Oklahoma ERs packed with ivermectin overdose victims

The buried lead here is the insane lengths that otherwise normal people will go to, when they've been lied to and gaslighted for protracted periods of time.

And therein I think is the real story about what also happened on 1/6 and why. Many people simply had had enough of the BS over the screwy election and were demanding answers and making their dissatisfaction felt. The whole past year has been nothing but a tissue of lies between both covid and paper ballots.
The man YOU voted for, supported, worshipped, and loved

^^^^^ Apparently Jackless is still bitter and angry not only because Trump was essentially right and talking years ahead of present, conventional medicine at the medical horizon that we all need to be looking at to be prepared for the next Covid-like event down the road, but is particularly irked because his democrats have no such counterpart that anyone will ever feel passionate about, not loved, not liked, just voted for as another faceless Washington party pressed suit who will continue to tell him what he wants to hear then go off doing something totally different for their own interests with his money. :auiqs.jpg:

When a man comes along like Trump not even ever in politics before and can so easily do a better job than the pressed suits and is immediately recognized by the populous as both a friend and leader to inspire the kind of passion and loyalty that Trump does, that is a sure sign that we are not and have not been getting something very big and very important from those whom regularly promise us they are fit to manage the nation's destiny.
Rather than get the vaccine...they would rather deworm themselves. I wonder who these smart people voted for in 2020?


They refused to get vaccines because Biden said none existed until he took office...

Why is the Yellow Press misleading Americans?
Ivermectin has been used in humans for 30 years

That Time Ivermectin Won a Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2015

Sep 05, 2021 · Ivermectin won the Nobel Prize in 2015 for its outstanding results treating HUMANS. Anybody on here claiming this is strictly a drug for livestock, horses, or animals of any kind is either woefully uninformed or a total liar.
Nope. Far more science in the making of the vaccines.
In your opinion, is not the gospel...to anyone but you.
I'd note, that thus far, the 'dropping like flies' thing..appears to be the unvaccinated.
Any citations concerning the long term consequences of mRNA/DNA type treatments would be greatly appreciated. So far, all the one's I've seen involve the sudden death of the lab animals within a year. I'm praying daily that they (the developers) made progress since then.
And therein I think is the real story about what also happened on 1/6 and why. Many people simply had had enough of the BS over the screwy election and were demanding answers and making their dissatisfaction felt. The whole past year has been nothing but a tissue of lies between both covid and paper ballots.
Except there was no "screwy" election. Trump lost. Plain and simple. You're dissatisfied because you and others who support Trump are mindless simpletons. He says something over and over. It gets repeated by the alt-right media outlets on in your homes/cars 24x7..and you believe it. Without a spec of evidence. You still have yet to prove just ONE case of widespread voter fraud.

So, let's get down to brass tacks here. The reason you're supporting miracle cures like ivermectin and hydroxy, is that you will do ANYTHING to prop you savior up.
I love that his defeat in ashes in your mouth more than 10 months later. It makes me smile...whether I'm wearing a mask or not! :auiqs.jpg:
So you ignored the posted articles. NO surprise. Xiden is a disaster. Fuck your feelings.
Ivermectin is used in small doses to treat parasitic infections in humans. It is prescribed by a doctor for that purpose.
There are no doctors recommending ivermectin as a prophylactic for COVID. Disparate studies strung together to
form a narrative are not proof.

The doctor made a statement. ONE hospital system corrected that statement. Story over.

Biden is President. He isn't going anywhere. I would deal with it.
^^^^^ Apparently Jackless is still bitter and angry not only because Trump was essentially right and talking years ahead of present, conventional medicine at the medical horizon that we all need to be looking at to be prepared for the next Covid-like event down the road, but is particularly irked because his democrats have no such counterpart that anyone will ever feel passionate about, not loved, not liked, just voted for as another faceless Washington party pressed suit who will continue to tell him what he wants to hear then go off doing something totally different for their own interests with his money. :auiqs.jpg:

When a man comes along like Trump not even ever in politics before and can so easily do a better job than the pressed suits and is immediately recognized by the populous as both a friend and leader to inspire the kind of passion and loyalty that Trump does, that is a sure sign that we are not and have not been getting something very big and very important from those whom regularly promise us they are fit to manage the nation's destiny.
Wait...did you introduce a UV light into your body "in some other way"?? :auiqs.jpg:
I hope you were wearing a mask and gloves when you did it.

Trump will universally be remembered by history as the worst President this country ever elected.
You know you're an incompetent POS when beat James Buchanan and Franklin Pierce out for worst ever elected.
Ivermectin is used in small doses to treat parasitic infections in humans. It is prescribed by a doctor for that purpose.
There are no doctors recommending ivermectin as a prophylactic for COVID. Disparate studies strung together to
form a narrative are not proof.

