Okay, Trump has officially lost his goddamn mind and everyone needs to recognize it

He didn’t say they would fire.

You said he said they would fire.
You are not tired of making excuses for a mentally challenge clown? I understand you voted and you like him....but dude, you must at times say fuck it he went too far. Give yourself some respect.
I don't care what he said. No one on the left gets upset when Maxine Waters or Eric Holder talk about harassing or kicking republicans. No one on the left gets upset when Hillary calls us racists, bigots, xenophobes, etc, etc. No one on the left got upset when Obama said "if they bring a knife, we bring a gun". Naw, what Trump said bothers me about as much as those words bothered you guys. I don't care. Furthermore, Jimmy crack corn and I don't care.

Or when Obama made fun of us for "clinging to our bibles".
Gee, Billy...did it ever occur to you that Trump is trying to discourage those "migrants" from even continuing their assault on our border? They are weeks away from reaching the border which is why now is the time to make it quite clear to them that WE control who comes into the United States! Someone has led them to believe that if they show up at the border that they're getting a free pass in. Now who do you think it is that's doing THAT? (eye roll)
Or...we are less than a week away from the mid terms, and trump knows that the axe is about to fall re. Mueller. He's throwing up as many diversions as he can, to keep other more pressing issues out of the news.

Sure, this stuff ignites his base. Unfortunately, elections are determined by those in the middle of both parties.

What "axe" do you think is going to fall with Mueller, Howard? Come on...that ship sailed months ago! There was no Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. If there was it would have been leaked by someone in the Mueller investigation a long time ago!

Trump is doing his job. Part of that job IS securing our borders! Since when do we allow outsiders in simply because they organize into a mob and bum rush the door? This whole thing is absurd.
By all means...do tell

You're the one who thinks an "axe" is going to fall on Trump because of the Mueller investigation...I'm simply asking whether you base that on anything other than what you HOPE happens?
You realize that Manafort just gave them Stone on a silver platter? Also, Mueller no doubt has the info re. the burner phone that 'Lil don called twice on the day of the trump Tower meeting.

I believe those two issues delivers the conspiracy in spades.

Conspiracy? To do what? Listen to someone who supposedly had dirt on Hillary Clinton? First of all that isn't in any way shape or form illegal even if the Russian lawyer HAD dirt on Clinton...which she didn't! The "conspiracy" that took place was the Clinton campaign trying to set up Trump by setting up the meeting. When it was obvious that she didn't have dirt on Hillary the meeting came to an abrupt halt. Isn't it AMAZING though that the very same Russian lawyer that the Trump campaign supposedly "colluded" with met with Hillary Clinton's guy from Fusion GPS both right before the Trump Tower meeting and right after the Trump Tower meeting! And isn't it also amazing that the story about the Trump Tower meeting got "leaked" to the press by some anonymous source? Just in time for it to become a MAJOR main stream media story right before the election? Wow...what a coincidence! The same people who did the "dossier" smear on Trump were meeting with the Russian lawyer before and after the Trump Tower meeting and it's not OBVIOUS what they were doing?

Bottom line is this...the Trump Campaign did nothing illegal or unsavory. The Clinton Campaign on the other hand was doing sleazy things THROUGHOUT that election! From getting the questions from CNN that would be used in her debates...to paying big money for phony dossiers to be created to smear her opponent...Hillary Clinton put on a CLINIC on how to run a corrupt, unethical campaign!
Who's invading our country?



You really missed this shit?
So, they're invading our country carrying their kids on their shoulders?

Yep. Using their own children as human shields.

Really speaks to what kind of people we are getting.

I doubt those children belong to them
Of course you do, your controllers told you to.

What controllers? Do tell.

Why is it unreasonable to question whether children belong to the adults that are taking them illegally into other nations? Human trafficking is a huge issue among our southern border


You really missed this shit?
So, they're invading our country carrying their kids on their shoulders?

Yep. Using their own children as human shields.

Really speaks to what kind of people we are getting.

I doubt those children belong to them
Of course you do, your controllers told you to.

What controllers? Do tell.

