Old and hopefully wiser ...

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
Hi. Hope you are bearing up under the strains of this pandemic & economic crisis.

I'm a 71 year old "newbie" here, with a bit of an unusual history. I was a serious activist against the Vietnam War in my youth, and in some sense have never "recovered," or at least am unwilling to forget the lessons from those times. I was arrested, beaten, but with a high draft number never served. Would have gone and probably gotten myself killed or put in an army prison or mentally destroyed like so many others. Hated that war with a passion, and was too angry and radical to vote for any mainstream candidate for years. I became a blue collar union worker, bit of an organizer and activist, and dissident. Now I find myself surprisingly happy & retired in sunny Florida. I'm more intellectual than most blue collar types. Not a socialist, but would have voted for "capitalist to my bones" Warren or "democratic socialist" Bernie. I have little hope this country or the world will change for the better. I rather suspect we on the road to hell -- but maybe that's just old age talking. After retiring I did something unusual. I spent 8 years in China, where I studied Chinese and taught a little ballroom dancing. My beautiful 6th month old American granddaughter still lives in Beijing with her American Dad and Chinese Mom.

Hope to meet some good and interesting people here!
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And everybody thinks we're all gonna die...

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Hi. Hope you are bearing up under the strains of this pandemic & economic crisis.

I'm a 71 year old "newbie" here, with a bit of an unusual history. I was a serious activist against the Vietnam War in my youth, and in some sense have never "recovered," or at least am unwilling to forget the lessons from those times. I was arrested, beaten, but with a high draft number never served. Would have gone and probably gotten myself killed or put in an army prison or mentally destroyed like so many others. Hated that war with a passion, and was too angry and radical to vote for any mainstream candidate for years. I became a blue collar union worker, bit of an organizer and activist, and dissident. Now I find myself surprisingly happy & retired in sunny Florida. I'm more intellectual than most blue collar types. Not a socialist, but would have voted for "capitalist to my bones" Warren or "democratic socialist" Bernie. I have little hope this country or the world will change for the better. I rather suspect we on the road to hell -- but maybe that's just old age talking. After retiring I did something unusual. I spent 8 years in China, where I studied Chinese and taught a little ballroom dancing. My beautiful 6th month old American granddaughter still lives in Beijing with her American Dad and Chinese Mom.

Hope to meet some good and interesting people here!

Well, you've got lots of company here, lots of ignorant people here who are dead wrong about the Viet Nam police action and its positive outcome in bankrupting the Soviet Union among other things, so welcome.
Dont seem to wise considering you want to vote for a couple regressive statists.
Hi. Hope you are bearing up under the strains of this pandemic & economic crisis.

I'm a 71 year old "newbie" here, with a bit of an unusual history. I was a serious activist against the Vietnam War in my youth, and in some sense have never "recovered," or at least am unwilling to forget the lessons from those times. I was arrested, beaten, but with a high draft number never served. Would have gone and probably gotten myself killed or put in an army prison or mentally destroyed like so many others. Hated that war with a passion, and was too angry and radical to vote for any mainstream candidate for years. I became a blue collar union worker, bit of an organizer and activist, and dissident. Now I find myself surprisingly happy & retired in sunny Florida. I'm more intellectual than most blue collar types. Not a socialist, but would have voted for "capitalist to my bones" Warren or "democratic socialist" Bernie. I have little hope this country or the world will change for the better. I rather suspect we on the road to hell -- but maybe that's just old age talking. After retiring I did something unusual. I spent 8 years in China, where I studied Chinese and taught a little ballroom dancing. My beautiful 6th month old American granddaughter still lives in Beijing with her American Dad and Chinese Mom.

Hope to meet some good and interesting people here!
Hello! Quite a moniker you've given yourself. Well, high expectations can be a good thing.

Make yourself at home and pay no attention to our resident joker (actually there are several) Natural Citizen who for some reason likes to yank my chain. He's actually a very decent person but he tries hard to hide it.

Have a nosh and please, if you are able, soak up a little sun for me in cold, drizzly and still fixin to snow Maine.

Hi. Hope you are bearing up under the strains of this pandemic & economic crisis.

I'm a 71 year old "newbie" here, with a bit of an unusual history. I was a serious activist against the Vietnam War in my youth, and in some sense have never "recovered," or at least am unwilling to forget the lessons from those times. I was arrested, beaten, but with a high draft number never served. Would have gone and probably gotten myself killed or put in an army prison or mentally destroyed like so many others. Hated that war with a passion, and was too angry and radical to vote for any mainstream candidate for years. I became a blue collar union worker, bit of an organizer and activist, and dissident. Now I find myself surprisingly happy & retired in sunny Florida. I'm more intellectual than most blue collar types. Not a socialist, but would have voted for "capitalist to my bones" Warren or "democratic socialist" Bernie. I have little hope this country or the world will change for the better. I rather suspect we on the road to hell -- but maybe that's just old age talking. After retiring I did something unusual. I spent 8 years in China, where I studied Chinese and taught a little ballroom dancing. My beautiful 6th month old American granddaughter still lives in Beijing with her American Dad and Chinese Mom.

