Ollie North: "US is in cataclysmic decline...Xi is right: Zelensky is a better leader than Biden"..Ol should run for president himself, would be great

So basically, what Ollie was pointing out was that the venal cretin Joe Biden has once again pissed right in the face of his own people showing blatant contempt, running off clear around the world to barter oil from Saudi, the same people who would not even take his phone calls months back, while not being able to so much as even stop at his own Southern Border to pretend he gives a damn about this country.

you could say the same of Jesus

But Oliver North colluded to illegally swing an election, deliberately kept the Iranian embassy hostages from freedom for half a year, and was involved in the murder of tens of thousands of innocent farm workers in Nicaragua.
He should have been executed.
Maybe he is, does that take away from the danger the West is in if Americas decline is inevitable and unpreventable?

If your current crop of leaders isn't getting it done, if they are intruding too much and not allow the American spiriti to prevail, than THAT should be the focus across the board.

Oliver North was one of the people who pushed the US decline.
He supported Reagan, who then got US production to off shore to China.

And given a full pardon.

Still guilty and unable to run for office.
There is no doubt Reagan sent North to Iran in order to get them to NOT release the hostages until AFTER the election.
Still guilty and unable to run for office.
There is no doubt Reagan sent North to Iran in order to get them to NOT release the hostages until AFTER the election.
Who said he cannot run for office as a convicted felon, which he is not? Please cite the Constitution, fucktard!

North was granted limited immunity from prosecution in exchange for testifying before Congress about the scheme. He was initially convicted on three felony charges, but the convictions were vacated and reversed and all charges against him dismissed in 1991.
Oliver North - Wikipedia

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