Republicans are complaining about Harris “not getting any primary votes!” before becoming the nominee, but let’s be honest here…

Well, you should be concerned about your democracy then. If you are worried about democracy maybe you should care about your candidate actually getting some votes.

He does not give a s**t about democracy.

All democracy is to him and his ilk is some shangri la that the GOP will destroy if they win.

Like he really cares. All he wants is power.
Oh, before I leave this "Thread of a dumbass", let's point out one other thing.

Ever since 2020, we've pointed out that Biden was not in very good shape mentally.

Through 2021, 2022, and 2023, we've pointed out his ongoing decline.

What did we hear:

"He's sharp as a tack".

"He's fine"

"He's smarter than Trump".

"He has all he needs to go four more years".

And a lot of other lies.

People like Harris and Billy000 were all about how he was great.


Then suddenly.....OMGosh, he's not fit (translation: he's going to lose). He's gotta go (not because he can't do it....we told everyone he could....but he's going to lose).

A huge lie that the GOP will beat the hell out of the lying democrats with in 2026 and 2028.

I can't wait for those posters to show up. I'll have three or four in my front yard.
Oh, before I leave this "Thread of a dumbass", let's point out one other thing.

Ever since 2020, we've pointed out that Biden was not in very good shape mentally.

Through 2021, 2022, and 2023, we've pointed out his ongoing decline.

What did we hear:

"He's sharp as a tack".

"He's fine"

"He's smarter than Trump".

"He has all he needs to go four more years".

And a lot of other lies.

People like Harris and Billy000 were all about how he was great.


Then suddenly.....OMGosh, he's not fit (translation: he's going to lose). He's gotta go (not because he can't do it....we told everyone he could....but he's going to lose).

A huge lie that the GOP will beat the hell out of the lying democrats with in 2026 and 2028.

I can't wait for those posters to show up. I'll have three or four in my front yard.
lol I’m sure you would find it validating to just assume that I worshipped Biden the way Trumptards do Trump, but you’re kidding yourself. I made it clear on this board well before the June debate that I think Biden’s mental acuity was questionable. It clearly isn’t as bas as Trump’s primarily because I think Trump was born a moron, but yeah, Biden’s mental fitness was questionable.

Sorry to break it to you I guess lol
He does not give a s**t about democracy.

All democracy is to him and his ilk is some shangri la that the GOP will destroy if they win.

Like he really cares. All he wants is power.
This will be the first election in recent history the voters have the same amount of primary votes the actual candidate has. A bunch of people on the left are going to vote for someone they didn’t want anywhere near the job four years ago, and didn’t even vote for this time, but are ok with this total lack of democracy as the scream voting for Trump will destroy democracy. At least we got to vote for our candidate you fucking morons.
Meh, installing FKH like a shitter it did have the benefit of shutting down the dem's "Mah Democracy" BS as people saw that it had as about as much credibility as their "Russian Collusion" horse shit.
How does "Russian Collusion" compare to the Big Lie of "Stollen Election".

1). Stollen Election led to deaths at the Capitol.....All on the bloody hands of DJT.

2). Stollen Election led to the illegal Breaking into a Closed Capitol Building, and then claiming, "They were tourist that just trespassed a bit."

3). Stollen Election led to a Huge Division of our Country, which You and the Cult, along with trump, are very proud of.
….they are only complaining about this because of her rise in the polls against Trump.

It’s hysterical to me some of them are saying this is some subversion of democracy. Besides being absurd, it represents their deep anxiety about Trump losing when it seemed clear he was destined for victory against Biden.

If Harris was doing as bad as Biden or worse in the polls right now, republicans would be ridiculing the democrat party as flailing and a joke thinking they had a chance against Trump by replacing Biden with Harris. They wouldn’t give a shit Harris didn’t get any primary votes because they would know she would be likely to lose.

Let’s not pretend republicans have principles about democracy. All they care about is that their side wins no matter what.
You couldn't be honest if your life depended on it. You don't know how.

I tell ya what's absurd, Democrats running a braindead man so he can be a puppet for them a second time, that failing in plain view of everyone, then them expecting the backup to be actually viable after they screwed the pooch so royally.
I stopped reading at "….they are only complaining about this because of her rise in the polls against Trump."
That's OK. Reading is hard for a beginner like you. Just concentrate and try, and you'll soon be able to read an entire paragraph before you give out. Think baby steps.
lol I’m sure you would find it validating to just assume that I worshipped Biden the way Trumptards do Trump, but you’re kidding yourself. I made it clear on this board well before the June debate that I think Biden’s mental acuity was questionable. It clearly isn’t as bas as Trump’s primarily because I think Trump was born a moron, but yeah, Biden’s mental fitness was questionable.

Sorry to break it to you I guess lol

You've been lying your ass off about it for 3.5 years as has Hindenburg Harris.

Trump missed a really good opportunity to call her basic integrity into question.

"Yeah: and on that point, just when did the democrats figure out Joe was out of his mind ? He great up until the debate we were assured and Kamala Harris was right there with them. Then in one night that all changes. That seems a little strange. No hint that there might be an was always he was fine. Ready for another four years.

And in the space of two hours that all turns upside down. Not a believable story and calls into question the integrity of those pushing it. Certainly those of us on the right were talking about it for 3.5 years. And yet Harris, the democrats, and the media were all poo pooing it.

Was he O.K until that night ? WTF happened.

Or was it all a big lie to keep power. Hoping he'd get elected so he could turn the office over.

But when it looks like he's going to lose, the whole story changes.

And the V.P. was right there. She knew it all. I think we, the American people were lied to. Wonder what else we are being lied to about?

Harris: Welll you lie about dogs in Ohio.

Trump: I exaggerate. And dogs in Ohio don't have to make snape decisions should someone else push the button. You put the safety of an entire nation at risk so you can keep power. Wow....arrogance at it's finest.

Harris: I need a break. I think I just s**t myself.

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