Oklahoma banned students could sue the college and win big

If there wasn't a code or rule being violated, then the college just censored free speech and on top of it slandered these students reputation by publicizing this situation in the way that they did, and potentially did financial harm to them.

It's a "public" university. Free speech could have been violated a right granted to every citizen no matter what they say under article 1 of the constitution.

They were expelled, according to David Boren, the OU President, for violating school rules, which forbid students from creating a hostile environment for other students.

That will in no way hold up in court with the video that went public that was cited by the university itself. That is way to broad of a brush and a judge will throw that right out and side with the defendants for violation of free speech. It's not about what was said it's about the fact that the University is saying you cannot say what we deem wrong, so you will be held accountable and be expelled.

2 points,

1.) A university cannot have a rule that censors ANY student from saying what he or she want to say no matter what it is, and that is backed up by the constitution free speech.

2.) A student cannot be silenced by a PUBLIC University for saying what is on his or her mind no matter what was said. Period.

Obviously you are full of shit.

The students violated the code of conduct and the rules they agreed to when they signed the admission forms.

show us the words in the contract that they violated or STFU

There was no slander. A video of their own voices coming out of their own maws is not slander. Learn the law.

They violated the school's policy and smeared its reputation. There is no case. Learn the law.
If there wasn't a code or rule being violated, then the college just censored free speech and on top of it slandered these students reputation by publicizing this situation in the way that they did, and potentially did financial harm to them.

It's a "public" university. Free speech could have been violated a right granted to every citizen no matter what they say under article 1 of the constitution.


They signed a code of ethics - which is a binding contract. No court in the land will side with them.

The court will side with them and it will have NOTHING at all to do with what they said in the end.

Those little pussies aren't going to have the nerve to take it to court.
You need a link to prove that students were expelled for racist chants? Watch any news station MSNBC or foxnews.

Ah. No wonder.
I don't have a TV. That's for morons. You're gonna have to break a sweat and essplain yourself.
It's prolly gonna be one of the reasons I don't have TV in the first place.

By far your worst post here on usmb. I said I'm the last poster you'd want to debate on this site because I have the biggest balls and I'm very unpredictable And a genius.

Even the blacks on Hannity said free speech was violated And potential lawsuits should be filed by these students against the university. Hannity was destroyed on fox tonight.

A genius? Oh I get it now, pretty funny, sarcasm, good one. You seem to have forgotten that there is no such thing as free speech at a formal event of an officially sanctioned organization. They are bound by rules of conduct, ethics and behavior.
It was a private function on a private charter bus.

Go back under your slimy rock. Racists like yourself don't have any opinions that matter.

When all else fails go to the race card. It is the safety net for the ignorant mind.
If there wasn't a code or rule being violated, then the college just censored free speech and on top of it slandered these students reputation by publicizing this situation in the way that they did, and potentially did financial harm to them.

It's a "public" university. Free speech could have been violated a right granted to every citizen no matter what they say under article 1 of the constitution.

They were expelled, according to David Boren, the OU President, for violating school rules, which forbid students from creating a hostile environment for other students.

That will in no way hold up in court with the video that went public that was cited by the university itself. That is way to broad of a brush and a judge will throw that right out and side with the defendants for violation of free speech. It's not about what was said it's about the fact that the University is saying you cannot say what we deem wrong, so you will be held accountable and be expelled.

2 points,

1.) A university cannot have a rule that censors ANY student from saying what he or she want to say no matter what it is, and that is backed up by the constitution free speech.

2.) A student cannot be silenced by a PUBLIC University for saying what is on his or her mind no matter what was said. Period.

Obviously you are full of shit.

The students violated the code of conduct and the rules they agreed to when they signed the admission forms.

show us the words in the contract that they violated or STFU


This university is so done. bye bye.
The students have a perfect case. They were off campus in a private venue. Punishing people for unpopular statements is exactly what the 1A was meant to prevent.

Yes, and OU even invaded that privacy. The school needs to be sued for infringement.

