Oklahoma Will Charge Those Who Install Their Own Solar Panels

From the OP article:

"As the use of solar power skyrockets across the U.S., fights have sprung up in several states over how much customers should be compensated for excess power produced by their solar panels and sold back to the grid — a policy known as net metering. Net metering laws have come under fire from the secretive American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a group backed by fossil fuel corporations, utility companies, and the ultra-conservative Koch brothers. Forty-three states and the District of Columbia currently have net metering policies in place and ALEC has set its sights on repealing them, referring to homeowners with their own solar panels as “freeriders on the system.” ALEC presented Gov. Fallin the Thomas Jefferson Freedom award last year for her “record of advancing the fundamental Jeffersonian principles of free markets, limited government, federalism and individual liberty as a nationally recognized leader.”

Anyone catch that? Homeowners who don't use Big Energy suppliers are freeriders because they produce their own energy! Maybe if the homeowners just gave their excess energy back to the grid, everyone (ALEC) would be happy?
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"The measure directs utilities to recover the costs of providing electrical infrastructure to homes or businesses with solar panels or small wind turbines, The Oklahoman reported (Solar advocates worry about Oklahoma legislation for surcharge | News OK ) Saturday. The costs would be determined through a rate tariff filed with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission."

Oklahoma solar, wind energy users worry about legislation that would add fee to utility bill - Seymour Tribune

That's total BULLSHIT.

When a person places alternate devices on his/her house, everything is included and installed by the solar/wind company. The ONLY thing the utility does is connect to the grid (which is the utilities requirement) which costs you $125.00 for 5 minutes work. I've been there, bought it, had it installed, and am reaping the benefits.

This is nothing more than Oklahoma Republicans fucking the little guy.

Who pays for the upkeep of the grid?

The power lines, the utility poles? Is it unreasonable to charge for the use of the infrastructure when the meter is being rolled back?

I pay a Heavy Vehicle Use tax to the Federal Government annually to use the federal highway system for commerce, and I pay states by the mile to use their roads.

Why should selling power be any different?


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"The measure directs utilities to recover the costs of providing electrical infrastructure to homes or businesses with solar panels or small wind turbines, The Oklahoman reported (Solar advocates worry about Oklahoma legislation for surcharge | News OK ) Saturday. The costs would be determined through a rate tariff filed with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission."

Oklahoma solar, wind energy users worry about legislation that would add fee to utility bill - Seymour Tribune

That's total BULLSHIT.

When a person places alternate devices on his/her house, everything is included and installed by the solar/wind company. The ONLY thing the utility does is connect to the grid (which is the utilities requirement) which costs you $125.00 for 5 minutes work. I've been there, bought it, had it installed, and am reaping the benefits.

This is nothing more than Oklahoma Republicans fucking the little guy.

Who pays the additional cost their employees have to figure for the credit and or check sent for the energy sent back?

Does the owner of the green energy have to pay for utility to replace the components
which connect it to the grid, after the initial 125 dollar investment?

Why should someone who can't afford green energy have to pay those fees for additional work of cutting checks or issuing credits or the maintenance of wires or components which benefit you?
CaféAuLait;8958387 said:
"The measure directs utilities to recover the costs of providing electrical infrastructure to homes or businesses with solar panels or small wind turbines, The Oklahoman reported (Solar advocates worry about Oklahoma legislation for surcharge | News OK ) Saturday. The costs would be determined through a rate tariff filed with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission."

Oklahoma solar, wind energy users worry about legislation that would add fee to utility bill - Seymour Tribune

That's total BULLSHIT.

When a person places alternate devices on his/her house, everything is included and installed by the solar/wind company. The ONLY thing the utility does is connect to the grid (which is the utilities requirement) which costs you $125.00 for 5 minutes work. I've been there, bought it, had it installed, and am reaping the benefits.

This is nothing more than Oklahoma Republicans fucking the little guy.

Who pays the additional cost their employees have to figure for the credit and or check sent for the energy sent back?

Does the owner of the green energy have to pay for utility to replace the components
which connect it to the grid, after the initial 125 dollar investment?

Why should someone who can't afford green energy have to pay those fees for additional work of cutting checks or issuing credits or the maintenance of wires or components which benefit you?

So the power companies don't profit off the excess energy sold back to them? :lol:
OMG, I guess the Right is desperate to fight solar power. :cuckoo:

Oklahoma Will Charge Customers Who Install Their Own Solar Panels | NationofChange

Oklahoma residents who produce their own energy through solar panels or small wind turbines on their property will now be charged an additional fee, the result of a new bill passed by the state legislature and expected to be signed into law by Gov. Mary Fallin (R).

