Okay, Trump has officially lost his goddamn mind and everyone needs to recognize it

You almost gotta scratch your head. Lefties didn't seem to mind a bit when Hillary's husband used tanks and poison gas against Texas citizens and finally incinerated about 80 men women and children but they think President Trump is insane for protecting citizens from a foreign mob massed at the border.
Wait...what do the DNC emails have to do with the Trump Tower meeting? They are two very separate things!

Since you brought up the DNC emails...what proof do you have that those weren't leaked by someone in the DNC itself that was upset over the way that the Clinton camp treated Bernie Sanders?
Thanks for the laugh

So you have no proof that's what happened? You do know that the person who made those emails public...Julian Assange...has stated quite adamantly that he didn't get the Podesta emails from Russians at all but rather from an "insider" from the DNC? Which when you think about it...really does make a lot of sense? That doesn't fit your "collusion" narrative though...does it, Howard?

You do realize that it's Stone's 'turn in the barrel' ? Stay tuned.

What...to be attacked by the left because he's a Trump supporter? Admit it, Howard...you all are desperate for Mueller to come up with something...WITH ANYTHING...to impeach Donald Trump with and he's given you zip...zero...nada after months of looking at Trump under a microscope! Stay tuned? Don't make me laugh...
LMAO. 'Nada' after months of looking? How many guilty pleas? How many in jail? Mueller is pretty tight lipped. None of us knows exactly what he's got in his pocket. One thing's for sure...when Cohen/Manafort flipped, trump was screwed and he knew it. Stone is toast.

I don't want trump to be impeached. Pence would be worse than trump.
See, this post is a prime example of the ignorance of the left. Go ahead and impeach Trump. Then what are you going to do?
You almost gotta scratch your head. Lefties didn't seem to mind a bit when Hillary's husband used tanks and poison gas against Texas citizens and finally incinerated about 80 men women and children but they think President Trump is insane for protecting citizens from a foreign mob massed at the border.
You have to understand the mindset of the leftist. They're children emotionally and intellectually. They see bureaucrats like Obama, the Clintons, Bernie Sanders, etc as their guardians, their mommy and daddy. They believe these guardians have their best interest at heart, that they really care about them. Therefore, they look the other way when their guardians screw up. They deflect for their guardians. They protect their guardians.
Wait...what do the DNC emails have to do with the Trump Tower meeting? They are two very separate things!

Since you brought up the DNC emails...what proof do you have that those weren't leaked by someone in the DNC itself that was upset over the way that the Clinton camp treated Bernie Sanders?
Thanks for the laugh

So you have no proof that's what happened? You do know that the person who made those emails public...Julian Assange...has stated quite adamantly that he didn't get the Podesta emails from Russians at all but rather from an "insider" from the DNC? Which when you think about it...really does make a lot of sense? That doesn't fit your "collusion" narrative though...does it, Howard?

You do realize that it's Stone's 'turn in the barrel' ? Stay tuned.

What...to be attacked by the left because he's a Trump supporter? Admit it, Howard...you all are desperate for Mueller to come up with something...WITH ANYTHING...to impeach Donald Trump with and he's given you zip...zero...nada after months of looking at Trump under a microscope! Stay tuned? Don't make me laugh...
LMAO. 'Nada' after months of looking? How many guilty pleas? How many in jail? Mueller is pretty tight lipped. None of us knows exactly what he's got in his pocket. One thing's for sure...when Cohen/Manafort flipped, trump was screwed and he knew it. Stone is toast.

I don't want trump to be impeached. Pence would be worse than trump.

What do you think Cohen or Manafort have on Trump? Seriously...what do you think either has that "screws" Trump? Have you really not figured out yet that if there WAS anything someone from the Mueller team would be leaking it to the media? They aren't...which means it doesn't exist!
Thanks for the laugh

So you have no proof that's what happened? You do know that the person who made those emails public...Julian Assange...has stated quite adamantly that he didn't get the Podesta emails from Russians at all but rather from an "insider" from the DNC? Which when you think about it...really does make a lot of sense? That doesn't fit your "collusion" narrative though...does it, Howard?

You do realize that it's Stone's 'turn in the barrel' ? Stay tuned.

What...to be attacked by the left because he's a Trump supporter? Admit it, Howard...you all are desperate for Mueller to come up with something...WITH ANYTHING...to impeach Donald Trump with and he's given you zip...zero...nada after months of looking at Trump under a microscope! Stay tuned? Don't make me laugh...
LMAO. 'Nada' after months of looking? How many guilty pleas? How many in jail? Mueller is pretty tight lipped. None of us knows exactly what he's got in his pocket. One thing's for sure...when Cohen/Manafort flipped, trump was screwed and he knew it. Stone is toast.

I don't want trump to be impeached. Pence would be worse than trump.

