Old news reels of Hitler and Mussolini identical to a Trump rally

Recipe for placing a right wing Conservative government into power:
1. Throw an uneducated population into a pot
2. Add heaping cups of hate, fear, and anger with equal portions of greed
3. Heat and stir to a boil
VOILA! Enough offal to choke a country.
Brought to you by that mustache man in Germany back in the early part of the 20th century. Tried and true. The uneducated eat it all up every time.

It's funny you should say this. You might want to examine the history of how Hitler came to power, specifically the parts NOT told by modern day historians. The Weimar Republic fo Germany was a bastion of "progressivism" - everything from gay rights to 3rd wave feminism to trannies... until the German people had enough and swung HARD right. So while you sit here and virtue signal about trivial bullshit while labeling everyone you don't like a "racist bigot Nazi" - keep in mind that you're literally re-creating the environment that brought Hitler to power. Trump isn't it, but you're gonna see Hitler 2.0 if you keep up with this SJW horseshit.
America is regressing to pre WWII right wing governing. Watch any speech from Hitler or Mussolini of that era and compare it to a Trump rally speech. It's near identical. When Mussolini stuck out his lip to make a face and waddled around, was the exact same as Trump's when he talked about being presidential-like and acted like an idiot.
Recipe for placing a right wing Conservative government into power:
1. Throw an uneducated population into a pot
2. Add heaping cups of hate, fear, and anger with equal portions of greed
3. Heat and stir to a boil
VOILA! Enough offal to choke a country.
Brought to you by that mustache man in Germany back in the early part of the 20th century. Tried and true. The uneducated eat it all up every time.

Bernie rallys look the same.
America is regressing to pre WWII right wing governing. Watch any speech from Hitler or Mussolini of that era and compare it to a Trump rally speech. It's near identical. When Mussolini stuck out his lip to make a face and waddled around, was the exact same as Trump's when he talked about being presidential-like and acted like an idiot.
Recipe for placing a right wing Conservative government into power:
1. Throw an uneducated population into a pot
2. Add heaping cups of hate, fear, and anger with equal portions of greed
3. Heat and stir to a boil
VOILA! Enough offal to choke a country.
Brought to you by that mustache man in Germany back in the early part of the 20th century. Tried and true. The uneducated eat it all up every time.

You need a brain transplant. The one you have is obviously dead!
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America is regressing to pre WWII right wing governing. Watch any speech from Hitler or Mussolini of that era and compare it to a Trump rally speech. It's near identical. When Mussolini stuck out his lip to make a face and waddled around, was the exact same as Trump's when he talked about being presidential-like and acted like an idiot.
Recipe for placing a right wing Conservative government into power:
1. Throw an uneducated population into a pot
2. Add heaping cups of hate, fear, and anger with equal portions of greed
3. Heat and stir to a boil
VOILA! Enough offal to choke a country.
Brought to you by that mustache man in Germany back in the early part of the 20th century. Tried and true. The uneducated eat it all up every time.

No, that’s a dim rally you are describing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
America is regressing to pre WWII right wing governing. Watch any speech from Hitler or Mussolini of that era and compare it to a Trump rally speech. It's near identical. When Mussolini stuck out his lip to make a face and waddled around, was the exact same as Trump's when he talked about being presidential-like and acted like an idiot.
Recipe for placing a right wing Conservative government into power:
1. Throw an uneducated population into a pot
2. Add heaping cups of hate, fear, and anger with equal portions of greed
3. Heat and stir to a boil
VOILA! Enough offal to choke a country.
Brought to you by that mustache man in Germany back in the early part of the 20th century. Tried and true. The uneducated eat it all up every time.
Now, attach those qualities and the jack-boot Antifa to the so-called Democrats, let them have their big government and you would definitely have a recipe for a Hitler (National SOCIALIST German Workers Party), a Stalin (Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics), Mao Zedong (PEOPLE'S Republic of China), Kim Jung Un (DEMOCRATIC Peoples Republic of North Korea), Ho Chi Minh (SOCIALIST Republic of Vietnam), Fidel Castro (Republic of Cuba), Pol Pot (Cambodia, DEMOCRATIC Kampuchea): or Mussolini. What do these Socialist nations have in common with each other?
Political dissidents, as well as people who wish to leave, end up in re-education camps, prison, or end up in mass graves. Millions have been killed just because they objected to Socialism.
What's the first thing an installed Socialist government does? Disarms the people. The second thing they do is restrict speech. The third thing they do is haul away those who object and restrict anyone who objects to their governments, from fleeing.
America is regressing to pre WWII right wing governing. Watch any speech from Hitler or Mussolini of that era and compare it to a Trump rally speech. It's near identical. When Mussolini stuck out his lip to make a face and waddled around, was the exact same as Trump's when he talked about being presidential-like and acted like an idiot.
Recipe for placing a right wing Conservative government into power:
1. Throw an uneducated population into a pot
2. Add heaping cups of hate, fear, and anger with equal portions of greed
3. Heat and stir to a boil
VOILA! Enough offal to choke a country.
Brought to you by that mustache man in Germany back in the early part of the 20th century. Tried and true. The uneducated eat it all up every time.