“We’re not anti-solar or anti-wind or trying to slow this down, we’re just trying to keep it fair,” Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co. spokeswoman Kathleen O’Shea told the Oklahoman. “We’ve been studying this trend. We know it’s coming, and we want to get ahead of it.”

sound familiar?
"The measure directs utilities to recover the costs of providing electrical infrastructure to homes or businesses with solar panels or small wind turbines, The Oklahoman reported (Solar advocates worry about Oklahoma legislation for surcharge | News OK ) Saturday. The costs would be determined through a rate tariff filed with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission."

Oklahoma solar, wind energy users worry about legislation that would add fee to utility bill - Seymour Tribune

That's total BULLSHIT.

When a person places alternate devices on his/her house, everything is included and installed by the solar/wind company. The ONLY thing the utility does is connect to the grid (which is the utilities requirement) which costs you $125.00 for 5 minutes work. I've been there, bought it, had it installed, and am reaping the benefits.

This is nothing more than Oklahoma Republicans fucking the little guy.

Who pays for the upkeep of the grid?

The power lines, the utility poles? Is it unreasonable to charge for the use of the infrastructure when the meter is being rolled back?

I pay a Heavy Vehicle Use tax to the Federal Government annually to use the federal highway system for commerce, and I pay states by the mile to use their roads.

Why should selling power be any different?

International Fuel Tax Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Form 2290, Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return

I still pay the $14.99 per month like everyone does to partially maintain the grid. I also pay a meter use fee. So do folks in Oklahoma. What the State of Oklahoma is doing is legislating additional profit for the utilities. So there you go.
OMG, I guess the Right is desperate to fight solar power. :cuckoo:

Oklahoma Will Charge Customers Who Install Their Own Solar Panels | NationofChange

Oklahoma residents who produce their own energy through solar panels or small wind turbines on their property will now be charged an additional fee, the result of a new bill passed by the state legislature and expected to be signed into law by Gov. Mary Fallin (R).


but isn't that what dems to do fossil fuels?

tax the fuck out of them to drive up cost?

sucks to have that used against you doughnut?
As the batteries get more reasonable in price, if the wingnut politicians do this, people will begin to simply disconnect from the grid, and say the hell with the big energy corperations. A real revolution, not some whacked out turds packing military grade weapons out in the Nevada desert.


yeah, buy huge batteries is the next revolution.

That's total BULLSHIT.

When a person places alternate devices on his/her house, everything is included and installed by the solar/wind company. The ONLY thing the utility does is connect to the grid (which is the utilities requirement) which costs you $125.00 for 5 minutes work. I've been there, bought it, had it installed, and am reaping the benefits.

This is nothing more than Oklahoma Republicans fucking the little guy.

Who pays for the upkeep of the grid?

The power lines, the utility poles? Is it unreasonable to charge for the use of the infrastructure when the meter is being rolled back?

I pay a Heavy Vehicle Use tax to the Federal Government annually to use the federal highway system for commerce, and I pay states by the mile to use their roads.

Why should selling power be any different?

International Fuel Tax Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Form 2290, Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return

I still pay the $14.99 per month like everyone does to partially maintain the grid. I also pay a meter use fee. So do folks in Oklahoma. What the State of Oklahoma is doing is legislating additional profit for the utilities. So there you go.

I'll be interested to see how this plays out...if the surcharge is 5 bucks a month like Arizona, I don't see the harm...if it's $50 a month, this law will need to be revisited.
Who pays for the upkeep of the grid?

The power lines, the utility poles? Is it unreasonable to charge for the use of the infrastructure when the meter is being rolled back?

I pay a Heavy Vehicle Use tax to the Federal Government annually to use the federal highway system for commerce, and I pay states by the mile to use their roads.

Why should selling power be any different?

International Fuel Tax Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Form 2290, Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return

I still pay the $14.99 per month like everyone does to partially maintain the grid. I also pay a meter use fee. So do folks in Oklahoma. What the State of Oklahoma is doing is legislating additional profit for the utilities. So there you go.

I'll be interested to see how this plays out...if the surcharge is 5 bucks a month like Arizona, I don't see the harm...if it's $50 a month, this law will need to be revisited.

A surcharge for what? The energy providers profit? It's called getting screwed.
Enough conflict in this to send Marx-O-Crats (Is you there, Jakey?) to their shrinks!

On the one hand, their faith in Algore's First Universal Church of Global Warming urging them to go out and solarize or twist in the wind....

On the other their urge to tax.

Oy, zeyer heads vel platsn ofn lib hobn melons!
I still pay the $14.99 per month like everyone does to partially maintain the grid. I also pay a meter use fee. So do folks in Oklahoma. What the State of Oklahoma is doing is legislating additional profit for the utilities. So there you go.