Why is it unreasonable to question whether children belong to the adults that are taking them illegally into other nations? Human trafficking is a huge issue among our southern border
Breightbart, bannon, Hannity, and so on.
what have the GOP done with their power?

they cut taxes for the rich...JUST LIKE THE LAST TIME!

they talked about cutting Medicare, Medicare, and Social Security...JUST LIKE THE LAST TIME!

let's end this arrogant abuse of power once and for all! BRING IT HOME! BRING IT HOME! BRING IT HOME! BRING IT HOME!
Wrong. They cut taxes for those people who pay taxes.
Okay, look, be as hardline on immigration all you want. That really isnt the point. The point is the amount of non sense Trump is spewing in desperation of avoiding a democrat win in the election. It’s incredible even for Trump. It’s incredible such bizarre shit could come from a 71 year old man.

I don’t care what you think of the migrants heading north, but if you think sending 15 fucking thousand troops to the border while suggesting this massive army can shoot to kill these people for throwing rocks isn’t something a complete nut job would say, you are in serious denial. Keep in mind these migrants are MONTHS away from reaching the border and apparently the 15,000 American troops are just going to wait til they get there.

What the absolute fuck?

Trump, stoking caravan fears, says troops will fire on migrants if they 'throw rocks'

Trump is a Slug....
Or...we are less than a week away from the mid terms, and trump knows that the axe is about to fall re. Mueller. He's throwing up as many diversions as he can, to keep other more pressing issues out of the news.

Sure, this stuff ignites his base. Unfortunately, elections are determined by those in the middle of both parties.

What "axe" do you think is going to fall with Mueller, Howard? Come on...that ship sailed months ago! There was no Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. If there was it would have been leaked by someone in the Mueller investigation a long time ago!

Trump is doing his job. Part of that job IS securing our borders! Since when do we allow outsiders in simply because they organize into a mob and bum rush the door? This whole thing is absurd.
By all means...do tell

You're the one who thinks an "axe" is going to fall on Trump because of the Mueller investigation...I'm simply asking whether you base that on anything other than what you HOPE happens?
You realize that Manafort just gave them Stone on a silver platter? Also, Mueller no doubt has the info re. the burner phone that 'Lil don called twice on the day of the trump Tower meeting.

I believe those two issues delivers the conspiracy in spades.

Conspiracy? To do what? Listen to someone who supposedly had dirt on Hillary Clinton? First of all that isn't in any way shape or form illegal even if the Russian lawyer HAD dirt on Clinton...which she didn't! The "conspiracy" that took place was the Clinton campaign trying to set up Trump by setting up the meeting. When it was obvious that she didn't have dirt on Hillary the meeting came to an abrupt halt. Isn't it AMAZING though that the very same Russian lawyer that the Trump campaign supposedly "colluded" with met with Hillary Clinton's guy from Fusion GPS both right before the Trump Tower meeting and right after the Trump Tower meeting! And isn't it also amazing that the story about the Trump Tower meeting got "leaked" to the press by some anonymous source? Just in time for it to become a MAJOR main stream media story right before the election? Wow...what a coincidence! The same people who did the "dossier" smear on Trump were meeting with the Russian lawyer before and after the Trump Tower meeting and it's not OBVIOUS what they were doing?

Bottom line is this...the Trump Campaign did nothing illegal or unsavory. The Clinton Campaign on the other hand was doing sleazy things THROUGHOUT that election! From getting the questions from CNN that would be used in her debates...to paying big money for phony dossiers to be created to smear her opponent...Hillary Clinton put on a CLINIC on how to run a corrupt, unethical campaign!
I honestly can be bothered to read your delusions. Got 1/4 of the way in, and realized what I'm dealing with.

For the clear minded members who might be passing through, keep in mind that stealing DNC emails is a crime. Further, Stone/Manafort worked for the trump campaign. They conspired with the Russians to release the info.

That's a crime. Would you believe it if a unicorn told you instead?
What "axe" do you think is going to fall with Mueller, Howard? Come on...that ship sailed months ago! There was no Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. If there was it would have been leaked by someone in the Mueller investigation a long time ago!

Trump is doing his job. Part of that job IS securing our borders! Since when do we allow outsiders in simply because they organize into a mob and bum rush the door? This whole thing is absurd.
By all means...do tell

You're the one who thinks an "axe" is going to fall on Trump because of the Mueller investigation...I'm simply asking whether you base that on anything other than what you HOPE happens?
You realize that Manafort just gave them Stone on a silver platter? Also, Mueller no doubt has the info re. the burner phone that 'Lil don called twice on the day of the trump Tower meeting.

