Okay - It is time to predict Uncle Joe's pick

Interesting isn't it?

The folks who loudly and proudly declare that race and gender don't matter certainly believe that race and gender do matter when it come to top qualifications for a VP pick...the two 'qualifications' that are wholly accidents of birth compared to qualifications that are 'acquired' - such as strength of character and values.
Susan Rice....that was the deal he made with Jug Ears for his endorsement......She's perfect...she'll be the real president doing what Barry tells her to do. Of course none of it makes any difference since Trump will carry all 50 states with the possible exception of Kalifornicate and Massataxus......so 48 states. Bet that, sucker.

Yep. Susan Rice is my pick. :thup: She is the perfect choice be enable Obonzo to run the Country behind the scences.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.
I personally hope Senile Joe picks Stacey Abrams

View attachment 367493

Joe will pick whomever Obabble tells him to, and that is likely Susan Rice.
Susan Rice....that was the deal he made with Jug Ears for his endorsement......She's perfect...she'll be the real president doing what Barry tells her to do. Of course none of it makes any difference since Trump will carry all 50 states with the possible exception of Kalifornicate and Massataxus......so 48 states. Bet that, sucker.

Yep. Susan Rice is my pick. :thup: She is the perfect choice be enable Obonzo to run the Country behind the scences.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.
I personally hope Senile Joe picks Stacey Abrams

View attachment 367493

Excellent pick! She's still convinced she's the real Governor of Georgia....She and Creepy are a match made in heaven...the delusional duet.
Susan Rice....that was the deal he made with Jug Ears for his endorsement......She's perfect...she'll be the real president doing what Barry tells her to do. Of course none of it makes any difference since Trump will carry all 50 states with the possible exception of Kalifornicate and Massataxus......so 48 states. Bet that, sucker.

Yep. Susan Rice is my pick. :thup: She is the perfect choice be enable Obonzo to run the Country behind the scences.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.
I personally hope Senile Joe picks Stacey Abrams

View attachment 367493

Joe will pick whomever Obabble tells him to, and that is likely Susan Rice.
Senile Joe is far too gone mentally to make decisions on his own.
Susan Rice....that was the deal he made with Jug Ears for his endorsement......She's perfect...she'll be the real president doing what Barry tells her to do. Of course none of it makes any difference since Trump will carry all 50 states with the possible exception of Kalifornicate and Massataxus......so 48 states. Bet that, sucker.

Yep. Susan Rice is my pick. :thup: She is the perfect choice be enable Obonzo to run the Country behind the scences.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.
I personally hope Senile Joe picks Stacey Abrams

View attachment 367493

Snaggle Tooth is the perfect Democrat. Full of racial hate and dumber than a door knob.
I'm going with either Val Demmings, Val Demmings or Val Demmings.

In fact, I'm betting on it.

She's perfect - Her questioning in the impeachment trial was brilliant
Her background as police chief of a large US city (Orlando) blows away Rump's "law and order" BS
She assures a win in Florida (even though the latest poll has Joe up by 13)
She'd energize both black voters and females
And as icing on the cake, she would carve up Pence in a debate like soft Brie cheese. :)

Who's your pick, and why?

It would have to be a black woman, so there's less chance getting her confused with his wife or sister.
Interesting to see that all the choices only pander to blacks and women instead of point to anyone's actual ability or real qualifications for the job. Sex and race are not qualifications and only a racist would think so.
Nobody who isn't Black and Female will be considered for the Democratic VP Candidate.
Susan Rice....that was the deal he made with Jug Ears for his endorsement......She's perfect...she'll be the real president doing what Barry tells her to do. Of course none of it makes any difference since Trump will carry all 50 states with the possible exception of Kalifornicate and Massataxus......so 48 states. Bet that, sucker.

Shut up, stupid.

I think a great choice would be Kamala Harris, but other than that, I have no idea, and have never heard of Val Demmings. And that is one reason I hope he does not choose Val Demmings, because no one has heard of her. This is America, where you don't get elected if no one knows who you are.

It's why the brain dead all voted Trump, they knew him as a reality TV star, and they all thought "Hey, he'd probably make a good President!", and sadly, that is how half of the country thinks.
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Interesting to see that all the choices only pander to blacks and women instead of point to anyone's actual ability or real qualifications for the job. Sex and race are not qualifications and only a racist would think so.
Nobody who isn't Black and Female will be considered for the Democratic VP Candidate.

Disagree. I believe Tammy Duckworth and Liz Warren are still in the conversation. It WILL be a woman. The time has come.
Let's tell it as it is.

The pick will not be Uncle Joe's.

It will be the consensus candidate of the Democratic Party bigwigs (Ms. Hillary, Ms. Pelosi, the Rev. Sharpton, and individuals of that ilk).

Uncle Joe is just their puppet.
I'm going with either Val Demmings, Val Demmings or Val Demmings.

In fact, I'm betting on it.

She's perfect - Her questioning in the impeachment trial was brilliant
Her background as police chief of a large US city (Orlando) blows away Rump's "law and order" BS
She assures a win in Florida (even though the latest poll has Joe up by 13)
She'd energize both black voters and females
And as icing on the cake, she would carve up Pence in a debate like soft Brie cheese. :)

Who's your pick, and why?

/---/ The only think Dementia Joe is picking is his nose. The DNC will make the selection.
Susan Rice....that was the deal he made with Jug Ears for his endorsement......She's perfect...she'll be the real president doing what Barry tells her to do. Of course none of it makes any difference since Trump will carry all 50 states with the possible exception of Kalifornicate and Massataxus......so 48 states. Bet that, sucker.

Yep. Susan Rice is my pick. :thup: She is the perfect choice be enable Obonzo to run the Country behind the scences.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.
I personally hope Senile Joe picks Stacey Abrams

View attachment 367493

Why? So the fat jokes can commence??
I'm going with either Val Demmings, Val Demmings or Val Demmings.

In fact, I'm betting on it.

She's perfect - Her questioning in the impeachment trial was brilliant
Her background as police chief of a large US city (Orlando) blows away Rump's "law and order" BS
She assures a win in Florida (even though the latest poll has Joe up by 13)
She'd energize both black voters and females
And as icing on the cake, she would carve up Pence in a debate like soft Brie cheese. :)

Who's your pick, and why?

/---/ The only think Dementia Joe is picking is his nose. The DNC will make the selection.
Senile Joe is only capable of picking his nose or his ass:smoke:
Susan Rice....that was the deal he made with Jug Ears for his endorsement......She's perfect...she'll be the real president doing what Barry tells her to do. Of course none of it makes any difference since Trump will carry all 50 states with the possible exception of Kalifornicate and Massataxus......so 48 states. Bet that, sucker.

Yep. Susan Rice is my pick. :thup: She is the perfect choice be enable Obonzo to run the Country behind the scences.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.
I personally hope Senile Joe picks Stacey Abrams

View attachment 367493
Yes, she will do as she is told.

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