I'll be interested to see how this plays out...if the surcharge is 5 bucks a month like Arizona, I don't see the harm...if it's $50 a month, this law will need to be revisited.

A surcharge for what? The energy providers profit? It's called getting screwed.

As much as I hate using Wikipedia as a source, this is what they say...

"Integration with the grid

For reasons of reliability, distributed generation resources (individual solar/wind power*) would be interconnected to the same transmission grid as central stations. Various technical and economic issues occur in the integration of these resources into a grid. Technical problems arise in the areas of power quality, voltage stability, harmonics, reliability, protection, and control.[25] Behavior of protective devices on the grid must be examined for all combinations of distributed and central station generation.[26] A large scale deployment of distributed generation may affect grid-wide functions such as frequency control and allocation of reserves.[27] As a result smart grid functions, virtual power plants and grid energy storage such as power to gas stations are added to the grid."

(*) Added by me.

If the central provider must add protections and new equipment to adapt the distributed generation to the grid, it is not unreasonable to require the distributed generators to cover that cost instead of passing it on to other customers.
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More government in peoples life's. How leftist!

I am pretty sure you are smart enough to know that utilities are required, by law, to pay people for electricity they sell back to the grid at exactly the same rate they charge for it. Lefties call this the free market, I call it stupidity.

Since utilities have different rates, which rate?

Do you have a problem with basic English comprehension?
CaféAuLait;8958387 said:
That's total BULLSHIT.

When a person places alternate devices on his/her house, everything is included and installed by the solar/wind company. The ONLY thing the utility does is connect to the grid (which is the utilities requirement) which costs you $125.00 for 5 minutes work. I've been there, bought it, had it installed, and am reaping the benefits.

This is nothing more than Oklahoma Republicans fucking the little guy.

Who pays the additional cost their employees have to figure for the credit and or check sent for the energy sent back?

Does the owner of the green energy have to pay for utility to replace the components
which connect it to the grid, after the initial 125 dollar investment?

Why should someone who can't afford green energy have to pay those fees for additional work of cutting checks or issuing credits or the maintenance of wires or components which benefit you?

So the power companies don't profit off the excess energy sold back to them? :lol:

If they BUY it from you, then I assume they are paying market price or close to it, yes?
As the batteries get more reasonable in price, if the wingnut politicians do this, people will begin to simply disconnect from the grid, and say the hell with the big energy corperations. A real revolution, not some whacked out turds packing military grade weapons out in the Nevada desert.

In other words, the wingnuts, who hate the environment, will end up saving the planet, while the moonbats, who want to save the planet, will end up supporting the big energy. And, for some reason, you think this is a bad thing.
"The measure directs utilities to recover the costs of providing electrical infrastructure to homes or businesses with solar panels or small wind turbines, The Oklahoman reported (Solar advocates worry about Oklahoma legislation for surcharge | News OK ) Saturday. The costs would be determined through a rate tariff filed with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission."

Oklahoma solar, wind energy users worry about legislation that would add fee to utility bill - Seymour Tribune

That's total BULLSHIT.

When a person places alternate devices on his/her house, everything is included and installed by the solar/wind company. The ONLY thing the utility does is connect to the grid (which is the utilities requirement) which costs you $125.00 for 5 minutes work. I've been there, bought it, had it installed, and am reaping the benefits.

This is nothing more than Oklahoma Republicans fucking the little guy.

Want to explain how poor people subsidizing rich assholes, like you, who insist on getting paid by the utility company for fucking up the grid, is Republicans fucking over the little guy?
OMG, I guess the Right is desperate to fight solar power. :cuckoo:

Oklahoma Will Charge Customers Who Install Their Own Solar Panels | NationofChange

Oklahoma residents who produce their own energy through solar panels or small wind turbines on their property will now be charged an additional fee, the result of a new bill passed by the state legislature and expected to be signed into law by Gov. Mary Fallin (R).

Well, at least they didn't ED some fucker's ranch to install panels from filthy commie chink bastards.

That said, every signatory of this bill should be taken into a field and shot.
Of course, that never happened, but never let the truth get in the way of a crazy rant.
I'm guessing that very soon, the militias will be leaving the Bundy Ranch and heading straight to Oklahoma to defend the residents of Oklahoma to do what they want on their own property without Big Gubmint penalizing them.

I am sure that, if you actually had a brain, you would have noticed that, if they don't sell the electricity back to the utility at government mandated rates, they won't be assessed a fee. But, please, don't let facts get in the way of your rant.

Thanks for the insult. Let me know when you grow up and then I'll have a discussion with you.

Fuck off idiot, I see no reason to be polite to idiots simply because they want mommy to protect them from mean people.

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