old farts were suckers ...

I'm fine with letting Obamacare burn to the ground on its own.

With most of your hateful attitudes around here I am wishing the requirements to get an individual plan and some large group plans would go back to March 1, 2010. Then we'll see how many will have insurance coverage.

I'm with you .. 2010 and the whining "I need insurance" from all the uninsured RW's would be loud enough to break glass.
I thought it was Debbie who pointed out that even without a mandate, we'd probably get younger people to buy into catastrophic care if the only way they could buy into Obamacare was to wait a year after diagnosis or something. Essentially buy in, or go bankrupt.
He's cutting soc sec disability, Medicaid (and block granting it to let states divvy it up differently), the amount Obamacare subsidizes their private insurance.

Block grants are a far superior way to handle Medicaid. That leaves decisions on how best to use the money up to the individual states. It also encourages the states to then save money instead of rewarding them for spending more.
I'm fine with letting Obamacare burn to the ground on its own.

With most of your hateful attitudes around here I am wishing the requirements to get an individual plan and some large group plans would go back to March 1, 2010. Then we'll see how many will have insurance coverage.

I'm with you .. 2010 and the whining "I need insurance" from all the uninsured RW's would be loud enough to break glass.
I thought it was Debbie who pointed out that even without a mandate, we'd probably get younger people to buy into catastrophic care if the only way they could buy into Obamacare was to wait a year after diagnosis or something. Essentially buy in, or go bankrupt.

Not exactly, I don't remember saying they'd buy cat plans, they might. No some changes coming up will let insurance companies decide whether to sell you a policy if you haven't kept current on your premiums. In other words, people learned how to play the system and not pay the last three months of the year (no penalty for going w/o 90 days) and then reapply for a Jan 1 effective date, therefore saving 3 months of premium. They did it every year, but that has been changed for next year and if you try and purchase from the same company you stiffed they have they have the option of telling you no, go elsewhere. Where I'm from they have only had 1 option for 2 years and probably the same next. So therefore with that change and a couple others since Trump has taken office you really can call it trumpcare. These changes were made by the CMS whoever that may be now, her name escapes me. There are certain subtle changes they can make without going through congress, just like the CMS did under Obama.
argue the fine points until you're purple, create strawman scenarios until you drop ... older people are fucked IF The Trump Cartel dumps their version of healthcare in their laps.

Specifically how? I have Medicare regardless. Something you're going to be stuck paying! Enjoy!
argue the fine points until you're purple, create strawman scenarios until you drop ... older people are fucked IF The Trump Cartel dumps their version of healthcare in their laps.

Specifically how? I have Medicare regardless. Something you're going to be stuck paying! Enjoy!

young people and medicare are irrelevant ... older people (between the two) in the market are the ones who will see an increase.
Exactly, and that's what is so amusing about this. The people who put the Orange Cretin in office were the underemployed aging white rust belters. Instead of voting dem, they voted for the Cretin cause he promised to make their lives better.

He's cutting soc sec disability, Medicaid (and block granting it to let states divvy it up differently), the amount Obamacare subsidizes their private insurance. These folks get HC insurance in one of three ways.

If Soc Sec declares them disabled, they get Medicaid. So the Cretin actually FUCKS THEM TWICE. Sweet.

If they're not disabled and under 65, they get Obamacare. Well the Cretin only FUCKED them once there by upping their premiums, but the SHMUCKS' gripe was they couldn't afford the premiums before. So I guess they're still TWICE FUCKED. Sweet.

They can hang on till they get medicare.

his drones under 65 will become unassimilated and kick his sorry ass to the curb if he lasts until the next election.

Maybe. They may just not vote. I think the reason the dems lost this election was simply they didn't bail out the homeowners. Progressivism and the New Deal punished capital for miscalculating risk, Under the FDIC, bank owners are wiped out when a bank fails. The gummit takes over the bank and guarantees depositors and borrowers their deposits and mortgages remain just as they were. The only way anyone CAN lose money is to have over 100K or fail to make mortgage payments.

The alt-Right and simply brain dead on this board attempt to argue "well the homeowners who defaulted took out loans they could never afford to pay." But that's not quite the truth. Yes some lenders made loans to people they knew would default. But those loans were made late in the game, when the rresidental real estate market was wayyyy over valued, and the REASON it was overvalued was not because an extraordinary number wanted to buy houses. Rather, it was overvalued because foreign gummits, private investors and mutualfunds/retirement programs COULDN'T BUY ENOUGH MORTGAGES TO SATISFY THEIR DEMAND for what was marketed as "the safest thing ever."

The people who defaulted on mortgages were mostly people who bought homes in an inflated market, and then lost jobs in the recession. If they KEPT their jobs, they could still make their mortgage payment, and prices have recovered in most markets. But mostly, the people who got wiped out didn't do anything wrong. They were unlucky.

But the Steve Mnuchin's who ran mortgage investments for the banks DID NOT GET WIPED OUT. In fact they got .... BAILED OUT.

Ironically, the junior senator of Nev (a goper!) suggested the fed guvt should have just purchased the entire two TRILLION in the residential real estate market. THAT WAS MORE PROGRESSIVE THAN OBAMA. Sure, if Obama wiped out everyone who owned a piece of the real estate mortgage markets, all of us with 401K and state and private retirement systems would never have recovered? But what if the gummit had just paid face value for every dollar invested in buying mortgages? Eventually the gummit could have resold the mortgages to private/foreign investors. And the gummit could have just not foreclosed on delinquent mortgages so long as homeowners started paying the loans again after two years. And nobody had to get free money because they'd still have to have paid accrued interest and the principle ... or sell at a loss.