I believe those two issues delivers the conspiracy in spades.

Conspiracy? To do what? Listen to someone who supposedly had dirt on Hillary Clinton? First of all that isn't in any way shape or form illegal even if the Russian lawyer HAD dirt on Clinton...which she didn't! The "conspiracy" that took place was the Clinton campaign trying to set up Trump by setting up the meeting. When it was obvious that she didn't have dirt on Hillary the meeting came to an abrupt halt. Isn't it AMAZING though that the very same Russian lawyer that the Trump campaign supposedly "colluded" with met with Hillary Clinton's guy from Fusion GPS both right before the Trump Tower meeting and right after the Trump Tower meeting! And isn't it also amazing that the story about the Trump Tower meeting got "leaked" to the press by some anonymous source? Just in time for it to become a MAJOR main stream media story right before the election? Wow...what a coincidence! The same people who did the "dossier" smear on Trump were meeting with the Russian lawyer before and after the Trump Tower meeting and it's not OBVIOUS what they were doing?

Bottom line is this...the Trump Campaign did nothing illegal or unsavory. The Clinton Campaign on the other hand was doing sleazy things THROUGHOUT that election! From getting the questions from CNN that would be used in her debates...to paying big money for phony dossiers to be created to smear her opponent...Hillary Clinton put on a CLINIC on how to run a corrupt, unethical campaign!
I honestly can be bothered to read your delusions. Got 1/4 of the way in, and realized what I'm dealing with.

For the clear minded members who might be passing through, keep in mind that stealing DNC emails is a crime. Further, Stone/Manafort worked for the trump campaign. They conspired with the Russians to release the info.

That's a crime. Would you believe it if a unicorn told you instead?

Wait...what do the DNC emails have to do with the Trump Tower meeting? They are two very separate things!

Since you brought up the DNC emails...what proof do you have that those weren't leaked by someone in the DNC itself that was upset over the way that the Clinton camp treated Bernie Sanders?
Well, you're a shameless liar, and you applaud this embarrassing threat. Those are facts. No amount of wincing and sniveling on your part is going to suddenly make water "not wet". Own your behavior.
I'm a shameless liar? I"m not the one making shit up about shooting people. YOU are.
No, if anyone is making shit up about shooting migrants, it's Trump. So stop your whining and write your congressman, crybaby.
So, Trump said he wants troops to shoot these invaders? when clearly he never said any such thing, but you sure to do see to want them to.
Trump doesn't need you to cover for him. Hes the leader of the military, and he is talking about ordering them to shoot at the migrants. Those are facts. Just admit that you love it, it would be less embarrassing for you than this sniveling exerciae in equivocation.
Only the women and children...

For effect...

The men can then throw some gang signs after they tattoo their faces...

Then they'll teach us as the fly their flag and burn ours...



Progressives scream no humanitarian aid to process migrants.



Wait till they find out it's huge tents. :)
By all means...do tell

You're the one who thinks an "axe" is going to fall on Trump because of the Mueller investigation...I'm simply asking whether you base that on anything other than what you HOPE happens?
You realize that Manafort just gave them Stone on a silver platter? Also, Mueller no doubt has the info re. the burner phone that 'Lil don called twice on the day of the trump Tower meeting.

I believe those two issues delivers the conspiracy in spades.

Conspiracy? To do what? Listen to someone who supposedly had dirt on Hillary Clinton? First of all that isn't in any way shape or form illegal even if the Russian lawyer HAD dirt on Clinton...which she didn't! The "conspiracy" that took place was the Clinton campaign trying to set up Trump by setting up the meeting. When it was obvious that she didn't have dirt on Hillary the meeting came to an abrupt halt. Isn't it AMAZING though that the very same Russian lawyer that the Trump campaign supposedly "colluded" with met with Hillary Clinton's guy from Fusion GPS both right before the Trump Tower meeting and right after the Trump Tower meeting! And isn't it also amazing that the story about the Trump Tower meeting got "leaked" to the press by some anonymous source? Just in time for it to become a MAJOR main stream media story right before the election? Wow...what a coincidence! The same people who did the "dossier" smear on Trump were meeting with the Russian lawyer before and after the Trump Tower meeting and it's not OBVIOUS what they were doing?

