old farts were suckers ...

argue the fine points until you're purple, create strawman scenarios until you drop ... older people are fucked IF The Trump Cartel dumps their version of healthcare in their laps.

Specifically how? I have Medicare regardless. Something you're going to be stuck paying! Enjoy!
argue the fine points until you're purple, create strawman scenarios until you drop ... older people are fucked IF The Trump Cartel dumps their version of healthcare in their laps.

Specifically how? I have Medicare regardless. Something you're going to be stuck paying! Enjoy!

young people and medicare are irrelevant ... older people (between the two) in the market are the ones who will see an increase.
The best thing the GOP can do with Obamacare is NOTHING. Let it fail all by itself. Death spiral baby!!


so Trump said ... yeah I BELEEEEEVE him

And once again, you're an idiot. I have a job. I have insurance. I'm concerned about the millions who won't under this plan. That's the difference between liberals and heartless conservatives like you

How much benefit is it to someone of moderate means who has a $6,000 deductible or over $12,000 if they are married?

The best thing the GOP can do with Obamacare is NOTHING. Let it fail all by itself. Death spiral baby!!


so Trump said ... yeah I BELEEEEEVE him


Laugh all you like, but that is probably what is going to happen. The GOP will be unable to get the votes to pass the Senate, and it will die.

Leaving Obamacare to collapse, all by itself.

its not about younger peoples premiums.


If it is not about younger people's premiums, where does the money come from for the low premiums you demand for older and ill people.

Im not demanding anything from anybody.

well. I take that back....

I demand the RW's come up with a healthcare plan that WORKS for everyone, after all they've only had 8 F'n years to do it/
its not about younger peoples premiums.


If it is not about younger people's premiums, where does the money come from for the low premiums you demand for older and ill people.

Im not demanding anything from anybody.

well. I take that back....

I demand the RW's come up with a healthcare plan that WORKS for everyone, after all they've only had 8 F'n years to do it/

Of course, you're demanding much more from the young. Where else does the money come from to pay for all those older people and those ill and pre-existing conditions?

Obamacare has proven that what you want, does not exist. Obamacare has, as you well know, collapsed.
Its a bad budget,needs lots of work, am sure that it's possible to put together a better one. not all will be happy no matter what is done, this one just favors the top 2% TO MUCH 285 billion tax break. while cutting 1 billion to the cancer institute
argue the fine points until you're purple, create strawman scenarios until you drop ... older people are fucked IF The Trump Cartel dumps their version of healthcare in their laps.

Specifically how? I have Medicare regardless. Something you're going to be stuck paying! Enjoy!
argue the fine points until you're purple, create strawman scenarios until you drop ... older people are fucked IF The Trump Cartel dumps their version of healthcare in their laps.

Specifically how? I have Medicare regardless. Something you're going to be stuck paying! Enjoy!

young people and medicare are irrelevant ... older people (between the two) in the market are the ones who will see an increase.
Exactly, and that's what is so amusing about this. The people who put the Orange Cretin in office were the underemployed aging white rust belters. Instead of voting dem, they voted for the Cretin cause he promised to make their lives better.

He's cutting soc sec disability, Medicaid (and block granting it to let states divvy it up differently), the amount Obamacare subsidizes their private insurance. These folks get HC insurance in one of three ways.

If Soc Sec declares them disabled, they get Medicaid. So the Cretin actually FUCKS THEM TWICE. Sweet.

If they're not disabled and under 65, they get Obamacare. Well the Cretin only FUCKED them once there by upping their premiums, but the SHMUCKS' gripe was they couldn't afford the premiums before. So I guess they're still TWICE FUCKED. Sweet.

They can hang on till they get medicare.
argue the fine points until you're purple, create strawman scenarios until you drop ... older people are fucked IF The Trump Cartel dumps their version of healthcare in their laps.

Specifically how? I have Medicare regardless. Something you're going to be stuck paying! Enjoy!
argue the fine points until you're purple, create strawman scenarios until you drop ... older people are fucked IF The Trump Cartel dumps their version of healthcare in their laps.

Specifically how? I have Medicare regardless. Something you're going to be stuck paying! Enjoy!

young people and medicare are irrelevant ... older people (between the two) in the market are the ones who will see an increase.
Exactly, and that's what is so amusing about this. The people who put the Orange Cretin in office were the underemployed aging white rust belters. Instead of voting dem, they voted for the Cretin cause he promised to make their lives better.

He's cutting soc sec disability, Medicaid (and block granting it to let states divvy it up differently), the amount Obamacare subsidizes their private insurance. These folks get HC insurance in one of three ways.

If Soc Sec declares them disabled, they get Medicaid. So the Cretin actually FUCKS THEM TWICE. Sweet.

If they're not disabled and under 65, they get Obamacare. Well the Cretin only FUCKED them once there by upping their premiums, but the SHMUCKS' gripe was they couldn't afford the premiums before. So I guess they're still TWICE FUCKED. Sweet.

They can hang on till they get medicare.

his drones under 65 will become unassimilated and kick his sorry ass to the curb if he lasts until the next election.
Mental health will not be covered. Pregnancy will not be covered. Preventive health care, like physicals, mammograms, PSA tests, blood work will not be covered. Lifetime and annual caps will be put in place.
How do you know this? Will those overages be available for extra cost commensurate with the risk they entail ? if so doesn't that mean that consumers will have greater control over what's in their own policies and the premiums for those policies?


Jesus Christ but you people are stupid as hell.
WASHINGTON — Veterans Affairs officials on Wednesday defended plans to strip tens of thousands of dollars in unemployment benefits from elderly veterans as responsible reforms to the department’s growing budget, but opponents promised to fight the idea.

