OMG, activist judge says gays can adopt in Mississippi

I hope one day these "activist" judges comes down against all of you now making jokes over this and all because of some case over adopting and again it has to with Homosexuals. there was a thing called: states rights.
This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

The states are subordinate to the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and the decisions of the Federal courts.

States do not have the ‘right’ to deny American citizens residing in the states their fundamental protected liberties; citizens’ rights are not subject to ‘majority rule’; one does not forfeit his civil rights merely as a consequence of his state of residence; and the states have no authority whatsoever to decide who will or will not have his civil rights.
Some small number of heterosexual homes might have a resident pervert that would abuse a child. They are perverts and shouldn't be around children. All same sex households have perverts as both parents. None of them should be around children any more than any other perv.
Again, children shouldn’t be around you and other bigots, fostering ignorance and hate.
I hope one day these "activist" judges comes down against all of you now making jokes over this and all because of some case over adopting and again it has to with Homosexuals. there was a thing called: states rights.

Stephanie is still bitter because Jason Miller refused to have sex with her during Junior Prom, but then she caught him making out with a boy a week later.
So you presume to speak for God. Something about how "pride goeth before a fall" springs to mind here.
I presume you are a very obtuse human being.
Either that or one who is so not wanting to know who God is that he will come up with the lamest of excuses to pretend mankind cannot know anything about God and that God has done nothing to communicate with mankind.
The Christian Bible speaks out against adultery more than it does homosexuality. Jesus even specifically condemns adultery and divorce:

I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.

Jesus never addresses homosexuality.

Do you know I have NEVER seen anyone start a topic on this forum condemning second marriages or third marriages? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a county clerk refusing to let someone marry their fifth husband? Do you know I have NEVER heard of a bakery refusing to make a cake for a person's fourth wedding?

Spare me your self-righteous bullshit.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.


Jesus never addressed a lot of things like. He never said Murder was wrong or molesting children was a grossly immoral. Do you know why? It was a given that they were so he didn't have to tell people that they were wrong. I can't find anywhere where Jesus said molesting children was wrong. Maybe he was saying God was actually cool with that the whole time.
You being a superdemocrat, I suspect there are a number of issues we would not agree on.

But what you say here I do agree. Those who use the “where did Jesus say that?” argument are not really comprehending core Biblical dogma or teachings in many ways. And if they cannot see that then they best ask the Church for assistance instead of coming to their own hard and fast conclusions like --- “since it is not specifically mentioned in Scripture it must be Ok.” And if they use one preacher’s or church’s statement to use against Christianity, then I suggest they read Proverbs 11:14 “security lies in the counsel of the many.”

But that is just the start of it. There are so many Christian teachings and principles cast aside or ignored for convenience. IOW, by retorting “judge not lest ye be judged” does not exonerate anyone. Or another --- “there is no actual evidence for God, all you have is faith like anyone else in what they happen to believe in.” That is another weak argument (imo) that shows laziness or apathy, in many cases, as far as I am concerned.

He didn't address those things because it was already a given that those things were wrong.
Anytime a judicial decision goes against you --- you scream about " activist judges " or " unelected judges " but when they rule in your favor they are wise beyond belief and wonderful solomon like jurists.

Well, isn't that kinda the definition of "activist" judge? A judge acting a way you don't like.

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