Okay, Let's Be Honest With Ourselves Here

hey, I call it as I see it too. my WHAT THE FUCK was when I gave a long well thought out reply to him and he gave me a bulletpoint answer. when pressed, he finally admitted he never read my reply. he's all yours. have fun. but sooner or later his ass will show and if you dare press, he will show another side.
Pretty funny, IB-- -- claiming that you are such a good fit to Slade that the two of you get along so chummy that you swap spit isn't exactly something I'd BRAG about to others!
Pretty funny, IB-- -- claiming that you are such a good fit to Slade that the two of you get along so chummy that you swap spit isn't exactly something I'd BRAG about to others! View attachment 634157

You know, you really need to grow up. How is it that you're making a bigger deal out of this than Slade who you claim is such an asshole?
Nope that would be you. As it has been pointed out you aren't worth having a discussion with. So fuck you will suffice.
Look at the civil way I’ve been engaging with you versus the immature provocative trolling you been throwing at me. Reality is pretty clear
Look at the civil way I’ve been engaging with you versus the immature provocative trolling you been throwing at me. Reality is pretty clear

I don't know what all they've been saying, but that's the same point I've been trying to make to toobfreak. He's the one acting like an asshole towards us.
I don't know what all they've been saying, but that's the same point I've been trying to make to toobfreak. He's the one acting like an asshole towards us.
Trolls will be trolls FJB. They are here to provoke and throw fits and insults. Stems from insecurities and inflated egos. Wingnuts on both sides do it. One can only laugh at them
Trolls will be trolls FJB. They are here to provoke and throw fits and insults. Stems from insecurities and inflated egos. Wingnuts on both sides do it. One can only laugh at them

The sad part is I was questioning at first if I did something wrong or was too harsh but nope! I didn't do anything wrong but tell the truth and they couldn't handle it. I didn't mess up, they did.
There is no civility with any leftist so go fuck yourself
There it is right here. Reread the thread and our discussion. I’m being reasonable and respectful while you hurl childish insults in an attempt to avoid anything of actual substances. You’re obviously intimidated to actually engage with me so you resort to trolling.
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