Okay, Let's Be Honest With Ourselves Here

Leftists who said that are just as idiotic as you’re being. Two peas in a pod. But as long as you can justify your stupidness by saying that the “Dems did it”, all is good!
Never heard you say anything to them matter of fact you did it
So fuck off
Never heard you say anything to them matter of fact you did it
So fuck off
Who cares if I said something to the Left or not?! Makes zero difference to the point. I’m responding to what you’re saying right now. You first tried to excuse your statements by said the left did it too… and now you’re trying to divert the conversation to be about whether I critiqued the Left or not…. You really need to work on your debate skills. Stick to the topic and engage in an intelligent factual and honest way. The empty insults, emotional outbursts and diversions just make you sound weak and desperate.
To lose all 3 in 4 years is embarrassing

Quit embarrassing yourself with constant lying.
  • Trump lost nothing, his election has been clearly proven stolen.
  • Democrats don't control the Senate.
  • Democrats lost many seats they were supposed to gain in the House.
  • Democrats don't control the Supreme Court.
  1. Democrats still won't control the SC.
  2. Democrats will lose the House and further erode the Senate this Fall.
  3. Trump or someone like him will take back the Exec in 24.
  4. Biden will be kicked to the curb in 24 and Kammybear will be forgotten in the annals of history.
Democrats are going to experience their worst defeat in history this Fall.
Slade3200 made a really good point earlier. We take all of our anger out on Biden when we all know he isn't capable of making any of the decisions for our country, so we just pick him as a target for our anger. I'll be the first to admit he's right, but he's still an idiot though. (Biden not Slade.)


Slade happen to mention the voters are to blame for Biden? Sure, something to be said for TDS and a dumbed-down election process.
Quit embarrassing yourself with constant lying.
  • Trump lost nothing, his election has been clearly proven stolen.
  • Democrats don't control the Senate.
  • Democrats lost many seats they were supposed to gain in the House.
  • Democrats don't control the Supreme Court.
  1. Democrats still won't control the SC.
  2. Democrats will lose the House and further erode the Senate this Fall.
  3. Trump or someone like him will take back the Exec in 24.
  4. Biden will be kicked to the curb in 24 and Kammybear will be forgotten in the annals of history.
Democrats are going to experience their worst defeat in history this Fall.
Clearly proven as stolen would involve a court case where this clear proof could be presented and the situation rectified. You’re claims of a stolen election are cultish bullshit.

the Dems control the senate with the vote. 7 years ago the republicans controlled the senate. That right there proves your comment that im challenging as more BS.

SCOTUS has nothing to do with the American vote and is irrelevant to this conversation

I expect a swing of power this fall and a new president next cycle. That’s how the pendulum swings
Clearly proven as stolen would involve a court case
WRONG AGAIN. Nothing has to go through a court to be proven valid, much as not all things passed in court are necessarily true.

the Dems control the senate with the vote.
No they don't. They need 100% dems to all vote the same way then they need a tiebreaker from the idiot VP Harris.

SCOTUS has nothing to do with the American vote and is irrelevant to this conversation
Ahh but you sure wish you controlled it!

I expect a swing of power this fall and a new president next cycle. That’s how the pendulum swings
Especially with a hapless fuck like Biden and his sidekick useless bitch. It will be a landslide.
WRONG AGAIN. Nothing has to go through a court to be proven valid, much as not all things passed in court are necessarily true.

No they don't. They need 100% dems to all vote the same way then they need a tiebreaker from the idiot VP Harris.

Ahh but you sure wish you controlled it!

Especially with a hapless fuck like Biden and his sidekick useless bitch. It will be a landslide.
If you have proof then it can be presented in court and adjudicated. Every attempt to do this with your so called “evidence” was shot down. Including appeals made to your Trump appointed conservative majority SCOTUS. You people who keep going on about this “stolen election” just sound like complete idiots.

yup and with 100% dem vote and a dem VP tie break they have the power. Which is also more power than they had 7 years ago. Your point has been undeniably refuted.

Bidens purpose was to boot Trump. He did that. Next we need some fresh blood and brains. Not Biden, definitely not Trump, and hopefully no blowhard wannabes from either side
Who cares if I said something to the Left or not?! Makes zero difference to the point. I’m responding to what you’re saying right now. You first tried to excuse your statements by said the left did it too… and now you’re trying to divert the conversation to be about whether I critiqued the Left or not…. You really need to work on your debate skills. Stick to the topic and engage in an intelligent factual and honest way. The empty insults, emotional outbursts and diversions just make you sound weak and desperate.
When you started with me and spewing your bullshit. So fuck you
Another dodge. You really have problems giving direct answers don’t you? Deep breaths. Try to control those emotions and just act like a normal adult.
No fucking dodge on my part you however own stock in dodge. You fuckers want to blame Trump for everything and give Jo a pass I say go fuck yourself
No fucking dodge on my part you however own stock in dodge. You fuckers want to blame Trump for everything and give Jo a pass I say go fuck yourself
I certainly do not want to blame Trump for everything and give Joe a pass. That’s an ignorant statement. And you absolutely dodged as you failed to address any of my questions and resorted to empty insults. That’s what a dodge is
I certainly do not want to blame Trump for everything and give Joe a pass. That’s an ignorant statement. And you absolutely dodged as you failed to address any of my questions and resorted to empty insults. That’s what a dodge is
Again fuck off you hypocritical bitch
Again fuck off you hypocritical bitch. I have nothing to say to you other than you attacked trump for everything and think we should give Jo a pass. Fuck off
I literally just said that I don’t think Joe should get a pass and I do not blame Trump for everything. You’re off the rails and stuck in broken record lash out mode because you can’t back up your own BS or give direct answers to direct questions. Grow up
Biden deserves to be critiqued as well

Why has nobody mentioned the fact that you pointed this out? Answer; because so far we're one of the two normal ones in this thread right now. I'm a Trump supporter, but yet I don't try to pretend he's perfect or a saint because he isn't. You're somewhat of a democrat and you're saying the exact same thing about Biden. Supporting a particular party doesn't mean you have to worship them and yeah,.. I sort of am pretty stupid for taking my anger out on Biden, but who else am I supposed to blame?

A trophy? Not likely. Someone thinks an awful lot about themselves apparently 😝

When somebody is getting all pissy because I'm talking to somebody who they don't like and trying to keep me from doing it and bitching all about how they're poisoning my mind then yeah,.. that's exactly what they're acting like.

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