Oklahoma REALLY doesn't want Women to have Abortions

:rolleyes: You are such a chicken little. It's unconstitutional with respect to the state's own constitution.

Change your diaper, now.

I agree, it is unconstitutional. However, it is still happening as of November 1st. You seem to not understand that. That and the fact it was passed despite it violating the OK Constitution.

Can you not read?
Still wetting your pants, I see. Read your own sources and stop with your cringeworthy foolishness: "The plaintiffs are seeking to put that on hold, the Center for Reproductive Rights said."

Abortion is murder.

We publish the names, addresses, and other details of child molesters and other criminals.

Why shouldn't we do the same to women who murder the unborn?

Equating Child Molesters with women who get abortion? Especially in the cases of incest, risk to the mother's life and rape? What a scumbag move on your part Sunni but not surprising.
Still wetting your pants, I see. Read your own sources and stop with your cringeworthy foolishness: "The plaintiffs are seeking to put that on hold, the Center for Reproductive Rights said."

Still being a dumb bitch I see. "Seeking" does not mean granted. As of November 1st, this law will go into effect unless it is overturned by then. My question to you is if even you can figure out this is unconstitutional then how come it passed in the first place? :eusa_eh:
Still wetting your pants, I see. Read your own sources and stop with your cringeworthy foolishness: "The plaintiffs are seeking to put that on hold, the Center for Reproductive Rights said."

Still being a dumb bitch I see. "Seeking" does not mean granted. As of November 1st, this law will go into effect unless it is overturned by then. My question to you is if even you can figure out this is unconstitutional then how come it passed in the first place? :eusa_eh:
:rolleyes: Your hissy fit is unfounded but your ignorance of government comes shining through. Shit gets through legislation so often that if we all wet our pants as much as you and Think Progress do about it, our GDP would be strong based on diaper production alone. There are three branches - checks and balances - just for this reason. Yet, you keep letting Think Progress think for you and you keep looking like a fool.
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Anything that prevents the killing of unborn babies, I'm in favor of. Short of killing abortion docotrs. They'll be judged by someone far greater than myself as will all those that murder the innocent.

If for a moment I agree that Abortion is "killing unborn babies." Should I assume in that case you're against Abortion as well when Rape and Incest is involved? :eusa_eh:

I'd have to make exceptions to cases of rape and incest, but on a case by case basis. I would draw a line at the point when the fetus becomes viable, I'd be opposed to all abortions at that point.
"Seeking" does not mean granted. As of November 1st, this law will go into effect unless it is overturned by then. My question to you is if even you can figure out this is unconstitutional then how come it passed in the first place? :eusa_eh:

There is a doctrine in law that a legislative enactment is "presumed" to be constitutional.

If they are attempting to put it on hold, it will probably be a Mandamus action directly to the state SC.
:rolleyes: Your hissy fit is unfounded but your ignorance of government comes shining through. Shit gets through legislation so often that if we all wet our pants as much as you do about it our GDP would be strong based on diaper production alone. There are three branches - checks and balances - just for this reason.

Not ignorance of Government, however I have never seen a law in my home state that has been passed through and was a violation of the state constitution. At least nothing major like this that it made news and wasn't repealed soon after anyway.

As for the checks and balances you speak of, hopefully it will continue to work in this case and the law will be repealed. If this law is allowed to stand, then the checks and balances have failed in this case.
IMO, this is an act of intimidation by the government against women that seek to have a legal medical procedure. Unless ever single medical procedure is put online in the exact same manner this is just wrong.

Not surprising that "conservatives" can't see this.
Agreed. It is not and Oklahoma is taking care of it. More chicken little crap from Think Progress.

If not for The Center for Reproductive Rights, this lawsuit would of never had been brought forth. So it is due to them and hopefully the SC of Oklahoma that this will be taken care of.
I'm on the right and I am anti-aboriton. My first thought when I read the OP was that I was opposed to the idea completely. Then I read the questions being asked and realized that the cry that those questions could be used to identify the mother were bogus.

