Oklahoma banned students could sue the college and win big

I find it hilarious there are fools in this topic who think showing a video of someone being a racist is slander.

It isn't slander it if is true.

They were expelled for violating the school's policy.

If you murder someone, and the government punishes you, you can't sue the government for destroying your reputation.

Same principle here, idiots.

Case closed.

Imagine these were Muslim kids having done something comparable. There would not be ONE RWnut on this forum in here defending them.

I am a dead fast rightwinger and I am defending the schools ability to choose whom they do business.
They won't be satisfied until these kid's heads are on pikes and lives ruined. It's the leftist way

Maybe if you think lynching is cute you shouldn't have the best of lives.

You know, I've heard rap songs with lyrics like "kill whitey", should that be banned on college campuses or are you another left loon with selective outrage?

You just exhibited selective outrage.

1. you don't want these white kids banned

2. you want black kids banned for what you call something comparable.

No I didn't I asked you a question and it placed your tit in a wringer and you're deflecting

I highlighted your words verbatim. Are you now denying you typed them?

Then you should realize it was a question? You can't possible be this stupid and it's little wonder you keep getting your ass handed to you on a platter.
I find it hilarious there are fools in this topic who think showing a video of someone being a racist is slander.

It isn't slander if it is true.

They were expelled for violating the school's policy.

If you murder someone, and the government punishes you, you can't sue the government for destroying your reputation.

Same principle here, idiots.

Case closed.

Public Universities can be sued not just on the ground of free speech, but also, for publicly exposing these students by simply mentioning their fraternity to the press and justifying the universities action of limiting free speech.
I find it hilarious there are fools in this topic who think showing a video of someone being a racist is slander.

It isn't slander it if is true.

They were expelled for violating the school's policy.

If you murder someone, and the government punishes you, you can't sue the government for destroying your reputation.

Same principle here, idiots.

Case closed.

Imagine these were Muslim kids having done something comparable. There would not be ONE RWnut on this forum in here defending them.

I would because I'm the only one with a fucking brain, apparently, who isn't trolling.
I find it hilarious there are fools in this topic who think showing a video of someone being a racist is slander.

It isn't slander if it is true.

They were expelled for violating the school's policy.

If you murder someone, and the government punishes you, you can't sue the government for destroying your reputation.

Same principle here, idiots.

Case closed.

Public Universities can be sued not just on the ground of free speech, but also, for publicly exposing these students by simply mentioning their fraternity to the press and justifying the universities action of limiting free speech.

So the University is really the one without free speech? If what they say is true there is no basis for a law suit.
I find it hilarious there are fools in this topic who think showing a video of someone being a racist is slander.

It isn't slander it if is true.

They were expelled for violating the school's policy.

If you murder someone, and the government punishes you, you can't sue the government for destroying your reputation.

Same principle here, idiots.

Case closed.

Imagine these were Muslim kids having done something comparable. There would not be ONE RWnut on this forum in here defending them.

I would because I'm the only one with a fucking brain, apparently.

When do we get to see a demonstration?
I find it hilarious there are fools in this topic who think showing a video of someone being a racist is slander.

It isn't slander if it is true.

They were expelled for violating the school's policy.

If you murder someone, and the government punishes you, you can't sue the government for destroying your reputation.

Same principle here, idiots.

Case closed.

Public Universities can be sued not just on the ground of free speech, but also, for publicly exposing these students by simply mentioning their fraternity to the press and justifying the universities action of limiting free speech.

So the University is really the one without free speech? If what they say is true there is no basis for a law suit.

There rights end where yours begin. They teach you that in middle school, bro, on the constitution.
I find it hilarious there are fools in this topic who think showing a video of someone being a racist is slander.

It isn't slander it if is true.

They were expelled for violating the school's policy.

If you murder someone, and the government punishes you, you can't sue the government for destroying your reputation.

Same principle here, idiots.

Case closed.

Imagine these were Muslim kids having done something comparable. There would not be ONE RWnut on this forum in here defending them.

I would because I'm the only one with a fucking brain, apparently, who isn't trolling.

Hmmm what kind of brain is that? You and Delta 4 should get along well. :2up:
I find it hilarious there are fools in this topic who think showing a video of someone being a racist is slander.

It isn't slander it if is true.

They were expelled for violating the school's policy.

If you murder someone, and the government punishes you, you can't sue the government for destroying your reputation.

Same principle here, idiots.

Case closed.

Imagine these were Muslim kids having done something comparable. There would not be ONE RWnut on this forum in here defending them.

I would because I'm the only one with a fucking brain, apparently, who isn't trolling.

Hmmm what kind of brain is that? You and Delta 4 should get along well. :2up:

actually believe it or not he demonstrated more brains then all of you guys combined IN THIS THREAD.
Dude, you can say that about all of you guys or 95% of America since it was created. Who cares? The point is these kids need to get their mail and start calling these referrals that you know they are getting.

Shouldn't they start by appealing their expulsions according to university procedure?

hell no. why would they want back in when they can sue for additional damages of the university slandering their reputation, and use that as an excuse to why they can't attend ANY college. Expulsions follow you and are on your record. You have to disclose that to any university you apply for.

