Oldest person in Britain to have sex change op became woman aged 81

What’s a transgender woman? Oh you mean the male eunuch in drag. How’s he doing after the butchery? I hear the pain is beyond anything. Hell probably be an opium addict by the time he dies. What’s malpractice law like in Britain?
Oldest person in Britain to have sex change op became a woman aged 81

A TRANSGENDER woman has spoken of her joy at becoming the oldest person in Britain to have surgery.


I am just speechless.......... can you guys believe it I don't even know what to say to this bs.

Other than what a waste of money you are dam near dead..

Yes, speechless that they could write a title that's so ambiguous.

I thought the oldest person in Britain was 81 years old.

As for the topic, yeah, it's nice that you people have a problem with individual freedom.
She looks well on it. The real sadness here is that she spent 81 years having to live a lie. Thank God for our NHS. Money well spent.
She looks well on it. The real sadness here is that she spent 81 years having to live a lie. Thank God for our NHS. Money well spent.
"She"? You mean the MALE EUNUCH who had to sign a medical release saying "you realize this doesn't actually change your gender..."? :popcorn:
How does this harm you ?
Well that's a long story. Let's back it up a bit.

1. We all rely on doctors to obey the hippocratic oath. Since they are harming these poor people, they are violating that oath. Once violated in one instance, we can expect they will suspend good judgment elsewhere. You surely understand the impact of undermining the public's trust in doctors? That's how it harms me directly.

2. Our youth are watching all this stuff going on. There's no escaping it: social media. Youngsters are the epitome of "monkey see, monkey do". So when these impressionable members of our society see the unthinkable going on: butchery in the name of "medicine", and the left media pitches it as the new thing, vogue, OK etc., then we have real problems. This harms children directly. I, you, and everyone else has a legal obligation to look out for and report any harm that might even be possible to happen to children...there's no requirement that it actually be happening, only that it looks like it might be heading that way. If we fail to protect children, there are laws in most states where we, as adults, can be prosecuted for failure to report or failure to protect children. That affects me directly.

3. (see #2) How do we teach our children the difference between right and wrong if wrong is touted as "right"? If reality itself is skewed so that a deviant sex cult can continue picking up speed downhill, dragging new generations with it via influence? When children don't know the difference between right and wrong and are taught that non-reality "is reality", then we all are in danger. As they grow into adulthood, everything become subjective, including the inclination to do wrong. In fact, if reality is gaslighted in their minds enough by that point, they would have absolutely no frame of reference to determine right or wrong. When that happens, crime rises. And that also affects me directly.

Let me remind you in case you missed it before. These poor suffering mental patients are made to sign legal waivers by doctors where they acknowledge that the surgery being performed won't actually do the thing they think it will. ie: doctors make them acknowledge that unnecessary amputation of healthy organs will not change their gender. Moreover, this completely Machiavellian practice also results in lifelong issues of pain and incontinence, scarring and other miserable complications. Nothing is "cured". Nothing is changed. And all this is done to try to resolve a MENTAL issue. (see #1 for how this harms me directly)
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OK, let me mark your card on this one.

There isnt a bloke on this planet that you could "influence" to have his knob chopped off.

Not one.
She looks well on it. The real sadness here is that she spent 81 years having to live a lie. Thank God for our NHS. Money well spent.
That person didnt live a lie, you retard. Biology is undeniable unless you are mentally unstable. Sorry.
Oldest person in Britain to have sex change op became a woman aged 81

A TRANSGENDER woman has spoken of her joy at becoming the oldest person in Britain to have surgery.


I am just speechless.......... can you guys believe it I don't even know what to say to this bs.

Other than what a waste of money you are dam near dead..

And just think of the government funded health care resources being spent on this while people with serious issues wait months for treatment.
At that age, just get breast implants and buy a new wardrobe... save a bundle!
The thread title should be changed to:

"Oldest deranged pervert in Britain is 81 years old" .... :gay:
What’s a transgender woman? Oh you mean the male eunuch in drag. How’s he doing after the butchery? I hear the pain is beyond anything. Hell probably be an opium addict by the time he dies. What’s malpractice law like in Britain?

Or....you have no idea what you're talking about. And are making up blithering nonsense about a topic you're clueless about.

I'll go with the 81 year old gal on her own gender identity over you pretending to speak for her.
Oldest person in Britain to have sex change op became a woman aged 81

A TRANSGENDER woman has spoken of her joy at becoming the oldest person in Britain to have surgery.


I am just speechless.......... can you guys believe it I don't even know what to say to this bs.

Other than what a waste of money you are dam near dead..

Only those who are abjectly ignorant about the basics of human biology believe that it is possible for a man to become a woman.

The freak in question is still a man, not a woman; albeit a mentally-defective, physically-mutilated man.
I keep mentioning the most unsettling aspect of all this & it just gets a pass. Doctors make these men sign waivers before they castrate them and carve up their urinary tracts so they can play pretend. The waivers make them acknowledge that they never actually become female.


These are medical doctors doing this... :popcorn:

BTW, I like how the moderators took a topic that is in no way shape or form about Europe, & put it in this forum. The topic is oldest man to castrate himself as a quack remedy for mental illness. So...Europe?

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