You're misinformed.

The FDIC has guaranteed deposits up to $250,000. for some years now.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were a major part of the collapse. Chris Dodd and Bernie Franks, through HUD who mandated that both those secondary markets increase the percentage of their portfolio of sub-prime loans. By lowering those standards on what they had to buy, those reduced standards were extended to all borrowers.

Part of that failure even included "no-doc" loans. Loans targeted at people whose income was largely cash or other non-verifiable income. Overall this created an unrealistic market. Another contributing factor was the flood of TV "reality" shows depicting how easy it was to "Flip This House". Many of the shows were fraudulent but encouraged people, not well suited to the risk, refinanced or obtained second mortgages using the money to buy a "fixer-upper". As with all pyramid schemes, those buying in after mid-2006, were those left holding the bag. For many years I have watched the Case-Shiller index along with a number of other indices. It was obvious to anyone watching a major collapse was on the horizon.

I have no clue as to where you got the idea of "free money". No one got "free money" and millions had to sell at a loss, many in cooperation with their lender.
The left is amazing. They actually post a link that says the opposite of what they claim. You gotta read the entire link because it is geared for the low information impaired attention span of the typical democrat base. They start out with a couple of B.S. opinion based paragraphs that bore you to death and they put the nitty-gritty at the end.
I'm fine with letting Obamacare burn to the ground on its own.

With most of your hateful attitudes around here I am wishing the requirements to get an individual plan and some large group plans would go back to March 1, 2010. Then we'll see how many will have insurance coverage.

I'm with you .. 2010 and the whining "I need insurance" from all the uninsured RW's would be loud enough to break glass.

Hey bring it on I can't wait. I've been in this business a long time and I can tell you depending on company some 30-40% of applications were declined for pre x and another 10% or so had certain body parts excluded from coverage. No one would take you if you'd had cancer anywhere from 5 years back to lifetime. Neither heart attack. Have a kid born with hydrocephalus and most certain decline for the rest of their life. I am speaking of individual plans.

Group plans with some or all insurance companies with 100 or more were also asked health questions but very seldom declined but the whole group premium would be rated up. I got out of the group market when obamacare started.
I knew that. My VA col is always the same as my social security, very little. They need to rework the index. It's usually the price of oil , doesn't matter if everything else goes up.

Over the past 10 years, there has been very little inflation using any index.
July 25, 2011:

1. “The Answer to both Social Security and Medicare is a robust growing economy — not cuts on the elderly.”

2.September 7, 2011: “A robust growing economy is how to fix Social Security and Medicare — not cuts on Seniors.”

3.December 5, 2011: “Now I know there are some Republicans who would be just fine with allowing [Social Security and Medicare] to wither and die on the vine. The way they see it, Social Security and Medicare are wasteful ‘entitlement programs.’ But people who think this way need to rethink their position. It’s not unreasonable for people who paid into a system for decades to expect to get their money’s worth — that’s not an ‘entitlement,’ that’s honoring a deal. We as a society must also make an ironclad commitment to providing a safety net for those who can’t make one for themselves.”

4.March 15, 2013: “As Republicans, if you think you are going to change very substantially for the worse Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security in any substantial way, and at the same time you think you are going to win elections, it just really is not going to happen.”

5.January 24, 2015 : “I’m not a cutter. I’ll probably be the only Republican that doesn’t want to cut Social Security.”

How 'The Donald' Would Save Social Security
Billionaire Donald Trump discusses social security as he addresses the Iowa Freedom Summit.bloom.bg

6.April 18, 2015: “Every Republican wants to do a big number on Social Security, they want to do it on Medicare, they want to do it on Medicaid. And we can’t do that. And it’s not fair to the people that have been paying in for years and now all of the sudden they want to be cut.”

7.May 7, 2015: “I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid.”

8.May 7, 2015: “Huckabee is a nice guy but will never be able to bring in the funds so as not to cut Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid. I will.”

9.May 21, 2015: “I am going to save Social Security without any cuts. I know where to get the money from. Nobody else does.”

10.June 16, 2015: “[I will] save Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security without cuts. Have to do it… People have been paying in for years, and now many of these candidates want to cut it.”

11.November 3, 2015: “I’ll save Social Security. I’ll save Medicare. Ben Carson wants to get rid of Medicare. You can’t get rid of Medicare. You know, Medicare’s a program that works. There’s fraud, there’s abuse, there’s waste, but you don’t get rid of Medicare. You can’t do that. People love Medicare. And it’s unfair to them… I’m not going to cut it.”

12.March 10, 2016: “I will do everything within my power not to touch Social Security, to leave it the way it is… It’s my absolute intention to leave Social Security the way it is. Not increase the age and to leave it as is.”

13.March 29, 2016: “You know, Paul [Ryan] wants to knock out Social Security, knock it down, way down. He wants to knock Medicare way down. And, frankly — well, two things. Number one, you’re going to lose the election if you’re going to do that … I’m not going to cut it, and I’m not going to raise ages, and I’m not going to do all of the things that they want to do. But they want to really cut it, and they want to cut it very substantially, the Republicans, and I’m not going to do that.”

that was to get his sorry ass TRYING TO GET ELECTED ... now he'll smile. and fuck you in your sleep.

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