Oklahoma ERs packed with ivermectin overdose victims

A bit beneath you, eh? I mean...this is obviously NOT fake news..at least not factually. You go ahead and drop the meme anyway?
You sure are correct though, anyone who uses pet meds to dose themselves is just asking for Darwin to smack their asses.

On 26 August 2021, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a critical warning.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic started, there was only an average of 3,600 ivermectin prescriptions per week.
It has now reached 88,000 ivermectin prescriptions in the week ending 13 August 2021 – 24X higher than the pre-pandemic baseline.
This does NOT even include the use of ivermectin-based veterinary products.

Ivermectin US prescriptions 2021-08-13

CDC : 5X Increase In Ivermectin Poisoning Cases!​

Coupled with the massive increase in ivermectin use from prescriptions and veterinary products, is a huge 5X increase in ivermectin poisoning cases.
According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC), there was :

  • a 3X increase in the number of ivermectin poisoning cases in January 2021, and
  • a 5X increase in the number of ivermectin poisoning cases in July 2021.
These reports of ivermectin poisoning were associated with adverse effects and visits to emergency departments or hospitals. The CDC shared two examples :

An adult drank an injectable ivermectin formulation intended for use in cattle in an attempt to prevent COVID-19 infection. This patient presented to a hospital with confusion, drowsiness, visual hallucinations, tachypnea, and tremors. The patient recovered after being hospitalized for nine days.

  • An adult patient presented with altered mental status after taking ivermectin tablets of unknown strength purchased on the internet. The patient reportedly took five tablets a day for five days to treat COVID-19. The patient was disoriented and had difficulty answering questions and following commands. Symptoms improved with discontinuation of ivermectin after hospital admission.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention yesterday alerted health care providers and the public to reports of severe illness associated with using products containing ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19. While ivermectin is approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat infections caused by parasites, it is not authorized or approved to prevent or treat COVID-19. Dispensing of ivermectin by retail pharmacies and calls to poison control centers involving the drug have increased sharply during the pandemic, however. In some cases, people have ingested products purchased without a prescription, including topical formulations and veterinary products, CDC said. Clinical effects of ivermectin poisoning can range from gastrointestinal symptoms to hypotension and neurological effects.
Everyone who has lied constantly. And you believe them. Stupid.
Wait...did you introduce a UV light into your body "in some other way"??
Why do you ask, Jack? Are you waiting to try it on yourself? Why don't you shove a UV lamp up your ass and see how many friends and family of yours the light exterminates?

Trump will universally be remembered by history as the worst President this country ever elected.
Sure Jack, whatever you say. Your memory is about as reliable as a Yugo. Problem is that Joe Biddum has already made that claim worthless and he's only had 8 months to divebomb the country! Now he is dive-bombing your world. :laughing0301:
Wrong, Jack. Last election was TOTALLY atypical of every other election in the history of this country. You should just close that hole in your face and quit letting your brains evaporate. You haven't the cells to spare and only succeed in revealing yourself to be an even bigger buffoon to the forum!

Now Jackhole has gone off into deep end. He can't tell his ass from his elbow. PLEASE, Jack, SHOW US were I EVER said I was supporting any miracle cures? I'm merely not closing the door either on the possibility that they may be found to be of some aid or use in the fight to defeat Covid. I mean, let's face it, Joe Biddum's vaccines and covid plan sure aren't getting the job done.

That must be why I often criticize him and blame him for a lot of things? Gee, Jack, were you BORN a useless idiot, lying shitheel? Or did you work hard to become one?

I didn't know you could suck cock and wear a mask at the same time. Pretty impressive for a guy with no skills, trade, can't build or buy a garage and whom gives out bad info on computers as well.
Oh look what the cat dragged in. It's Freaky. Shouldn't you be taking your de-worming meds about now? :)
Wait, I thought they were Trump's vaccines? Can you please make your mind up? It's exhausting keeping up with your constantly changing stories.

Why don't we just cut to the chase and you put up your proof of a stolen election and massive voter fraud? I'll wait. But we both know you're too much of a coward to do it.
Biden is your President. Head and shoulders above the abortion that was his predecessor.

Admit it, you sit in your garage and introduce that light into your body "in some other way". Do you like people to watch you when you do it?
I bet you wearing a mask and scream in terror...don't ya! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh look what the cat dragged in.
In your case, you can only hope it was a garage.

Shouldn't you be taking your de-worming meds about now?
Why, moron. I'm vaccinated. But I have no doubt you have more than a few worms and things clinging to your colon! :21:

put up your proof of a stolen election and massive voter fraud?
I already have in many places but it's a waste of time on you. You don't read it, you don't investigate it, then you say you never saw it. You have all the depth of a flatworlder.

I'll wait.
Hold your breath.

But we both know you're too much of a coward to do it.
Sure Jack. That's it.

Biden is your President.
At least he is yours. For a while. You can have him and all of his horrific, unAmerican, senile, fascist blunders.