That's why i said "WIN BIG" in the thread title. They wont just win on the grounds of their free speech being violated and censored, but they were publicly slandered and made an example of for exercising their right to free speech, which could have LIFE long implications that affect every part of their life and even finances.

This take punitive damages to a whole new stratosphere.

free speech is not limitless. (see real life caselaw) and schools always have certain limits.

again, where are you getting your pretend legal assessments?

That's not the point and what is violating the fist amendment. Free speech is a "right" and everybody has a "right" to say whatever they want to say, and to not allow that "right", by EXPELLING "ANY" student that says something that someone doesn't like or deems offensive is a direct violation of the First amendment of free speech.

Again it has NOTHING to do with what was said. It's that they said it, "according to the university."

It is the point. Again. Where are you getting your misinformation about the law?
Ah. No wonder.
I don't have a TV. That's for morons. You're gonna have to break a sweat and essplain yourself.
It's prolly gonna be one of the reasons I don't have TV in the first place.

By far your worst post here on usmb. I said I'm the last poster you'd want to debate on this site because I have the biggest balls and I'm very unpredictable And a genius.

Even the blacks on Hannity said free speech was violated And potential lawsuits should be filed by these students against the university. Hannity was destroyed on fox tonight.

A genius? Oh I get it now, pretty funny, sarcasm, good one. You seem to have forgotten that there is no such thing as free speech at a formal event of an officially sanctioned organization. They are bound by rules of conduct, ethics and behavior.
It was a private function on a private charter bus.

Go back under your slimy rock. Racists like yourself don't have any opinions that matter.

When all else fails go to the race card. It is the safety net for the ignorant mind.

Goes double for you. Nice of you to back up your fellow racist cocksuckers though.
no one that was not on the bus heard the song. where exactly was the hostile environment?

If it was a public bus you would have a valid point, but it was a private vehicle.

So you haven't heard the song...

yeah, I heard it and I personally find it offensive, I also find many rap lyrics offensive. If a bus full of a black fraternity was playing anti-white or anti-cop rap on a boom box should they be expelled?

The point is that both are done in a private setting, a bus that was rented by that group, not a public setting.

Are you leftists now wanting to punish people for what they do in private?

So the kids should sue? They should run to the big federal government for help then?

Of course. The US supreme court will rule in their favor as they have in the past like the examples I posted. I'll even donate to their cause. ;)

Maybe the two expelled students can use the apologies they just issued as part of their defense. What do think? Sound like a good idea?


Or how about blaming it on alcohol consumption? :D
They were expelled, according to David Boren, the OU President, for violating school rules, which forbid students from creating a hostile environment for other students.

That will in no way hold up in court with the video that went public that was cited by the university itself. That is way to broad of a brush and a judge will throw that right out and side with the defendants for violation of free speech. It's not about what was said it's about the fact that the University is saying you cannot say what we deem wrong, so you will be held accountable and be expelled.

2 points,

1.) A university cannot have a rule that censors ANY student from saying what he or she want to say no matter what it is, and that is backed up by the constitution free speech.

2.) A student cannot be silenced by a PUBLIC University for saying what is on his or her mind no matter what was said. Period.

Obviously you are full of shit.

The students violated the code of conduct and the rules they agreed to when they signed the admission forms.

show us the words in the contract that they violated or STFU


This university is so done. bye bye.

What is the basis for your legal judgment other than your own fantasies?
There could be big constitutional issues here. This is a public university and that means a lot. We shall see.

Also at some point I hope there is some push back over the clear overkill that is going on here as a bunch of people and entitie are using this as an easy hit to build their civil rights cred. Boren is disgusting in this regard -- we get it Dave, you are holier than thou on civil rights. Now can you give it a rest please.

I saw video of kids in the house having to pack up and evacuate like refugees in the middle of the night -- and they weren't even on the bus I'm told. That's just despicable. Period. And its stuff like this that when people hear of it tends to undercut the cause he claims to be promoting because any reasonable person will call that unfair -- I say claims because all he really is trying to promote is himself. But in academia as we learn time and time again (i) political correctness trumps due process every time (ii) except when it is contrary to the financial interests of the institution.

