Olympic Wrestling

I prefer to call it, "rasslin'."

One of scores of Olympic competitions that will be followed by a microscopic number of True Believers. But there can be no doubt that these competitors are probably the best ATHLETES in the Olympics.
Many train on Rohypnol because as well as being the Date Rape drug , it builds hormones and muscle tissue . Explains why so
Many wrestlers are various sorts of pervert .
What a load of crap. You have issues.
But there can be no doubt that these competitors are probably the best ATHLETES in the Olympics.

put them in the pool with the water polo folks and see which are the better ATHLETES
Take them out of the pool, give them any objective measures of athleticism and you'd see.

When I was a young LCpl in the Marine Corps my SSgt was a nationally ranked Greco Roman Wrestler. He was on the All Marine Corps team and was an alternate for the US Olympic team in 92.

He was a tiny person, his wresting weight was under 100 pounds. He had to get a weight waiver to join the Marines.

We were out at a CAX one summer and I was talking shit about how I could take him since I had a good 70 pounds on him. So, in the sand at 29 Palms he tied me into a pretzel in about 12 seconds. I never talked shit to him again after that.
Many train on Rohypnol because as well as being the Date Rape drug , it builds hormones and muscle tissue . Explains why so
Many wrestlers are various sorts of pervert .

Really? Athletes who have been rigorously drug tested since they were in high school? Don't be stupid.
In this instance it is 100 % true . DYOR before ever doubting me on anything .
Just a mild suggestion

Take your own advice. Athletes at this level, and even well before, are drug tested all the time. Don't pretend you know what goes on at high level wrestling.
Take your own advice. Athletes at this level, and even well before, are drug tested all the time. Don't pretend you know what goes on at high level wrestling.

You are making the same type of blunder as many others do -- criticising someone in an area which they have not even mentioned .
I am telling you that amateurs and gym freaks make extensive use of this drug .
Only you are bumbling on about higher level wrestling where rules are set and mainly tightly kept .
Sadly, at least in my state, wrestling is a dying sport. Many colleges have dropped their programs and even high schools have to combine to field full teams. Wasn't that way a decade or so ago. Not sure what the factors are, wrestling being (comparatively) an inexpensive sport to take up.
Sadly, at least in my state, wrestling is a dying sport. Many colleges have dropped their programs and even high schools have to combine to field full teams. Wasn't that way a decade or so ago. Not sure what the factors are, wrestling being (comparatively) an inexpensive sport to take up.

That's starting to turn around. Also, more and more colleges are adding women's wrestling squads. More opportunities and scholarships for female wrestlers. Ironically, women's wrestling is helping bolster men's wrestling. Sort of the opposite of what's happening in the Olympic boxing to female athletes.

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