They won't be satisfied until these kid's heads are on pikes and lives ruined. It's the leftist way

Maybe if you think lynching is cute you shouldn't have the best of lives.

You know, I've heard rap songs with lyrics like "kill whitey", should that be banned on college campuses or are you another left loon with selective outrage?

If it is a rap song from a University organization that advocates killing white people, then I think it should be banned. It puts the university in a bad light don't you think?
Shouldn't they start by appealing their expulsions according to university procedure?

hell no. why would they want back in when they can sue for additional damages of the university slandering their reputation, and use that as an excuse to why they can't attend ANY college. Expulsions follow you and are on your record. You have to disclose that to any university you apply for.

They won't be satisfied until these kid's heads are on pikes and lives ruined. It's the leftist way

Maybe if you think lynching is cute you shouldn't have the best of lives.

You know, I've heard rap songs with lyrics like "kill whitey", should that be banned on college campuses or are you another left loon with selective outrage?

If it is a rap song from a University organization that advocates killing white people, then I think it should be banned. It puts the university in a bad light don't you think?

Nope, I'm a firm believer in freedom of speech and expression. Start banning it and next thing you know you'll have thought police.

Everyone needs to stop being all butt hurt and this PC BS is nothing more than tyranny
I find it hilarious there are fools in this topic who think showing a video of someone being a racist is slander.

It isn't slander if it is true.

They were expelled for violating the school's policy.

If you murder someone, and the government punishes you, you can't sue the government for destroying your reputation.

Same principle here, idiots.

Case closed.

Public Universities can be sued not just on the ground of free speech, but also, for publicly exposing these students by simply mentioning their fraternity to the press and justifying the universities action of limiting free speech.

Anybody can be sued for anything

In this case, it wouldn't go far
They practiced their free speech, and now they are paying the consequences of their free speech.
Indeed, Je suis Charlie.

Or were you talking about something else?


When you violate school rules you pay the consequences. So sad.

which rules did they violate by singing stupid racist song on a closed bus? When you sing in the shower should someone make sure that your song doesn't offend someone?

They violated a code of conduct, you moron. The First Amendment means that the government doesn't have the right to squelch or suppress your speech. It doesn't mean that private or even public entities, such as employers or universities, don't have the right to set standards of what they consider appropriate speech and the rules for disciplining those who fail to live up to those standards.

If you're singing the "N" word in the shower, my advise is to make sure no one is capturing you on their cell phone.
hell no. why would they want back in when they can sue for additional damages of the university slandering their reputation, and use that as an excuse to why they can't attend ANY college. Expulsions follow you and are on your record. You have to disclose that to any university you apply for.

They won't be satisfied until these kid's heads are on pikes and lives ruined. It's the leftist way

Maybe if you think lynching is cute you shouldn't have the best of lives.

You know, I've heard rap songs with lyrics like "kill whitey", should that be banned on college campuses or are you another left loon with selective outrage?

If it is a rap song from a University organization that advocates killing white people, then I think it should be banned. It puts the university in a bad light don't you think?

Nope, I'm a firm believer in freedom of speech and expression. Start banning it and next thing you know you'll have thought police.

Everyone needs to stop being all butt hurt and this PC BS is nothing more than tyranny

No one is banning free speech, you idiot.
There is more than just the racist punks reputation in play here. The college and the fraternity have every right to defend their reputations, too. And so the school and fraternity are well within their rights to eject these little assholes who smeared them.

hell no. why would they want back in when they can sue for additional damages of the university slandering their reputation, and use that as an excuse to why they can't attend ANY college. Expulsions follow you and are on your record. You have to disclose that to any university you apply for.

They won't be satisfied until these kid's heads are on pikes and lives ruined. It's the leftist way

Maybe if you think lynching is cute you shouldn't have the best of lives.

You know, I've heard rap songs with lyrics like "kill whitey", should that be banned on college campuses or are you another left loon with selective outrage?

If it is a rap song from a University organization that advocates killing white people, then I think it should be banned. It puts the university in a bad light don't you think?

Nope, I'm a firm believer in freedom of speech and expression. Start banning it and next thing you know you'll have thought police.

Everyone needs to stop being all butt hurt and this PC BS is nothing more than tyranny

Free speech is in no danger. No one stops you from talking stupid all the time.
If there wasn't a code or rule being violated, then the college just censored free speech and on top of it slandered these students reputation by publicizing this situation in the way that they did, and potentially did financial harm to them.

It's a "public" university. Free speech could have been violated a right granted to every citizen no matter what they say under article 1 of the constitution.


They signed a code of ethics - which is a binding contract. No court in the land will side with them.
"WAAAAAH! They proved these kids are racists! That's slander!"

If there wasn't a code or rule being violated, then the college just censored free speech and on top of it slandered these students reputation by publicizing this situation in the way that they did, and potentially did financial harm to them.

It's a "public" university. Free speech could have been violated a right granted to every citizen no matter what they say under article 1 of the constitution.


They signed a code of ethics - which is a binding contract. No court in the land will side with them.

The court will side with them and it will have NOTHING at all to do with what they said in the end.

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