Bottom line is this...the Trump Campaign did nothing illegal or unsavory. The Clinton Campaign on the other hand was doing sleazy things THROUGHOUT that election! From getting the questions from CNN that would be used in her debates...to paying big money for phony dossiers to be created to smear her opponent...Hillary Clinton put on a CLINIC on how to run a corrupt, unethical campaign!
I honestly can be bothered to read your delusions. Got 1/4 of the way in, and realized what I'm dealing with.

For the clear minded members who might be passing through, keep in mind that stealing DNC emails is a crime. Further, Stone/Manafort worked for the trump campaign. They conspired with the Russians to release the info.

That's a crime. Would you believe it if a unicorn told you instead?

Wait...what do the DNC emails have to do with the Trump Tower meeting? They are two very separate things!

Since you brought up the DNC emails...what proof do you have that those weren't leaked by someone in the DNC itself that was upset over the way that the Clinton camp treated Bernie Sanders?
Thanks for the laugh
You're the one who thinks an "axe" is going to fall on Trump because of the Mueller investigation...I'm simply asking whether you base that on anything other than what you HOPE happens?
You realize that Manafort just gave them Stone on a silver platter? Also, Mueller no doubt has the info re. the burner phone that 'Lil don called twice on the day of the trump Tower meeting.

I believe those two issues delivers the conspiracy in spades.

Conspiracy? To do what? Listen to someone who supposedly had dirt on Hillary Clinton? First of all that isn't in any way shape or form illegal even if the Russian lawyer HAD dirt on Clinton...which she didn't! The "conspiracy" that took place was the Clinton campaign trying to set up Trump by setting up the meeting. When it was obvious that she didn't have dirt on Hillary the meeting came to an abrupt halt. Isn't it AMAZING though that the very same Russian lawyer that the Trump campaign supposedly "colluded" with met with Hillary Clinton's guy from Fusion GPS both right before the Trump Tower meeting and right after the Trump Tower meeting! And isn't it also amazing that the story about the Trump Tower meeting got "leaked" to the press by some anonymous source? Just in time for it to become a MAJOR main stream media story right before the election? Wow...what a coincidence! The same people who did the "dossier" smear on Trump were meeting with the Russian lawyer before and after the Trump Tower meeting and it's not OBVIOUS what they were doing?

Bottom line is this...the Trump Campaign did nothing illegal or unsavory. The Clinton Campaign on the other hand was doing sleazy things THROUGHOUT that election! From getting the questions from CNN that would be used in her debates...to paying big money for phony dossiers to be created to smear her opponent...Hillary Clinton put on a CLINIC on how to run a corrupt, unethical campaign!
I honestly can be bothered to read your delusions. Got 1/4 of the way in, and realized what I'm dealing with.

For the clear minded members who might be passing through, keep in mind that stealing DNC emails is a crime. Further, Stone/Manafort worked for the trump campaign. They conspired with the Russians to release the info.

That's a crime. Would you believe it if a unicorn told you instead?

Wait...what do the DNC emails have to do with the Trump Tower meeting? They are two very separate things!

Since you brought up the DNC emails...what proof do you have that those weren't leaked by someone in the DNC itself that was upset over the way that the Clinton camp treated Bernie Sanders?
Thanks for the laugh

So you have no proof that's what happened? You do know that the person who made those emails public...Julian Assange...has stated quite adamantly that he didn't get the Podesta emails from Russians at all but rather from an "insider" from the DNC? Which when you think about it...really does make a lot of sense? That doesn't fit your "collusion" narrative though...does it, Howard?
Collusion evidence?

seriously , we've engaged in election meddeling in every corner of this rock....... our penchant for globalism is enforced via 600 military bases...... any UN dealings are no more than exploitation wrapped in some garbled rethoric ......our own fed tells congress where to go, not the other way round....

emails, Putin, Assange are no more tha political theater , a diversion for public loathing and blind hate

You realize that Manafort just gave them Stone on a silver platter? Also, Mueller no doubt has the info re. the burner phone that 'Lil don called twice on the day of the trump Tower meeting.

I believe those two issues delivers the conspiracy in spades.