Hope to meet some good and interesting people here!
Hi. Hope you are bearing up under the strains of this pandemic & economic crisis.

I'm a 71 year old "newbie" here, with a bit of an unusual history. I was a serious activist against the Vietnam War in my youth, and in some sense have never "recovered," or at least am unwilling to forget the lessons from those times. I was arrested, beaten, but with a high draft number never served. Would have gone and probably gotten myself killed or put in an army prison or mentally destroyed like so many others. Hated that war with a passion, and was too angry and radical to vote for any mainstream candidate for years. I became a blue collar union worker, bit of an organizer and activist, and dissident. Now I find myself surprisingly happy & retired in sunny Florida. I'm more intellectual than most blue collar types. Not a socialist, but would have voted for "capitalist to my bones" Warren or "democratic socialist" Bernie. I have little hope this country or the world will change for the better. I rather suspect we on the road to hell -- but maybe that's just old age talking. After retiring I did something unusual. I spent 8 years in China, where I studied Chinese and taught a little ballroom dancing. My beautiful 6th month old American granddaughter still lives in Beijing with her American Dad and Chinese Mom.

Hope to meet some good and interesting people here!

Do you think if we didn't concentrate on a 5 year Russian hoax created by Hillary and Obama, we would be better off right now?

How about a 6 month fake impeachment as this virus was created and flourished.

Did you support now,serial adulterer John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Did you voter for Lyndon Baines Johnson?

When you mention the horror of Nam, you have to include Johnson and Kennedy as culprits

We will now see you by totally answering those questions...YES OR NO ONLY!!!!

Kennedy, and Johnson ruined your country my friend .Don't give me the IKE bullshit hopefully.
Well, thank you for the welcome, anyway.

I cannot answer "yes or no" to each and every question.

I have never supported the Democrat's anti-Russian, anti-Putin obsession. Liberal imperialist politicians -- and Republican neo-con imperialists like Cheney & Bolton, and "Christian Zionists" like Pompeo and Pence -- ALL serve interests other than those of ordinary American working people. Trump's impeachment was not "a hoax," but the real predictable (he was even warned by his advisors) political result of his own demagogy, his calling on the Kremlin to help investigate Hillary and his attacks on the "Deep State" (which he conveniently defines as made up only of Democratics or his political enemies). I have no sympathy for this conman, whom we are now stuck with.

I marched repeatedly against LBJ during the Vietnam War and paid a price for my opposition to him. Looking back, however, after Kennedy's assassination and given American Cold War obsessions at that time, he was in a tough position. His administration's lies and his eventual refusal to run for a second term, as earlier his late-in-life commitment to finally pass Civil Rights legislation, show how troubled he and our whole society was in that era. Of course I still hold LBJ (and the Republicans who were even more rabid in supporting it) as responsable for that war.

Ah, if only it were possible to blame two long-dead politicians for all our present problems...

Perhaps we should go back in time and impeach them too!
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Well, thank you for the welcome, anyway.

I cannot answer "yes or no" to each and every question.

I have never supported the Democrat's anti-Russian, anti-Putin obsession. Liberal imperialist politicians -- and Republican neo-con imperialists like Cheney & Bolton, and "Christian Zionists" like Pompeo and Pence -- ALL serve interests other than those of ordinary American working people. Trump's impeachment was not "a hoax," but the real predictable (he was even warned by his advisors) political result of his own demagogy, his calling on the Kremlin to help investigate Hillary and his attacks on the "Deep State" (which he conveniently defines as made up only of Democratics or his political enemies). I have no sympathy for this conman, whom we are now stuck with.

I marched repeatedly against LBJ during the Vietnam War and paid a price for my opposition to him. Looking back, however, after Kennedy's assassination and given American Cold War obsessions at that time, he was in a tough position. His administration's lies and his eventual refusal to run for a second term, as earlier his late-in-life commitment to finally pass Civil Rights legislation, show how troubled he and our whole society was in that era. Of course I still hold LBJ (and the Republicans who were even more rabid in supporting it) as responsable for that war.

Ah, if only it were possible to blame two long-dead politicians for all our present problems...

Perhaps we should go back in time and impeach them too!
Thanks for the introspection. I'm conservative but I enjoy debating at least semi-civil people. I've been very polite and professional. This is a good site and will enjoy conversing. I just ignore any noise.

It is not so much blame, but lessons still not learned. We fucking when to Iraq after Nam. Kennedy was smart, he knew that Nam was a loser, but he wanted to wait until he was safetly reelected. It didn't work out.

Marilyn was about to spill the beans, but we know what happened there. If she lived, he probably wouldn't have died, but in resign in disgrace. Is it better to be shot, or be disgraced. Lol

Nice chattin Tom. This is your intro so I'll scram. See you out there. Thanks for your time.

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