's 'time has come' - as if a woman is not capable of earning leadership, not by her sexual components, but by her strength of character and intellect - her mind.

We're the last 1st world country never to elect a woman as president. Surely we can at least take a baby step.

Every one of the women in consideration has "earned leadership" as well as having "strength of character and intellect".

Sad that we can't say the same of our current hot mess in the Oval.
If so, I hope it's someone that has a long history as a housewife, and not a career politician.

someone that understands what the word 'budget' means

Didn't you tell us recently that you were over 80?
The 1950's called and they want their word back. :D



and budget is a word that few in DC seem to know the meaning of.
I'm going with either Val Demmings, Val Demmings or Val Demmings.

In fact, I'm betting on it.

She's perfect - Her questioning in the impeachment trial was brilliant
Her background as police chief of a large US city (Orlando) blows away Rump's "law and order" BS
She assures a win in Florida (even though the latest poll has Joe up by 13)
She'd energize both black voters and females
And as icing on the cake, she would carve up Pence in a debate like soft Brie cheese. :)

Who's your pick, and why?

She’s a disaster I guarantee you there’s going to be witnesses coming forward to talk about incompetent this woman was in a position just listening to her talk you know she has a bad bad skeleton in her closet..

I think it’s already been picked it’s the retard who got the face lift.. if not her it will be Warren
If so, I hope it's someone that has a long history as a housewife, and not a career politician.

someone that understands what the word 'budget' means

Didn't you tell us recently that you were over 80?
The 1950's called and they want their word back. :D



and budget is a word that few in DC seem to know the meaning of.

I had a "housewife" back in the 80s. She didn't know the meaning of budget either. ;)
...It WILL be a woman. The time has come.

Wrong - there is never a 'time' to choose a leader based on such 'accidental' and unearned characteristics as 'gender'.

So are there differences between men and women, or not? Is gender merely a state of mind or is it engraved in strands of dna? Is dna a logical marker by which to choose a leader?

To me - it is the very essence of bigotry to announce that a woman's 'time has come' - as if a woman is not capable of earning leadership, not by her sexual components, but by her strength of character and intellect - her mind.

We're the last 1st world country never to elect a woman as president. Surely we can at least take a baby step.

Every one of the women in consideration has "earned leadership" as well as having "strength of character and intellect".

Sad that we can't say the same of our current hot mess in the Oval.

There have been great women leaders - Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meier to name a few. None of them relied upon their uteruses or skin color to get elected.
I'm going with either Val Demmings, Val Demmings or Val Demmings. In fact, I'm betting on it.
The only think Dementia Joe is picking is his nose. The DNC will make the selection.

That's right. Folks have to remember that Joe knows he's not fit to be president, not for four YEARS. The Democrats know that as well. They talked him into doing this only because they told him he would be the BAIT: he had just enough name recognition and popularity to possibly pull off a win-- -- -- -- if the democrats threw the kitchen sink at Trump: national health crisis with no good resolution or outcome + national riots and a total breakdown of L&O---- enough to keep Joe OFF the front page and Trump ON it.


Watch who they pick as Joe's VP running mate. That is the DNC's REAL pick for president. It'll be a WOMAN and she'll be black this time, no one who could ever get in on their own and no one voters ever picked (no one picks based on VP). That's who you are REALLY electing.

Once Joe gets in, in a few months something will happen forcing Joe to "step down" (they will reveal one of his true underlying hidden health problems), then their VP will take over.

That's what you REALLY need to worry about.

And wait till you see who SHE picks as HER VP. It'll be another black woman. She'll be picked like Obama only BECAUSE she's black, and a woman, and for her stance on minority and race. READ: radical like all get out.

All the idiots out there voting Biden really as a vote against Trump are going to get the "Biden Surprise" along with the rest of the nation.

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