You just described the democrats.....they even have their storm troopers, antifa, to do their violence....
Pretty soon, the American left will attempt to brand the entire GOP as a Nazi regime, and make calls to arrest all GOP voters.

Communists always tend to paint the opposition as Nazis.

American Communists (like the yahoos in the Democrat Party) will also throw in the ole "racist" bullshit.
Recipe for placing a right wing Conservative government into power:
1. Throw an uneducated population into a pot
2. Add heaping cups of hate, fear, and anger with equal portions of greed
3. Heat and stir to a boil
VOILA! Enough offal to choke a country.
Brought to you by that mustache man in Germany back in the early part of the 20th century. Tried and true. The uneducated eat it all up every time.

It's funny you should say this. You might want to examine the history of how Hitler came to power, specifically the parts NOT told by modern day historians. The Weimar Republic fo Germany was a bastion of "progressivism" - everything from gay rights to 3rd wave feminism to trannies... until the German people had enough and swung HARD right. So while you sit here and virtue signal about trivial bullshit while labeling everyone you don't like a "racist bigot Nazi" - keep in mind that you're literally re-creating the environment that brought Hitler to power. Trump isn't it, but you're gonna see Hitler 2.0 if you keep up with this SJW horseshit.

The great depression also hit Germany, it was a global recession. So is this Tramp's plan for the US, get rid of women rights, gays and transsexuals? I believe tramp is it, the most unlawful lying jackarse of a president the USA ever had. But hey, you are entitled to your opinion.
America is regressing to pre WWII right wing governing. Watch any speech from Hitler or Mussolini of that era and compare it to a Trump rally speech. It's near identical. When Mussolini stuck out his lip to make a face and waddled around, was the exact same as Trump's when he talked about being presidential-like and acted like an idiot.
Recipe for placing a right wing Conservative government into power:
1. Throw an uneducated population into a pot
2. Add heaping cups of hate, fear, and anger with equal portions of greed
3. Heat and stir to a boil
VOILA! Enough offal to choke a country.
Brought to you by that mustache man in Germany back in the early part of the 20th century. Tried and true. The uneducated eat it all up every time.
images - 2019-03-17T131958.141.jpeg
America is regressing to pre WWII right wing governing. Watch any speech from Hitler or Mussolini of that era and compare it to a Trump rally speech. It's near identical. When Mussolini stuck out his lip to make a face and waddled around, was the exact same as Trump's when he talked about being presidential-like and acted like an idiot.
Recipe for placing a right wing Conservative government into power:
1. Throw an uneducated population into a pot
2. Add heaping cups of hate, fear, and anger with equal portions of greed
3. Heat and stir to a boil
VOILA! Enough offal to choke a country.
Brought to you by that mustache man in Germany back in the early part of the 20th century. Tried and true. The uneducated eat it all up every time.
No, Trump is neither Hitler nor Mussolini – but like both Trump is a racist, bigot, and demagogue.

Like both Trump tries to exploit the ignorance and fear of his supporters to his political advantage.

Like both Trump has contempt for the rule of law our democratic institutions.

Like both Trump is a jingoistic militarist.

And like both Trump seeks to vilify his political opponents with lies and false accusations.
Recipe for placing a right wing Conservative government into power:
1. Throw an uneducated population into a pot
2. Add heaping cups of hate, fear, and anger with equal portions of greed
3. Heat and stir to a boil
VOILA! Enough offal to choke a country.
Brought to you by that mustache man in Germany back in the early part of the 20th century. Tried and true. The uneducated eat it all up every time.

It's funny you should say this. You might want to examine the history of how Hitler came to power, specifically the parts NOT told by modern day historians. The Weimar Republic fo Germany was a bastion of "progressivism" - everything from gay rights to 3rd wave feminism to trannies... until the German people had enough and swung HARD right. So while you sit here and virtue signal about trivial bullshit while labeling everyone you don't like a "racist bigot Nazi" - keep in mind that you're literally re-creating the environment that brought Hitler to power. Trump isn't it, but you're gonna see Hitler 2.0 if you keep up with this SJW horseshit.