What do you think Cohen or Manafort have on Trump? Seriously...what do you think either has that "screws" Trump? Have you really not figured out yet that if there WAS anything someone from the Mueller team would be leaking it to the media? They aren't...which means it doesn't exist!
The only thing they have on Trump is their own hatred and vile dark souls.
Thanks for the laugh

So you have no proof that's what happened? You do know that the person who made those emails public...Julian Assange...has stated quite adamantly that he didn't get the Podesta emails from Russians at all but rather from an "insider" from the DNC? Which when you think about it...really does make a lot of sense? That doesn't fit your "collusion" narrative though...does it, Howard?

You do realize that it's Stone's 'turn in the barrel' ? Stay tuned.

What...to be attacked by the left because he's a Trump supporter? Admit it, Howard...you all are desperate for Mueller to come up with something...WITH ANYTHING...to impeach Donald Trump with and he's given you zip...zero...nada after months of looking at Trump under a microscope! Stay tuned? Don't make me laugh...
LMAO. 'Nada' after months of looking? How many guilty pleas? How many in jail? Mueller is pretty tight lipped. None of us knows exactly what he's got in his pocket. One thing's for sure...when Cohen/Manafort flipped, trump was screwed and he knew it. Stone is toast.

I don't want trump to be impeached. Pence would be worse than trump.

What do you think Cohen or Manafort have on Trump? Seriously...what do you think either has that "screws" Trump? Have you really not figured out yet that if there WAS anything someone from the Mueller team would be leaking it to the media? They aren't...which means it doesn't exist!
Mueller? Leak to the media? LMAO. That's a job for House Republicans.

Mueller doesn't 'leak'. In case you haven't noticed.
You almost gotta scratch your head. Lefties didn't seem to mind a bit when Hillary's husband used tanks and poison gas against Texas citizens and finally incinerated about 80 men women and children but they think President Trump is insane for protecting citizens from a foreign mob massed at the border.
HAH! Still a Koresh fan? The guy who raped children, and incinerated his followers?
So you have no proof that's what happened? You do know that the person who made those emails public...Julian Assange...has stated quite adamantly that he didn't get the Podesta emails from Russians at all but rather from an "insider" from the DNC? Which when you think about it...really does make a lot of sense? That doesn't fit your "collusion" narrative though...does it, Howard?

You do realize that it's Stone's 'turn in the barrel' ? Stay tuned.

What...to be attacked by the left because he's a Trump supporter? Admit it, Howard...you all are desperate for Mueller to come up with something...WITH ANYTHING...to impeach Donald Trump with and he's given you zip...zero...nada after months of looking at Trump under a microscope! Stay tuned? Don't make me laugh...
LMAO. 'Nada' after months of looking? How many guilty pleas? How many in jail? Mueller is pretty tight lipped. None of us knows exactly what he's got in his pocket. One thing's for sure...when Cohen/Manafort flipped, trump was screwed and he knew it. Stone is toast.

I don't want trump to be impeached. Pence would be worse than trump.

What do you think Cohen or Manafort have on Trump? Seriously...what do you think either has that "screws" Trump? Have you really not figured out yet that if there WAS anything someone from the Mueller team would be leaking it to the media? They aren't...which means it doesn't exist!
Mueller? Leak to the media? LMAO. That's a job for House Republicans.

Mueller doesn't 'leak'. In case you haven't noticed.

Everyone in Washington "leaks"....in case you haven't noticed! Especially when it's liberals who have something to use against Trump! Yet nothing is coming out of the Mueller camp? Gee, which do you think it is...nothing TO leak...or lot's to leak but all of the Clinton folks on the Mueller team are really ethical? I hate to break this to you, Howard but if there really was something that would really hurt Trump? They'd be playing THAT card now against the GOP! If they aren't? It's because there is no card to play.
You almost gotta scratch your head. Lefties didn't seem to mind a bit when Hillary's husband used tanks and poison gas against Texas citizens and finally incinerated about 80 men women and children but they think President Trump is insane for protecting citizens from a foreign mob massed at the border.
HAH! Still a Koresh fan? The guy who raped children, and incinerated his followers?
You didn't answer my question. What are the Democrats going to do after they impeach Trump?
You almost gotta scratch your head. Lefties didn't seem to mind a bit when Hillary's husband used tanks and poison gas against Texas citizens and finally incinerated about 80 men women and children but they think President Trump is insane for protecting citizens from a foreign mob massed at the border.
HAH! Still a Koresh fan? The guy who raped children, and incinerated his followers?
You didn't answer my question. What are the Democrats going to do after they impeach Trump?
Why are you asking me? I'm not the one who called for impeachment. You are.

You do realize that it's Stone's 'turn in the barrel' ? Stay tuned.

What...to be attacked by the left because he's a Trump supporter? Admit it, Howard...you all are desperate for Mueller to come up with something...WITH ANYTHING...to impeach Donald Trump with and he's given you zip...zero...nada after months of looking at Trump under a microscope! Stay tuned? Don't make me laugh...
LMAO. 'Nada' after months of looking? How many guilty pleas? How many in jail? Mueller is pretty tight lipped. None of us knows exactly what he's got in his pocket. One thing's for sure...when Cohen/Manafort flipped, trump was screwed and he knew it. Stone is toast.