Also what is the university going to do ? Never use the building again? Burn it to the ground and put a sign on the rubble that says Sigma Alpha Epsilon Burns in Hell like in Carrie? This is nuts. The kids should be punished - suspension of some kind sounds right but this is a joke.
Ah. No wonder.
I don't have a TV. That's for morons. You're gonna have to break a sweat and essplain yourself.
It's prolly gonna be one of the reasons I don't have TV in the first place.

By far your worst post here on usmb. I said I'm the last poster you'd want to debate on this site because I have the biggest balls and I'm very unpredictable And a genius.

Even the blacks on Hannity said free speech was violated And potential lawsuits should be filed by these students against the university. Hannity was destroyed on fox tonight.

A genius? Oh I get it now, pretty funny, sarcasm, good one. You seem to have forgotten that there is no such thing as free speech at a formal event of an officially sanctioned organization. They are bound by rules of conduct, ethics and behavior.
It was a private function on a private charter bus.

Go back under your slimy rock. Racists like yourself don't have any opinions that matter.

When all else fails go to the race card. It is the safety net for the ignorant mind.

Anybody you see insulting or trolling just report them. Do it every time and the mods will get sick of the reporting and act.
Ever notice which side of the political spectrum is into banning and punishment for free speech? Colleges and universities used to be centers for the exchange of ideas and opinions. Half a century of liberalism has turned institutes of higher learning into something out of Orwell with frightened zombies afraid to speak out in class or utter a word against the state on campus.
Ah. No wonder.
I don't have a TV. That's for morons. You're gonna have to break a sweat and essplain yourself.
It's prolly gonna be one of the reasons I don't have TV in the first place.

By far your worst post here on usmb. I said I'm the last poster you'd want to debate on this site because I have the biggest balls and I'm very unpredictable And a genius.

Even the blacks on Hannity said free speech was violated And potential lawsuits should be filed by these students against the university. Hannity was destroyed on fox tonight.

A genius? Oh I get it now, pretty funny, sarcasm, good one. You seem to have forgotten that there is no such thing as free speech at a formal event of an officially sanctioned organization. They are bound by rules of conduct, ethics and behavior.
It was a private function on a private charter bus.

Go back under your slimy rock. Racists like yourself don't have any opinions that matter.

When all else fails go to the race card. It is the safety net for the ignorant mind.

Really? I would say RACISM is the safety net for the ignorant mind.
By far your worst post here on usmb. I said I'm the last poster you'd want to debate on this site because I have the biggest balls and I'm very unpredictable And a genius.

Even the blacks on Hannity said free speech was violated And potential lawsuits should be filed by these students against the university. Hannity was destroyed on fox tonight.

A genius? Oh I get it now, pretty funny, sarcasm, good one. You seem to have forgotten that there is no such thing as free speech at a formal event of an officially sanctioned organization. They are bound by rules of conduct, ethics and behavior.
It was a private function on a private charter bus.

Go back under your slimy rock. Racists like yourself don't have any opinions that matter.

When all else fails go to the race card. It is the safety net for the ignorant mind.

Anybody you see insulting or trolling just report them. Do it every time and the mods will get sick of the reporting and act.

You identify with the most obscene racists on this forum. Big surprise.
That will in no way hold up in court with the video that went public that was cited by the university itself. That is way to broad of a brush and a judge will throw that right out and side with the defendants for violation of free speech. It's not about what was said it's about the fact that the University is saying you cannot say what we deem wrong, so you will be held accountable and be expelled.

2 points,

1.) A university cannot have a rule that censors ANY student from saying what he or she want to say no matter what it is, and that is backed up by the constitution free speech.

2.) A student cannot be silenced by a PUBLIC University for saying what is on his or her mind no matter what was said. Period.

Obviously you are full of shit.

The students violated the code of conduct and the rules they agreed to when they signed the admission forms.

show us the words in the contract that they violated or STFU


This university is so done. bye bye.