Conspiracy? To do what? Listen to someone who supposedly had dirt on Hillary Clinton? First of all that isn't in any way shape or form illegal even if the Russian lawyer HAD dirt on Clinton...which she didn't! The "conspiracy" that took place was the Clinton campaign trying to set up Trump by setting up the meeting. When it was obvious that she didn't have dirt on Hillary the meeting came to an abrupt halt. Isn't it AMAZING though that the very same Russian lawyer that the Trump campaign supposedly "colluded" with met with Hillary Clinton's guy from Fusion GPS both right before the Trump Tower meeting and right after the Trump Tower meeting! And isn't it also amazing that the story about the Trump Tower meeting got "leaked" to the press by some anonymous source? Just in time for it to become a MAJOR main stream media story right before the election? Wow...what a coincidence! The same people who did the "dossier" smear on Trump were meeting with the Russian lawyer before and after the Trump Tower meeting and it's not OBVIOUS what they were doing?

Bottom line is this...the Trump Campaign did nothing illegal or unsavory. The Clinton Campaign on the other hand was doing sleazy things THROUGHOUT that election! From getting the questions from CNN that would be used in her debates...to paying big money for phony dossiers to be created to smear her opponent...Hillary Clinton put on a CLINIC on how to run a corrupt, unethical campaign!
I honestly can be bothered to read your delusions. Got 1/4 of the way in, and realized what I'm dealing with.

For the clear minded members who might be passing through, keep in mind that stealing DNC emails is a crime. Further, Stone/Manafort worked for the trump campaign. They conspired with the Russians to release the info.

That's a crime. Would you believe it if a unicorn told you instead?

Wait...what do the DNC emails have to do with the Trump Tower meeting? They are two very separate things!

Since you brought up the DNC emails...what proof do you have that those weren't leaked by someone in the DNC itself that was upset over the way that the Clinton camp treated Bernie Sanders?
Thanks for the laugh

So you have no proof that's what happened? You do know that the person who made those emails public...Julian Assange...has stated quite adamantly that he didn't get the Podesta emails from Russians at all but rather from an "insider" from the DNC? Which when you think about it...really does make a lot of sense? That doesn't fit your "collusion" narrative though...does it, Howard?

You do realize that it's Stone's 'turn in the barrel' ? Stay tuned.
Okay, look, be as hardline on immigration all you want. That really isnt the point. The point is the amount of non sense Trump is spewing in desperation of avoiding a democrat win in the election is incredible even for Trump. It is just incredible. It’s incredible such bizarre shit could come from a 71 year old man.

I don’t care what you think of the migrants heading north, but if you think sending 15 fucking thousand troops to the border while suggesting this massive army can shoot to kill these people for throwing rocks isn’t something a complete nut job would say, you are in serious denial. Keep in mind these migrants are MONTHS away from reaching the border and apparently the 15,000 American troops are just going to wait til they get there.

What the absolute fuck?

Trump, stoking caravan fears, says troops will fire on migrants if they 'throw rocks'
The military would, of course, refuse such an order.
The retards in the military will shoot their granny if ordered to do so. They'll get a new tin thingy to hang on their socialist shirt they all share.
" I have more rattles and stripes than you do homey".
Our brave men and women defunding freedumb............." Just poison their water system. YES SIR !"
Okay, look, be as hardline on immigration all you want. That really isnt the point. The point is the amount of non sense Trump is spewing in desperation of avoiding a democrat win in the election. It’s incredible even for Trump. It’s incredible such bizarre shit could come from a 71 year old man.

I don’t care what you think of the migrants heading north, but if you think sending 15 fucking thousand troops to the border while suggesting this massive army can shoot to kill these people for throwing rocks isn’t something a complete nut job would say, you are in serious denial. Keep in mind these migrants are MONTHS away from reaching the border and apparently the 15,000 American troops are just going to wait til they get there.

What the absolute fuck?

Trump, stoking caravan fears, says troops will fire on migrants if they 'throw rocks'
CNN's reporter was interviewing several members of the caravan when one of the guy's revealed he was wanted for murder back in Honuduras. The look on the CNN reporter's face at that moment was priceless.

Before that moment he was as dumb as you are now...


