Oklahoma ERs packed with ivermectin overdose victims

Even those getting a prescription aren't being helped by it.

This is like hydroxychloroquine.

It's selling snake oil, and those selling it are making a fortune off the unfortunate.
The "unfortunate" are actually the "delusional"
The story is about stupid people taking unprescribed veterinary medications, not about the FauxiFlu per se.

But you doomsaying scaremongers will never let an opportunity go by the boards, to disparage those who don't want to come to heel over your moronic and contradictory CDC Kabuki dances.

You should be embarrassed, were it that y'all hadn't completely dissociated yourselves from the emotion.
You admit that these stupid people are doing this stupid shit and tell those who point it out that they should be embarrassed?

What are you smoking? Ivermectin?
You admit that these stupid people are doing this stupid shit and tell those who point it out that they should be embarrassed?

What are you smoking? Ivermectin?
The government if legit on this issue would have had pamphlets and reading material printed up on everything that can be used to reduce the chance to getting Covid. And even suggesting levels of any type of vitamin, over the counter medication or prescription and anything else. Instead we have subterfuge and people being corralled and forced in many instances to take the pharmaceutical injections. They are in affect, on their own in the amounts of anything that sees a bit of success with this virus.
The government if legit on this issue would have had pamphlets and reading material printed up on everything that can be used to reduce the chance to getting Covid. And even suggesting levels of any type of vitamin, over the counter medication or prescription and anything else. Instead we have subterfuge and people being corralled and forced in many instances to take the pharmaceutical injections. They are in affect, on their own in the amounts of anything that sees a bit of success with this virus.
Ivermectin has shown no effectiveness. The government did recommend taking vitamin D.

We determine medicines are effective by data, not anecdotes.
Insider...lulz...FAKE NOOZ ALERT!

Using veterinary medications on humans almost always goes wrong.

View attachment 534479

A bit beneath you, eh? I mean...this is obviously NOT fake news..at least not factually. You go ahead and drop the meme anyway?
You sure are correct though, anyone who uses pet meds to dose themselves is just asking for Darwin to smack their asses.

On 26 August 2021, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a critical warning.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic started, there was only an average of 3,600 ivermectin prescriptions per week.
It has now reached 88,000 ivermectin prescriptions in the week ending 13 August 2021 – 24X higher than the pre-pandemic baseline.
This does NOT even include the use of ivermectin-based veterinary products.

Ivermectin US prescriptions 2021-08-13

CDC : 5X Increase In Ivermectin Poisoning Cases!​

Coupled with the massive increase in ivermectin use from prescriptions and veterinary products, is a huge 5X increase in ivermectin poisoning cases.
According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC), there was :

  • a 3X increase in the number of ivermectin poisoning cases in January 2021, and
  • a 5X increase in the number of ivermectin poisoning cases in July 2021.
These reports of ivermectin poisoning were associated with adverse effects and visits to emergency departments or hospitals. The CDC shared two examples :

An adult drank an injectable ivermectin formulation intended for use in cattle in an attempt to prevent COVID-19 infection. This patient presented to a hospital with confusion, drowsiness, visual hallucinations, tachypnea, and tremors. The patient recovered after being hospitalized for nine days.

  • An adult patient presented with altered mental status after taking ivermectin tablets of unknown strength purchased on the internet. The patient reportedly took five tablets a day for five days to treat COVID-19. The patient was disoriented and had difficulty answering questions and following commands. Symptoms improved with discontinuation of ivermectin after hospital admission.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention yesterday alerted health care providers and the public to reports of severe illness associated with using products containing ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19. While ivermectin is approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat infections caused by parasites, it is not authorized or approved to prevent or treat COVID-19. Dispensing of ivermectin by retail pharmacies and calls to poison control centers involving the drug have increased sharply during the pandemic, however. In some cases, people have ingested products purchased without a prescription, including topical formulations and veterinary products, CDC said. Clinical effects of ivermectin poisoning can range from gastrointestinal symptoms to hypotension and neurological effects.
so why are doc’s handing out scripts for it?
This a dosage issue that does NOT mean Ivermectin is ineffective against the virus. It is quite effective but some people are not being careful about the dosage level. Of course all of the vax hucksters use the small percentage of overdose cases to smear a very effective drug so you all can keep pushing vaccines.

Pro 'choice to be a fucking moron when it comes to masks and vaccines.'
My body my choice? Look, I have a hard time opining given I gave my own fucking blood to those with COVID for a yr. while most were cowering on lockdown. Yet I am being shamed for not being yet vaccinated. One of my employees was out for seven days due to COVID19 and he was vaccinated!!!

In the end, until everyone catches the virus it will linger so let’s all catch it and be done with it. Fuck!!! I am case in point that our media lied to us. Antibodies last for life or at least a lot longer than 6 mos.

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