I don't want trump to be impeached. Pence would be worse than trump.

What do you think Cohen or Manafort have on Trump? Seriously...what do you think either has that "screws" Trump? Have you really not figured out yet that if there WAS anything someone from the Mueller team would be leaking it to the media? They aren't...which means it doesn't exist!
Mueller? Leak to the media? LMAO. That's a job for House Republicans.

Mueller doesn't 'leak'. In case you haven't noticed.

Everyone in Washington "leaks"....in case you haven't noticed! Especially when it's liberals who have something to use against Trump! Yet nothing is coming out of the Mueller camp? Gee, which do you think it is...nothing TO leak...or lot's to leak but all of the Clinton folks on the Mueller team are really ethical? I hate to break this to you, Howard but if there really was something that would really hurt Trump? They'd be playing THAT card now against the GOP! If they aren't? It's because there is no card to play.
Mueller isn't in Washington. He doesn't leak. Stay tuned. There's going to be plenty of news after Tuesday.
You almost gotta scratch your head. Lefties didn't seem to mind a bit when Hillary's husband used tanks and poison gas against Texas citizens and finally incinerated about 80 men women and children but they think President Trump is insane for protecting citizens from a foreign mob massed at the border.
HAH! Still a Koresh fan? The guy who raped children, and incinerated his followers?
You didn't answer my question. What are the Democrats going to do after they impeach Trump?
Why are you asking me? I'm not the one who called for impeachment. You are.
Nope. Democrats have. If Democrats impeach Trump, what happens next?
You almost gotta scratch your head. Lefties didn't seem to mind a bit when Hillary's husband used tanks and poison gas against Texas citizens and finally incinerated about 80 men women and children but they think President Trump is insane for protecting citizens from a foreign mob massed at the border.
HAH! Still a Koresh fan? The guy who raped children, and incinerated his followers?
You didn't answer my question. What are the Democrats going to do after they impeach Trump?
Why are you asking me? I'm not the one who called for impeachment. You are.
Nope. Democrats have. If Democrats impeach Trump, what happens next?
What makes you think that Democrats can impeach trump?
It was a setup, he was asked about how migrants threw rocks at Mexican police (you realize several were injured pretty badly?) and then the questioner asked him if the military would fire on them.
And he said - "I HOPE NOT"....but they won't just stand there, you attack the military and the military fights back.

It is not that elegant of a statement, and the left media got the talking...er...rather... ranting point they wanted.
lol you are really splitting hairs with what he said about the rock throwing, but all of that pales in his batshit crazy idea to send 15,000 troops to the border to wait for a caravan 1000 miles away. Christ, even if the caravan made it to the border, it would be by then a couple dozen at best. Oh the horror!

LOL you admit to lying and then claim your lies pale in comparison to something Trump said. How very anti-Trump of you. The more you talk the dumber you look Billy.
A little bit retro, but it is a sovereign border.
Wow, that really is an embarrassing,sniveling little bit of cover for the abnormal president.

Well, it's no longer "retro". My kids now live in a reality where normal and contemporary is shitting ourselves and sending the military to the border to threaten migrants, mostly women amd children, with high tech weaponry. What the fuck has happened to us....

Proof they’re mostly women and children or do you just believe whatever the media says? The pictures of these caravans I’ve seen show mostly men.
Okay, look, be as hardline on immigration all you want. That really isnt the point. The point is the amount of non sense Trump is spewing in desperation of avoiding a democrat win in the election. It’s incredible even for Trump. It’s incredible such bizarre shit could come from a 71 year old man.

I don’t care what you think of the migrants heading north, but if you think sending 15 fucking thousand troops to the border while suggesting this massive army can shoot to kill these people for throwing rocks isn’t something a complete nut job would say, you are in serious denial. Keep in mind these migrants are MONTHS away from reaching the border and apparently the 15,000 American troops are just going to wait til they get there.

What the absolute fuck?

Trump, stoking caravan fears, says troops will fire on migrants if they 'throw rocks'

Your Mom forgot to change your diaper? It appears you have a diaper rash, get some help or this could get even uglier than it already is....
You almost gotta scratch your head. Lefties didn't seem to mind a bit when Hillary's husband used tanks and poison gas against Texas citizens and finally incinerated about 80 men women and children but they think President Trump is insane for protecting citizens from a foreign mob massed at the border.
HAH! Still a Koresh fan? The guy who raped children, and incinerated his followers?
You didn't answer my question. What are the Democrats going to do after they impeach Trump?
Why are you asking me? I'm not the one who called for impeachment. You are.
Nope. Democrats have. If Democrats impeach Trump, what happens next?
What makes you think that Democrats can impeach trump?
Oh, I don't think they will, but many of their ignorant idiotic supporters are wanting them to impeach Trump. You're avoiding my point. What happens next if the Democrats do take the House and impeach Trump?

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