Oklahoma ERs packed with ivermectin overdose victims

Overblown would be a better word. Not "nothing". This is all cost/benefit analysis, it's not that cut and dry.
Even those getting a prescription aren't being helped by it.

This is like hydroxychloroquine.

It's selling snake oil, and those selling it are making a fortune off the unfortunate.
Similar. People are too stupid to read, Hydroxyclor is problematic without it being the S-ulfate. Ivermec with e-b ?? is problematic for anything other than cattle. It'll fuck up goats, dogs, sheep etc. You want pure ivermectin. Gotta look and read thoroughly....or ask your "friends in Farcebook and twadder for Xspurt opinionations
Not funny at all. My poor kids. I would Never say something like that about someone else’s kids. You fiend.
haha, shut the fuck up, it was a joke. yes it was funny. I was joking that you passed them weak ass genes. being a grown man, I figured you could take it.

Rather than get the vaccine...they would rather deworm themselves. I wonder who these smart people voted for in 2020?
So you admit this administration is harming people by hindering remedies including the human dose of Ivermectin.
This administration and msm has literally killed hundreds of thousands of people.

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