Old Time Playgrounds......When they were fun

Even sandboxes are disappearing


Sand is yucky
Even sandboxes are disappearing

View attachment 296080

Sand is yucky

Well that is too masculine of a toy and we must have unisex like play parks for kids on play dates that the parents have verified with local, state and federal authorities...

So please stop promoting unsafe environments where our very special children could end up being like me...

( I bet you are reading that and saying what the F is a unisex play park and then wonder if I am kidding with you with what I wrote? )
Even sandboxes are disappearing

View attachment 296080

Sand is yucky

Well that is too masculine of a toy and we must have unisex like play parks for kids on play dates that the parents have verified with local, state and federal authorities...

So please stop promoting unsafe environments where our very special children could end up being like me...

( I bet you are reading that and saying what the F is a unisex play park and then wonder if I am kidding with you with what I wrote? )

Today’s playgrounds are gay
Might as well be designed to hold tea parties
Playgrounds were fine, but I spent most of my time in the apple trees that grew all around the neighborhood. Used to be a huge orchard/nursery and there were fruit trees and walnut trees and the best for climbing, apple trees. I knew them all like the back of my hand.

Do kids even climb trees anymore?
Dunno. You'd have to ask a kid.
Even sandboxes are disappearing

View attachment 296080

Sand is yucky
I loved my sandbox. Dad grumbled about having to buy all the sand for it though. We moved when I was six and the sandbox did not come with us. Damn.
One summer my dad had a truckload of topsoil dumped in our backyard. It was there all summer

Play with your toy trucks and make roads and tunnels, King of the hill, dirt bomb fights

Best summer ever
Even sandboxes are disappearing

View attachment 296080

Sand is yucky
I loved my sandbox. Dad grumbled about having to buy all the sand for it though. We moved when I was six and the sandbox did not come with us. Damn.
One summer my dad had a truckload of topsoil dumped in our backyard. It was there all summer

Play with your toy trucks and make roads and tunnels, King of the hill, dirt bomb fights

Best summer ever

As a kid my playground was here:


Grew up four hundred yards from a State Prison where my Uncle was Sargent on the Farm...
Playgrounds were fine, but I spent most of my time in the apple trees that grew all around the neighborhood. Used to be a huge orchard/nursery and there were fruit trees and walnut trees and the best for climbing, apple trees. I knew them all like the back of my hand.

Do kids even climb trees anymore?
Dunno. You'd have to ask a kid.
would be interesting to have an old school playground next to a new safe playground and see which one the kids would flock to

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