Okay, Let's Be Honest With Ourselves Here

Who did they blame for Covid? TRUMP.

Who did they blame for the summer of BLM/Floyd? TRUMP.

Who did they blame for hurricanes and bad weather? TRUMP.

Who are we going to blame for gas prices, food prices, energy prices, jobs, big tech, Afghanistan, Russia, Ukraine and the border?

No one blamed Trump for the virus, many blamed him for how he handled it. Him And almost all of the other politicians who opened there mouths over something they know very little about.
Not able to understand your 2nd point, maybe post something on that? Also about the weather? Am Going to blame politicians from both sides, plus the virus, & Natural disasters. plus choosing to make the whole deal political instead of focus on medicine. & now Putin's war keeps the blame going.
No one blamed Trump for the virus
BULLSHIT. Don't try your revisionist crap with me.

No, we place blame where blame is DUE, but thanks for admitting the democrats blamed Trump falsely for 7 years!
Of course they did! Partisan hacks on both sides do it. You’re doing it right now to Biden. Who do you think you’re fooling?
show me where I have blamed biden for something that wasn't his fault.
I don’t need to dig through old posts I will just ask you. Do you think it’s Biden’s fault that Putin invaded Ukraine? That gas prices are rising to the level they are at? Do you blame Biden for inflation?
Yes Trump cut oil from Saudis because he was making America energy independent unlike biden went back begging to the Saudis
He did not demand oil production cuts from US energy producers
Due to the pandemic oil glut, Trump rightly asked the Saudi's to cut production as well as American producers. Are you saying Trump never begged, um I mean asked, the Saudi's to increase production to lower oil prices like just a couple of year ago? Seriously?

They don't like hearing that gas prices and inflation are a global problem, and complicated as hell.

Watch FOX like they do -- there, it's only an American problem and all Biden's fault. And, of course, they buy it.
All true, Knob Shiner, except that:
  1. Trump is about 6 BILLION dollars richer than YOU.
  2. Trump was stronger enough to do 100X more good things in office while under attack from all sides than Biden will ever do with everyone propping him up!
  3. And Trump was smart enough to beat Hillary, beat the DNC, and beat two bogus impeachments to be a better president than Biden, Obumma, and Clinton combined.
So if only poor, weak and stupid people like a man who gave us low crime, high wages, a robust economy, secure borders and world peace, then that sure doesn't say much about YOU supporting the man who gave us $7.00 gasoline, hyperinflation, empty store shelves, rampant crime, hordes surging our borders and WWIII about to break out! :auiqs.jpg:
I think mac is jealous of Trump and all he owns, hell, mac is owned by trump, that is all Mac has, is his undying love for his Trumpy Bear.
Due to the pandemic oil glut, Trump rightly asked the Saudi's to cut production as well as American producers. Are you saying Trump never begged, um I mean asked, the Saudi's to increase production to lower oil prices like just a couple of year ago? Seriously?

Again Trump did not make any demand to cut oil production from US companies.
I don’t need to dig through old posts I will just ask you. Do you think it’s Biden’s fault that Putin invaded Ukraine? That gas prices are rising to the level they are at? Do you blame Biden for inflation?
Fuck off unlike you leftists attacking trump for everything I have not attacked Biden for something that was not his fault. And I will continue to condemn his un-american actions. He got big troubles coming with hunter.
Fuck off unlike you leftists attacking trump for everything I have not attacked Biden for something that was not his fault. And I will continue to condemn his un-american actions. He got big troubles coming with hunter.
See right there? I asked three direct questions and you refused to answer any of them. Well done
You’re doing it right now to Biden.
Who do YOU think you are fooling? Trump deserved little to none of the vicious criticism he continually endured--- Biden has begged for every bit and more he is getting now... no one can defend that. Biden hasn't been unpopular, he hasn't been bad... he and Harris and the whole lot of arrogant fucks have been stupendously unbelievable besides disastrous. America has utterly had it with the bovine crap of the left these past 7 years and the 1st wave retaliation begins this November! It is going to be a slobberknocker.
Who do YOU think you are fooling? Trump deserved little to none of the vicious criticism he continually endured--- Biden has begged for every bit and more he is getting now... no one can defend that. Biden hasn't been unpopular, he hasn't been bad... he and Harris and the whole lot of arrogant fucks have been stupendously unbelievable besides disastrous. America has utterly had it with the bovine crap of the left these past 7 years and the 1st wave retaliation begins this November! It is going to be a slobberknocker.
Riiiight. America has been so fed up with the Left over the past 7 years that they elected Joe Biden as president and hold power in both houses of congress. Haha. You’re an idiot

Trump deserved what he got because he was a provocative shit talker. Biden deserves to be critiqued as well but you turds are blaming him for things he has no control over. Dumbasses
Riiiight. America has been so fed up with the Left over the past 7 years that they elected Joe Biden as president
GET REAL, Ace. American didn't elect Job Biden, they either voted against Trump after years and billions of dollars of negative media effort by the left (thank you for $400 million, Jeff Z) to influence the election they were just so fed up with hearing the 24/7 TDS by the Left, or they outright rigged the election, as has already been admitted to by Molly Ball, and to which every of a thousand indicators point.

and hold power in both houses of congress
Really? You hold power in the Senate? The Supreme Court? The Federal Courts?

. Haha. You’re an idiot
HaHa you're a prick.

Trump deserved what he got because he was a provocative shit talker.
No president deserves what Trump got just for bring "provocative." Sure beats the crap (sorry) out of having a snorer like Joe (WAKE UP!). Once again, you use the word provocative because Trump dared to tell the far left to go get stuffed. He should have been telling you far worse.

Biden deserves to be critiqued as well
No, at this point, Joe deserves held by the nose while being kicked by the ass right out of the WH once and for all, so we can get someone back in not part of another 50-year Washington crime family like the Clintons, the Pelosis and now the Bidens.
GET REAL, Ace. American didn't elect Job Biden, they either voted against Trump after years and billions of dollars of negative media effort by the left (thank you for $400 million, Jeff Z) to influence the election they were just so fed up with hearing the 24/7 TDS by the Left, or they outright rigged the election, as has already been admitted to by Molly Ball, and to which every of a thousand indicators point.

Really? You hold power in the Senate? The Supreme Court? The Federal Courts?

HaHa you're a prick.

No president deserves what Trump got just for bring "provocative." Sure beats the crap (sorry) out of having a snorer like Joe (WAKE UP!). Once again, you use the word provocative because Trump dared to tell the far left to go get stuffed. He should have been telling you far worse.

No, at this point, Joe deserves held by the nose while being kicked by the ass right out of the WH once and for all, so we can get someone back in not part of another 50-year Washington crime family like the Clintons, the Pelosis and now the Bidens.
I don’t hold any power but the Dems do hold power in the House and Senate as I said. Never mentioned anything about court appointments as they have nothing to do with the point I was making or this discussion. And damn straight the anti trump vote is what got Joe elected. Trump was that bad and he deserved to get his egotistic power abusing ass checked.
What power do they hold in the Senate? Hope you're not married to it cause this Fall they are going to lose it all.
Well they gained seats to even the count to 50/50 and they have the VP for tie breaks. You didn’t know that?!

they should lose it next fall. That’s how the pendulum swings
You call that holding power? :21:
Absolutely. You commented on how America was so upset at the Dems over the past 7 years that there is about to be a red wave reacting. My point was that the Dems won the white house and gained seats and power in congress during those 7 years. So your observation was simply not accurate

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