Head and shoulders above the abortion that was his predecessor.
I thought you were heads and shoulders above an abortion! I was wrong.
In your case, you can only hope it was a garage.

Why, moron. I'm vaccinated. But I have no doubt you have more than a few worms and things clinging to your colon! :21:

I already have in plasces and it's a waste of time on you. You don't read it, you don't investigate it, then you say you never saw it. You have all the depth of a flatworlder.

Hold your breath.

Sure Jack. That's it.

At least he is yours. For a while. You can have him and all of his horrific, unAmerican, senile, fascist blunders.

I thought you were heads and shoulders above an abortion! I was wrong.
Wow. I was expecting something a little better from you. Disappointing.
Oh well, like your constant braying about non-existent voter fraud...nothing.

Carry on. Time for your ivermectin with a side dose of hydroxy. :)
MAGA Mods leave trump crap on the main board and move Facts to Conspiracy.....the board smells...
MAGA Mods leave trump crap on the main board and move Facts to Conspiracy.....the board smells...

Really, this belongs further downstairs. Not a conspiracy theory, but an outright hoax that has been solidly exposed as such. Even Rolling Stone, which originally broke the story, has now retracted it.
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You are not claiming enough rights for yourself: the right to contradict oneself, precisely. Thinking the cup is half-empty rather than half-full is indeed your problem. We again show the prisoners the cartoon in Fig. 3, which the stupid will believe was constructed deliberately to deceive them:

Icahn Medical School, Mt. Sinai, New York
Fig.3 Ivermectin Molecule Docked with SARS-CoV-2 Spike

How stupid is the communist virus at this point? Does it pretend not to notice, or does something else happen? We’re only talking about a single ivermectin-SARSA-CoV-2 complex, not a bunch of them: amounts of ivermectin here are irrelevant. The reading-prisoners’ other problem is hydroxychloroquine, which prevents attachment of the Chinese communist virus. It’s ironic that ivermectin’s origin is only in Japan, and nowhere else.

The gold standard for clinical trials was performed on ivermectin, using 2300 ppl, not 20, not 45, not 80 like the many previous "studies" ppl like yourself love to use as examples and the results were a disaster for pro ivermectin loonies. Why are you ignoring the Together Trial in brazil, I cited, hmm? :laugh: :laugh:
The gold standard for clinical trials was performed on ivermectin, using 2300 ppl, not 20, not 45, not 80 like the many previous "studies" ppl like yourself love to use as examples and the results were a disaster for pro ivermectin loonies. Why are you ignoring the Together Trial in brazil, I cited, hmm? :laugh: :laugh:

LOLOL just will not, WILL NOT accept the truth of the matter.
The leftwing ene-media otherwise known as the propaganda arm of the democrat party has failed to tell you what the Congressional political 'elites' don't want you to know and that IS....they have gotten to use the HORSE WORMER to protect THEMSELVES from the ravages of Covid. You know......The VERY same IVERMECTIN that they were telling YOU was worthless and even DANGEROUS for the Peons to use. So. How do you lefties feel about your So called HORSE WORMER NOW??

are ya maybe STARTING to see a little bit of discrepancy in the way we're supposed to carry on and the way our political elites (primarily the LEFT) get to carry on with THEIR lives? They get the special treatment if they're ill with covid, The same meds you are denied. They don't have to wear their masks Except for the cameras. You do/did. They have maskless weddings for their families. You don't. They have maskless, restriction free restaurant gatheringsYou don't. They have maskless, restriction free birthday parties. You don't. They have funerals for their friends and families. YOu don't. They get to vacation and you're told to stay home. They will have a nice thanksgiving day celebration, Thankful that they've got YOU snookered and they will travel and celebrate and live high on the hog at OUR expense. Are ya Gettin' it YET??

No wonder none of these old farts died. THEY got the meds we're denied. Privilege. Aint' it grand.
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The leftwing ene-media otherwise known as the propaganda arm of the democrat party has failed to tell you what the Congressional political 'elites' don't want you to know and that IS....they have gotten to use the HORSE WORMER to protect THEMSELVES from the ravages of Covid. You know......The VERY same IVERMECTIN that they were telling YOU was worthless and even DANGEROUS for the Peons to use. So. How do you lefties feel about your So called HORSE WORMER NOW??

are ya maybe STARTING to see a little bit of discrepancy in the way we're supposed to carry on and the way our political elites (primarily the LEFT) get to carry on with THEIR lives? They get the special treatment if they're ill with covid, The same meds you are denied. They don't have to wear their masks Except for the cameras. You do/did. They have maskless weddings for their families. You don't. They have maskless, restriction free restaurant gatheringsYou don't. They have maskless, restriction free birthday parties. You don't. They have funerals for their friends and families. YOu don't. They get to vacation and you're told to stay home. They will have a nice thanksgiving day celebration, Thankful that they've got YOU snookered and they will travel and celebrate and live high on the hog at OUR expense. Are ya Gettin' it YET??

No wonder none of these old farts died. THEY got the meds we're denied. Privilege. Aint' it grand.
Your lies are killing people. You do realize that, right?

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