Oklahoma ERs packed with ivermectin overdose victims

its just math.
328.2 million total population
205.5 million people who got at least one vaccine dose.
39.8 million people infected so far.

328.2 - 205.5 = 122.7 million unvaccinated
328.2 - 39.8 = 288.4 million not yet infected
its just math.
328.2 million total population
205.5 million people who got at least one vaccine dose.
39.8 million people infected so far.

328.2 - 205.5 = 122.7 million unvaccinated
328.2 - 39.8 = 288.4 million not yet infected
We don’t have true stats of who had COVId and recovered. Dummy
The Jerusalem Post reported Aug. 2 that a new Israeli study shows positive results. A small randomized, controlled, double-blind trial from May 2020, through January 2021, evaluated the effectiveness of ivermectin in reducing viral shedding among non-hospitalized patients with mild to moderate COVID-19.
It would appear many other countries are using it in controlled settings, and no, it is s not just a deworming drug, so lets dispel that lie.
It is used widely in Africa,India and South America as an anti parasitic drug.
Imagine how delusional ppl on the right are, that so many of them would take a horse dewormer over a proven, safe and free vaccine. To be a right winger these days is to be mentally ill.
The Jerusalem Post reported Aug. 2 that a new Israeli study shows positive results. A small randomized, controlled, double-blind trial from May 2020, through January 2021, evaluated the effectiveness of ivermectin in reducing viral shedding among non-hospitalized patients with mild to moderate COVID-19.
It would appear many other countries are using it in controlled settings, and no, it is s not just a deworming drug, so lets dispel that lie.
It is used widely in Africa,India and South America as an anti parasitic drug.
What were the odds that Joe Rogan gets better without ivermectin?

Pretty high.

There are trials with ivermectin! They show it doesn’t work.

He got better from monoclonal antibodies. He also had that treatment with the ivermectin.

It was the monoclonal antibodies that helped. Not the horse dewormer.

If you read down to the third paragraph of the following article you will read the same thing. He got monoclonal antibodies.

The whole thing was FAKE NEWS...Doctor Quoted is NOT employed by Hospital....he was gone 2 months ago.

Damn....the left are shameless liars. LOLOLOL

Interestingly, the talking heads are silent about what's going on in the most vaccinated nation in the world.

I wonder why. :eusa_whistle:

Israel should prepare for 4th vaccine rollout, pandemic czar says


Sweden became the second European Union country to ban Israeli residents from entry due to a rise in COVID-19 cases in Israel, despite the country being one of the most vaccinated countries in the world.

Sweden bans entry for travelers from US, Israel due to rising COVID-19 rates

Earlier in April, the Israeli Peoples Committee (IPC), a civilian body made of leading Israeli health experts, published its report into the Pfizer vaccine’s side effects indicating damage to almost every system in the human body.
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I do...all of them...and I'm smart enough to take them all in context..and not just look for one sentence to somehow reflect the sum total of information presented.
You really are not that smart...disappointing~

You have no comment on the chart? the huge upswing in rx's for ivermectin? No comment on the huge uptick? No comment on the other many reports of ill effects? No comment on the CDC warnings about an uptick in misuse and overdose?

Of course not..silly me~
Lie. An asswipe like you can’t read. Just regurgitate your Dim talking points. Keep hiding under your bed and wearing your mask while you cry about people getting healed by things you don’t like.
What Dr Birx did was the equivalent of wanting to blend into a wall and not be seen as being addressed by the incompetent bag of gas asking her a fucking stupid question and riffing on like he was at one of his pep rallies. She was embarrassed...like, wanting to run and hide embarrassed. This is the PRESIDENT of the United States. HIS ideas??? Jesus, what press conference were you watching? Those words came out of HIS mouth.

You see, unlike your constant voter fraud claims of which, NONE can be backed up with facts...this little episode?..is on film and recorded down in the White House archives.

Sorry bud, no matter how much Trump love you have...this happened. Your man was/is a fucking moron. The fact that you voted for and supported him..says more about you
than it does him.

Live with that. :)
The fact that your don’t know UV light has been used for decades shows how much of a fucking moron you are. YOU voted for a dementia addled fuckup who got over a dozen Americans killed. Live with that asshole.


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The fact that your don’t know UV light has been used for decades shows how much of a fucking moron you are. YOU voted for a dementia addled fuckup who got over a dozen Americans killed. Live with that asshole.
And apparently you don't know that a man who's supposed to be The President of the United States standing up in front of the nation during a press conference and suggesting UV light introduced into the body "in some other way", isn't absolutely fucking hysterical. This is the level of competence you voted for, asshat.

Biden is President. Deal with it, snowflake.

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