The doctor made a statement. ONE hospital system corrected that statement. Story over.

Biden is President. He isn't going anywhere. I would deal with it.
When one sees that ivermectin physically docks to the communist virus, SARS-CoV-2, the idea of prophylaxis is seriously reinforced. Furthermore, the evolution of ivermectin may yield clues to the evolution of the communist virus: the golf course at Kawana.
Any citations concerning the long term consequences of mRNA/DNA type treatments would be greatly appreciated. So far, all the one's I've seen involve the sudden death of the lab animals within a year. I'm praying daily that they (the developers) made progress since then.
They don't exist yet. We are living in the most massive long term trial in history.
Any citations concerning the long term consequences of mRNA/DNA type treatments would be greatly appreciated. So far, all the one's I've seen involve the sudden death of the lab animals within a year. I'm praying daily that they (the developers) made progress since then.

Are there any long term studies on being infected with covid, assuming you live?

When one sees that ivermectin physically docks to the communist virus, SARS-CoV-2, the idea of prophylaxis is seriously reinforced. Furthermore, the evolution of ivermectin may yield clues to the evolution of the communist virus: the golf course at Kawana.

Ivermectin can inhibit HIV, Zika and a few other viruses as well. Quite a number of things can inhibit virus replication in a lab. This doesn't mean it's suitable to be used inside our bodies, which is why idiots who take ivermectin are packing this hospital. There was actually a legitimate randomized double blind study on ivermectin in brazil, the largest one yet with 2300 volunteers and while the results haven't been peer reviewed yet, the results show absolutely no effect of the drug stopping covid19. This is the biggest sham in history.

What were the odds that Joe Rogan gets better without ivermectin?

Pretty high.

There are trials with ivermectin! They show it doesn’t work.

What are the odds that anyone gets better without the vaccination?

Extremely high.......99+%.
You wanna take this stupid shot so it.

But when you get sick from it or the virus it doesn’t protect you against.

Don’t go to the ER
Are there any long term studies on being infected with covid, assuming you live?

Ivermectin can inhibit HIV, Zika and a few other viruses as well. Quite a number of things can inhibit virus replication in a lab. This doesn't mean it's suitable to be used inside our bodies, which is why idiots who take ivermectin are packing this hospital. There was actually a legitimate randomized double blind study on ivermectin in brazil, the largest one yet with 2300 volunteers and while the results haven't been peer reviewed yet, the results show absolutely no effect of the drug stopping covid19. This is the biggest sham in history.

You are not claiming enough rights for yourself: the right to contradict oneself, precisely. Thinking the cup is half-empty rather than half-full is indeed your problem. We again show the prisoners the cartoon in Fig. 3, which the stupid will believe was constructed deliberately to deceive them:

Icahn Medical School, Mt. Sinai, New York
Fig.3 Ivermectin Molecule Docked with SARS-CoV-2 Spike

How stupid is the communist virus at this point? Does it pretend not to notice, or does something else happen? We’re only talking about a single ivermectin-SARSA-CoV-2 complex, not a bunch of them: amounts of ivermectin here are irrelevant. The reading-prisoners’ other problem is hydroxychloroquine, which prevents attachment of the Chinese communist virus. It’s ironic that ivermectin’s origin is only in Japan, and nowhere else.
You wanna take this stupid shit, do it.

But when you get sick from it, or the virus it doesn’t protect you against.

Don’t go to the ER
Except there was no "screwy" election.
Wrong, Jack. Last election was TOTALLY atypical of every other election in the history of this country. You should just close that hole in your face and quit letting your brains evaporate. You haven't the cells to spare and only succeed in revealing yourself to be an even bigger buffoon to the forum!

The reason you're supporting miracle cures like ivermectin and hydroxy
Now Jackhole has gone off into deep end. He can't tell his ass from his elbow. PLEASE, Jack, SHOW US were I EVER said I was supporting any miracle cures? I'm merely not closing the door either on the possibility that they may be found to be of some aid or use in the fight to defeat Covid. I mean, let's face it, Joe Biddum's vaccines and covid plan sure aren't getting the job done.

, is that you will do ANYTHING to prop you savior up.
That must be why I often criticize him and blame him for a lot of things? Gee, Jack, were you BORN a useless idiot, lying shitheel? Or did you work hard to become one?

It makes me smile...whether I'm wearing a mask or not!
I didn't know you could suck cock and wear a mask at the same time. Pretty impressive for a guy with no skills, trade, can't build or buy a garage and whom gives out bad info on computers as well.

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