What I want to know is why the left is so afraid of posting true statistics about abortion?

Without looking further into the bill, my one and only problem with this is the State of Oklahoma paying a quarter of a million dollars every year to maintain the database.


I have no problem with it as long as everyone has to answer any question I have for them on the internet and has to state thier name and exactly where they live.
even though they won't post her name I some how think posting some of the info violates hippa???
maybe not

I'm pretty sure they bypass that law by having you answer the questions but I could be wrong.

you have to feel out that information when you have an abortion which goes in your medical file which is private. I just don't think they can go into your file and retrieve the information legally and without violating hipaa laws.
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Overreaction, Robert.

Here are the questions.

1. Date of abortion
2. County in which abortion performed
3. Age of mother
4. Marital status of mother
(married, divorced, separated, widowed, or never married)
5. Race of mother
6. Years of education of mother
(specify highest year completed)
7. State or foreign country of residence of mother
8. Total number of previous pregnancies of the mother
Live Births
Induced Abortions​

The only two people who could deduce an identity from that are Sherlock Holmes and The Great Carnak.

Unfortunately, they are as much figments of the imagination as the concerns raised by Think Progress.

In a small community, or if you suspected a co-worker or family member of having an abortion, the information above could seal it.

Think of it this way: How many of those 8 would you need to identify one your extended family members or co-workers?
IMO, this is an act of intimidation by the government against women that seek to have a legal medical procedure. Unless ever single medical procedure is put online in the exact same manner this is just wrong.

Not surprising that "conservatives" can't see this.

As long as it keep unborn babies from being killed, I don't care what you call it.

Not suprising that liberals can't see the value in an unborn baby.

At three weeks after conception there is a heartbeat.
At 6 weeks there is brain activity.
Also at 6 weeks they can move their arms and legs this is called "quickening" which actually means" Becoming alive"
At 20 weeks the baby is viable.
Notice of Privacy Practices. Covered health plans, doctors and other health care providers must provide a notice to their patients how they may use personal medical information and their rights under the new privacy regulation. Doctors, hospitals and other direct-care providers generally will provide the notice on the patient's first visit following the April 14, 2003, compliance date and upon request. Patients generally will be asked to sign, initial or otherwise acknowledge that they received this notice. Health plans generally must mail the notice to their enrollees by April 14 and again if the notice changes significantly. Patients also may ask covered entities to restrict the use or disclosure of their information beyond the practices included in the notice, but the covered entities would not have to agree to the changes.

Limits on Use of Personal Medical Information. The privacy rule sets limits on how health plans and covered providers may use individually identifiable health information. To promote the best quality care for patients, the rule does not restrict the ability of doctors, nurses and other providers to share information needed to treat their patients. In other situations, though, personal health information generally may not be used for purposes not related to health care, and covered entities may use or share only the minimum amount of protected information needed for a particular purpose. In addition, patients would have to sign a specific authorization before a covered entity could release their medical information to a life insurer, a bank, a marketing firm or another outside business for purposes not related to their health care.
Protecting the Privacy of Patients' Health Information

These women would have to authorize the use of their medical records for this purpose, I don't see many doing this.
IMO, this is an act of intimidation by the government against women that seek to have a legal medical procedure. Unless ever single medical procedure is put online in the exact same manner this is just wrong.

Not surprising that "conservatives" can't see this.

As long as it keep unborn babies from being killed, I don't care what you call it.

Not suprising that liberals can't see the value in an unborn baby.

At three weeks after conception there is a heartbeat.
At 6 weeks there is brain activity.
Also at 6 weeks they can move their arms and legs this is called "quickening" which actually means" Becoming alive"
At 20 weeks the baby is viable.
even if it illegal and violated their rights? Yeah! I would call that hypocritical!
In Florida; kill a baby turtle and it's a thousand dollar fine.

Kill an unborn baby by abortion; Nothing

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