Old Confused Man Keeps Showing Up at the Golf Course Instead of at Work.

My husband is an attorney and he golfs nearly every weekend...you'd be shocked how many court cases are settled on the ninth tee.

I'm an attorney as well, and no. They're not.

Yeah they are and if you deny it I question if you're an attorney at all.....gary "dog" lol

Settlement conferences are usually formal occasions, and typically settlement offers are written, often with both parties present, and the settlement negotiations themselves are monitored by judges.

You literally have no idea what you're talking about, as usual. Go back to baking cookies for your bigot church.

Wooosh right over your head. Settlements are worked out while golfing, over drinks, etc. Happens all the time....but I doubt you work for a reputable firm, most likely some dipshit outfit like the ACLU, you'd get chewed up by a decent attorney. I've read yous BS.
I don't care how many times Trump golfs, just like I didn't give a fuck about how many times Obama golfed. Only partisans care.
You ONLY say that's because you're a Trump whore and the clown is breaking Dubya's records for vacation time

He has been doing meetings and playing golf with people he is meeting with, big companies do that you know, it's not a vacation. But hey as long as he keeps all your liberal panties in a wad he can play golf 7 days a week, it will keep us President Trump supporters happy just watching poor snow [emoji300]️ flakes loose it, again and again.
I like it so much I sometimes go back and watch MSM on election night, it's hilarious.

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It's true about business deals and golf courses. Also diplomacy. Japan's President is a mega golf addict and he was thrilled to play at Mar a Lago. A less formal setting for interaction.

Heads of State used to love being invited to the Bush ranch.

Business deals and diplomacy can indeed be worked out on the golf courses.

Settlement deals in adversarial court litigation rarely are.

My husband is an attorney and he golfs nearly every weekend...you'd be shocked how many court cases are settled on the ninth tee.

I'm an attorney as well, and no. They're not.

Yeah they are and if you deny it I question if you're an attorney at all.....gary "dog" lol

Settlement conferences are usually formal occasions, and typically settlement offers are written, often with both parties present, and the settlement negotiations themselves are monitored by judges.

You literally have no idea what you're talking about, as usual. Go back to baking cookies for your bigot church.

Wooosh right over your head. Settlements are worked out while golfing, over drinks, etc. Happens all the time....but I doubt you work for a reputable firm, most likely some dipshit outfit like the ACLU, you'd get chewed up by a decent attorney. I've read yous BS.

I don't work for the ACLU, but I'd do it in a heartbeat. They're the reason we let you vote. Sad!

He sleeps 4 hours a night, even at his age, and has already signed and overturned so many Obama EOs that he shouldn't be able to even hold a golf club anymore, and still shoots a more than respectable 18 holes that only Obama can dream about. Golf is a great game for sorting things out.........especially anti-American progressive Libtard things.
Moron thinks signing EO' s that assaults our land air and water is a good thing

At least he thinks.

What is your excuse.

Please show us the scientific data that indicates the assault you claim is taking place.

We'll be waiting.
Oh, I also forgot to add, like the MSM totally neglected, that Trump donated his recent 70K-plus check as POTUS to our National Parks for battlefield maintenance and restoration.
Trump reminding us what it means to be a true American!

He proposes huge cuts to the National Park S and gives 70,000 plus back. Big of him. How about giving taxpayers a discount at his facilities.

:link: Grasshopper, :link: to Trumps proposed huge cuts to the NPS.
I don't care how many times Trump golfs, just like I didn't give a fuck about how many times Obama golfed. Only partisans care.

If you search and find me in a thread talking about Obama and golf, I would be supporting his playing as much golf as he wanted.

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