Okay, Let's Be Honest With Ourselves Here

I literally just said that I don’t think Joe should get a pass and I do not blame Trump for everything. You’re off the rails and stuck in broken record lash out mode because you can’t back up your own BS or give direct answers to direct questions. Grow up
Fuck you Biden will forever be blamed by millions of Americans and you leftists will be hated and hunted down
If you have proof then it can be presented in court and adjudicated.
Sure it can. Boy, you really are naive, aren't you? Don't you know half the criminals that should be in jail are on the street because they BOUGHT their freedom, while maybe half the people in prison are either innocent or merely guilty of petty shit forced upon them by society they didn't have the money to buy a good lawyer with?

Every attempt to do this with your so called “evidence” was shot down.

You people who keep going on about this “stolen election” just sound like complete idiots.
Not as much an idiot as those like you suggesting Joe really was the most popular president in history! The facts and testimony unquestionably show that a LOT of funny business went on in 2020. Just ask Molly Ball.

Which is also more power than they had 7 years ago.
Don't worry, the radicalized Left have pissed away all of their advantages.

Your point has been undeniably refuted.
When? Where? Did I blink?

Bidens purpose was to boot Trump.
And look at the price it has cost America. About a trillion dollars just the past year.

He did that.
Biden did jack shit. It was Jeff Zuckerberg and about 50 subversive leftwing Soros organizations which I've listed many times who were responsible for the theft of an election as well as 1/6.

Next we need some fresh blood and brains.
You're really shit outta luck there.
Why has nobody mentioned the fact that you pointed this out? Answer; because so far we're one of the two normal ones in this thread right now. I'm a Trump supporter, but yet I don't try to pretend he's perfect or a saint because he isn't. You're somewhat of a democrat and you're saying the exact same thing about Biden. Supporting a particular party doesn't mean you have to worship them and yeah,.. I sort of am pretty stupid for taking my anger out on Biden, but who else am I supposed to blame?

When somebody is getting all pissy because I'm talking to somebody who they don't like and trying to keep me from doing it and bitching all about how they're poisoning my mind then yeah,.. that's exactly what they're acting like.
Policy wise I actually support more conservative ideology than progressive. I just can’t stand the political parties and I’m more disappointed by republicans because I have always looked to them to be the responsible ones. If we actually had a policy discussion about Biden I’d have plenty of negative things to say. But not many care to go there on this board as the partisan trolls take over
Policy wise I actually support more conservative ideology than progressive.
Sure could fool me!

I just can’t stand the political parties and I’m more disappointed by republicans because I have always looked to them to be the responsible ones.
You mean that losers Dole, McCain, and the other boob Romney weren't responsible enough? The GOP would be NOWHERE without Trump!

If we actually had a policy discussion about Biden I’d have plenty of negative things to say.
Gee, there have been about 50,000 policy discussions about Biden here since he took office; what's holding you back?

But not many care to go there on this board as the partisan trolls take over
Really? No one cares to discuss Biden's policies here? Are you for real, Ace? Or are you just saying partisan trolls because it eliminates 99% of the posters on this board who have no particular strong feelings for either party, which means they are basically politically neutered?
Sure could fool me!

You mean that losers Dole, McCain, and the other boob Romney weren't responsible enough? The GOP would be NOWHERE without Trump!

Gee, there have been about 50,000 policy discussions about Biden here since he took office; what's holding you back?

Really? No one cares to discuss Biden's policies here? Are you for real, Ace? Or are you just saying partisan trolls because it eliminates 99% of the posters on this board who have no particular strong feelings for either party, which means they are basically politically neutered?
Flip the page the guys clueless
Yes I have and he's not an asshole just because he has a difference of opinion with me sometimes. We don't always have to hate each other for disagreeing with each other,.. as much as I like you I think you're being a bigger asshole right now by saying that about my friend. Sorry but call it as I see it no matter if you have the same political party as me or not.
hey, I call it as I see it too.

my WHAT THE FUCK was when I gave a long well thought out reply to him and he gave me a bulletpoint answer.

when pressed, he finally admitted he never read my reply.

he's all yours. have fun. but sooner or later his ass will show and if you dare press, he will show another side.
hey, I call it as I see it too.

my WHAT THE FUCK was when I gave a long well thought out reply to him and he gave me a bulletpoint answer.

when pressed, he finally admitted he never read my reply.

he's all yours. have fun. but sooner or later his ass will show and if you dare press, he will show another side.
That's why my response to him will be either go fuck yourself or fuck off
One group can only push another group only so much. Then the other group hits back. When that happens there will not be any rules of engagement. You pissed yourself over Jan 6........
Jan 6 was one of the most embarrassing moments in our nations history. Thousands of people believed the rantings of a clown and raided our capital as a result. They all deserve what they are getting as a result
Can't we all just get along?
apparantly not.

look, I get where you are coming from. Slade n I used to have good convos. but over time they became 1 sided.

people he supported had all the leeway to be. misunderstood in the world.

people he didn't like were guilty at first hate. prove he is wrong in how he feels he will. double down and come at you, not look and see if he's being fair.

that isn't fair in my mind. we all have the same rights period. hating someone doesn't take them away.

But thats ultimately what I found him doing. time and time again.

if you two get along and have good convos, great. that's what the board should be about. but when you disagree with him and push for common ground, odds are he won't come along.

good luck.
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apparantly not.

look, I get where you are coming from. Slade n I used to have good convos. but over time they became 1 sided.

people he supported had all the leeway to be. misunderstood in the world.

people he didn't like were guilty at first hate. prove he is wrong in how he feels he will. double down and come at you, not look and see if he's being fair.

that isn't fair in my mind. we all have the same rights period. hating someone doesn't take them away.

But thats ultimately what I found him doing. time and time again.

if you two get along and have good convos, great. that's what the board should be about. but when you disagree with him and push for common ground, odds are he won't come along.

good luck.

Thanks, but I've disagreed with him a lot and we've learned to put our differences aside and we still like each other. :)
Thanks, but I've disagreed with him a lot and we've learned to put our differences aside and we still like each other. :)
I'm glad you do. I hope he never pulls on you what he obviously has done to me and many others.

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