I loved the one interviewed by Fox News who said that he was convicted of attempted murder and human trafficking but wanted to go to the US to ask Trump for a pardon!
Conspiracy? To do what? Listen to someone who supposedly had dirt on Hillary Clinton? First of all that isn't in any way shape or form illegal even if the Russian lawyer HAD dirt on Clinton...which she didn't! The "conspiracy" that took place was the Clinton campaign trying to set up Trump by setting up the meeting. When it was obvious that she didn't have dirt on Hillary the meeting came to an abrupt halt. Isn't it AMAZING though that the very same Russian lawyer that the Trump campaign supposedly "colluded" with met with Hillary Clinton's guy from Fusion GPS both right before the Trump Tower meeting and right after the Trump Tower meeting! And isn't it also amazing that the story about the Trump Tower meeting got "leaked" to the press by some anonymous source? Just in time for it to become a MAJOR main stream media story right before the election? Wow...what a coincidence! The same people who did the "dossier" smear on Trump were meeting with the Russian lawyer before and after the Trump Tower meeting and it's not OBVIOUS what they were doing?

Bottom line is this...the Trump Campaign did nothing illegal or unsavory. The Clinton Campaign on the other hand was doing sleazy things THROUGHOUT that election! From getting the questions from CNN that would be used in her debates...to paying big money for phony dossiers to be created to smear her opponent...Hillary Clinton put on a CLINIC on how to run a corrupt, unethical campaign!
I honestly can be bothered to read your delusions. Got 1/4 of the way in, and realized what I'm dealing with.

For the clear minded members who might be passing through, keep in mind that stealing DNC emails is a crime. Further, Stone/Manafort worked for the trump campaign. They conspired with the Russians to release the info.

That's a crime. Would you believe it if a unicorn told you instead?

Wait...what do the DNC emails have to do with the Trump Tower meeting? They are two very separate things!

Since you brought up the DNC emails...what proof do you have that those weren't leaked by someone in the DNC itself that was upset over the way that the Clinton camp treated Bernie Sanders?
Thanks for the laugh

So you have no proof that's what happened? You do know that the person who made those emails public...Julian Assange...has stated quite adamantly that he didn't get the Podesta emails from Russians at all but rather from an "insider" from the DNC? Which when you think about it...really does make a lot of sense? That doesn't fit your "collusion" narrative though...does it, Howard?

You do realize that it's Stone's 'turn in the barrel' ? Stay tuned.

What...to be attacked by the left because he's a Trump supporter? Admit it, Howard...you all are desperate for Mueller to come up with something...WITH ANYTHING...to impeach Donald Trump with and he's given you zip...zero...nada after months of looking at Trump under a microscope! Stay tuned? Don't make me laugh...
I honestly can be bothered to read your delusions. Got 1/4 of the way in, and realized what I'm dealing with.

For the clear minded members who might be passing through, keep in mind that stealing DNC emails is a crime. Further, Stone/Manafort worked for the trump campaign. They conspired with the Russians to release the info.

That's a crime. Would you believe it if a unicorn told you instead?

Wait...what do the DNC emails have to do with the Trump Tower meeting? They are two very separate things!

Since you brought up the DNC emails...what proof do you have that those weren't leaked by someone in the DNC itself that was upset over the way that the Clinton camp treated Bernie Sanders?
Thanks for the laugh

So you have no proof that's what happened? You do know that the person who made those emails public...Julian Assange...has stated quite adamantly that he didn't get the Podesta emails from Russians at all but rather from an "insider" from the DNC? Which when you think about it...really does make a lot of sense? That doesn't fit your "collusion" narrative though...does it, Howard?

You do realize that it's Stone's 'turn in the barrel' ? Stay tuned.

What...to be attacked by the left because he's a Trump supporter? Admit it, Howard...you all are desperate for Mueller to come up with something...WITH ANYTHING...to impeach Donald Trump with and he's given you zip...zero...nada after months of looking at Trump under a microscope! Stay tuned? Don't make me laugh...
LMAO. 'Nada' after months of looking? How many guilty pleas? How many in jail? Mueller is pretty tight lipped. None of us knows exactly what he's got in his pocket. One thing's for sure...when Cohen/Manafort flipped, trump was screwed and he knew it. Stone is toast.

I don't want trump to be impeached. Pence would be worse than trump.

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