Included in President Donald Trump’s $186.5 billion VA budget for fiscal 2018 — a nearly 6 percent boost in discretionary spending from this year — are plans to dramatically cut the department's Individual Unemployability program.

Up to 225,000 veterans over the age of 60, at least 7,000 of whom are over 80, could be impacted by the change.

Under current rules, the IU program awards payouts at the 100 percent disabled rate to veterans who cannot find work due to service-connected injuries, even if actual rating is less than that.
VA defends plan to cut thousands from elderly vets' benefits

Why can't they find work, from Obama's hand off of a stellar economy?

Why are you posting stupid?


Damn the eighty year old vets that don't have a hundred percent service related disability. They can get a job at Walmart.
I mean if you have liability and collision insurance on your car, then I can cut your premium by eliminating the collusion.

Unless you have a bank note, isn't that the choice of the car owner?

What YOU and you like DEMAND, is that AFTER the collision, you can stop off at your insurance company on your way home and get "retro-collision" and have your car made good as new on the back of someone else.

So nice that you're beginning to come around.

No you fawking dumbass. It was an example to show that any claim in premium decreases is not an apples to apples comparison. Damn skippy premiums are going to go down when coverage is both capped and limited. It's like DUH HUH.
Don't want to post the rest of the article op, Where it says the CBO says Trump care will bring down premiums in general?

Oh and you forgot the part that reason the premiums go down is because the benefits are reduced or nixed. So that means, much more out of pocket.


Oh and you forgot the part that reason the premiums go down is because the benefits are reduced or nixed. So that means, much more out of pocket.
argue the fine points until you're purple, create strawman scenarios until you drop ... older people are fucked IF The Trump Cartel dumps their version of healthcare in their laps.

Specifically how? I have Medicare regardless. Something you're going to be stuck paying! Enjoy!
argue the fine points until you're purple, create strawman scenarios until you drop ... older people are fucked IF The Trump Cartel dumps their version of healthcare in their laps.

Specifically how? I have Medicare regardless. Something you're going to be stuck paying! Enjoy!

young people and medicare are irrelevant ... older people (between the two) in the market are the ones who will see an increase.
Exactly, and that's what is so amusing about this. The people who put the Orange Cretin in office were the underemployed aging white rust belters. Instead of voting dem, they voted for the Cretin cause he promised to make their lives better.

He's cutting soc sec disability, Medicaid (and block granting it to let states divvy it up differently), the amount Obamacare subsidizes their private insurance. These folks get HC insurance in one of three ways.

If Soc Sec declares them disabled, they get Medicaid. So the Cretin actually FUCKS THEM TWICE. Sweet.

If they're not disabled and under 65, they get Obamacare. Well the Cretin only FUCKED them once there by upping their premiums, but the SHMUCKS' gripe was they couldn't afford the premiums before. So I guess they're still TWICE FUCKED. Sweet.

They can hang on till they get medicare.

his drones under 65 will become unassimilated and kick his sorry ass to the curb if he lasts until the next election.

Maybe. They may just not vote. I think the reason the dems lost this election was simply they didn't bail out the homeowners. Progressivism and the New Deal punished capital for miscalculating risk, Under the FDIC, bank owners are wiped out when a bank fails. The gummit takes over the bank and guarantees depositors and borrowers their deposits and mortgages remain just as they were. The only way anyone CAN lose money is to have over 100K or fail to make mortgage payments.

The alt-Right and simply brain dead on this board attempt to argue "well the homeowners who defaulted took out loans they could never afford to pay." But that's not quite the truth. Yes some lenders made loans to people they knew would default. But those loans were made late in the game, when the rresidental real estate market was wayyyy over valued, and the REASON it was overvalued was not because an extraordinary number wanted to buy houses. Rather, it was overvalued because foreign gummits, private investors and mutualfunds/retirement programs COULDN'T BUY ENOUGH MORTGAGES TO SATISFY THEIR DEMAND for what was marketed as "the safest thing ever."

The people who defaulted on mortgages were mostly people who bought homes in an inflated market, and then lost jobs in the recession. If they KEPT their jobs, they could still make their mortgage payment, and prices have recovered in most markets. But mostly, the people who got wiped out didn't do anything wrong. They were unlucky.

But the Steve Mnuchin's who ran mortgage investments for the banks DID NOT GET WIPED OUT. In fact they got .... BAILED OUT.

Ironically, the junior senator of Nev (a goper!) suggested the fed guvt should have just purchased the entire two TRILLION in the residential real estate market. THAT WAS MORE PROGRESSIVE THAN OBAMA. Sure, if Obama wiped out everyone who owned a piece of the real estate mortgage markets, all of us with 401K and state and private retirement systems would never have recovered? But what if the gummit had just paid face value for every dollar invested in buying mortgages? Eventually the gummit could have resold the mortgages to private/foreign investors. And the gummit could have just not foreclosed on delinquent mortgages so long as homeowners started paying the loans again after two years. And nobody had to get free money because they'd still have to have paid accrued interest and the principle ... or sell at a loss.
Don't want to post the rest of the article op, Where it says the CBO says Trump care will bring down premiums in general?

Bullshit. It'll bring down premiums for some younger and healthier people because they'll be able to buy less comprehensive plans for less money but they won't cover shit. Meanwhile premiums will go up for older and less healthy people

That is the only way premium's will ever come down, take away most if not essential health benefits and make them catastrophic plans with caps on maximums out of pocket.

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