Okay, Let's Be Honest With Ourselves Here

Thanks, but I've disagreed with him a lot and we've learned to put our differences aside and we still like each other. :)
Not sure what Ice is yacking about, he is one of the 3 that I have on ignore as he switched from a great conversationalist with adversarial opinions to a straight up troll that would do nothing but repeat personal insults and talking points. I still have great relationships with people that have different political opinion, I look for those people as I enjoy a good debate. It’s when people clearly check out and waste time by dodging the subject to troll that my patience goes away. FJB, you have a good heart and an open mind, I like you as a person so I’m interested in your views. whether they align with mine or not I couldn’t really care less. Just keep doing what you’re doing
I didn't switch, I got tired of excuses for his side and hate for the other.
I'm glad you do. I hope he never pulls on you what he obviously has done to me and many others.

I'm not really sure what all happened between you two, but I've learned from my past to stay out of arguments that have absolutely nothing to do with me.

Not sure what Ice is yacking about, he is one of the 3 that I have on ignore as he switched from a great conversationalist with adversarial opinions to a straight up troll that would do nothing but repeat personal insults and talking points. I still have great relationships with people that have different political opinion, I look for those people as I enjoy a good debate. It’s when people clearly check out and waste time by dodging the subject to troll that my patience goes away. FJB, you have a good heart and an open mind, I like you as a person so I’m interested in your views. whether they align with mine or not I couldn’t really care less. Just keep doing what you’re doing

Aww,.. thanks I feel the same way about you as like I've told you before you sort of became like my online brother figure. Your political views annoy me sometimes, but I still love you anyways. :) (I sort of like play fighting with you too at times as you're a really fun person to mess with. :p) Besides that, I've learned to see past political stances with you and have also learned that we don't have to agree to be friendly with one another and I do wish other people would see that as well.

As much as I would like to talk things out with toobfreak, he's been acting rather childish and immature these past few days so if he wants to pout and have a temper tantrum for being called out when I had every right to since it was one hundred percent the truth then I decided to let him.
Jan 6 was one of the most embarrassing moments in our nations history. Thousands of people believed the rantings of a clown and raided our capital as a result. They all deserve what they are getting as a result
Jan 6 was nothing you fucking shank ass bitch. What is embarrassing is how you leftists acted so deranged from 2017 through 2021
I'm not really sure what all happened between you two, but I've learned from my past to stay out of arguments that have absolutely nothing to do with me.

Aww,.. thanks I feel the same way about you as like I've told you before you sort of became like my online brother figure. Your political views annoy me sometimes, but I still love you anyways. :) (I sort of like play fighting with you too at times as you're a really fun person to mess with. :p) Besides that, I've learned to see past political stances with you and have also learned that we don't have to agree to be friendly with one another and I do wish other people would see that as well.

As much as I would like to talk things out with toobfreak, he's been acting rather childish and immature these past few days so if he wants to pout and have a temper tantrum for being called out when I had every right to since it was one hundred percent the truth then I decided to let him.
heh and that's totally fair. Slade is right to a point in how I reacted. but he puts it all on me and he was a blameless intellictual.

but that is my experience, not yours. not fair to judge him off my experiences and I honestly hope you have better luck.

forums such as this are supposed to be about open conversation. to me anyway. we all have our limits to what we will try to do and I just hit my own. that doesn't mean you will, and I get that.

in any event, appreciate the viewpoints and look forward to talking in other threads.
heh and that's totally fair. Slade is right to a point in how I reacted. but he puts it all on me and he was a blameless intellictual.

but that is my experience, not yours. not fair to judge him off my experiences and I honestly hope you have better luck.

forums such as this are supposed to be about open conversation. to me anyway. we all have our limits to what we will try to do and I just hit my own. that doesn't mean you will, and I get that.

in any event, appreciate the viewpoints and look forward to talking in other threads.

Thank you, and just for that I take my disagree points back. :)
nah. it's all good.

Too late lol but it's good to know that not all conservatives think the same either. :) (They can be just as stupid as democrats sometimes when they let their politics start going too far into their heads. Examples are in this thread.)
Too late lol but it's good to know that not all conservatives think the same either. :) (They can be just as stupid as democrats sometimes when they let their politics start going too far into their heads. Examples are in this thread.)
Yea, judge situations before people. but sometimes it simply doesn't end well and that's life.

I don't think anyone is strictly one side or the other, just easier to pretend they are so we can stereotype someone and not bother to listen to things we don't like or agree with.
I don't think anyone is strictly one side or the other, just easier to pretend they are so we can stereotype someone and not bother to listen to things we don't like or agree with.

I definitely am a conservative but I don't think it's good to be too far right as well as I don't think it's good to be too far left.
Jan 6 was nothing you fucking shank ass bitch. What is embarrassing is how you leftists acted so deranged from 2017 through 2021
No Jan 6 was something. There’s plenty of videos showing exactly what happened. Take off your blinders and educate yourself

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