Old West Showdown Looming in Nevada

Having totally ignored most of the teat-sucking liberals on here, this is my comment about it -

What right does the federal government have to "own" or control 70+% of the land in the STATE of Nevada?

BLM is one of the least efficient, most corrupt, and in-the-pockets of special interests in the entire federal government!

It should be written out of any budget and made to dry up and blow away in the chill winds blowing through the state.
Having totally ignored most of the teat-sucking liberals on here, this is my comment about it -

What right does the federal government have to "own" or control 70+% of the land in the STATE of Nevada?

BLM is one of the least efficient, most corrupt, and in-the-pockets of special interests in the entire federal government!

It should be written out of any budget and made to dry up and blow away in the chill winds blowing through the state.

You just admitted you didn't ignore most of the teat sucking liberals. The Fed has the same right to own or control the land like they do in any state.
Bundy believes the state owns the land and not the Feds.

And we have threads about freeman types who think they own your house if the file paperwork referencing maritime law, neither one makes it so.

If he can prove he owns the land in court, where we as a civil society settle our disputes, then more power to him he certainly deserves the land and should in fact charge the feds back rent to 1870.

Until then he's just another as asshole looking for something for free.
Feds let his family use it for well over 100 years, then re-designate it over some faux environmentalist concerns. Just an example of how environmentalists get the Fed to do their bidding when it is unwarranted on that basis alone.

Just to be clear. Its not even his land and he stopped paying?

For the second time since 2012, the Clark County rancher has been served notice by federal authorities who plan to impound hundreds of cattle he left to roam on public land almost 20 years after the government told him to remove them.

The Bureau of Land Management’s impound notice took effect Monday and lasts until March 23, 2015. The agency expects to announce details of the proposed roundup today.

In an email to the Review-Journal, Kirsten Cannon, spokeswoman for the bureau in Southern Nevada, said the “illegal trespass cattle” can now be gathered “without further notice” from BLM and National Park Service land in the Gold Butte range, about 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas.

“Tell them Bundy’s ready,” the rancher said by phone Tuesday from his home near Bunkerville. “Whenever they’ve got the guts to try it, tell them to come.”

The guys a fucking retard. I hope they shoot him Waco style.

Yeah. He stopped paying to protest the cattle cap the BLM put on him.

Doesn't matter. It's not his land, therefore he has no authority to determine what can or cannot take place there. He's in the wrong.

If this were his land and the feds were trying to grab it from him then it would be a different story, but that's not what is happening here.
Just to be clear. Its not even his land and he stopped paying?

The guys a fucking retard. I hope they shoot him Waco style.

Yeah. He stopped paying to protest the cattle cap the BLM put on him.

Doesn't matter. It's not his land, therefore he has no authority to determine what can or cannot take place there. He's in the wrong.

If this were his land and the feds were trying to grab it from him then it would be a different story, but that's not what is happening here.

I never contended that was happening here. I find it an interesting case study in how and why public lands get redesignated.
Just to be clear. Its not even his land and he stopped paying?

The guys a fucking retard. I hope they shoot him Waco style.

Why am I not surprised that you would advocate the killing of someone. And you claim the rightwingers are violent hatemongers:cuckoo::cuckoo:

I do?

So are you just fundamentally stupid or do you suffer from dementia? YOUR POST.....

"The guys a fucking retard. I hope they shoot him Waco style."

I highlighted the pertinent part in case you're going blind as well....
Why am I not surprised that you would advocate the killing of someone. And you claim the rightwingers are violent hatemongers:cuckoo::cuckoo:

I do?

So are you just fundamentally stupid or do you suffer from dementia? YOUR POST.....

"The guys a fucking retard. I hope they shoot him Waco style."

I highlighted the pertinent part in case you're going blind as well....

No need to highlight anything. I know what I wrote. It appears you are the one that is fundamentally stupid or you cant read. Where have you seen me claim rightwingers are violent hatemongers?
We the People own federal land, not Nevada, and not br'er Bundy.

The feds will cap his ass if he comes armed.
Feds let his family use it for well over 100 years, then re-designate it over some faux environmentalist concerns. Just an example of how environmentalists get the Fed to do their bidding when it is unwarranted on that basis alone.

Just to be clear. Its not even his land and he stopped paying?

For the second time since 2012, the Clark County rancher has been served notice by federal authorities who plan to impound hundreds of cattle he left to roam on public land almost 20 years after the government told him to remove them.

The Bureau of Land Management’s impound notice took effect Monday and lasts until March 23, 2015. The agency expects to announce details of the proposed roundup today.

In an email to the Review-Journal, Kirsten Cannon, spokeswoman for the bureau in Southern Nevada, said the “illegal trespass cattle” can now be gathered “without further notice” from BLM and National Park Service land in the Gold Butte range, about 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas.

“Tell them Bundy’s ready,” the rancher said by phone Tuesday from his home near Bunkerville. “Whenever they’ve got the guts to try it, tell them to come.”

