Oklahoma Inmate Dies After Execution botched?

Golly gee! How terrible! He actually felt pain! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

The greatest thing about hanging was, once they fell through the trap and their necks snapped, they kicked their feet and struggled for several seconds in great pain, probably trying to call out to a God they'd spent their entire lives denying. And the crowd got to watch! Telling themselves they sure didn't want to go through that.

It's why I never liked firing squads. They were too quick and clean. :lol:
Blame the death penalty opponents. They are the ones who got rid of the drugs that worked.
Cruel and unusual punishment ist verbotten except in the Obama Reich. Love your constitution or be a traitor to America.

As far as vigilante justice goes, hell yeah, as long as you're willing to face the consequences.
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Most lethal injection executions go off without a hitch, the convicted killer is put to sleep, and doesn't feel a thing while the lethal drugs take effect. You can't bad mouth the entire process because of one injection gone awry. Do we put a halt to all surgeries because one is unsuccessful?
I'm not personally angered that he suffered but there is a damn good reason why these things shouldn't occur, especially in the cradles of the low IQ population centers of OK and TX. It would behoove them to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen lest they bear the onslaught of the Commie News Network or the Homos at My Soviet News Broadcasting Corporation. Where be Jesse Jackass and bro Al by the way? They should have come and helped a brutha out yo.
Stepmother on MSNBC now saying her son was unlawfully executed.....
Maybe she can sue for $100 million....

Hey Gloria Alred...you want in on this.
Exactly. This is the duplicitous game these scum play. I bet step mommy has a high priced lawyer and a rap sheet as tall as Mt. Everest. If that stupid bitch was any kind of mother none of this shit would have happened but all she sees is money. Typical ghetto trash.

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