What is the basis for your legal judgment other than your own fantasies?

see post # 184 or #194 - The one with the supreme court examples.
Ever notice which side of the political spectrum is into banning and punishment for free speech? Colleges and universities used to be centers for the exchange of ideas and opinions. Half a century of liberalism has turned institutes of higher learning into something out of Orwell with frightened zombies afraid to speak out in class or utter a word against the state on campus.

Racist chants saying a n***** will never be part of a particular fraternity is not an "exchange of ideas" b

But I always love when bigots defend other bigots.
Which means exactly what I said...

these kids would be running to the big federal government to help them.

which court other than a government court should they go to????????? you cannot be as stupid as you appear to be.

Given how much you RWnuts hate the federal government, and half the RWnuts around here don't even think the Supreme Court should have the right of judicial review,

I just find it funny how quickly you run to the federal government when it suits you.

Dude, you can say that about all of you guys or 95% of America since it was created. Who cares? The point is these kids need to get their mail and start calling these referrals that you know they are getting.

Shouldn't they start by appealing their expulsions according to university procedure?

hell no. why would they want back in when they can sue for additional damages of the university slandering their reputation, and use that as an excuse to why they can't attend ANY college. Expulsions follow you and are on your record. You have to disclose that to any university you apply for.

They won't be satisfied until these kid's heads are on pikes and lives ruined. It's the leftist way

Maybe if you think lynching is cute you shouldn't have the best of lives.

You know, I've heard rap songs with lyrics like "kill whitey", should that be banned on college campuses or are you another left loon with selective outrage?

If it is a rap song from a University organization that advocates killing white people, then I think it should be banned. It puts the university in a bad light don't you think?

Nope, I'm a firm believer in freedom of speech and expression. Start banning it and next thing you know you'll have thought police.

Everyone needs to stop being all butt hurt and this PC BS is nothing more than tyranny

Free speech is in no danger. No one stops you from talking stupid all the time.

I figured you'd chime in with your nonsense at some point, so far you've offered nothing of substance...and I doubt you will.
which court other than a government court should they go to????????? you cannot be as stupid as you appear to be.

Given how much you RWnuts hate the federal government, and half the RWnuts around here don't even think the Supreme Court should have the right of judicial review,

I just find it funny how quickly you run to the federal government when it suits you.

Dude, you can say that about all of you guys or 95% of America since it was created. Who cares? The point is these kids need to get their mail and start calling these referrals that you know they are getting.

Shouldn't they start by appealing their expulsions according to university procedure?

hell no. why would they want back in when they can sue for additional damages of the university slandering their reputation, and use that as an excuse to why they can't attend ANY college. Expulsions follow you and are on your record. You have to disclose that to any university you apply for.

They won't be satisfied until these kid's heads are on pikes and lives ruined. It's the leftist way

So much for personal responsibility....
There could be big constitutional issues here. This is a public university and that means a lot. We shall see.

Also at some point I hope there is some push back over the clear overkill that is going on here as a bunch of people and entitie are using this as an easy hit to build their civil rights cred. Boren is disgusting in this regard -- we get it Dave, you are holier than thou on civil rights. Now can you give it a rest please.

I saw video of kids in the house having to pack up and evacuate like refugees in the middle of the night -- and they weren't even on the bus I'm told. That's just despicable. Period. And its stuff like this that when people hear of it tends to undercut the cause he claims to be promoting because any reasonable person will call that unfair -- I say claims because all he really is trying to promote is himself. But in academia as we learn time and time again (i) political correctness trumps due process every time (ii) except when it is contrary to the financial interests of the institution.

Also what is the university going to do ? Never use the building again? Burn it to the ground and put a sign on the rubble that says Sigma Alpha Epsilon Burns in Hell like in Carrie? This is nuts. The kids should be punished - suspension of some kind sounds right but this is a joke.

No just a joke but it's against their civil rights. You think this thread is HOT now.. Just wait till they get lawyers.

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