The great depression also hit Germany, it was a global recession. So is this Tramp's plan for the US, get rid of women rights, gays and transsexuals? I believe tramp is it, the most unlawful lying jackarse of a president the USA ever had. But hey, you are entitled to your opinion.

This is exactly why you shouldn’t go off your meds, without consulting a doctor.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
America is regressing to pre WWII right wing governing. Watch any speech from Hitler or Mussolini of that era and compare it to a Trump rally speech. It's near identical. When Mussolini stuck out his lip to make a face and waddled around, was the exact same as Trump's when he talked about being presidential-like and acted like an idiot.
Recipe for placing a right wing Conservative government into power:
1. Throw an uneducated population into a pot
2. Add heaping cups of hate, fear, and anger with equal portions of greed
3. Heat and stir to a boil
VOILA! Enough offal to choke a country.
Brought to you by that mustache man in Germany back in the early part of the 20th century. Tried and true. The uneducated eat it all up every time.

Mussolini and Hitler's ideological beliefs on economics and governance closely align with that of the modern, American left. Did you know that?
As well as their political tactics.
America is regressing to pre WWII right wing governing. Watch any speech from Hitler or Mussolini of that era and compare it to a Trump rally speech. It's near identical. When Mussolini stuck out his lip to make a face and waddled around, was the exact same as Trump's when he talked about being presidential-like and acted like an idiot.
Recipe for placing a right wing Conservative government into power:
1. Throw an uneducated population into a pot
2. Add heaping cups of hate, fear, and anger with equal portions of greed
3. Heat and stir to a boil
VOILA! Enough offal to choke a country.
Brought to you by that mustache man in Germany back in the early part of the 20th century. Tried and true. The uneducated eat it all up every time.
Who are these people who attend these rallies and chant these things? I don't know any American who would do this, and the entire generation above mine in my family fought the Axis powers. Just who are these unpatriotic chumps?
America is regressing to pre WWII right wing governing. Watch any speech from Hitler or Mussolini of that era and compare it to a Trump rally speech. It's near identical. When Mussolini stuck out his lip to make a face and waddled around, was the exact same as Trump's when he talked about being presidential-like and acted like an idiot.
Recipe for placing a right wing Conservative government into power:
1. Throw an uneducated population into a pot
2. Add heaping cups of hate, fear, and anger with equal portions of greed
3. Heat and stir to a boil
VOILA! Enough offal to choke a country.
Brought to you by that mustache man in Germany back in the early part of the 20th century. Tried and true. The uneducated eat it all up every time.

No, that’s a dim rally you are describing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dims seem to have trouble rounding up enough supporters to crowd a three bedroom house's living room, much less fill an arena.
Recipe for placing a right wing Conservative government into power:
1. Throw an uneducated population into a pot
2. Add heaping cups of hate, fear, and anger with equal portions of greed
3. Heat and stir to a boil
VOILA! Enough offal to choke a country.
Brought to you by that mustache man in Germany back in the early part of the 20th century. Tried and true. The uneducated eat it all up every time.

It's funny you should say this. You might want to examine the history of how Hitler came to power, specifically the parts NOT told by modern day historians. The Weimar Republic fo Germany was a bastion of "progressivism" - everything from gay rights to 3rd wave feminism to trannies... until the German people had enough and swung HARD right. So while you sit here and virtue signal about trivial bullshit while labeling everyone you don't like a "racist bigot Nazi" - keep in mind that you're literally re-creating the environment that brought Hitler to power. Trump isn't it, but you're gonna see Hitler 2.0 if you keep up with this SJW horseshit.

The great depression also hit Germany, it was a global recession. So is this Tramp's plan for the US, get rid of women rights, gays and transsexuals? I believe tramp is it, the most unlawful lying jackarse of a president the USA ever had. But hey, you are entitled to your opinion.

It wouldn't be so bad if you had some evidence to back up your delusions. The fact that you don't speaks very highly that you are simply mentally ill.
America is regressing to pre WWII right wing governing. Watch any speech from Hitler or Mussolini of that era

The Nazis were left wing. The city hall mobsters who counted ballots to elect a Dimocrat prez in a wheelchair did not put them in the right. That was the Al Capone era. Mussolini's fascists never lost control of City Hall in America, even to this day.

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