Okay, Let's Be Honest With Ourselves Here

Gas prices were on the rise because of supply chain and demand shortages.

Oh- so sorry, wrong answer, Bupkiss. Gas prices have been rising since almost to the day Biden was installed!


Life is complicated. The world is complicated. Blaming one person, or one group of people, is silly.

Our problems are, like most countries, a group effort.
Yea seriously... Oil for example is a global commodity...

Can someone explain what decisions Biden made that made any real effect of the global price of Oil especially when OPEC can a do increase and decrease the supply to maintain oil price at an agreed level...
Yea seriously... Oil for example is a global commodity...

Can someone explain what decisions Biden made that made any real effect of the global price of Oil especially when OPEC can a do increase and decrease the supply to maintain oil price at an agreed level...
They don't like hearing that gas prices and inflation are a global problem, and complicated as hell.

Watch FOX like they do -- there, it's only an American problem and all Biden's fault. And, of course, they buy it.
Life is complicated. The world is complicated. Blaming one person, or one group of people, is silly.

Our problems are, like most countries, a group effort.
And you had no problem blaming Trump for everything even the shit created by the media.
The OP said:
@Slade3200 made a really good point earlier. We take all of our anger out on Biden when we all know he isn't capable of making any of the decisions for our country, so we just pick him as a target for our anger. I'll be the first to admit he's right, but he's still an idiot though. (Biden not Slade.)

On that particular Slade pointless, I noted that Brandon doesn’t actually make decisions. His handlers do. And they are anonymous and unaccountable. My working assumption is that Slade thinks we can excuse Brandon on that basis. I disagree. I am angry that the folks making his decisions are making shitty decisions and I am angry that they are anonymous and unaccountable.

I am, however, also annoyed that Brandon chose to continue his long “service” [sic] to the United States by seeking the Presidency. It is obviously a job far far above his skill set and tenuous grip on reality. Even he should grasp that he’s spectacularly unfit for the Office.
Oh- so sorry, wrong answer, Bupkiss. Gas prices have been rising since almost to the day Biden was installed!

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Why does your price chart start in the middle of the pandemic when there was a glut of oil on the market? If this was such a good thing why did the Trumpyone demand cuts in oil production in 2020 to raise prices. The companies and countries that cut production still haven't returned to their prior production levels.
Why does your price chart start in the middle of the pandemic when there was a glut of oil on the market? If this was such a good thing why did the Trumpyone demand cuts in oil production in 2020 to raise prices. The companies and countries that cut production still haven't returned to their prior production levels.
Let's see your proof and no fake news
Slade3200 made a really good point earlier. We take all of our anger out on Biden when we all know he isn't capable of making any of the decisions for our country, so we just pick him as a target for our anger. I'll be the first to admit he's right, but he's still an idiot though. (Biden not Slade.)
"Let's be honest..."

"conservatives" being honest?????

Who said you have no imagination?

"honest conservatives"



If we don’t like the decisions made by Brandon, we should be angry at ??? Who? Those who make the decisions and then tell Brandon what to “say” and what Executive Orders to “sign?” I mean. Yeah. I’m pissed off at them too, but they are anonymous and unaccountable. Just the way they like it.
Who's "Brandon?"

No wait!!!!!


"brandon's" home


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