The guys a fucking retard. I hope they shoot him Waco style.

Yeah. He stopped paying to protest the cattle cap the BLM put on him.

So, he ignored the cap, and then quit paying, in protest? That makes no sense, that said, I think he should pay the $2 bucks a head and continue to graze, he isn't hurting anyone.
Illegal to live off the grid. Illegal to grow a garden in your front yard. Illegal to collect rain water on your own property. Illegal to grow a useful plant. Illegal to run a business without government permission. What the hell country do you think you are living in? America?
According to the article it is already federal land, are you suggesting they are using trickery to grab land from themselves?

Bundy’s dispute with government dates to 1993, when his herd on the federally managed, 158,666-acre Bunkerville allotment was capped at 150 animals out of concern for the federally protected desert tortoise.

To protest the change, the rancher stopped paying his monthly grazing fees of about $2 per head but kept using the allotment, which included more than 10,486 acres of National Park Service land at the northern end of Lake Mead National Recreation Area.

“Why should I pay BLM to manage me out of business?” Bundy said Tuesday. “What I did is I fired the BLM.” In response, the bureau canceled Bundy’s grazing permit in 1994, but his livestock kept on living off the public land his family has used since 1877.

Sounds like he paid to use fed land for his cattle to graze, and when they capped his herd at 150 in 1993 because of environmental concerns he decided to stop paying and make threats.

He's been getting tax subsidies all along and he agreed with the conditions for all that money. Now he wants to go back on his agreement.

Actually, I feel bad for him too but apparently, he believes he should be immune from the very agreement he has been benefiting from.
Illegal to live off the grid. Illegal to grow a garden in your front yard. Illegal to collect rain water on your own property. Illegal to grow a useful plant. Illegal to run a business without government permission. What the hell country do you think you are living in? America?

Do our taxes pay you to do any of those things?

And, did you sign a legally binding agreement in order to get that tax money?

So are you just fundamentally stupid or do you suffer from dementia? YOUR POST.....

"The guys a fucking retard. I hope they shoot him Waco style."

I highlighted the pertinent part in case you're going blind as well....

No need to highlight anything. I know what I wrote. It appears you are the one that is fundamentally stupid or you cant read. Where have you seen me claim rightwingers are violent hatemongers?

Translation: you have been caught red-handed, and are nowe frantically trying to backpedal and deflect. You posted that, boy...now OWN IT!
According to the article it is already federal land, are you suggesting they are using trickery to grab land from themselves?

Sounds like he paid to use fed land for his cattle to graze, and when they capped his herd at 150 in 1993 because of environmental concerns he decided to stop paying and make threats.

Feds let his family use it for well over 100 years, then re-designate it over some faux environmentalist concerns. Just an example of how environmentalists get the Fed to do their bidding when it is unwarranted on that basis alone.

Just to be clear. Its not even his land and he stopped paying?

For the second time since 2012, the Clark County rancher has been served notice by federal authorities who plan to impound hundreds of cattle he left to roam on public land almost 20 years after the government told him to remove them.

The Bureau of Land Management’s impound notice took effect Monday and lasts until March 23, 2015. The agency expects to announce details of the proposed roundup today.

In an email to the Review-Journal, Kirsten Cannon, spokeswoman for the bureau in Southern Nevada, said the “illegal trespass cattle” can now be gathered “without further notice” from BLM and National Park Service land in the Gold Butte range, about 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas.

“Tell them Bundy’s ready,” the rancher said by phone Tuesday from his home near Bunkerville. “Whenever they’ve got the guts to try it, tell them to come.”

The guys a fucking retard. I hope they shoot him Waco style.

Than you can get your 40 acres and a cow.

Calm down monkey boy.
Heavily Armed “Federal Agents” Surround Nevada Rancher


Cops? Marshals? FBI? G-Men? The Army?

Bureau of Land Management!

All to remove some cattle the BLM has been fighting over for more than 20 years.

Okay, so the guy didn't own the land. But, he and his family had a valid lease for decades when some government bureaucrat decided to axe it. And, yeah, Bundy was probably too stubborn for his own good.

The question is – when will this happen to YOU? We already have reports of federal agents descending on a private home in force and carrying away property in trucks and vans. They spy on our phone calls and internet activity, monitor what we watch on TV, and generally keep track of our financial activities.

Sure sounds like a tyranny to me.

Read the story @ Last Man Standing | Washington Free Beacon and don't close your eyes to similar events. It may happen to you!

There's also this - Sandoval chastises BLM for creating ‘atmosphere of intimidation’ in cattle roundup @http://www.reviewjournal.com/news/ne...cattle-roundup
I don't know. I like beef. But I've had some pretty good turtle soup too. So, I'm split.

Here's what I find funny. His fee of 2 bucks a head for his allotment of 150 for 20 years is what, $6,000? Yet "Through Sept. 20, 2011, Bundy has been billed $292,601.50 in trespass and administrative fees.

BBQ's on Bundy.

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